Seems to be increasing, as well. This is one thing that I find so depressing... As I read through this very well-written post (as usual, my friend), I am thinking about how this issue is one in particular that my one brother used against me to make the point that I am "loony." Turns out he's a psychopath. But my point is that even if I sent your post, and your previous one, and all the links to all the places that are showing the world about this Incredible, almost Unbelievable EVIL, he would invariably simply respond that I'm not the only loony around. I almost wonder, and I wouldn't DOUBT, that he's being paid by someone to be as Evil and he can, and I wonder about that regarding a LOT of people I see on this site... I'm thankful for you, Kyle, you are a strong, honest voice of REASON and DECENCY in this absolutely insane time we're living in... xo xo I'll share this.

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The thing I always try and keep in mind is that a lot of people have SAI nanotechnology in their brains, which can keep them from thinking clearly. In some respects, geoengineering is like MK ultra on steroids.

Thank you for the kind words.

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Indeed, indeed. I think about that a lot these days... God help us all.

And, thank YOU, m'dear. I love your page, never fails to be worth the read.

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That doesn’t make any sense, otherwise All of us would be brainwashed mocking drones to these stories. It isn’t selective nanotechnology, it’s their inability to use common sense. They never developed critical thinking abilities. That is why the majority of the covidiots were, well, covidiots.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young


Poison and the various doses ingested affects everyone differently.

Like alcohol or medicine for instance.

Some can have a reaction from it and die immediately, others it takes many years and more of it. This is the way it works.

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Yes, I realize that. For example, Oriental people and the American Indians can’t handle alcohol. But this is vastly different as No Human can tolerate excess heavy metals and nano contamination, for those would affect their Entire way of thinking concerning Everything not just the oppositional defiance against so-called “conspiracy theories.”

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

When forms of dementia set into the brain from the heavy metal and other toxins, the various behavioral characteristics exhibited are dépendant on which part and which cells and neuron pathways are specifically affected by the resulting death and decay.

Many, many combinations can occur. Each tiny area of the brain can be or can not be affected depending where the toxins ( usually randomly ) deposit.

For instance, one area of the brain that has redundant pathways say from many years of study and excess neuronal pathways might be preserved and thus this individual remains intact about x or y facts or subjects. This is also a dynamic event. Neurophysiology and Neuropathophysiology are complicated and everyone should stay in their lanes so they don't pass on misinformation or mislead.

Signing off.

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You're spot on, btw. Cheers.

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Not everyone takes in the same levels of the toxins, either... For instance, those "vaccines" were LOADED with horrible toxic metals and etc... But obviously some of them maybe were saline, and others, far less toxic than some. It would have been way too obvious to make ALL the vaccines the same. And THEN we have the added issue of SAI, EMF's, and other things, as Kyle points out. SO... We cannot expect everyone to be on the same page as per levels of toxins IN and level of toxins EXPOSED TO, and level of toxins IN VARIETY. Remember, it took the Nasties DECADES to plan this all out, and they had some smart people helping them, too, also Nasties, but of less wealth and more know-how! So... I can draw ONE conclusion from this information and that is, we are seeing and living with people whose level of EVIL is so profound that we can barely even get our heads around it. I don't really blame the folks who "refuse" to "get it," aside from the critical thinking skills, let's just be plain: It's DAMN HARD TO BELIEVE that there's a global conspiracy to kill off most of the nearly 9 billions Human Beings on Earth, much less DESTROY THE ENTIRE PLANET. It's hard to really believe that! So, I don't blame the victims, as angry as I might be with them, especially when they're damn nasty about it-- I blame the Instigators, the Ultimately Responsible, the Globalist Muffo Psychotic Rat Bastard Sumumabitches. And at this point, after FOUR AND HALF YEARS of this, and immense trauma and DEATH and INJURY, I am convinced that in this case, Death should be the penalty, period. I used to think we should just lock 'em up forever. Not now. Not anymore. They should go away.

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

Read one of my favorite books on this topic: Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullins. You can find it for free to download: https://archive.org/details/murder-by-injection-eustace-mullins

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

Yes, that is the only cure for Mass Homicidal Psychopaths.

Roadside garbage pick up does not remediate them, just gives them time for more lethal plans. They are obsessed, they cannot stop. Crazy Psychos.

We need to start addressing these people with what they are. Just because they have accumulated ( stolen ) mass wealth from the millions does not change what they are.

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"It's DAMN HARD TO BELIEVE that there's a global conspiracy to kill off most of the nearly 9 billions Human Beings on Earth..." << not if one's a fan of eugenics.

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

A lot of decent non psychopaths think I'm loony because of normalcy bias.

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Yeah, me, too. It's just coincidence that my brother is a psychopath! And the other one is mentally ill. Well... that's my family. Go fig.

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Not sure I really get what you're saying.

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

great forward, much appreciated!

some information on what it is they're using to spray with (Stadis: static dissipators) and its toxicity - https://chemtrails.cc/docs/Stadis450_antistatic_additive_MSDS.pdf


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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Author

Oooo... good one!

Sounds like they are used as fuel additives to make them less susceptible to static electricity. But as I've pointed out in previous posts a good percentage of the toxins in the atmosphere are from jet fuels. Who knows, they might be adding it to SAI mixes as well.

Thanks for the links!

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Jul 2Liked by Kyle Young

Harold Kautz Vella, a genius explains the chemistry and physics even to point of exacting complexity of interaction once in the body, even to end result of nerves in brain. It is the interaction with morgellans and it then morphs into fungal capabilities that initiate a transformation to new forms of life in our bodies. The key elements are in the spraying. It takes to forms. Post jet engine and pre engine. Heat or no heat.

Piezoelectric crystals! The internal network per say.

2016 vintage research

Think mad cow disease. And now it is showing up in deer.

His videos are out there. Dr Ana interviewed him poorly. She was so fixated on her findings she really never let him fully explain him trains of research. Oh well.

Other vids exist. I’ve listened so many times, well I get it in layman terms.

He also has a 45 page review on narcism.

Multiple disciplines of genius understanding. One of his best!


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Sounds interesting. I'll look into it. Thank you for the link Charlie.

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Jun 30Liked by Kyle Young

Hello Kyle. If I may, other project names are SAG, Solar Aerosol Geoengineering, and SRM, Solar Radiation Management. Imagine the hubris of "managing the Sun"!

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I can think of some names I can't say here.

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Jun 30Liked by Kyle Young

Oops, a correction. SAG stands for Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering. Sorry, aluminum on the brain.

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Jun 30Liked by Kyle Young

As history goes, it has only taken a smidgen of time to turn the population into a safety-coddled, child like state. For most it is just too incomprehensible that this large-scale extermination program thought fit for cockroaches exists, except we are the targets. Poisoned by spraying, by injection, by frequency destruction of our biofield… And that a third of the population, who gets it, has resigned to watching it in horror.

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Under normal circumstances the younger generation would be rising up right about now. I have to wonder what role the greatly ramped up childhood vaccine schedule plays in preventing that from happening.

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

We let them succeed with centuries of childhood indoctrination camps and incessant electronic media. We finally see it, because it is frankly flashing us in neon lights. There are those who have one foot in the real world, but struggle with the barrage of confusion. And good on them, because they lack a proper foundation to measure to. Like everything else these days, everything is upside down. And is the reason, I believe, the older generations were targeted first and hard. Because the 60+ now are the repository of the world as we knew it and the stories before they became falsified. The voices telling the youngsters the truth and instilling honor and fundamental values. All of which must be wiped clean. WE are the enemy. WE carry the knowledge. WE are the ones who must either take the lead and stand, or give it all away. Us, and a mottled band of the those who made it past the indoctrination. How can you fight this war if you can’t bridge the gap between the internet and the world in its natural state?

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I couldn't agree more.

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

not many parents are aware, therefore making it difficult to show/teach one's children.

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Sad but true.

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

Absolutely. Let's don't forget the SSRIs, Adderall, etc., etc., they are filling the youth with. And now hormones and mutilation. It's truly insane.

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That and much more.

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Talk about a lost generation...

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

A lot of them are angry but confused. They think the free market and GOP are the only bad guys. Along with "systemic oppression" of those the System tells them to regard as privileged. They run around smashing and burning things (including private homes and small businesses) while Soros watches and laughs. He writes their paychecks.

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Yup. Misplaced anger.

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Jun 30Liked by Kyle Young

Sadly, All life on Earth is collateral damage. Well maybe some bacteria living near a boiling subsea vent might survive.

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The more I observe, the more plausible it appears that we, the 1/3, are the chosen ones, for whom this dastardly process is selecting. Not to imply in any way I approve of or even deem it necessary. But we need enough people to get hip to effectively foil it, and recent political developments throughout the planet are giving me hope; the latest of which being the smashing success of The Real Debate on X, featuring RFK Jr.

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Yes, the 1/3 who are inherent critical thinkers.

Agree, change is in the wind. This fall could be tumultuous.

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There are patents for these dispersal units. If my memory serves, both the Navy and Air Force have them. I pulled copies of them years ago. If I come across the copies, I will post the patent numbers.

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I did look for patents on the nozzle technology. Found some information but it was buried deep in some documents, which I didn't have time to deal with this week. Been trying to get my summer garden done... accomplished that yesterday.

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

Gardens are good : )

Yes, yesterday I had to dive very deep to find a comprehensive list of known aerosol ingredients, and it does take time and patience. I like to recall Fox Mulder's assertion, "The truth is out there".

Dane has been steadfast in presenting his Global Alert News every Saturday. It can be seen under 'recent' on the top of the right-hand column. While much of what he says is familiar, every now and then he really says something I've not heard that fills in essential details.

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Thank you Bella.

I'm on his email list.

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Jul 3Liked by Kyle Young

Oh, the demons are at it again! I will cry thinking about this egregious pollution off Cape Cod, which in my heart is a realm closer to heaven. I lived for a few years between Eastham and Provincetown, where the Cape is barely two miles across.

We already know carbon capture is a fool's errand and pointless. But it is true that the greatest carbon capture has already occurred in the oceans, and they're overly acidic. But, hey, let's just dump some lye . . . . .

"Sodium hydroxide"

Sodium hydroxide, also known as lye and caustic soda, is an inorganic compound with the formula NaOH. It is a white solid ionic compound consisting of sodium cations Na⁺ and hydroxide anions OH⁻

Note also that Phase 1 will begin this summer, so the comments are pointless?

If I find where to comment, I will have scathing words for these demons; as if. . . . . . .Funny NOT how the actual geoengineering experiments are on the sly and most certainly pre-approved before consideration.


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24 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

Here's Nauset Lighthouse in Eastham, with a seriously messed up sky. It was just now nauseating to see how the sky over the lighthouse is seriously messed up in many, many images.


It used to look like this in the 1970's :



Sunrise shouldn't look like HELL


Here is what I call the "classic wedge". I often see this configuration right from my huge south facing windows:


Oh MG, I'd like to knock the "fine artists" up the side of the head!


I'm sorry, Kyle. This is so disturbing for me. I might have to seek out a Margarita! (No, worries, I never drink more than one of anything.)

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Nice photography. Thank you.

Yup, every one of those look like artificial cloud patterns.

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More EPA nonsense.

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Jul 3Liked by Kyle Young

You're welcome, Kyle. That's excellent.

He has been heroic in keeping his site up and running. I recall it being taken down back in 2013 (one time of many) because he reported that expertly measured UVC radiation (just short of being an X-ray) was reaching the surface of Earth. There used to be so many people posting comments on Dane's articles, but now not many at all. I've not been able to comment on his site for over 5 years! My comments will not post; suspect they fly directly to the massive Utah repository. (May it melt down in the heat!)

It's possible to ask Dane a question in the comment section. He's responds generously to sincere requests. Or you can reach him directly at Admin@Geoengineeringwatch.org

Were you trying to find this site? https://cosmicconvergence.org/?page_id=19275 There might have been a tiny spelling error.

Please enjoy your holiday : )

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Thank you for the links.

Like so many who are speaking truth to power, he is probably being shadow banned.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

You're welcome. On another topic dear to my heart--I want to wish Julian Assange Happy Birthday today!

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Go to climateviewer and ask Jim Lee. Jim has cataloged everything to do with geoengineering for 20 years.

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I think he chimed in here today. Just now getting time to go through comments.

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

I hope it is a "Greenhouse " garden. With transparent covering to shield from the poison being dropped on it. 😌

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Fortunately, living next to he Mexican border has kept the skies pretty clean here since Mexico banned SAI about 1.5 years ago. Used to see them going across the border all the time. No longer.

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Wow! Good for them. Now I know where to buy my produce from and wine??

Wouldn't it be nice if the US was that smart? Mexicans look up even with the sombreros it appears but Mericans do not. Looking at the electronics. And busy deluding themselves.


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Also wanted to say that if you can find those patents it would save me a lot of time:)

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

The list of patents is found on the very top of the homepage at GeoengineeringWatch.org. If you copy and paste the link here, you should go there directly. Looking through the list just now, it is easy to discern which relate to aerosol dispersion and hardware. https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/links-to-geoengineering-patents/

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Thank you Bella.

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

Here's patents. With a lot more to be added soon up to 3000.


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Thank you Eddy.

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Jun 30Liked by Kyle Young

Carolyn, you can see an extensive list with hundreds of geoengineering patents in order by year (1891-2023) with brief descriptions, on Dane Wigington's site GeoengineeringWatch.org. Just scanning it by eye tells the developmental history and belies the absurdity of Bill's tiny "experiments." https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/links-to-geoengineering-patents/

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Dane has done a lot of remarkable work. I try to not lean on him to heavily. And there is a lot of research still to do.

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This one substack page shows the most concise description and best photos on this topic I've ever seen. FAR better than watching an hour movie showing almost nothing.

And Actions ! Researching for 30 years changes nothing,

Kyle was the first I've ever seen with an idea to actually do something, so I added it here:


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I couldn't agree more - less talk, more action!

Thank you for the link. There is more like this coming with more focus on actions.

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How were they going to geo engineer in 1891 when the airplane wasn’t invented for twelve more years?

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

That patent is "method of producing rainfall". We might look at it; however, even today China uses smoking chimneys or burners disbursed all over the pristine Tibetan slopes.


"In the Tibetan project, the burning chambers will produce silver iodide particles that will be carried into the atmosphere by the wind, where they are expected to seed moisture clouds capable of producing rain and snow."


Video contains lots of BS, but in that capacity it is informative.

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Similar ground based smokers are used in the US as well. I have a video of it being done in California.

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

That is so vile and sickening what they've done to Tibet. 💔FREE TIBET!💔

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

Yes, vile and sickening, I agree : (

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

There are videos of orbs spraying.....could be interdimensional

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Do you have links for those videos? I'd like to see them. I have satellite and drone video from 2014 of Malaysian flight 370 disappearing while 3 orbs rapidly circled around it.

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No I can't seem to locate them sorry

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

Unfortunately you cannot even believe what you're seeing these days. Cgi, holograms, etc. Question everything.

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

This is true, I've seen chemtrail planes spray and disappear from the sky.

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

> the hateful destruction of the commons

REPLY: So true and the commons used to mean the Planet Earth. Now the taking is being done to our own body. It will no longer be ours. It will be the government. The government will happily allow private corporations to own your body. Transfer ownership. It is called a taking. It happens when property is condemned for public use. Your body is being taken now.

We should consider this speech by Chief Seattle:


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Yup. Some years back I pointed out the patents that show those who get the jabs are now chattel property of big pharma.

I've have that speech here.

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

If I may asked. Where is here? Are you referring to the chattel essay or the link I posted regarding Chief Seattle. btw that speech is very old and been around a while. Bucky fuller referenced it. There are some who deny Chief Seattle ever said anything like this.

If that is true. I am sure someone some where a long time ago said something very close to that speech.

be well

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Somewhere in my files or boxes I have a poster with his speech on it. I think I got it around 1978 when I went to listen to Rolling Thunder speak.

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Jun 30Liked by Kyle Young

One thing that stands out to me and seems to be a bit , if not a lot odd is if as you pointed out: "Evergreen Air was headquartered in Seattle. As I’ve noted in previous posts, the Pacific Northwest appears to be the most heavily sprayed region of the continental US." Why would Gates be funding this? Doesn't Gates and family all still live in Washigton State? The Pacific Northwest?? Odd no? His own backyard so to speak.

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As Justin alludes below, he has houses all over the world and private jets that can whisk him to any one of them in hours. He likely also has people monitoring eerything for him.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

I agree but as I replied above to Justin;"Apparently he has a mansion in Medina Washington about 5 miles from Seattle and property in 4 or 5 other states. But overall if he moves about during applications the bottom line still is his kids and ex lives there, not to mention any friends etc. AND the damage to crops et al would still be in his own main location, right? Does that make sense? Especially, KIDS and his EX??" I mean would any of you do that and take the chances on the possible repercussions?

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

Look at gates, look at his fingers, he is choka full of the nanotech.

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My thought exactly.

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deletedJul 1Liked by Kyle Young
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Have you seen the movie Prisoners? It's based on that premise - trying to counter God.

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Jun 30Liked by Kyle Young

I read somewhere this last week that Bill doesn't use his Seattle house much anymore.

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Yup, he's got bug out places everywhere.

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

Apparently he has a mansion in Medina Washington about 5 miles from Seattle and property in 4 or 5 other states. But overall if he moves about during applications the bottom line still is his kids and ex lives there, not to mention any friends etc. AND the damage to crops et al would still be in his own main location, right? Does that make sense? Especially, KIDS and his EX??

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I'm sure he and his family know every antidote in the book. Every evil villain always produces and antidote in case their poison is used against them.

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Jul 3Liked by Kyle Young

True same as with COVID!

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

But if they poison the whole planet, how do they plan to survive?

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

They know the antidote to reverse the poison.

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There may also be some denial involved.

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Jun 30Liked by Kyle Young

Great post today Kyle…shared far & wide!

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Thank you Lupe.

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You see clearly, Kyle ❣️🙏

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Thank you Sirskiwi.

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

Is it manna from Heaven or deadly vapors? Only your stupid pilot knows. Any pilot flying these planes is an anti-human. Stating that "it's my job" doesn't cut it.

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Geogineering is real, yes, SAI and SRM etc. And it is fantastic that you are calling attention to it!

It's also good that you are staying away from the use of chemtrail terminology...

A person has to wonder who would be interested in financing and perpetuating the idea that the government is "spraying us like bugs " , when totally legal unregulated jet fuel, essentially kerosene, is liberally burned over our heads every day, releasing plenty of toxins. aluminum and barium among them.

Yes, there are lots more airplane induced cirrus clouds visible above our heads these days, mostly due to the enormous increase in jet traffic! The dirty secret of the airline industry is that a clear blue sky is just as full of toxins as a cloudy streaky sky. In 2015 the airline industry managed to avoid regulation of jet fuel by the EPA, despite testimony by Jim Lee and a few other activists interested in actually cleaning up our air. Since then, chemtrail hysteria on the internet has only increased, with Google heavily promoting those sites.

I invite you to join the serious citizen scientists and meteorologists on climateviewer .com, .org and on youtube. The real facts are just as factsinating as the propaganda and smoke screens being sprayed by shills for the airline industry

The exact photo that you featured in your article is here! Here is some classic Jim Lee chemtrail debunking 🤪



A NASA 747 utilized to transport the Space Shuttle was used for a study of trailing wake vortices. Six smoke generators were installed under the wings of the 747 to provide a visual image of the trailing vortices.


In this 1974 NASA Flight Research Center photograph, a Boeing B-747 jetliner is shown taking part in the trailing wake vortex study. In the photograph, the two wing tip vortex trails, being the strongest, stay in tight cylindrical rolls. The "strength" of the vortices decreases toward the midspan of each wing, and the trails become less defined.


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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Author

I'm familiar with wing vortexes. I'm a bit surprised that they used a 747 for the studies. They have known about vortexes since well before I went through ground school in 70-71. My inititial reaction would be to question the study, but I'll have to look into it some more.

Thank you for the links.

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Hey Kyle,

since you are a pilot, you will appreciate the link I just sent you in a comment, from another pilot. Maybe have a laugh. Keep up the good work!

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

There is clearly a war on health going on. But now it seems to have amped up. I regard this as an indicator of desperation, as increasing numbers are getting hip to it, jeopardizing the cabal's efforts to cull and disable enough "useless eaters" to satisfy their needs soon enough. But won't some of these measures affect them, too? That's why I laugh off all the "super pandemic" jibjab.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

it's a get-together of eugenicists on an international scale and getting more and more technologically 'advanced' (aka deadly).

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Yes, the advancement of technologies has been very enabling for those who hate life.

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

This is so frustrating. Who do we speak to? We never voted or gave our consent for this.

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Forward this post to your city council members with a personal not from you explaining your concerns. If you have a Consitutional sheriff send a link of this to him and explain that those who are funding and authorizing this need to be prosecuted under the Nuremberg code for crimes against humanity. If your congress people or senators have voted in favor of any of this, tell your sheriff they also need to be prosecuted.

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

Thank you. Will be doing all of this.

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Go get 'em!

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I want to get my county to declare itself a constitutional republic.

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Have you read Reinette Senum's SS? She has initiated a lawsuit against chemtrail criminals and has done a lot of work. Another helpful source for you.

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Thanks again, Kyle for pointing it out and pointing it out and pointing it out...

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It's a dirty job...

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

See these trails in the Lincolnshire skies UK regularly. Thank you for the information.

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Can you take some photos and send them to me?

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

Just arrived on this article via Dr. Mercola's site. I am not familiar with "Chemtrails". Can someone tell me "what" the purpose of them is? Why are they doing this?

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

Hi barb,watch on You Tube Dane Wigington also visit geoengineering.org click on the video called The Dimming.You can watch this on You Tube too.

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

Neighter of these links work. Hmm! I will have to search You-Tube. Thank you.

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Try this one. Scroll down a little ways to see the documentary The Dimming.


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Jul 3Liked by Kyle Young

Got it thanks!

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Kyle Young

Former Director of the CIA, John Brennan, addressing the Council on Foreign Relations in 2014 or 2016 ? There's another video where he claims that the SAI project is going well. Couldn't find it. So here's this: < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBG81dXgM0Q >. This video features John Brennan, head of the CIA, informing the Council on Foreign Relations about this technology.

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Thank you Richie.

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Your very welcome. Thank you for the research you do. Please continue...

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