Great writing, as always, Kyle. Thanks for sharing your perspective and perceptions on Mass Formation Psychosis. This syndrome (MFP) is today more pervasive and eye-poppingly worrisome than in my days of taxpayer-funded K-12 indoctrination camp, in which the handlers never liked my poetry, my silence, or my refusal to eat in the cafeteria with fragile-minded, back-stabbing victims of MFP-Lite. (This was only the late 70s/early 80s after all, way before all the "hot" rocks stars of the Aughts and beyond openly began worshipping Satan/Lucifer and dismissing with gender). But I digress.

I have a great deal of respect for you and I wholeheartedly agree with your stance:

"In my opinion, anyone who uses MFP to maim and kill millions and profit while doing so has no moral compass and should be considered satanic."

Well, Malone and Rogan (et al) are doing/exhibiting exactly that. They may be wildly hated by spineless, foaming-at-the-mouth, black-box-addicted worshipers of Science™®©℗ for whatever reasons.

The drummed up hatred is for the WRONG REASONS. The real and only reason to dismiss Malone Rogan et al is that they are openly siding with the med-tech-mafia death-cult in pushing the "viruses are transmissible and causative of disease" LIE. We must call them out as complicit in the fundamental narrative fiction, no matter what other "good" they say and do.

They are peddling "preventatives and treatments for Covid" such as highly toxic pharma poisons Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). In doing so, they are showing their allegiance to the Satanic/Luciferian (S&L) liars, all of whom profit from lying, from betrayal. Or perhaps they're just stupider than me, some no-name private music teacher and artist in Smalltown, California, because all I've got is a wimpy B.A. in Communication Studies.

Either way, these "I'm making an EXTRA 6 figures with hardly any work at all while getting all this MEDIA ATTENTION because of my willingness to proffer up a little token of truth stuffed inside of a packet of lies" guys, are all feeding into the MFP that they're pretending to debunk. It's really sick, but hey, that's the inverted way of the S&Ls and their cushy-job-holding career clowns.

On the [further] downside, the clown candy they're throwing out is causing untold ADDITIONAL damage — physically, mentally, and spiritually — to already traumatized, weak, fragile men, women, and children.

It’s like cereal (serial??) manufacturers adding a cheap plastic "prize" into each brightly colored box of glyphosate-sprayed GMO corn-based, nutritionally bereft breakfast cereal saying that they added Vitamin xx and Mineral zz to boost the health value of their disease-causing food.

My friend, it has been a hell of a journey for you (and me, too) to get to the brilliant and life-affirming real-eyes-ation that viruses as the S&Ls and their puppets have indoctrinated for over a century are LIE-RUSES. It's time to take the final step and separate yourself — your entire mind/body/spirit complex — from these pernicious men and women who will trade the truth for fame and fortune, meanwhile using their prestige and position to MARGINALIZE those of us shouting the truth.

If Malone et al have been tricked, then they may choose to settle that later. But the truth must stand alone from even one lie, especially when that "one lie" represents the enslavement of us as free, living, breathing sparks of the Divine.

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Well said Sharine.

As I alluded to in this earlier piece - https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/does-the-covid-virus-exist - I'm also of the belief that many of those the laimstream media calls conspiracy theorists are, in reality, controlled opposition, including Rogan and Malone. What I think may be happening is the elites pulling the puppet strings are seeing the handwriting on the wall about the failure of the big pharma medical model and are now slowly moving society towards a new paradigm - and are using patsy's like Malone, Rogan and all the other folks I put in the conservative camp (in that link) to do so. It doesn't really matter what that paradigm is, because we can rest assured that it'll be another one-size-fits-all, centralized, heavily controlled paradigm, fully owned by them.

Just got over a cold, then came down with bad case of food poisoning - which is why this post was so late. I'm now way behind. It may be several more weeks before I can do the other thing.

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Thanks for clarifying your position, Kyle. Do your stuff, I'll be doing mine. We will convene at a most propitious time!

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"Just got over a cold" he writes. You do realize that the common cold has over 20 viral variants, as in: these are all viruses?

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Thanx Kyle, as always............

"Did some shunned people have divine inspiration? Did shunned people have some sort of intelligence that set them apart? Some likely did nothing more than say or do something that made the tribal chieftan look bad, and got shunned for doing so. Did shunning lead to a form of evolutionary psychological (spiritual) development? Did people shunned from various tribes within a region find each other and form new, more advanced tribes? As tribes began to intermingle and cultures began to expand, did this bring about some form of gradual spiritual advancement of how to live and cope with each other on this planet?"

(Clan of the Cave Bear) Just sayin'.


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Loved those books.

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A great video that explains why we are in this mess is from David Icke. The rest are details of the puzzle that explained in this video:https://freedomplatform.tv/rose-icke-6-the-vindication/

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Saw that one and I agree, it's good Thanks for posting it here.

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Hi darling Kyle, thank you again....Have you seen this yet? Just in case you haven't:


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Heard that it had begun. Hadn't yet tuned in. Thanks for posting the link.

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Great post, Kyle. Thank you.

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Thanks Truthbird.

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So very true, Kyle! Thanks for this blog. Pretty much every word you have ever written I agree with and is part of my personal value system. I must have spent a good many lifetimes as one of the shunned as I'm unhypnotizable and the actions of the evil cabals are always crystal clear.

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I'm thinking many readers here fall into the same category. See my response to Joanne Coleman.

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There's much here to agree with. First, consider the 30-year movement toward ever intensifying mass formation. What is it that has "decoupled" us? What is it that "doesn't make sense?" Things that have separated us for decades are physical sex at birth, race, religion and sexual orientation. The identity groups people have joined are female, black, hispanic, Jewish, gay, humanist, Christian, white nationalist and anti-semitic to name just a few. However, memberships in these groups have not solved the underlying societal problem of haves and have-nots, rich and poor, powerful and powerless.

Our "first black" President pushed NAFTA across the finish line in 1994. What followed was a giant "sucking sound" as well paid manufacturing jobs in the US were moved to maquiladoras so corporations could profit from wage arbitrage. US workers had plenty to be anxious about, as jobs were "off-shored" to Mexico, China and India. Those who avoided unemployment had their pensions stolen, and changing jobs risked loss of medical benefits and what remained of one's pension. This is what enabled the first mega-mass formation, that of 9-11. US elites had identified external enemies before, but the USSR was fragmented, Russia helpless and China a growing but minor player. Terrorism actually generated more fear than Russia and China ever did, and it appeared to be an internal threat that could be used domestically to curtail freedom and control domestic politics.

But Islamophobia and the War on Terror didn't stem job loss, as technical workers lost their Y2K deferment. The "service economy" may have been wonderful for government workers and think tank employees, but the heartland suffered as engineering and programming jobs not related to defense, and even medical services such a radiology were "off-shored." When people elected their first actual half African President during the financial crisis of 2008, they thought an African American would surely understand their plight. Instead they got Larry Summers, Tim Geitner, Rahm Emanuel, bank bailouts, foreclosures and didn't even get a public option. Is it any wonder voters abandoned the Democratic Party in 2016?

Instead of recognizing and helping to fix the problems they had helped to create, establishment Democrats chose to distract voters with Trump hate, what many dissidents (not just Trumpistas) call "Trump Derangement Syndrome" or TDS. As we've seen, this was not the first identification of an internal rather than external scapegoat, but it was a far more successful mass formation than Islamic terrorism, which had not captivated the average American. While it's true that Trump's birtherism, crude language and philandering set him up to be the new focus of identitarian, totalitarian hatred, if you look into his actual personal history prior to "The Apprentice," there is little evidence of racial hatred or misogyny. But racism and KKK terror were things that resonated with Americans and mobilizing "marginalized" groups against 's alleged "fascism" turned out to be quite easy, though Trump's support actually increased among those groups in the 2020 election. Go figure! Maybe their "on to" the games of limousine liberals.

One need look no further than the irrational flip-flops of totalitarian Democrats to recognize the hypnosis. Before November, 2016, large numbers of Democrats believed in world peace. They had demonstrated against Bush's Iraq War and supported civil liberties and Constitutional rights. Many were skeptical of CIA intelligence and involvement in Ukraine, Libya and Syria. They even favored improved relations with Russia. Suddenly, they supported Propornot and any lie the globalist corporate media could dream up such as the ridiculous Trump dossier and "pee tape" allegations. Trump was a traitor for distrusting the CIA and meeting with Putin in Helsinki. Anything positive Trump did was at best ignored, such as putting the final nail in TPP's coffin, dropping TTIP and criminal justice reform. He was blamed for problems commenced during the Obama Administration, such as border detentions.

That brings us to 2020. As Kyle points out, nothing screams mass formation like Covid-19. Since Trump was skeptical , it became easy to convince partisan Democrats to line up behind masks, lock-downs and the sabotage of any attempt at early treatment. Useful drugs were assumed to be useless because Trump had endorsed hydroxychloroquine. Warp Speed vaccines were worthless until Biden won the election; after that, most people who challenged their safety or efficacy were assumed to be Trumpistas. Even long-term Democrat RFK Jr was demonized and this was accepted without question. Those who once were suspicious of Big Pharma suddenly refused to question the vaccines. The mass formation scapegoat role was easy to transfer from Trump to Covid skeptics. Indeed, in the minds of partisan Democrats, "Covid-19 skeptic" has become virtually identical to "Trumpista," Republican, conservative and even racist.

Now, anyone who objects to official Democratic Party orthodoxies (such as wokeness and the assumptions that all whites are racist, all men misogynists and all cis- are transphobic) is a Trumpista and deluded about the teaching of CRT to schoolchildren. Legitimate concerns about the practical affects of CRT (teaching white kids that they are privileged beneficiaries of "white supremacy" and that black kids can't succeed no matter how hard they work) are misrepresented by the vacuous "who, me?" diversion that the theory itself is too advanced to be taught in K-12 classrooms. True, but irrelevant. Anybody who challenges that Covid-19 hysteria should be extended indefinitely, that people should be fired for not subjecting themselves to what remains an experimental shot or that children should be "vaccinated" is eligible not just for censorship but for cancellation from any participation in society, loss of job, denial of medical treatment and banishment to a Gulag. After all, they are all "granny killers" even though it was largely Democratic governors like Andrew Cuomo who seeded nursing homes with actively infected Covid-19 patients.

Such partisan totalitarians are oblivious to the total destruction of the Bill of Rights, which makes sense if you nihilistically believe nothing in American history was positive, that Enlightenment values were purely "white supremacist" in their goals, that William Lloyd Garrison, Hans Christian Heg and Harriet Beecher Stowe did not exist and that Mark Twain was a racist simply because he used a word then in common English usage when he wrote Huckleberry Finn.

Kyle accurately identifies one of the forces encouraging the masses to focus on the virus, the medical industrial complex. There are at least two other factions, the military industrial complex and the globalist technocrats. I see no point in insisting, as Kyle does, that the virus does not exist. Yes, there's something that's far less deadly if treated early than the narrative claims, far less deadly than the shots supposedly intended to prevent it. Both a completely nonexistent virus and a very weak virus whose effects have been hugely exaggerated are totally compatible with a fake "vaccine" that kills far more people than it saves, especially if early treatment is permitted. The spike protein certainly exists, so why insist on this dogma that no virus exists?

People are slowly waking up to the reality of a weak (or nonexistent) virus and deadly "vaccines" developed to fight it. Kyle correctly points out that as that narrative collapses, there are attempts to create yet another distraction, a distraction that maniacal neo-cons and R2Pers (both fixated on global control) now entrenched in the Democratic Party may yet use to create war between Russia and the US. The good news is that much of Europe is not going along with this globalist agenda. The bad news is that it seems the globalists control Ukrainian military and intelligence capabilities. Russian Defense Minister Shoigu has warned that Ukrainians are receiving instruction on how to create a gas attack affecting non-Russian Ukrainians while blaming it on the Russians. This could be used to justify a Ukrainian attack on the rebel provinces, Donetsk and Lugansk. We live in interesting times.

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Thanks for laying out your views. Lot to digest here.

While I agree with much of what you said, I have few comments about a couple things.

While its true that Obama cemented NAFTA and Clinton signed it into law, its also true that republicans wrote it.

I never voted for Trump but I think his slamming of the FBI and his order to cut US taxpayer funding to the WHO were good moves.

While I never voted for any Clinton, Obama or Biden, I cannot excuse Trump for making these 4 highly questionable moves; putting Operation Warp Speed into effect, for signing the EUA into law, for taking the bioweapon kill shots, for shamelessly promoting them. Either he has not done any research, or he has investments in big pharma, or he is just plain stupid. Or, all 3.

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Agree 100%. I voted for neither Trump, nor Clinton nor Biden. I try to vote 3rd party when I can: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1854_and_1855_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections

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Most people want to be led. Thinking is hard work, and thinking for yourself is even harder. Being led relieves you of the need to think. Just follow along. I learned this lesson many years ago when I became the Teacher's Union Rep for my high school. (Yes, I was an English and History teacher and I did try to make my students think.) I would attend the District Union meetings which were lively, and well informed. They never presented anything without presenting both sides. They gave us plenty of info to take back to our respective schools so we would be well informed when we went back to hold our own union meetings. These were always lively discussions, especially if there was a strike vote or a ratification vote to follow. When it was time for the actual vote, many teachers would ask me how they should vote. They did not want to think for themselves! Even when their livelihoods depended on it, they did not want to make their own decisions. Maybe they trusted me, but I could have led them astray. Still, the majority of people would rather follow than lead. Those who know that certainly take advantage with whatever means at hand, as we now see with mfp.

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All sadly, true. Watch for an upcoming post about the statistics on free thinkers, followers and those who tend to take the undecided position.

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Your welcome. And thanks for your work.

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