The perps are also using the old method of creating the crisis that they later offer to solve. There are many examples of this, but in this case, I am expecting US/Chinese/Russian-made "UFOs" (the three are actually allies to bring about Agenda 2030) with a few holographic images, perhaps some dirty bombs and EMPs, creating the illusion of an "alien attack" (so that "humanity must work together" under a one-world government), perhaps spiced up with WW3 on TV.

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Unfortunately, I think your potential scenario is a very good possibility.

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Reinette Senum´s Foghorn Express on substack has an interview that shows evidence that at the exact time when the 3 fires started in Maui, a Chinese satellite was directly overhead. Check it out, its pretty compelling evidence. The US is spoiling for war with China, in order to stop investigations by declaring martial law. Truly its globalists against the rest of us, not country vs country anymore.

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As I pointed out in the post, the chance that the damage we see in Lahaina was done by space based DEW's is slim to none. Those satellites are designed to measure air particulates (pollution) and do topographical mapping.

Having said that, I can't rule out that they might have been collaborating with the perps to generate intel for the Maui fire op.

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The moments where the satellites were overhead could have been chosen for that reason. I could imagine it is a satisfying challenge to master. And that would be an adequate exercise for the space force. With new missiles, you can just let them drop into the water. There it's no question that the destruction part works. With this newer kind of tech, you still need to test them on real life targets to see if the destruction works as expected, or if no real expectations, to find out what they actually do. Hence the barring of the experiment site with the black "dust fence". But the fact that the satellites were there tells me nothing about whether it was China.

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I agree with all of that. Although as I pointed out, China certainly has the capability. But as I also pointed out, due to blossoming, I don't think these were fired from space. More likely from planes or the DEW facilities on Maui.

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So then it would be a false flag. Making people "connect the dots" that you provide for them to connect. Heather Heying once said that on Dark Horse podcast. That their method is all the time, providing dots for us to connect to generate the picture that they want us to see, to reach the conclusions they want us to come to, all the while feeling proud how smart we were to figure out something that they however had wanted us to "figure out "all along. Weaponizing pattern recognition? (ok it's not new, Chomsky, Mausfeld). But what's concerning, is that with Lahaina, they could have been practicing being able to provoke war in the sense of triggering NATO article 5 by false flag in a bigger way than such things have been done or attempted in the past. Btw - you mention that humidity makes it difficult for the laser to not lose too much energy to blossoming. And that the air in Maui is always very humid. Someone also mentioned that due to the high air humidity they had difficulty believing that a natural fire could have been so devastating. I don't know if air humidity can negatively affect the kindling and the sustainment of a natural fire. But the talk about humidity reminds me that Dr Judy Wood (" Where did the towers go") pointed out that around the time of the fall of the twin towers, so, already before, there had been a marked change in barometric/atmospheric pressure and also in humidity. Atmospheric pressure dropped, and the air became much drier in a very short timeframe (but that was an anomaly because normally with dropping pressure, humidity would increase if I got this right). Air became much drier within six hours or so, at a rate of 9% per hour which supposedly is not normal. It would be interesting to know if air became drier also in Lahaina. Then you might have had less blossoming too? Dr Wood seems to have thought that in NY, DEW had been used. Actually she said that the evidence pointed to that. I think she thought HAARP might have been involved. She said the people jumping, and the people in the windows seen undressing, might have done so to escape or mitigate microwave heat.

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As to connecting dots, I believe that's part of the game plan. Some will get it right, others will not. The total effect is confusion, which may also be part of the game plan.

The drying out of the air would go to what I mentioned in the post that other weapons may have been used to clear a path for the primary HPM. Wood was well ahead of most but a lot more info has been gleaned since her early work. I would speculate that HARP may have been used to clear the air and then HPM's followed. I believe she was the one who pointed to the cars near the towers - but not close enough to catch fire - that had been burned to toast just as on Maui. That certainly would indicate the use of HPM's.

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Wow Kyle THIS is an amazing piece you've written and provided links for!

Thank you.

Silly me, working towards Russian, Linguistic and Music degrees when I could have had a

"Ph.D. in nonlinear and nonequilibrium phonon dynamics of rare earth doped fluoride crystals".

(Disclaimer, after the better part of a century on the planet I am still proudly Undegreed.)

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As always, thank you Jill.

After reading about Dr. Kirkpatrick, so am I.

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Sep 27, 2023
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As this relates to DEW's, does that explain why certain colors are unaffected and why certain things are burned and others are not? How does wave form an frequency play into this?

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Sep 27, 2023
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I agree with your last assessment. That's what Neuro Strike appears to be.

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Thank you for the clarification JustAnotherOpinion.

The farthest I've gotten with my very rudimentary understanding of quantum mechanics, has been trying to understand Bohr's complimentary principle, which goes beyond Heisenbergs's uncertainty (and causality) principle, proving a thing could either be, or have, two contradictory properties. And tying that to Bell's theorem of two entangled electrons continuing to operate as one, simultaneously when separated by vast distances.

I had always prayed we'd have our "ESP" developed before we became enslaved to artificial technology supposedly providing it, ie cell phones etc.

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Kyle, This is feeding into the "be afraid, be very afraid" atmosphere that allows the predatory elite to parasitize and control the 99%. As a child it was duck and cover because the Russians are coming. There were Communists controlling the govt. There is a world wide Muslim terrorism conspiracy. There is a universally deadly Chinese created novel virus.

It is not money that the .00001% are after. It is control. They can and do create almost unlimited amounts of money digitally through their privately held banks and central banks. True wealth lies in labor, land and mineral resources especially water. Those are only available if the 99% and their countries are impoverished and in debt. A prosperous 99% is not likely to sell their property or labor cheaply. A prosperous 99% is more likely to rise up and take power, the greatest nightmare of the billionaire class.

I had a pizzeria in Livermore, CA frequented by staff fr0m the Rad Lab when they were supposedly developing the Strategic Defense Initiative promoted by Teller and funded by Reagan. At The Rad Lab's 25th anniversary, I was invited to an open house. What I saw was astounding. Remember that was the year of Star Wars. The real thing made Star Wars prosaic. One of their projects was laser fusion. The lasers they developed were impressive, but they could be easily defeated. The way they are depicted is like an electronic machine gun. In reality they are like a muzzle loader. The energy required to produce one highly energetic pulse requires the night time excess energy in the surrounding grid to be stored in an underground vault of capacitors. One shot and it takes another 24-48 hours to reload. There is little chance to have such a system in space. The ruling elite are not interested in the reality. They are interested in taking money away from projects that might actually help the people and environment. This article only feeds the fear that is necessary to promote such "theft from the people" as Eisenhower said. That said; I live purposefully where there is little cell phone signal and connect to the internet through fiber optic and sleep inside a Faraday Cage of my own construction so my body can repair at night.

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I agree that power is the ultimate goal. I've written often about that here.

I mostly agree with your comments about wealth, although I would add that there is more than physical wealth: health is wealth, knowledge is wealth and spiritual satiety is also wealth. To gain all these types of wealth (what we both mentioned) we need to be informed.

During Reagan you learned about some of what I wrote in this post. It sounds like you've learned more since then because you have taken steps to protect yourself. You did so because you got informed. That's my goal here. I'm not fear mongering to sell profitable new covid jabs and cull the population as with the supposed new covid variant. I'm passing along information that may save peoples lives down the road.

I would say that because the forces that impose these agendas upon us are so dark, you are right, learning about them is not a bed of roses.

As for the technology to run these weapons, much has changed since Reagan

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I agree Kyle, There is health which is mostly under the control of the billionaire class. They fund and control medical schools. They are in control of industrial agriculture. They of course, eat only biodynamic produced and prepared food. Charles and the rest travel with their own chef. Knowledge is controlled by the billionaire class through university and foundation funding and direction. All will collapse. We just don't know when. Perhaps a Carrington Event will strike and take it all down soon. SpaceX lost 40+ sattelites to a mild solar storm 18 mos. ago. Poor Elon. Mathematically it is impossible to continue on this course, but the .00001% do not care. They have their self sustainable estates in the Southern Hemisphere manned by large cohorts of well trained staff and protected by US trained Navy Seal mercenaries. We do not know where these havens are for they are afraid of pitchforks at their gates.

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Are we sure Elon's satellites a) were indeed lost; b) were lost to a solar storm as opposed to lost either due to a little altercation with fellow space colonizers, or die to experiments?

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I am not sure of anything. Heisenberg taught that. The physics of solar storms suggests that the energy upon the upper atmosphere compressed it enough to increase friction and drag to slow the sattelites down enough to bring them out of orbit. Your suggestions are also possible , but require speculation. The physics that I mentioned are measurable. In any case Elon is backed by the limitless pockets of the US state. He did not lose a penny.

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Makes me wonder what kind of insurance he has on them?

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Musk, in my opinion, is a CIA asset, just like Zuckerberg.

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Yup. One cannot shoot rockets into space, put 40,000 satellites into orbit and make neural link tech without being a cia asset.

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Nice collection, Kyle; I'm recommending it here, along with another of your articles:


Still, I have a question:

If metal shielding works, why were the cars melted in Maui?

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As I tried to make clear in the post, the metal shields I described are only effective against the low power antipersonnel weapons. What was used on Maui was a completely different animal.

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He mentioned in the article that such shielding only works on fairly weak microwave radiation that comes from an oven or similar. You put something metal INSIDE a microwave and it heats up to glowing!

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Thank you. I knew I must have missed something.

Strangely, I have seen recommendations that seven layers of aluminum foil are needed even for shielding "smart" meters.

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Different frequencies require different types of shielding.

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Apparently, against military lasers (which are supposed to be the most powerful types) houses with a specific hue of blue were spared, too...

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Blue is the new orange.

It's called UN blue. It's the same color as the UN flag. uhmmm

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- Georgia comes up a lot lately. That's where the Guidestones were, right? And where the plantations were before that?

- the guy in Space Force who spent time at Illinois university "investigating laser-induced molecular vibrations of high explosives" - the series of blasts that were allegedly heard during the event in Lahaina?

- blue because of the ocean: the first meaningful explanation I hear, given how extremely close to the waterfront the presumed target was (Front Street)

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True, too many questions, too few answers.

Georgia has a long history of corruption.

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Thanks for a well done post Kyle.

I've been collecting info, and trying to download YouTube videos before they are disappeared, in anticipating writing some posts about the fire. Because of my personal experience working as a fire fighter for the U.S. Forest Service in my younger days, I suspected some odd glitches in the narrative-matrix from the beginning, but I have family and and at least one acquaintance who have decided from the beginning that the fires were most likely natural accidents, and the legal system would eventually uncover incompetence. I, on the other hand, am thoroughly black-pilled and suspect all corporate nation-states as guilty until proven innocent.

I am thinking of organizing three posts around 'means, motive, and opportunity' for the deliberate destruction of Lahaina by the Cluster B personality types within the corporate nation-state, backed by globalist totalitarians ... and you have provided a BIG chunk of the means.

Just a couple of days ago, I found the home-made microwave links you posted, as well as a couple of others by younger guys working on garage projects, one of whom made a microwave gun that could take down a drone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C028XyT7pIM, and another frying things through the infrared spectrum ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aa_tCzIMJjE.

If home made garage projects from 5 years ago could do this, I shudder to think what DARPA, Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon ... and even darker deep state actors have hidden from the public. I saw a hint of that by just listening to a Rumble podcast posted by substack writer Conspiracy Sarah (the 2nd video about HAARP) ... https://conspiracysarah.substack.com/p/predictive-programming.

Thanks again for the good leg work. Because of Sasha Latypova's influence and integrity, I am going to find an appropriate place in comments to one of her podcasts to post a direct link to your post. It deserves a bigger audience, and the situation demands a reckoning and support for the people of Lahaina. Reminds me of the expansionist Wild West where native American villages were burned to the ground for greed.

Cheers from Japan.


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Good luck with the new posts. You're welcome to use any information I've written about as long as you let people know where you got that info.

Sasha has occasionally read and liked my posts, but her 'stack has been exploding recently. I'm not sure she would see it in comments.

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Of course the big problem with all of this is that most of it is being kept totally secret.

I can't stand the intellectual ambivalence that comes with guessing, so I have searched out resources that attempt to expose secrets in various ways.

The most basic "secret" that most overlook is the forced reincarnation that occurs on Earth along with its various ramifications. This started with the discovery of ways to validate past life memories. Then, as those memories were delved into deeper, a whole off-Earth history of the "human" spirit was assembled.

The next set of resources were a bunch of people who claimed to be involved one way or another in the secret space program. One version of this story comes from Sean David Morton, based, he says, on a pile of diaries that was bequeathed to him by a mysterious person he calls "Ted Humphrey" in his novelized versions of the story. This version includes the murder of JFK in order to keep the program secret and funded. It also includes real support from President Ronald Reagan.

There are several other people who have claimed to be involved in various ways. One old guy who was a scientist-engineer has already died. Another guy, Corey Goode, has an interesting story but has recently gotten into New Age stuff and seems somewhat pushed out of the inner circle.

My best recent source has been Courtney Brown's group Farsight. He has confirmed the existence of ETs, some more dangerous than others. The ETs have seriously dangerous weapons, though they are not supposed to use them here. Sean David Morton reports an earlier threat that we diverted with reverse-engineered ET technology. But this story has not been verified. Courtney has demonstrated the existence of massive government cover ups as well as more ancient ones that go all the way back to the extinction of the dinosaurs and the resurrection of Christ. Definitely a cultural disruptor!

The technical details of your revelations may well be accurate. But I wouldn't sell out our Space Force as totally useless. The massive cover-ups around this, NASA, UFOs and domestic disasters like 9/11 are incredibly alarming. Taken as a whole, they paint a picture that even most who want more disclosure have not fully imagined. Other than my teacher, whose research stopped when he died in 1986, Courtney has provided the most broad-spectrum view of what is going on. I think more should look into his work.

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I'm familiar with some of the sources you mentioned. You may recall me telling you some time ago that I've looked into much of this. Events have conspired to bring me closer to writing more about these topics. But I feel it's important to first flesh out some of the more obvious things for several reasons. First because they are responsible for so much of the pain and suffering we see now on planet earth - the dew caused fires on Maui provide a good example. Secondly, I feel they lay the ground work for the kinds of things your talking about.

In his comment here Ray touches on something I alluded to in the post that I believe has some merit.

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While it goes without saying that some of these recent fire events look like they were caused by "energy weapons" (or "ray guns"), since it looks like all parties involved have some form of these weapons, the big question is who deployed them and why.

People like Mike Adams think the "globalists" are just trying to kill most of us to make the planet more manageable. But others think this involves some sort of sordid PR maneuvering to make certain parties look bad, thus pushing public opinion into the hands of certain other parties. Others surmise that commotion and upset is simply "good for business." My only point is that none of these theories are very well-informed. It could all be understood better if we could see the bigger picture more clearly.

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While the fact that culling is happening, massive profits are being made and certain parties are being smeared is all undeniable, I agree that the deeper agenda is much bigger and much darker. These things always seem to have multiple layers of purpose.

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According to people like Alison McDowell, the aim is a tokenised economy based on the Internet of Things, using AI and the blockchain. She answered a question about population reduction after a video...


1. Do you think they plan to reduce the population so there won't be so many of us in their "game". 2. Do you think there will be enough energy to run this "4th industrial revolution" as cheap oil seems to be in the past?

Reply by Alison McDowell

"It's a bio-hybrid intelligence - it NEEDs humans for their soul and creativity to interact with the digital protocol layer. We have value to the system - so no, as I see it the narrative around mass death is misplaced and intended to install fear and misdirect people from what is coming in terms of sociotechnical and cyberphysical systems. Also, the peak oil narrative as well as limits to growth date to the 1950s and 1970s and have always been embedded in a Malthusian technocracy context. Their version of sustainability and the circular economy is cybernetics. They are already ramping up their pitches for next-gen nuclear, which will be electric / circuits to facilitate biocomputation".


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Since having lunch with Alison at a conference several years ago I've had some online interactions with her. The last one left a bad taste in my mouth. Like her, I could burn up a lot of words... in this case, discussing why I disagree with much of what she says (but not everything). But at the end of the day, that doesn't accomplish much.

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Thank you for replying. Interesting. I can understand why she can upset people with maybe an impatient response to even questioning her words but if you disagree with most of her fundamental assessment of where we are heading/being led , I would be interested in knowing a little more. She does seem to be mostly alone in her analysis, which doesn't make her wrong. Is it her personal manner that gets you as well as her views?

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On some fundamentals, we're not that far apart. On much else, we are.

She's not afraid to say what she thinks about other people and their views. I prefer to take the high ground.

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Thanks, Kyle. This was helpful information. One question:

Since our bodies are made up of mostly water, wouldn't draping with a wet blanket *exacerbate* the microwave effect rather than deflect the DEWs?

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It's a matter of frequency. As I tried to make clear in the post, the towel thing is only useful against the lower frequency crowd control weapons. It would have been little help on Maui.

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Thanks, Kyle. I must have missed the point about frequency levels.

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There is no doubt that this WWIII, the war against humanity is in full force and the weapons are coming from the sky. Global Research carried this article about the earthquake in Morocco. It confirms another suspicion I had about all the UFO crap that they are trying to sell us. They are preemptively trying to cover their evil with lies that it comes from UFOs instead of from the Empire.

Mystery ‘Blue Lights’ Flash in Sky Moments Before Horror Morocco Earthquake that Killed More Than 2,000

Juliana Cruz Lima, September 12, 2023

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I found the article you were referring to. It mostly refers to a video done by one of my investigative journalism heroes, Greg Reese. For once I seem to have gotten ahead of a story nearly two weeks before Reese. Or maybe he reads my 'stack. Whatever the case, I'm glad he has decided to cover this as well.

The time it takes conspiracy theories to become facts keeps shrinking. I look forward to the day when those of us who write about these issues overwhelm the bought and paid for legacy media. That shrinking window means we're getting ever closer to that day.

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The origin of climate fear along with pandemics and health being used to control, is discussed in this interview. https://youtu.be/eeZnNzU9KZU?si=k9HclZVcWwsBi6wR

It may go back further than this but nevertheless gives a useful background to the current foundations and some of the characters strutting the world stage.

They now plan to use AI technology on the blockchain to put us in to digital open prisons. Hence "Smart Cities" etc.

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Thanks for the link. I'll try and watch all 2 hours of it when I have time.

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Thanks for sharing another great piece with all of us, Krofter. You certainly are to be commended for your work.

I admire and respect you greatly, but I need to toss out my personal opinions anyway, and hopefully get your thoughts on them.

After realizing that the Earth is indeed flat, and there is a firmament above us according to the Bible, I am no longer under the impression that outer space even exists.

Nothing is orbiting above us, rather satellites are floating with the help of the balloons that are full of helium and holding them up.

You are great at doing research, surely you can find out that NASA is the largest purchaser of helium nationally and perhaps internationally. There is also footage online of them launching satellites with balloons.

There is also footage of the same satellites crashing with the same balloons, still attached to the satellite.

We all know that NASA is a free masonic organization founded by Nazis like Werner von Braun, and they are continually busted lying and deceiving the world with Hollywood style special effects.

There is a Hollywood style space station underneath an Olympic sized pool that NASA claims that they use to train their astronauts yet in all of the space station footage there are shots of bubbles that can be seen floating upwards.

I’ve heard that the very word NASA means “to deceive”

And the red vector, and the symbolism represents the forked tongue of a serpent.

Interestingly, enough every space program internationally has one of those red vector symbols in their symbolism.

If I took the time, I could provide a long list of videos that clearly show that the moon landing was a hoax that NASA are liars and deceivers, and that there are no satellites rotating around the earths orbit without the assistance of these helium balloons 🎈

The exact same balloons that they were claiming were Chinese spying balloons, and that they shot down a few months ago over the USA.

The Bible says there is water above the firmament, and it never says anything about outer space.

If anything, what we perceive as outer space is actually outer ocean, a huge body of water with celestial beings, a.k.a. stars shining through the water. This would explain why stars glimmer.

If you get away from the CGI fake star and planet photos, and actually look at real photos or videos of stars in the night sky, they look like lights that are glimmering in water.

It is my position that outer space does not exist, and I base that squarely on the Bible, because it does not say there is a vacuum of space above us, it says there is water above the firmament.

There are also scientific experiments that I have seen that completely shatter, fuel combustion engines and gasoline or even oxygen burning fuel in an outer space environment. A.k.a. no air environment.

Rocket fuel would not ignite in outer space, and that alone is proof that the moon landing was indeed a hoax and a fake.

I realize this topic alone deserves it own articles, but I am merely pointing out the one part of your article that I do not agree with.

I realize this position is probably in the minority and fully expect staunch criticism by everybody who reads it, but I don’t care🤷‍♂️.

The majority is always wrong anyway.

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I've had this conversation before with flat earthers. I always ask them to explain why it is that when standing on the beach watching a big ship sail away the ship slowly disappears over the horizon until only the top part of the ship is visible... then that also disappears? Or why it is that when driving west across the flat eastern plains of Colorado that the tops of the Rockies come into view first? Then the lower portions of the mountains come into view as they get closer?

As for the Bible references... there are numerous interpretations about that. Yours is but one of them.

As for rockets... a friend and I were model rocket enthusiasts as a kids. We shot a lot of 1' to 3' rockets off. Watching the rockets launch from Cape Canaveral was always a big thrill. The cameras onboard high flying jets that tracked the rocket as it entered space was equally thrilling. Today, the fact that many people now use Musks Star Link for internet access - like those in Lahaina whose local internet service was destroyed by the fire - is highly compelling evidence for the use of satellites.

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Once you figure out this last thing Kyle, you’re going to be a dangerous man to the demons in charge!

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I would be glad to send you information that would challenge your position, but you would still have to research the matter for yourself.

Without a heliocentric perspective, they would have never been able to convince humanity into believing in aliens from outer space. So they’ve been working hard for hundreds of years to perpetuate that lie.

Organizations like NASA, are full of Freemasons who are bound to an oath to keep silent upon penalty of death. This doesn’t mean that everybody who works for NASA is in on it, as most people are merely doing their jobs. However, I find it strange that organizations like this, the military, for example, always departmentalize. Nobody knows what the other departments are doing and security access is needed for everyone and everything.

This is by far the best way to keep things secret and only those at the top know the bigger picture. Of course, those at the top always seem to be the same demons in charge.

I have spent several years researching this topic and seen mountains of evidence to support my position, including NASA zone, top-secret documents that were released with freedom of information request that clearly shows that all of their mathematical equations are based on a flat non-rotating earth. I’ve seen video footage of Buzz Aldrin, admitting that they never went to the moon. I’ve seen plenty of footage where NASA astronauts will admit they cannot leave low earth orbit because they do not have the technology.

They are tons of pilots that keep their mouth shut in order to preserve their careers, but privately they will all tell you that they fly straight and level once they achieve elevation, and that they personally believe the world is flat.

The entire topic seems like foolishness, until you start trying to prove that the Earth is a globe.

Since you can think for yourself, and since you seek truth, regardless of how painful it might be, you are the perfect person to research this topic.

And since you clearly have the ability to communicate effectively to a large audience, that makes you even more dangerous...to the globalists.

Google’s algorithms will steer you towards the information that they want you to read, so if you research this topic do a deep dive.

once you realize the truth about this, your perspective on everything completely changes.

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This is called “A funny thing happened on the way to the moon” - and it’s the first time I had really ever questioned the idea of a fake moon landing.

Then I realized that the Bible said that the sun and moon are lights in the firmament. Nothing more.

Then I realized that moon light is cold 🥶, the exact opposite of sun light. I proved this myself by taking a laser temperature of the shade at night and then a moonlit area. The ground where the moonlight was shining was almost 10 degrees colder than the darkness in the shaded landscape.

The implications for this are enormous. We are told that the moon reflects the suns light. This clearly makes no sense.

People are so distracted and dumbed down these days, that they never stop to ponder 🤔 about any of these things.

Once you realize the moon landing was a hoax, and NASA can’t leave low earth orbit, then God’s Word starts becoming even more realistic!

Then you start questioning why they would lie about something like that, and eventually you end up finding out the truth about everything else. It’s a journey, but only people who seek truth will ever find it.

That video above is a good start. I’ve got a library full of good content for those who are interested.

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I found this video today, and wanted to post it just for you, Kyle.

I would appreciate your feedback. I promise the info in this video isn’t something you’ve ever heard before, and it will probably spark a 🔥 within you.


Watch the video at the above link.

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