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Before diving into the following stories, I want to take a moment to let all of you fine heretics know about an upcoming conference that can be attended online or in person. It’s called the True Healing Conference and its being hosted by a couple of gentlemen that I’ve quoted and talked about numerous times in articles here, Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Andrew Kaufman. These two doctors will be joined by 14 other cutting edge doctors, nutritionists and well informed influencers. If you want to know how medicine was practiced before big pharma took over, if you want to know where medicine is headed after we beat down the charlatans who are currently imposing medical tyranny upon us, you’ll want to attend this event. Go here to get all the details.
Yesterday morning, when I would normally be finishing up the post you would have received mid-day Saturday, I was in Tucson participating a vaccine protest. Hence, the lateness of this post.
Here’s what’s happening in my neck of the woods. The board of supervisors for Pima County have decided to go against the recent bill written by the Arizona state legislature and signed into law by Governor Duesey that prohibits any mask mandates, social distancing mandates, lockdown mandates or vaccine mandates. The county board of supervisors, in their self righteous indignation, are looking to pass a county-wide mandate requiring all licensed health care workers, their staff and employees to get the covid jabs.
Nurses and other health care workers organized a protest against this mandate, so I attended to support all of those who refuse to get the jabs - many of whom have first hand accounts of the damage being done by the shots (some of those stories follow). These people are now putting their jobs and the security of their families on the line because they know what’s really happening to those who get jabbed.
There have been several other protests, but this one was the largest so far. Not huge when compared to that massive crowds numbering in the millions that have been protesting in Europe, but the largest so far in Tucson - maybe 5,000 people.
In one of the strange twists that can occur in this age of the internet, I have more subscribers in the UK than I do in my county seat of Tucson. So my thought was to pass out some cards to locals and let them know about this blog. As can happen with best laid plans, something entirely different occurred, the impact of which didn’t hit me until the drive home. I’ve completely abandoned the post I had nearly ready to go and have written what follows just this morning (Sunday).
As I tried to pass out cards, explaining to folks that I write a blog about the plandemic, I found myself being pulled aside while heart wrenching stories of vaccine injury and death poured forth. What follows are some of those stories. The names have been left out to protect privacy.
the stories
There were a lot of nurses in uniform present and after I talked to one or two it became apparent that I needed to talk to more of them - their stories were compelling. One nurse told me about a woman in her late 70’s who was being admitted to the hospital. The woman was explaining to hospital staff that she probably shouldn’t have the jab because of her health issues. She was ignored and given the jab (not by this nurse, this nurse was a first hand witness). Five minutes later she collapsed into a coma and never woke up. Three days later she was dead.
I talked to several other nurses who have promised to provide me with some information that I hope to utilize in future articles.
Towards the end of the protest I met an RN who is the regional leader for Americas Frontline Doctors and was also one of the organizers of the protest. I didn’t meet her until just as she was trying to leave, so she was far too occupied to spend much time telling me detailed stories, but she said she has seen a lot. I hope to be telling some of her stories in upcoming pieces.
There were also a lot of parents there with vaccine injured kids and… parents with healthy kids that have never been vaccinated. I met 4 mothers with children that developed autism within hours or days of getting childhood jabs. One set of parents were accompanied by their 20 year old daughter who is extremely autistic, which began right after one of her childhood vaccinations.
It’s been estimated that in 1940 1 in 25,000 boys had autism (boys are 4 more times more likely to get autism than girls). Sounds right to me. As a kid growing up in the ’50’s and ’60’s I never knew a single kid in our town of 5,000 who had autism. In fact I never heard of autism until I was in my late 20’s. In 2004 the official CDC count was 1 out of every 166 children were in the autistic spectrum. Today its 1 in 54 - 1 in every 22 boys. It’s gone from 1 in every 25,000 boys in 1940, when almost no kids were getting vaxxed, to 1 in every 22 boys today when all kids are now required to get 72 vaccinations before they come of age. I got 5 as a kid and I’m vaccine injured (IBS). It’s been estimated that within 20 years there will be so many people with autism and so few healthy people able to take care of them that the US economy will collapse. Forget all of the finacial and political predictions, this is how the coming collpase will occur. Most parents with an autistic child will tell you without hesitation that the autism began right after their child got a vaccination. Mothers who get vaccinated while pregnant also run the risk of having babies born with autism.
I met the mother of 4 children, ages 1 to 8, all of whom were present, none of which has ever had a vaxx of any kind. They were all perfectly calm and beautiful. When they turned to leave, the two year old calmly walked over and hugged me goodbye. Apparently he had not been informed that he was supposed to be in his uncontrollable ‘terrible twos’. Of course we now know that that condition is an abnormality caused by childhood jabs.
I met another set of parents whose two “never been vaccinated” children (looked to be about 5 and 7) were also present - calmly playing in the dirt next to a parking lot, as normal kids their age should be doing. Their parents informed me that their kids had no ADD, no ADHD, no allergies of any kind - not even peanut allergy (caused by the peanut molecules used in some of the childhood jabs), and that they were calm and patient.
I met another mom with 3 kids, two of which were present. The one that was not present has a vaccine induced learning disability. The youngest one, a boy with a keen sense of humor, developed ADD right after getting jabbed. Her 18 year old daughter had been accepted to a number of universities and had chosen Northern Arizona University. She had recently been informed that NAU was also going to disobey the new law in Arizona that prohibits vaccine mandates. NAU is now requiring all incoming students this fall to get the covid vaxx. Because she is adamant that she will not get the jabs, she is heartbroken that her dream to attend NAU is now being dashed by the very University she once adored. This story gets more complex. Her mother’s dad is a pharmacist, who has drunk the koolaid regarding the covid jabs. In fact he is so pro-jab that he’s refusing to let his daughter and his grandchildren into his house until they get the jabs - nor will he visit their house until they do. Of course the mother and kids are adamant that they will not be getting the jabs. That’s not the end of the story. The 18 year old daughters education was going to be paid by her pharmacist grandpa. That now looks doubtful. Chalk up another broken family to the elitist medical tyrants who are pushing this vaccine madness.
I met another mom whose daughter took the jabs while away at college - without her moms knowledge or approval. The two are now barely speaking.
The drive home took 1.5 hours. Thirty minutes to get out of the city, thirty minutes on the freeway, and my favorite part, thirty minutes on a hilly, curvy, two lane highway that’s cuts through some pristine wilderness that’s now ablaze with wildflowers thanks to the heavy monsoon rains this summer. As I was driving that last leg my thoughts drifted to some of the stories I’d heard earlier in the day… and the emotional impact of it all began to hit home. I spent much of that last leg wiping tears from my face. The pain, agony, misery, harm and division caused by the greedy bastards that are dong this is horrendous and must be stopped.
Please, if there are protests occurring in your area, attend them or support them in some manner. This is where the rubber hits the road. It’s time to stand up say “This vaccine madness has to stop! We’re not going to take it anymore!”
the three step process for stopping the vaccine madness
1) First of all, protest in the streets and keep doing so until he legacy media can no longer ignore us. This helped bring the Viet Nam war to an end and it will help bring this madness to an end.
The second step involves the following question and answer.
Why is all of this happening? Because the vaxx makers have legal liability immunity granted to them by congress and signed into laws by Reagan, Bush, Clinton. Obama and Trump. All of this would come to a screeching halt if we rescinded all of the arbitrary liability immunity laws for big pharma and also did away with the fake EUA, and… once again allowed death and injury lawsuits to proceed.
2) Seek out politicians who promise to rescind the immunity laws granted to vaxx makers.
3) Have some empathy for the families that are dealing with vaccine injury, death and division.
"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is that good people do nothing." John Kennedy said that and attributed it to Edmund Burke.
Vaxxed II. Watch it here -