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I've had this conversation before with flat earthers. I always ask them to explain why it is that when standing on the beach watching a big ship sail away the ship slowly disappears over the horizon until only the top part of the ship is visible... then that also disappears? Or why it is that when driving west across the flat eastern plains of Colorado that the tops of the Rockies come into view first? Then the lower portions of the mountains come into view as they get closer?

As for the Bible references... there are numerous interpretations about that. Yours is but one of them.

As for rockets... a friend and I were model rocket enthusiasts as a kids. We shot a lot of 1' to 3' rockets off. Watching the rockets launch from Cape Canaveral was always a big thrill. The cameras onboard high flying jets that tracked the rocket as it entered space was equally thrilling. Today, the fact that many people now use Musks Star Link for internet access - like those in Lahaina whose local internet service was destroyed by the fire - is highly compelling evidence for the use of satellites.

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Once you figure out this last thing Kyle, you’re going to be a dangerous man to the demons in charge!

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I would be glad to send you information that would challenge your position, but you would still have to research the matter for yourself.

Without a heliocentric perspective, they would have never been able to convince humanity into believing in aliens from outer space. So they’ve been working hard for hundreds of years to perpetuate that lie.

Organizations like NASA, are full of Freemasons who are bound to an oath to keep silent upon penalty of death. This doesn’t mean that everybody who works for NASA is in on it, as most people are merely doing their jobs. However, I find it strange that organizations like this, the military, for example, always departmentalize. Nobody knows what the other departments are doing and security access is needed for everyone and everything.

This is by far the best way to keep things secret and only those at the top know the bigger picture. Of course, those at the top always seem to be the same demons in charge.

I have spent several years researching this topic and seen mountains of evidence to support my position, including NASA zone, top-secret documents that were released with freedom of information request that clearly shows that all of their mathematical equations are based on a flat non-rotating earth. I’ve seen video footage of Buzz Aldrin, admitting that they never went to the moon. I’ve seen plenty of footage where NASA astronauts will admit they cannot leave low earth orbit because they do not have the technology.

They are tons of pilots that keep their mouth shut in order to preserve their careers, but privately they will all tell you that they fly straight and level once they achieve elevation, and that they personally believe the world is flat.

The entire topic seems like foolishness, until you start trying to prove that the Earth is a globe.

Since you can think for yourself, and since you seek truth, regardless of how painful it might be, you are the perfect person to research this topic.

And since you clearly have the ability to communicate effectively to a large audience, that makes you even more dangerous...to the globalists.

Google’s algorithms will steer you towards the information that they want you to read, so if you research this topic do a deep dive.

once you realize the truth about this, your perspective on everything completely changes.

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This is called “A funny thing happened on the way to the moon” - and it’s the first time I had really ever questioned the idea of a fake moon landing.

Then I realized that the Bible said that the sun and moon are lights in the firmament. Nothing more.

Then I realized that moon light is cold 🥶, the exact opposite of sun light. I proved this myself by taking a laser temperature of the shade at night and then a moonlit area. The ground where the moonlight was shining was almost 10 degrees colder than the darkness in the shaded landscape.

The implications for this are enormous. We are told that the moon reflects the suns light. This clearly makes no sense.

People are so distracted and dumbed down these days, that they never stop to ponder 🤔 about any of these things.

Once you realize the moon landing was a hoax, and NASA can’t leave low earth orbit, then God’s Word starts becoming even more realistic!

Then you start questioning why they would lie about something like that, and eventually you end up finding out the truth about everything else. It’s a journey, but only people who seek truth will ever find it.

That video above is a good start. I’ve got a library full of good content for those who are interested.

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I found this video today, and wanted to post it just for you, Kyle.

I would appreciate your feedback. I promise the info in this video isn’t something you’ve ever heard before, and it will probably spark a 🔥 within you.


Watch the video at the above link.

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