Aug 17·edited Aug 17Pinned

Reinette Senum has been working with Cal on this issue. I had posed some questions to Reinette about details regarding the geoengineering NoL, but I didn't hear back from her until after I posted this. She said there will be 5 entities targeted by the geoengineering NoL; NASA, FICER, Open Society and NSF. Bill Gates will also be included. I'm recommending the inclusion of the Secretary of Commerce.

I also had a question in to the folks at InPower about what NoL's are available in which countries. I just heard back from them as well. The Information in the post is a little off. Aus. has NoL's for smart meters, jabs and 5G. NZ has NoLs for 5G and smart meters. The UK has NoL's for jabs and smart meters. Canada and the US have NoL's for smart meters, jabs, 5G and geoengineering.

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deletedAug 18
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And I haven't finished reading this, actually, I have to make another run to my storage unit today... Tomorrow is my last day before eviction!! Yaaaaay!!! Why would I CHEER about it? Because as irritating as that is, I'm COOKING in the landlord's fucking ham radio output... I can't wait to escape... See ya soon! I've got two night in a motel from a friend of mine... ^_^

Cheers, I love this post.

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Aug 17Liked by Kyle Young

Wow! When you set out to make it hap’n cap’n you don’t drag your feet! Loved this:”These origins are sometimes referred to as Spiritual jurisdictions, something which the predatory elite ignore at their peril.”

I’m a bit fuzzy on the process after serving papers. And I remember that one important message gleaned from my litigation classes….the hard part comes AFTER you win…collecting/enforcing the win. Any info on that? What if you get thrown in jail for practicing law without…permission? Our moral compass is currently broken. A certain trust in civility is required, right?

But I’m in!

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It's a contract. They get conducted all the time - buying a car, selling a house, hiring someone to paint you house, mow your yard or fix your plumbing. No law degree needed.

If no response comes within the allotted time, the follow up is critical. It may be necessary to file a default notice. It lets the party know that you have not received an answer to the NoL that they are in default, that fees are now accumulating. I'll go into detail about that in another post.

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Coupla things, tho: A contract (US law is pretty much ALL ABOUT contracts.) has to be understood by BOTH parties or obviously, it's unfair and can be argued to be flawed and non-binding, for obvious reasons. I'm not an atty or an expert, but seems to me that "tacit" garbage can be shredded, particularly when it comes to giant companies sticking it to the citizenry. That in mind, I went to the PO to see about getting a mailbox... I've done that before, and you have a CONTRACT... Now I find out that not only do you have to start out with at least three months' worth of payment, and you MUST pay ONLINE, no more cash, and-- here's the kicker-- THE PO CAN CHANGE YOUR CONTRACT ANYTIME THEY WANT, but you can't. This defeats the entire purpose of a CONTRACT, and subjects us to fuckery at whim, ie, punishment for other issues!

THIS COUNTRY'S LAW (US and I'm sure UK and elsewhere) IS pretty much ALL ABOUT CONTRACT LAW. It's HUGE, it's SACRED, and they're undoing it as I write this. I've forgotten the other thing, I'll post a different comment, lol.

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Yes, the tacit contract is easily shredded by NoL's - without the need to hire a pricey lawyer and go to court.

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I wonder if that would work for DEFAMATION by judges being allowed to happen with NO evidence? As in, my brothers LIED about me, copiously, in Family Court back in 2022, and now nobody wants to hire me… I’m hoping that Tues, or Wed, I’ll be in a shelter where I can start to really dig into stuff I need to do… It’s been so crazy… But I want to not only try to deal with my own legal issues, but to FIGHT FOR MY COUNTRY and for the World, somehow, against these Globalist Muffos trying to kill us all… If I thought I could do that, I’d be okay with losing every fucking thing I own… which hasn’t happened… yet!

Cheers, Kyle.

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I don't see why a NoL would not work in that situation. The hard part is crafting it in such a way that it's airtight. That's where Cal's experience comes in handy.

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Perhaps once I get into the shelter and get settled enough to get after it, I could pick his brain... Maybe you could let him know I'll be looking for him in a few days? If you wanna. Otherwise, I'll be back at times... I have two nights, tonight and Monday night, in a motel, a gift from a friend... I have my stupid little laptop, but I can get online with it. I don't have the antennae I used to have for WiFi on my desktop puter, which is unfortunate. Okay, blah blah. ^_^

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Good luck with your transition.

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What state are you in? Going to get cold soon, sure hope you find a more permanent solution.

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me n another are finkin about headin outta heah.

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Aug 18Liked by Kyle Young

Yep! Took my contract law class too!

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I went to paralegal school, but didn't do it as a job. I just wanted to know stuff. ;)


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Aug 18Liked by Kyle Young

I thought so! Me too I’m a paralegal. Where did you go to school? I went to cal state university in Hayward and ConcordI also lived in Shoreline and worked with tax attorneys in Seattle. I think we are sisters with different mothers..or however that saying goes.

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Oh, my dog! I went to SFSU-CEL !! I'm thinking about moving back to the Bay Area, maybe, but not to SF... What a shame what's happened there... But I lived in Alameda for four years before I came to WA, and I loved it there. When I left, tho, the gentrification had just begun. Haven't been back in nine years.

But we ARE sisters with other mothers! ^_^

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Word Herder: I'm looking for a housemate. I live in the east bay area of the SF bay area. My living situation is exceedingly bizarre. I am a victim of directed energy weapons, electronic harassment, vandalism, privacy invasion of every imaginable kind, and more. But I do have a spare bedroom, which I could rent to you for a modest fee. If you think you could endure living in a house which is essentially a torture chamber, I'd be interested in renting the spare bedroom to you.

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You’re kidding, right? Uh, no thanks.

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Word Herder: This is not a joke. I do have a spare bedroom, and I am looking for a housemate. The other stuff I wrote is unfortunately also true.

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Thank you, Kyle. I'll attend/join if I can gather the resources. Trico doesn't have an alternative to smart meters, I've been told. Glad your solar has worked out for you. Kind regards, Joan

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They're lying. They have all the old analogue meters they took out when they put the new smart meters in and they can get new ones from the manufacturers.

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They say that, but I have my doubts... I've seen them for sale online, where you can buy your own.

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It's also important to remember that wired/ power line communication (PLC) meters can be even worse than wireless, as they can create more dirty electricity, kHz frequencies.

Kyle, are you in touch with Arthur regarding his case fighting smart meters in New Mexico?


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No, I haven't talked to Arthur about this, but I'm happy too do so.

I read you post. All of that serves to illustrate how much time and effort gets wasted on pursuing these issues in the wrong manner. It would be much less time consuming, much less energy consuming and much more effective to serve the parties responsible at the top with NoL's. That's not to say that all of those comments and all of the information that you and Arthur have accumulated isn't valuable. It is. It can be used to present a case within NoL's targeted to the correct people.

The procedure would be to acknowledge the existence of a meter contract, state the case for the need to file a new contract - the case being that they did not provide full disclosure about the dangers of the meters - and present them with a new contract in which you either conditionally agree to the meter contract, providing they agree to pay you $50,000 per day, or, give them two weeks to prove the meters are safe. If, at the end of two weeks they have not provided irrefutable proof that meters are safe (they cannot), then according to the NoL contract they will be in default and will be required to pay $50,00 per day (or whatever sum each person wants to claim in their specific NoL) until they provide proof or remedythe situation. Each person would have to file their own NoL.

I guarantee you, if the CEO of the utility company or the head of the NM department of commerce gets NoL's from 500 customers, things will happen.

Regarding analogue replacement meters. I would suggest that in addition to the information I just mentioned above, people filing these NoL's should demand fool-proof shielding for whatever meter they desire, and that this shielding should meet the requirements of hand-held EMF meter readings. I'm sure Arhtur could provide information about that.

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Thank you for explaining all that Kyle. I tried mentioning to Arthur - but he believes NOLs are a waste of time. I think they can work - Cal Washington has had some success in Canada. Any local wins by you?

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I haven't yet had a chance to apply them. Hope to do so soon.

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Hi, RSS. Tell Arthur to read Kyle's page about chem trails, or PSI... He (Arthur) actually told me to "stop being a jerk" when I innocently mentioned it in an email... So I shot him. NO!!! Kidding. He got really rude so I stopped conversing with him. Too bad, he's so good with all the EMF stuff. Anyway, no hard feelings, tell him that, and to stop being a jerk, LOL!

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I also tried conversing with Arthur, but he was quite rude to me as well.

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I fink he’s all in a butthead place, b/c he’s all fudged up from the EMF ings. I yam, too, but not as bad. I hope he can eventually live well, WITH THE REST OF US, when we put a stop to all this radiation fuckery!

Cheers, m’dear. Donut take it personally, he’s a good guy underneath the snotty facade! ha harf

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19Liked by Kyle Young

Back in 1992, we purchased 28 acres in sw NM for us and inlaws for our horse breeding homestead. I planned two meter disconnects down by the highway fence with long heavy gauge 3/0 aluminum buried secondary cabling in 3" PVC conduit, 300' and 400' long, in order to prevent the TNM meter reader from entering the property and accidentally letting horses out on the highway. Little did I know at the time of the impending smart meters that eventually came about within the next 10 years or so, so I/we were lucky that we were distant from all the RF meter radiation, though there may have been residual RF EMFs in the secondary cabling???

Then about 4-5 years ago, a meter technician from PNM (formerly Texas-NM Power - TNM) came around to get rid of those smart meters, as was explained to me, due to lack of factory technical support, and therefore to be replaced by more conventional meters that had the ability to be read with a handheld remote control device from the meter-readers vehicle. As far as I know, that hand-held remote control is still being used by PNM, atleast in this area???

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As it pertains to smart meters, NM is becoming an interesting case. Did you read the link in Romans comment?

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Aug 19Liked by Kyle Young

Yes, and the post from the chicken incubator caught my attention, as he claimed his eggs were killed due to smart meter EMFs in his power line service. It is my understanding that there are basically two methods of conveying the smart meter data; first is WI-FI emanating from the meter pan, and second is meter data flow from the smart-meter to and through the high-tension power line. Though I believe at the time our smart-meter data was being sent via WI-FI, I can't say with any certainty that our own chicken incubating coincided with the smart meter tenure, overlapping at least in part time-wise, though our incubating results were quite successful.

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Was the chicken incubator story one of Romans posts? I just looked back over a year in his archive and didn't see it. Link?

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Kyle Young

Yes, it was in Roman's related Substack article post.

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Aug 17Liked by Kyle Young

thank you

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You are welcome zdb.

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I too watched that film. And Barrie Trowers' talks... And attended "Smart Meter" meetings.

With regard to "NoL": I printed 2 out, attached them to my old legacy meters and sent letters to Fortis BC, with NoL attached. Via Registered Mail.

I ignored Fortis BC notices that they were about to switch me to "advanced meters". Without my consent.

6 months after I did all that:

2 men from Fortis BC came onto my property, in late October (cold) and shut off our power... One was a service worker. The other an attorney...

That happened in 2015. My mother was 82 years old, crying in the yard when they did that.

Needless to say: this forced us to have Fortis BC turn our electricity back on. (The entire house runs on electric.)

I never did have them remove the 'locks on our 40 x 80 shop.

Our "advanced" meter is in "radio off" mode and we pay to have it read manually. (Doesn't stop EMFs... Just puts more money in Fortis' coffers.)


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Sounds like if 6 months went by that there wasn't any follow-up. What was the explanation given for turning off the power?

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Excellent post...

Could you please ask your friend Cal to verify whether the UK, as a 'corporation' has King Charles as its sole top dog?

I refer to this quote within your piece....

"The fact that most countries are corporations certainly helps the cause of the globalists running these schemes. Corporations all have one person sitting at the top, which makes it easy for the globalist predatory elite to conduct business on a worldwide, one on one basis."

I ask because I have been trying to get the police force into court for 5 years & I am either lied to or completely ignored through lack of legal council... It seems I might just be able to use this NoL law to my advantage for my case! (For your reference, I have posted about the circumstances of my grievance to a certain extent within this piece, but there is a lot more involved. https://christinagerrard.substack.com/p/bent-coppers-and-frequency-shit )

Thank you for your information on this subject. very valuable.

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I believe I answered your question about Charles in my previous post.


I'm sorry for the ordeal you have been through. It sounds so typical of what they force us plebeians to go through in the lower courts.

I can't give you legal advice, but I can make some suggestions.

It sounds like your primary beef is with the police. If so, I think a NoL would be effective because the police (city police force I assume) are working in a contractual manner with the city and its population. In most jurisdictions here in the US, the police come under the jurisdiction of the mayor or the city council. All of them are functioning under contractual pretexts. And you have likely been fulfilling your contractual obligation by paying into the system with your taxes. There is your contractual foundation.

So I would suggest putting together a NoL directed at the Mayor (or whoever has jurisdiction over the police) as well as the head of the police department. I can't emphasize how carefully these NoL's have to be crafted. It will take a lot of research. I recommend joining InPower to gain a lot of insight. Ultimately, it will be much cheaper and more effective then lawyers and courts.

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Thank you Kyle... I will join InPower & swat up on what needs to be learned!

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Aug 21Liked by Kyle Young

Thought you might be interested in reading about who the police really work for. And it's not 'we the people'.


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Saw that, but didn't read it all until you included the link here. Thank you.

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Aug 18Liked by Kyle Young

Thank you for this fabulous article, Kyle. I am ever so grateful for your solution oriented research.

I wonder if the Pharmaceutical companies could be held accountable, in some way, by approaching their nefarious activities through pouring their vaccine poisons and chemical wastes into our public water supplies without any public consent.

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Yes they can. The CEO's and board members can be targeted with NoL's that lay out that information.

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Aug 17Liked by Kyle Young

Very interesting - please keep us posted where this will lead to and any updates you may have.

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Will do.

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Hi Kyle.

Interesting information, and I particularly resonate with your insight that "All of you well informed readers know that anytime the term “public-private sector” is bandied about by any government entity, what they are referring to is fascism." Here in Japan, rather than translated into Japanese, it is kept in English and referred to as "Public Private Partnerships" ... but is just another euphemism for Cluster B — fascist skunks, playing their games of thrones at our expense.

But I am wondering. Do you think NoLs or quoting the entire Bible will have any effect on anyone in positions of authority here in Japan, the Far East in general, or the Hindu subcontinent of India? I suspect a more common psychology of human nature is behind all politics and law ... "Speak softly (or with any kind of psyops or lies you can get away with), and carry a big stick."

Cheers buddy!

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Good question. Lex Mercatorial has solid European roots, which means it has solid Biblical roots. However, Lex Mercatorial has been agreed on and practiced by all nations for centuries.

Having said that, there are some similarities among Christianity and Hinduism that might have useful overlaps with NoL's. Buddhism might be another issue.

With the NoL movement just now beginning to spread overseas, I'm wondering if Cal has considered those questions. I'll ask him.

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Deadly EMF's? Maybe you should address the spark plugs in your gas car. Invented by Nikola Tesla. It's part of his system of spark-gap radio. The EMF blasting off your spark plugs can be detecteted for miles. That's why you can finally add EMF supressor wires to your spark plugs. Otherwise, the EMF would distort your radio signal, now doesn't it?

Nikola Tesla (in U.S. patent 609,250 for an ignition timing system, 1898), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spark_plug

The radio signals produced by spark-gap transmitters are electrically "noisy"; they have a wide bandwidth, creating radio frequency interference (RFI) that can disrupt other radio transmissions. This type of radio emission has been prohibited by international law since 1934.[5][6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spark-gap_transmitter

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Electricity has been LONG lied about, because of all the MONEY involved ... It was very, very exciting when people first started discovering what they could do with it... Have you read "The Invisible Rainbow"? It's an eye-opener for sure! And COPIOUS citation... It'll SHOCK you. ha ha , but seriously, it's frightening. I can attest to the harm... I live close to a guy with a ham radio, and it's fricken cookin' me.

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Aug 19Liked by Kyle Young

I've read that book, fascinating. Also mentions one of the causes of 'spanish flu' was all the soldiers driving around in vehicles where previously they had used bikes/horses.

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Noooooo. The cause of the "Spanish Flu" was the fact that it was the first rollout of RADAR. Vast amounts of EMF's. There's NOTHING like what you're talking about in that book "Invisible Rainbow." If we died from driving around in vehicles, we'd all have died a looooooong time ago.

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I kind of got the impression it was because it was a fairly new technology, it affected people, that's all. Cars have electrical components, and we are electrical too. But over time, our bodies adapt. Hence why we haven't all dropped dead a long time. There were also other factors involved in the 'spanish flu', the widespread (and unregulated) use of aspirin, jabs for soldiers etc

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Over time, our bodies MAY adapt, for some low-level sorts of things, but… NOT FOREVER. 5G is just tooo much, and going into the IONOSPHERE now, like they’re doing with satellites (Elon Musk is NOT our friend), is possible death to Earth. This is serious stuff, and we should all be on High Alert, and ready to make changes… ASAP!

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WOW. 😲 Thanks!

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Sep 15Liked by Kyle Young

I haven't read every comment so if this is a repeat question, I apologize. I'm Im wonder if a NOL could be used against the water districts to stop adding un wanted chemicals in our water, ie fluoride, chlorine amongst other's. Btw you have a very great substack page. Lots of well researched interest subjects, and I like the fact that solutions are offered whenever possible. A high number of the pundits today, offer the problem, and only the problem, never speaking of solution. So thank you ag

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The short answer is yes. The longer answer is that most NoL's currently being deployed have a lot of research behind them regarding the specific topic at which they are directed (the issues listed in this post). It would be possible to use one of these NoL's as a template regarding your water situation, but you would have to do a lot of research to make sure all the t's are crossed and the i's are dotted. Then you have to determine who would be the most effective person to file the NoL against.

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Kyle - just so you are aware of it.

I just tried to send this article in an email, via Hotmail, to a Gmail account, and it bounced 2 times.

The 'postmaster' refused to deliver it.

The first time I had the title of the article and the link

It didn't go through.

The second time I deleted the link and wrote instructions on how to Google the name of your site on Substack.

It didn't go through.

So then I went through it and put dashes between the letters for your name, the name of the article and whereever I had written Substack - and hey presto it went through.

A friend of mine on Facebook does this all the time - she spaces the trigger words with dashes and the AI fascist algorithms can't read it.


P.S. you might think about sending NoLs to the head of the NSA, the head of Google, the head of Microsoft and threaten to sue them.

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When I began writing this blog in late 2020 I still had a gmail account. It was in early 2021 when google began using an algorithm to search for key words indicating antivaxx positions. That was when I began to find myself being censored across the internet. I dropped gmail like a hot potato.

I knew about facebook stealing personal information early on so I've never used it.

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After I wrote my first (and last) viral article on Substack, which was shared in multiple pages on Facebook, a great story about an Australian copper that quit and spoke out about the COVID-dictatorship, all my contacts crashed in censorship, and have been shadow banned since - Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and Substack. Stuck in a cyber-canyon here!

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Thank you for this information. I have known about NoLs for many years. Soon after the "smart" meter was installed on our home, we had solar panels installed and of course that system is tied in with the meter. I feel like filing a NoL will put us in a strange position with regard to our solar loan agreement and our ability to utilize solar power, which is why I haven't already filed one.

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I have a friend here who had had grid-tied solar system installed and she regretted it from day one. I realize these solar systems vary from one utility company to the next. You may be a candidate for filing a NoL due to lack of full disclosure by the utility company. If you own the panels, inverter, voltage regulator and the other solar hardware, I wouldn't hesitate to file NoL. If not...

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We're on a long-term loan agreement for the solar system. However, we will be in a position to pay it off, very soon. I don't know how Ron would feel about doing that just to file the NoL.

I don't totally regret the grid-tied solar, as it has put us in a much better economic position with regard to our home (and parked RV) power costs for the past five years. As you know, energy costs — like everything else in California — are through the roof (pun intended). And, in the end, if the system of systems collapses, we will be able to rewire the panels off-grid, haha.

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Sounds like you understand you position very well. Good luck.

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Thanks, Kyle. Good solid knowledge and a little good luck are a great combo.

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I am seriously considering moving to somewhere north of here, cooler, less populated. You're in Arivaca. I'm in Avra Valley, 11 miles w of I-10, to give you an idea of where I live. I'd like to go completely off-grid, find someone who's looking for someone to move onto and share a property that's somewhat established - or not. The NoL class will be great for reasons aside from util companies - thinking medical, mask mandates, etc. I don't doubt you are right, though. If I change my mind and decide to stay here, I'd mos def take the meter issue on, as well as secure the land patent, even though I'm on an acre and a half.

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My inclination is to head south, but that may never happen. I've been here so long, I know the landscape and habitat really well and I've become good at keeping large gardens and livestock here. I can be content where I am if an opportunity to go south never manifests.

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