mass formation psychosis
how the medical industrial complex uses ‘viruses’ to gain control of society
The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with delusions is easily their master: whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victims. Gustav Le Bon
It is not famine, not earthquakes, not microbes, not cancer, but man himself who is the greatest danger to man, for the simple reason that there is no adequate protection against psychic epidemics, which are infinitely more devastating than the worst of natural catastrophes. Carl Jung
Hey there all of you wonderfully wild, free thinking people. Thanks for all the free subscriptions and likes.
June 27, 2021 I featured the viral interview that Bret Weinstein did with Dr. Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch, that boosted both of those gentlemen into prominence. In the interview, Robert Malone laid out his experience working on mRNA vaccine technology - for which he holds 9 patents. Since then, Dr. Malone has become one of the most critically important whistle blowers about the problems surrounding the jabs. More recently he did an interview with Joe Rogan on Spotify (50 million views) in which he pointed out that what we’ve been dealing with over the past 2 years is a world wide case of mass formation psychosis. Here is what he said that’s giving the tyrant elites nightmares.
“When you have a society that has become decoupled from each other, and has free floating anxiety, and sense that things don’t make sense, we can’t understand it. Then their attention gets focused by a leader or a series of events on one small point, just like hypnosis…they literally can be hypnotized and led anywhere.”
Not surprisingly, Dr. Malone is now one of the most hated people among those who seek to impose their profitable eugenics program by the use of mass formation psychosis.
As regular readers know, I’ve written extensively about the psychology of how massive projects like the covid plandemic come into existence and function. As will be pointed out, discussions about mass formation psychosis (MFP - also known as mass hypnotism, herd mentality, group or mind think, mob mentality) did not begin with Dr. Malone’s interview on the Joe Rogan show.
about mfp
Just what is MFP? The short definition is: The tendency of many to join a group based on some form of unifying factor - to fulfill the desire to belong, to not be left alone, to put aside personal intuition, to forgo the feeling of ‘this is not right’, so as to not be left behind. As Greg Reese points out, “This makes a person highly controllable and spiritually stifles the individual, which causes them to crave group acceptance even more”. Matthias Desmet, who we’ll learn more about later, explains mass hypnosis this way: "When people experience this mental intoxication, it doesn't matter anymore if the narrative is correct or wrong, even blatantly wrong. What matters is that it leads up to this mental intoxication."
Some of this behavior may stem from our ancient tribal ancestors who had their own ways of doing things, seeing things, relating to one another and to nearby tribes. Among many primitive tribal peoples, MFP was not only a form of primitive hierarchy, it was a means of survival. Hence, one of the most devastating forms of punishment was shunning - someone shunned from the tribe by the chieftain was often condemned to a long, slow, hard death… unless they were made up of something very different. Those few who survived shunning had to be very bright and inventive and had to learn how to cope without the need for dictates from tribal chieftains and the tribal members who all paid allegiance to him or her. Did some shunned people have divine inspiration? Did shunned people have some sort of intelligence that set them apart? Some likely did nothing more than say or do something that made the tribal cieftan look bad, and got shunned for doing so. Did shunning lead to a form of evolutionary psychological (spiritual) development? Did people shunned from various tribes within a region find each other and form new, more advanced tribes? As tribes began to intermingle and cultures began to expand, did this bring about some form of gradual spritual advancement of how to live and cope with each other on this planet?
Whatever the answers to those questions are, there can be no doubt that our intelligence has advanced in many ways. With that has come a much deeper understanding of how to function in a world that is now very different from our ancient, tribal ancestors. Consequently, the need to have MFP play any role in society today is now detrimental to our existence. Why? Several reasons. First of all, it leads to a shutdown of our sacred right to divine inspiration. Secondly, it’s now used as a tool by elites who know how to tap into those primitive remnants of our psyche and manipulate us into doing what they want.
history of mfp
As mentioned previously, knowledge of mass formation psychosis did not start with Robert Malone. Although Plato used different terminology, 2,500 years ago he described a similar phenomenon: “Due to the nature of group mind, democracy always leads to tyranny and subjugation”. As the video above shows, Plato’s contemporary, Socrates, also had problems with the abusive power of group think that can arise out of democracy.
In 1895 Gustav Le Bon published The Crowd in which he details the processes for cultivating mass psychosis (see quote above). Since its publishing, this book has influenced leaders of governments, corporate CEO’s and tyrants.
In spite of the 2,500 years of study on MFP (under several different terms), those who are now profiting wildly from the plandemic induced hypnosis would have us believe that MFP is not real and that it’s never been historically studied of described. Shortly after Dr. Malone’s interviews on the Rogan show the Associated Press and Reuters (the two largest and most influential news wire services in the US) fact checkers were the first to make deposits on this pile of crapola. Others have piled on. As I pointed out in this earlier post, Reuters was purchased by the Rothschild’s. There is some evidence that they also play a controlling role in the AP. As I also pointed out in that earlier post, the former chairman of Reuters, Jim Smith, also sits on the board of Pfizer. Convenient for him, his cronies and anyone who succumbs to the MFP delusion that the media would never lie to them. The reality is - it’s a complete loss of credibility for anyone who is willing to do the research, break the spell and think freely.
Does anyone still doubt the role that corporate media plays in helping themselves and their psychopathic elite cronies generate MFP?
Matthias Desmit, who is a professor of clinical psychology and teaches at Ghent University in Belgium, (who also has a masters degree is statistics) is the source of Dr. Malone’s comments on the Rogan show and is considered by many today to be the leading authority on MFP. His four criteria for MFP are as follows.
Lack of social bond.
People experience life as meaningless or senseless.
Free floating anxiety and free floating psychological discontent.
Free floating frustration and aggression.
“So all this free floating anxiety is attached to, connected to, the object of anxiety indicated in the narrative (viruses in our case.) And there is a huge willingness to participate in the strategy to deal with this object of anxiety because in this way, people feel that they can control their anxiety and their psychological discontent better. So all this anxiety connects to the subject of anxiety, and there is a huge willingness to participate in the strategy and that leads up to something very specific. People suddenly feel connected again in a heroic struggle with the object of anxiety. So a new kind of solidarity, a new kind of social bond and a new kind of meaning emerges in society. And that’s the reason why people follow the narrative, why people buy into the narrative and why they are willing to participate in this strategy.“ (Parenthesis mine.)
Desmit again. “But for one reason or another, the process of mass formation became stronger throughout the 19th century. And, for instance, Gustave Le Bon, who is one of the major scholars on the phenomenon of mass formation, warned us that in 1895 already that if the process would continue to become stronger, the process of mass formation, we would soon end up in a state in which the masters of the crowd would take over control in society. And that we would, according to Gustave Le Bon, experience the emergence of a new kind of state, a new kind of political apparatus. And that was exactly what happened in the beginning of the 20th century in the Soviet Union and the Nazi Germany.”
For the Russians, the focus of fear was the aristocracy. For the Germans it was the Jews and Gypsies. For the cold war, the Viet Nam war and the massive profits generated by them for the military industrial complex, the focal fear was communism. For the campaign against terrorism, the imposition of having our freedom taken away under the guise of the patriot act, and to once again generate massive profits for the military industrial complex, 9/11 created the crises and terrorism served as the focal point.
We should consider the possibility that, with all of the discussion about Russia and the Ukraine, the media is now generating a new focal point.
the new mfp format and the new goals
To bring this all home, allow me to reiterate a few things and more closely consider what’s not being discussed by any of the people now writing and talking about MFP in blogs or on any of the alternative media outlets - how MFP is now being used by several industries that are financially large enough to impose it upon the masses, the military industrial complex being but one example. Historically, MFP techniques have been implemented to take advantage of a developing crisis by those who knew how to do so. But now, as we are seeing, the crisis themselves are being manufactured by psychopathic elites who not only seek power and control, but also seek to generate massive profits.
This is why, over the past 14 months, I’ve invested so much time covering the lack of evidence that viruses are real and causative. (See the previous two pieces and go here, here and here.) As long as the majority of people believe that, we will remain under the spell of the new kid on the block, the most powerful complex in the history of the world - the medical industrial complex. This complex is so large and powerful that it’s now flexing its muscle by using MFP to impose lock-downs, masks, mandates, restrict religion, shut down unwanted small businesses, and literally gain complete control of society - worldwide. And the focal fear point they’re using is the most sinister and devious one ever devised… an invisible virus that literally - does - not - exist. When enough people wake up to this, the 75 year long medical/virus hypnosis that has killed and maimed millions, will vaporize.
In my opinion, anyone who uses MFP to maim and kill millions and profit while doing so has no moral compass and should be considered satanic. The deadly and tyrannical medical industrial complex must end.
With the awakening about MFP, shouldn’t we study it and use what we learn to enlighten humanity about the possibilities of the mind? If not, society will continue to be led by tyrants and ignorant mobs.
Great writing, as always, Kyle. Thanks for sharing your perspective and perceptions on Mass Formation Psychosis. This syndrome (MFP) is today more pervasive and eye-poppingly worrisome than in my days of taxpayer-funded K-12 indoctrination camp, in which the handlers never liked my poetry, my silence, or my refusal to eat in the cafeteria with fragile-minded, back-stabbing victims of MFP-Lite. (This was only the late 70s/early 80s after all, way before all the "hot" rocks stars of the Aughts and beyond openly began worshipping Satan/Lucifer and dismissing with gender). But I digress.
I have a great deal of respect for you and I wholeheartedly agree with your stance:
"In my opinion, anyone who uses MFP to maim and kill millions and profit while doing so has no moral compass and should be considered satanic."
Well, Malone and Rogan (et al) are doing/exhibiting exactly that. They may be wildly hated by spineless, foaming-at-the-mouth, black-box-addicted worshipers of Science™®©℗ for whatever reasons.
The drummed up hatred is for the WRONG REASONS. The real and only reason to dismiss Malone Rogan et al is that they are openly siding with the med-tech-mafia death-cult in pushing the "viruses are transmissible and causative of disease" LIE. We must call them out as complicit in the fundamental narrative fiction, no matter what other "good" they say and do.
They are peddling "preventatives and treatments for Covid" such as highly toxic pharma poisons Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). In doing so, they are showing their allegiance to the Satanic/Luciferian (S&L) liars, all of whom profit from lying, from betrayal. Or perhaps they're just stupider than me, some no-name private music teacher and artist in Smalltown, California, because all I've got is a wimpy B.A. in Communication Studies.
Either way, these "I'm making an EXTRA 6 figures with hardly any work at all while getting all this MEDIA ATTENTION because of my willingness to proffer up a little token of truth stuffed inside of a packet of lies" guys, are all feeding into the MFP that they're pretending to debunk. It's really sick, but hey, that's the inverted way of the S&Ls and their cushy-job-holding career clowns.
On the [further] downside, the clown candy they're throwing out is causing untold ADDITIONAL damage — physically, mentally, and spiritually — to already traumatized, weak, fragile men, women, and children.
It’s like cereal (serial??) manufacturers adding a cheap plastic "prize" into each brightly colored box of glyphosate-sprayed GMO corn-based, nutritionally bereft breakfast cereal saying that they added Vitamin xx and Mineral zz to boost the health value of their disease-causing food.
My friend, it has been a hell of a journey for you (and me, too) to get to the brilliant and life-affirming real-eyes-ation that viruses as the S&Ls and their puppets have indoctrinated for over a century are LIE-RUSES. It's time to take the final step and separate yourself — your entire mind/body/spirit complex — from these pernicious men and women who will trade the truth for fame and fortune, meanwhile using their prestige and position to MARGINALIZE those of us shouting the truth.
If Malone et al have been tricked, then they may choose to settle that later. But the truth must stand alone from even one lie, especially when that "one lie" represents the enslavement of us as free, living, breathing sparks of the Divine.
Thanx Kyle, as always............
"Did some shunned people have divine inspiration? Did shunned people have some sort of intelligence that set them apart? Some likely did nothing more than say or do something that made the tribal chieftan look bad, and got shunned for doing so. Did shunning lead to a form of evolutionary psychological (spiritual) development? Did people shunned from various tribes within a region find each other and form new, more advanced tribes? As tribes began to intermingle and cultures began to expand, did this bring about some form of gradual spiritual advancement of how to live and cope with each other on this planet?"
(Clan of the Cave Bear) Just sayin'.