Yes, the worlds population is headed towards a big crash. So why are we constantly being told the world is overpopulated, that the population must be reduced if we are to survive as a species?
The ongoing official narrative from the legacy media is that the worlds population is rising above sustainable levels and that this overcrowding will lead to ever more pandemics, famines, mass migrations, starvation and terrible chaos. I’m not arguing the possibility of those things coming to pass, but I am saying they will not happen because of overpopulation. As has been the case throughout modern history, those things happen because of manipulation of events by the controlling elite.
But I’m also saying the population will collapse because of similar, but more esoteric machinations.
The official apocalyptic scenario that we’ve been hearing for decades is a very well planned and implemented world-wide psyop to cover up the real agenda. The reason the apocalyptic overpopulation scenario is aired is because it’s highly profitable for the makers of the products which are currently being used to carry out that agenda; the military industrial complex, disease causing bioweapons made by the pharmaceutical industry and passed off as medicine, insurance companies that cover the costs for elites when things go wrong, jingoistic mass media companies that instill fear in everyone about fake diseases and the ‘unfolding apocalypse’, and energy companies that supply the energy needed to run all of those operations. Of course none of this would be possible without the management of these events by fascist governments that shepherd the media and the masses in the desired direction by running the propaganda aspect of the operation on behalf of the elites running the show.
All well planned psyops use multiple pathways to achieve the goals. Some pathways are more discernible but they still achieve some of the overall goals of the psyop - like the ones I’ve just presented. But they’re primarily a cover for the real, hidden operation. Although that hidden operation has been well on its way to success for many decades, it has accelerated in recent years. Unless that occult operation becomes widely known and people take steps to overcome it, the stated goal of bringing the worlds population down to the half billion called for in the recently sabotaged Georgia Guidestone looks like it will happen.
birth gap basics
To maintain a population, on average every women needs to have at least two children. In reality, that’s never been the case. Some women have none, some have just one and some have 5 or more. Because earths human population has been growing for centuries we know the average number of births per woman has long been higher than two.
In many countries right now the per woman average is well below two.
Even when that number falls below two, the population will not begin to decline immediately and in fact, can continue to grow. Several generations need to pass before the effects begin to show up. During that interim period of 50 years or so the difference will be imperceptible - unless the underlying statistics are scrutinized. We are now in that interim period.
I became aware of all of this from a website called birthgap.org, a project of Stephen J. Shaw. Shaw has compiled a lot of interesting statistics, all of which can be corroborated from other sources like the CDC, as well as similar agencies around the world and sources like Statista.
Shaw determines the birth gap by comparing the number of 50 year olds to the number of new births. Age 50 is used because that’s the generally accepted age limit for women to give birth. If the number of newborns falls below the number of 50 year olds then birth gap has been reached. A bigger version of the map below can be seen here.
Black designates areas where the population is already in decline.
In 2020 there were 14% fewer babies born in the US than 50 year olds (14% birth gap). New Hampshire ranked number one with a birth gap of 37%, Vermont was second at 36% and Maine third at 33%. As you can see, New England is leading the curve. Oregon is eighth at 24% while Florida and New York are both ninth at 23%. Arizona comes in at eleventh, which is still considered ‘elevated’. Five to ten percent is considered moderate and there are eight states in that range. Six states come in at the zero to five percent ‘borderline’ range, while there are only 6 states where the number of births is above the number of fifty years olds. Utah has the largest surplus.
Below is a July, 2021 graph from Statista showing how that is occurring (blues is male, black female). Note that since the last 30 to 34 year old age group, ensuing age groups have become increasingly smaller. This will accelerate in the coming decades. Also, compare the 50 to 54 to the youngest group. That’s where we see verification of Shaw’s US birth gap.
Things are not looking good for South Korea. It has the highest birth rate gap in the world at 71%. Look for South Korea to soon throw its doors open to immigration to keep industry and its economy going. Italy comes in at 56%, Spain and Japan are at 55%. Germany has large gap of 35%, Canada is 27%, Russia 26%. Germany is already accepting many new immigrants.
Conversely, most sub-Saharan African countries are still on the plus side. This is the only region of the world not in decline.
The consequences of this are frightening. While the current growing population continues to age there will be fewer and fewer people to care for them. The elderly will be watching aghast as hospitals close and doctors become increasingly hard to find, elder care disappears and transportation services for the elderly goes away. (A hospital near me that primarily served a retirement community closed during the latter stages of covidcan.) This also means there will be fewer and fewer younger people paying into Social Security, which means that institution is doomed. Does all of this explain why the elderly were targeted during the plandemic?
With much less tax revenue coming in for anything, all social programs and all other government expenditures will be continually curtailed. However, we can be sure that the taxpayer subsidized socialism that keeps massive ‘capitalistic’ industries like the military industrial complex, the biowarfare/medical industrial complex and the energy complex propped up, will be the last to go. Why? Because those are the three key industries being used to impose population decline.
Schools and universities will close and all of the businesses that depend on them will close. Businesses across the board will be closing due to lack of new customers.
Both electricity and fuel will become increasingly scarce (with no electricity to pump gas and no gas to run one, portable generators will be useless). Cooking and heating in your modern kitchen will no longer be possible. Wood will become the preferred way to heat and cook.
Water will no longer come from your tap.
Cars and trucks will disappear. Horses and carriages will make a comeback.
At some point during this process an economic tipping point will be reached and the economy will collapse. Because grocery stores will be closed and because the masses currently have no gardens, livestock or any way to generate food, mass chaos and starvation will ensue. If you are not armed, at some point whatever food you have left will be stolen by thugs and those that are armed. Cities will become hellhole killing fields and people will flee to the countryside in search of food.
As food becomes increasingly scare and bodies begin to pile up disease will set in as malnutrition escalates and sanitation suffers.
Homegrown fruit and vegetables and livestock will become very valuable and serve as excellent barter items. Gold and silver will become the only accepted form of currency.
the hidden depopulation agenda
Shaw claims we’ll reach the tipping point in two generations.
I have some issues with his terminology and how he calculated these results.
If you watch Shaw’s documentary you will often hear him use the term “fertility crises”. What he calls a fertility crises is the falling rate at which women are having babies. However, many of those women are not necessarily infertile, they just aren’t having babies. My understanding of fertility crises is that men and women are no longer able to have babies because they are infertile. Because Shaw does not mention this in any of his work, the situation is probably much worse than he realizes.
Furthermore, we need to keep in mind that most of Shaw’s work was done prior to covidcon, so his information shows no reflection of new information from the new statistics surrounding deaths and infertility that I and many others have covered extensively in recent years. If that information was plugged into Shaw’s graphs, they would look much worse than they do. As I’ve pointed out in previous posts, the already increasing infertility rate has skyrocketed among the population of those who took the covid jabs. It’s this version of the fertility crises that I believe will make everything that Shaw talks about come to pass much sooner. I also believe the end results will be much worse than he predicts.
One of the reasons I believe this is because, if Shaw’s work does happen to wake up a large segment of the population and they decide to start having babies, many of them may realize that they are now unable to do so because they took the jabs. And if that infertility carries over to the next generation, as some have speculated, the long term outlook for the human population could be in real peril. It’s this very real infertility crises that I’m referring to as the hidden depopulation agenda.
"Unless that occult operation becomes widely known and people take steps to overcome it, the stated goal of bringing the worlds population down to the half million called for in the recently sabotaged Georgia Guidestone looks like it will happen."
typo - half billion, not half million
Still reading, but just wanted to let you know Kyle...
Such a sad world and time we are living in. I have to take breaks from reading all these blogs.
I always knew this was where the world was heading, I just hoped that it happened after I'm gone. The shit is hitting the fan and the conspiracy theorists were basically right about most theories.
Everyone knew that the world's economy which is 100% based on unlimited expansion was not going to end well. It's just that no one knew when it would happen.