The world is waking up to the demonic cults that run the world. The devil's minions always are strongest when they work in their secret circles, but they get the urge to take it over the top. That is when hubris sets in. They always and always over do it and expose themselves for whom and what they are. The Paris Olympics are an example. Now we saw the opening ceremonies. What is planned for the closing? (There is little time to make changes on that scale.) Will that be the icing on the cake? Their hubris will insist on it going forward as planned.

Satan and his followers are not a creative lot. They can only mock and besmirch and belie all that is good. The rich who are attracted to this debauchery are empty vessels who only resonate to the lowest vibrations. The darkness fills their souls and they curse the light which they do not know or understand. Thankfully, they are few and we must continue to follow the light out of their darkness.

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The way you string sentnences together, gives me pause to envy. I could not have said it better myself. .

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Thank you for this excellent post, Kyle.

What you describe is clearly of Satanic origin. I believe the eschatological sequence documented in the Gospels according to Matthew, Mark and Luke has commenced. For details, see my; Has the eschatological sequence begun? at: https://akajshannon.substack.com/p/has-the-eschatological-sequence-begun. We are now under what must be termed Satanic occupation. All power centers are controlled by the devil.

Since roughly 1970, there has been a complete inversion of traditional morality. As the prophet Isaiah said in predicting what would transpire in our age, "Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness: that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.", (Isaiah 5:20). We are living it, experiencing it in real time. In retrospect, the revolt (apostasy) of 2 Thessalonians 2 has been underway for almost 60 years. The next event on the prophetic calendar is the appearance of the antichrist on the world stage. It is now apparent that the "Beast System" including the "mark of the Beast" (Revelation 13:16-17), is being finalized and will be introduced throughout the world very shortly. "He who has ears to hear, let him hear.', (Matthew 11:15, 13:9).

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You are welcome aka J Shannon.

People have been making Biblical predictions since the first Council of Nicaea. Time will tell.

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Obama still has one more puppet to stick in the White House before he crawls out of the shadows, and the appointed time for him to reveal who he is will come soon. First things first though, Kamala and 3+ years of civil war.

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You say that like it's a given.

I find that kind of deciding the future makes for acting it out.

Not what I'd call a good plan!

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At the very least it seems debatable.

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I think what we fear, and what we EXPECT creates some degree of making that reality manifest. So I might think something, but I always try to temper it with something along the lines of "Maybe it won't be like that, or not altogether like that. MAYBE it will be something we haven't thought of. MAYBE it will be much better than we're imagining it." Have you seen this film, Kyle? I think you'd like it a lot...


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Looks interesting. It has some of my favorite people in it - Dr. Cowan, Dr. Gerald Pollack.

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Oh, it’s soooo good.

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Sit back and watch it happen, you only have a few months to wait

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I'm not so sure William. What sort of feel do you get from your readers?

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It’s controversial now, but once Trump gets assassinated, and Kamala Harris is installed as our next President, I’ll be telling a whole lot of people “I told ya so”

Most Americans are easily distracted and manipulated by crazy events and headlines that we are all bombarded with daily, but it’s important to keep three things in mind:

Bible prophecy reveals:

1. The coming of a lawless one (Antichrist aka Son of Perdition)

2. A One World Empire

3. A One World Religion

I try to understand the events happening as small steps toward the above goals.

If we are indeed entering into Matthew 24, the Beginning of Sorrows (which I believe we are) than the 4 horses of the apocalypse are almost upon us.

Interesting that a horse was also seen at the Olympic Games opening ceremony.

Many people know what this symbolizes, but some don’t. So let’s get into it…

First up Matthew 24

Matthew 24:3-8 (KJV) 3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what [shall be] the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? 4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. 6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all [these things] must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these [are] the beginning of sorrows.


In Revelation Chapter 6, it reveals the seals being opened and the events that transpire. These are the things that are taking place during this beginning of Sorrows mentioned above.

The first horse on the scene was a White Horse, and the figure riding it had a bow and a crown. I understand this figure to represent a false messiah, or antichrist, the Son of Perdition.

Revelation 6:2 (KJV) And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

Make sure you click on this:


So whoever this man is, he will be a warmonger among other things. You can see who I think it is above.

There are many people who believe Trump also could be the AntiChrist, and there is a lot of compelling evidence to support them point of view too….but either way, we will find out soon enough.

I believe the Jewsuits (Jesuits) are trying to make it look like Trump, but that’s because they know there are a lot of Christians here in the USA, who are easily manipulated. They also know what the scriptures say, and they are keen on deceiving people, so they can meet their goal listed at the top of this comment.

Excited times ahead….

I think we can all agree that Biden was clearly just a puppet, and if Harris is installed next, she will be too. So who does everyone think is really running the show?

I don’t think it’s Trump, I KNOW it’s Obama.

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Not Trump. And we know Obama was being manipulated because the Nobel peace prize was ready to go for him right after he got in. Then there are all the things he has done to further the goals of dark forces. So he has also been doing the bidding of hidden masters.

Ever read Worlds in Collision by Velikovsky?

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No, but that picture I posted above reveals a crown in Obama’s lap, while he sitting on a satanic throne, and a Bow on the table in front of him (no arrows) ohh…and 3 dragon eggs.

This picture was an official White House Press Release, and their cover story had something to do with Game of Thrones, but this is how they operate….the symbolism does the talking, while the rhetoric distracts those who don’t have eyes to see.

Obama is indeed a CIA creation. His entire past is shrouded in mystery, including his place of birth. His Hawaii birth certificate that was produced for the public only after his 2nd term in office. After public outcry from him not being qualified to be our President. It was an easily proven fake, as whoever made it, forget to check the actual name of the hospital the year Obama was supposedly born. Its name changed many years later, and so the birth certificate possessed a hospital name on it that didn’t exist in the year Obama was born.

He was probably genetically recreated from the dna of a dead Pharaoh. Sounds silly, but they’ve been cloning things publicly since the 1990’s, which probably means it’s been going on a lot longer.

The Synagogue of Satan and the Jewsuits are the same thing. This is who runs the CIA, and the Vatican Spy Network Agencies all around the world. All nodes of the spider. 🕷️

I have seen people report having dreams that Obama was still acting President, and one of those people was actually a former advisor to Obama when he was in the White House. The other was a political analyst with close ties to many people in Washington DC.

Obama could technically become president again if he became speaker of the house, and both the president and vice president stepped down, or were taken out.

I don’t know the specifics of what will happen in the future, but I’m coming confident, he is the Lawless One.

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I'm not sure those are dragon eggs. They look more like representations of the cones that ancient Pharoes held. https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e0/ff/0e/e0ff0e04b5d0a4a3bceb926fd29f0c42.jpg

A rider on a horse would not be able to use that type of bow.

You sure that's a crown? Why would he be holding a crown in a meeting?

I still have doubts about the election even taking place. At least, on time.

And I'm really curious about what's going to happen at the DNC.

Read Worlds in Collision. It completely changed my view about Revelations. Here it is as a free download - https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-474

If you want to see a creepy guy sitting on a creepy throne -


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Nah.. President Obama doesn't fit the "Lawless One" in that he was a very good Law Professor and never had any real legal violations, Scandals, Misdemeanors, or Felonies during Both of his terms!!..

In fact, he was a goody-goody about the Law in contrast to Trump!!-

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Good points.

I liked Obama until he was elected. I remember him saying how everyone has the right to health care--- that was before the election. AFTER the election, a few months in, he starting saying how everyone has a right to health INSURANCE... That's when I jumped ship. And Obomber sure does suit him for a moniker! He was BRAGGING about how he kills people. smdh That was actually the time when I started to question EVERYTHING... And dig. I'm still riding that wave...

I do think we're going to have our hands full for a time, but I also think we're gonna FIX this problem and things will get a LOT BETTER.

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Didn't he authorize twice as many drone strikes in his first term as Bush did in two terms?

I think things will implode. Soon.

Are you moved into a new place yet?

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THANK-YOU FOR THIS LATEST ADDITION TO YOUR FINE RESEARCH, Kyle. Just love seeing your Post Notification in the Email. Always set aside some time to digest what you've wrote. Sometimes, I'm aware of what you publish and other times, NOT. Am endlessly fascinated by those reaching the same conclusions as I have...How the Opening Ceremony was NOT merely about mocking all sacred, holy and God; but to STEAL THE SPIRITUAL GROUND OF GOD'S CREATION ON AN INTERNATIONAL LEVEL.

The information you've generated more recently is impressive. So much was deeply hidden for centuries. It's endlessly fascinating to watch the world to catch-up with the actual history of places and people only whispered about in the past; the mysterious underpinings of the west. All has always flowed just beneath the surface as a deep river cutting through rocks in a cave where the current flows powerfully fast and there is no disruption by which to see the movement of the water and splunkers not alert fall into such rivers to be easily swept away. THAT is the environment the ENEMIES OF ALL LIFE ON THE PLANET HAVE SOUGHT TO CREATE BY WHICH TO THIEVE ALL GOD'S CREATION.


The reports included here haven't been commonly known in general society concerning Freud...However, THAT information alone ended a secular career for me and prompted a return to faith in Jesus Christ; stronger and far more mature than ever. THAT was the fork in my 'Road Less Taken.' When leaving it struck me how Frost's poem had always been close to my heart and how so much in my life was a stark reminder of the poem until I left it all behind with a giant leap of faith and trust in God. 'And, that made all the difference.'

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You are welcome BC3.

Leaps of faith are a good thing.

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Clearly, you've taken a few yourself.

Those of courage to leap are my favorite people.

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Still waiting for you to research Biblical Geocentric Earth. It’s the missing piece of the puzzle that will connect many many pieces.

All of the evidence is on one side, and everyone who researches this topic with an open mind, walks away a flat earther.

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Excellent post, Fascinating historical context. I think we are in the End Times that John wrote of in Revelation

Thank you for adding some history that has been hidden. I believe that it is getting to where people will have the opportunity to open their eyes and hear with their ears. The Satanic deception will be revealed and people will choose. Jesus,our Messiah or the fallen, disgraced Lucifer. I think the coming chose is sooner than most realize

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Thank you JC.

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Interesting you brought up Ukraine and Kazariah. I often felt something is not quite as they would have us believe. The measured pace. The tip toeing of major global power structures. The large scale destruction of obsolete armor. The depop. It seems they are preparing the ground for something. Kinda like Gaza. Except that’s far more obvious.

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Good observations Mike. I agree.

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I didn't watch the Opening Ceremony - but now I will. I'm not surprised at it all, but I'm sure you're opening many eyes Kyle - so thank you for that.

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I could have included videos of some of what I wrote about, but I chose not to promote them.

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I hear that Kyle - that's why I hesitate to give my energy to watch.

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I can’t/won’t give it my attention - the still pics are more than sufficient to get the message, and I thank Kyle for taking one for the team in watching it!

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While seeking truth about covid I encountered obscure scents with connections to echoes. the past five years have been amazing. Either we are educated or not. Lots of allies and seekers!

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It's good to be in good company.

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Thank you, from a hitch-hiker. Like My feedback like is in limbo

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They are becoming more and more brazen to in-sensitize us to it all. The enemy of our souls wants our souls. Period. Everything we see now, celebrating anal sex, cunnilingus (between two women), and two headed sexual "toys" for an entire month, transvestites bouncing children up and down on their semi erect glitter covered penises, having open nakedness, lewdness and "sex" on the street, so on and so forth. It's all to shock us into accepting it all. I have realized over the last 4 years how guilty I've been for becoming tolerant of things I *knew* were not good for society. just so I could "get along". If we continue to stay silent, the day will come when we will be put in prison for saying something. It's one thing to "live and let live" as "long as it doesn't hurt or affect someone else". It's something else entirely to demand that people not only accept what others do, but also participate in it. My heart aches for young people who are trying to keep it together in these times.

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It's time to be strong. To do so requires diligence in all aspects of life, especially health. If we can't think clearly were doomed.

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I worked for Jackie Kennedy's step-father in D.C. during the assassination and at NASA with a 'confidential security clearance' in 1966 and writing to let you know I understand, and agree, with your statement

"After learning about ...... and NASA, my previous doubts about the reality of the moon landing have solidified."

Thank you Kyle. Yes, I'm that old. :-)


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Sounds like you might have some interesting stories to tell. If so, I would be interested in hearing them.

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Well, OK. I rarely talk about my past because people might think I’m making it up or perhaps be jealous of my experiences. (You know how ppl are.) If I didn’t have the proof sometimes even I find it hard to believe it all really happened, like working as a model, working for the Kennedy family, being asked out by Pres. Johnson, NASA and finally, fleeing D.C. in fear in 1969 and moving on to a new life in L.A.

I was born in Selma, AL in 1941 and currently live in Sacramento near 3 grown kids, 6 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren.

I have written many chapters of my life that are scattered in numerous boxes in my closet. Some day I will put it all together in a book for my grandchildren.

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You should do that.

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The Bolsheviks were Khazarian Mafia Kyle who, as we know, are not Jews. Most of the evil atrocities, particularly in that part of the world, was committed by them and blamed on the Jews. Dr. John Coleman writes extensively about them. The horrific state of world affairs today lies directly on their shoulders. If you take the deep dive it ties all loose ends together very neatly. I have not gotten to read the full article yet.

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Yup. They were part of the big Khazarian conversion.

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Substack won’t let me like your comment. 😂 I guess it contains too much truth.

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That has been occurring on the stacks of some 'controversial' writers since the election has drawn near.

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It might be a browser issue. I changed when I had a problem. Currently working for me.

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Good point.

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Awesome reporting Kyle, keep it coming.

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Thank you Un-silent.

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I'm glad you tied Satanism into the primary doctrine of sin being sacred and used as a means to get closer to Lucifer. I think a lot of people consider it all theater but ponder the implications of that in terms of death, destruction and trauma. It's not just about orgiastic sex or other distasteful things blood and human sacrifice especially of children would have to play a role in this...

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Yes, it's all sick, but bringing innocent children into their evil cosplay is especially so.

Are you still working on getting your family all together in Vegas?

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I have been meaning to update on that front. Yes I'm still working on the whole Las Vegas thing.

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It’s always the Jews, isn’t it? I wanted to stop reading the article and comment on many things said within, but managed to get through it without stopping.

First thing that I want to point out was that the prophet Celestial posted a 2 hour video this weekend about the topic of men being raised as females, and vice versa. She specifically said that Barbara Bush was a man, and to be honest I always thought that she looked just like Alistair Crowley with long hair and makeup. When you mentioned his name with Barbara Bush’s mother, I about died.

She also said that all of the former president’s wives were actually men with very few exceptions. I would have laughed at a statement like that in the past, but these days it doesn’t surprise me.

Because I know this nation was founded by Freemasons under the direction of their Jesuit Masters, And I know that the Jesuits should be referred to as Jewsuits, because that’s what they really are. Luciferian Jews. If you doubt that, look no further than Mount Graham (sacred Indian ground) that they essentially stole and built an observatory there which they promptly named L.U.C.I.F.E.R.

In recent years, they’ve renamed it to LUCI, but there are clues everywhere of who they serve.

Whether it’s the serpent shaped auditorium in Rome, or all of the craters on the moon being named after Jesuit priests, these guys are pure evil, and known liars and deceivers.

Check out the following Albert Pike quotes:

“Whenever people need a hero, we shall supply him”- Albert Pike

I am Isis, Queen of this country. I was instructed by Mercury. No one can destroy the laws which I have established. I am the eldest daughter of Saturn, most ancient of the Gods.

The sources of our knowledge of the kabalistic doctrines are the books of Yetzirah and Zohar, the former drawn up in the second century, and the latter a little later; but they contain materials much older than themselves...In them, as in the teachings of Zoroaster, everything that exists emanates from a source of infinite Light.

The true philosophy, known and practiced by Solomon, is the basis on which Masonry is founded.

Our adversaries, numerous and formidable, will say, and will have the right to say, that our Principe CrÇateur is identical with the Principe GÇnÇrateur of the Indians and Egyptians, and may fitly be symbolized as it was symbolized anciently, by the linage...To accept this in lieu of a personal God is to abandon Christianity and worship of Jehovah and return to wallow in the styles of Paganism.”

“ o you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General (33rd Degree Masons), we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees: 'The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine.'” - Albert Pike

By the way, another name for Isis is Semiramis, Columbia, Aphrodite, Ishtar, Venus, Mary (queen of heaven) Lady Liberty 🗽

She was the wife of Nimrod, and the obelisk is the symbol they use to represent him. Rome, MARYland now called Washington, District of Isis, err Columbia is a FreeMason Hotspot

As is New York City, all owned by Jewsuits

Prove me wrong!!! A simple google search revealed to me that Washington DC was Jesuit owned land once named Rome, MARYLAND

Luke 8:17 (KJV)

For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither [any thing] hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

God is revealing all of the hidden things and bringing them out into the light.

I’ve been listening to a guy named Dustin Nemos for several years. He has a website called TheSerapeum.com where he breaks down tons of occult knowledge.

He claims that the Jews are really Edomites, who are descendants of the Genesis 6 nephilim, and according to the book of Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees - when one of these nephilim die, they become wandering evil spirits upon the earth. This is what a ghost or a demon is. A dead Jew.

Sounds crazy, so let me explain.

The soul comes from God, and returns to God upon death. However, strange flesh aren’t from God, so their evil spirit will stay on earth, because that is where they were created. According to the Book of Enoch, these spirits roam around and still hunger and thirst, but they can’t eat or drink anything since they’re only spirit. This explains why thy seek to possess things. Apparently they can experience things like eating, drinking, and even sex when they’re possessing a body.

Probably way too deep a topic for a comment on Substack, but I’ll post the link to Dustin’s website, and everyone can go check out his work. He backs up everything he says with lots of evidence.


And while I am at it, I might as well post this link too.

Jew World Order:


And proof they faked the moon landing:


After you realize they lied about the moon landing, suddenly flat earth doesn’t sound so crazy anymore.

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I was wondering what you might have to say about this post:)

I plan to look into the family background of B. Bush some more.

What was Pike referring to here - "...our Principe CrÇateur is identical with the Principe GÇnÇrateur of the Indians and Egyptians..."

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I’m not sure Kyle, but I bet a lot of people out there know.

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A really good and to the point summing up.

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Thank you Duchess.

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You and your readers might find this link to Prussia Gate illuminating, Kyle

https://prussiagate.substack.com/p/table-of-contents https://prussiagate.substack.com/

"Prussia is not a nation with an army, but an army that controls nations", comte de Mirabeau

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I just read the summary. Not sure I agree with all of that, but it's interesting.

Are there any particular articles I should read?

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If you substitute "Khazars" for "Prussians" you might find that it merges more seamlessly.

I found the "1871" series, on finance from 1800s through 20th century on the home page "illuminating", as to who was working the system. https://prussiagate.substack.com/p/1871

If you go to the "Contents" link you will see some of the deeper, older Grimm's Fairly Tales evil stories.

The Urania series of articles is interesting and looks historically at cults of perversion in power and politics: https://prussiagate.substack.com/p/urania-part-i

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Ok. Thanks. I'll look into it.

Just went down a Somerset Bellenoff rabbit hole this morning.

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Hi Kyle,

Something I shared with educator / stats whiz Mathew Crawford is the "miraculous" come-back performance by Celine Dion via "Wings of Pegasus" (down loaded the files in anticipation of their erasure from collective memory.


Wow, did he catch hell for that. But his response was even better.


A Perplexity Pro query verified it as well.

As for the closing ceremony ...


My query to Perplexity Pro ...

Was the Paris Olympics closing ceremony song of "My Way" a live vocal?

Answer ...

"Yseult's performance of "My Way" at the closing ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics was a live vocal performance. She delivered a powerful rendition of the classic song, marking a memorable conclusion to the event,"

My response ...

Not according to the analysis by Wings of Pegasus.

Answer ...

"According to an analysis by Wings of Pegasus, Yseult's performance of "My Way" at the 2024 Paris Olympics closing ceremony was not a live vocal. The analysis suggests that the performance was pre-recorded, similar to Celine Dion's performance at the opening ceremony, which also used a pre-recorded track with pitch correction."

I thought paying good money for Perplexity Pro would be an investment in saving time and energy.

50% chance of being correct?

Caveat emptor.

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I've been watching Wings of Pegasus for a few years. Are you saying you asked PP about the W of P analysis and that PP contradicted itself?

I trust W of P far more than PP. Like all AI, theyre only as smart as the programmer

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Wings all the way.

I was questioning the wisdom of my paying for Perplexity Pro.

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