
"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is that good people do nothing." John Kennedy said that and attributed it to Edmund Burke.

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This is heartbreaking. So many families suffering. Forcing the jabs to anyone is in violation of your human rights. I really worry for the people who have been vaxxed around the world as well as the people I know, family and friends. What effect it is going to have on them a year from now or further down the line. It is a worrying time

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Kyle, thank you for all you do. Your work is much appreciated.

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How and where can I find when protests are happening in Phoenix area? I refuse to go on most social media networks due to censoring but if there is a place anyone knows please share.

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My daughter who is a nursing student just told me she got an email about the jabs being mandatory in her school. Poor kid is aware of all the dangers the jab holds, yet feels she has no choice by comply since its her last semester. I am loosing my mind because I feel powerless to do anything.

Will be loosing my nursing job soon as well...What a nightmare we live in friends!

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Glad to read your article. My daughter just graduated from college and was hired as a teacher. She received an email saying they're having a meeting soon and it looks like masks will be required again but not vaccines. Local pediatricians have been sending letters to our school officials and politicians saying masking is best.

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I'm impressed by this article! You are being a real journalist! The stories of injured children are indeed tragic. No parent wants to make a mistake like that!

Cowan and Kaufman are getting a lot of attention right now! Their ideas are quite popular.

But here is the way I see it:

They are saying viruses (as disease vectors) have never been isolated and thus quite possibly do not even exist as disease vectors. They say that viruses and some bacteria, though often showing up at "the scene of the crime" are NOT the real criminals. They posit, for example, that it might well have been DDT that caused polio, not a virus.

This might all be true, but the fact remains that SOMETHING in the environment triggers disease. DDT is an organic chemical. And a virus is an organic particle. So why couldn't some viruses poison humans just like DDT does?

What I value about Cowan and Kaufman is that they are challenging the medical status quo. Medicine has barely scraped the surface concerning factors that can lead to disease. And medicine seems perfectly content to sell drugs that don't work instead of finding out what really will work. That's lazy and that's wrong. The medical establishment needs to be shaken up!

These biologicals that show up in the tissues of people who get sick might or might not be causing those sicknesses. But if we base our whole system of healing on the idea that all we need to do is delete the offending biological particles from the body, then we are little better than children playing in a sandbox.

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Hi Kyle. Was that the protest at Banner yesterday (8/14/21)? We were out of town and couldn't make it over. We too hear heartbreaking stories and also suffer bullying from co-workers & family. My boyfriend has a list of workers injured over at his office. He's always hoping they report on the VAERS site. However, we really know no one who has even heard of VAERS and that you can report and injury or a loved one dying after injection. Hoping we can catch another rally here in the old Pueblo. This newsletter is a life-line. Thank you~

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Living in Ca, Its like a night mare when I go out the employed I get required to mask, then I discover some of them letting slip that they been vaxxed and I am like WTH theses folks have no clue how their body works I was 1 of them. 1st defense against virus is breathing fresh air followed by the exhale which is just as important, followed by diet and supplements if needed. Then theirs the customer going on the honor system if you been good(vaxxed) you do not need to mask. This is what makes me want to scream its seems like a small badge of honor to them I am masked and smart enough not to vax I just wear this chain link fence (mask) so I do not get the virus. So yes please post these stories you will hopefully receive, I get the feeling the vaxxex % maybe 40% and folks are opening their eyes. Funny the business world I was engrossed in had a term garbage in garbage out its the same for our bodies we live in a sea of madness.

God speed Kyle (I too find myself wiping a tear from my eye)

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Kyle,aka, SH, meet Addison aka,MH...


Addison Reeves is a lawyer, political scientist, philosopher, and civil rights and civil liberties advocate based in New York. Addison critiques modern culture from a radical, leftist perspective at ModernHeretic.com

off-guardian.org /2021/08/07/its-just-why-i-wont-submit/

“It’s just…” – Why I Won’t Submit 8/7/2021Addison Reeves

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