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May 16, 2023
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A real, living breathing example of where we need to be headed!

You would likely enjoy going through my herbal library, 40 years in the making.

And yes, we need to do the leg work in our own communities. That will look different in every community, as it should.

As you may have noticed I don't use emoji's, but not because I don't like them. Truth be told, I don't even know how to find them on Substack. But I really like your idea of using them to denote someone who has special skill sets or has rejected propaganda. Or all of the above. Do you or anyone else know how to generate them? If so, I'd be happy to use this platform to explain what each one means and make them available to everyone.

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May 17, 2023
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If you know how to do this, go for it and I'll post them here, Mercola and elsewhere.

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May 17, 2023
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I like trees. There must be a lot of graphic tree images that can be had for free. A short, concise phrase could be attached to it, like Jefferson's - "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." That could be shortened to "The tree of liberty" or "Liberty tree" or even just "Liberty!".

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May 17, 2023
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Like the early Christians used the sign of the fish. ❤️

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I'm old enough to remember when science was based on facts and the existing data supported the scientific theories of the day.

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Ah yes, the good ol' days.

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Make Science Science Again! It's crazy, even I being born in 1981 can tell kids that I was born before the internet.

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You are posing philosophical questions in a world that only wants to trust science aka control, the cousin of fear. I believe people let themselves be abused due to a lack of Self-worth, fueled by the need to belong to a tribe, regardless if those tribal leaders have the individual's best interests at heart. Moral of the story: venture beyond the pale as a warrior of that old dying group, hope some will join you, and find or start a new tribe.

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I like the last one. Small, local groups forming parallel structures offered to everyone as a way to bypass the control grid.

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There is more to it. There is also the unwillingness of people to leave their safe groups and to admit that all of their beliefs were wrong and that they were too dumb to notice. This is why it is so difficult to convince anyone of anything that conflicts with their world view.

I try to trick them into thinking they figured it out themself, because that is the only way anyone changes their mind on anything.

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Good point- why pride is a deadly sin

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Was it a lack of self-worth or a lack of faith? God has been deleted from the lives of so many in recent years that they have nothing to look to. They are without hope. Ssme goes for majority of medical professionals who see us as animals in their big experiments.

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The battle stakes are too high to change.it us or them. Their lies are so obvious that I suspect a bigger concocted crisis will push aside their use of us in their gene manipulation experiments.

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The bigger the lie the more times it has to be repeated before people believe it.

My hope is that by now people are sufficiently jaded to not buy into the next one.

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Food crisis that pushes people into a prison planet of 5G/CBDC would be the next logical step on their chessboard.

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That would be in my top 5 along with another plandemic, war in Ukraine, financial crises or something completely new.

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The aliens have landed. Maybe.

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Hi Kyle, I met you at Compass and am glad to be supporting you here. Another good source of death information is Mark Crispin Miller, who (among other things) compiles a weekly set of obituaries of people who have "died suddenly" around the world - https://substack.com/@markcrispinmiller?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Hey Janet.

I keep hearing about Mark. For some reason I've not yet looked at his work. I'll try and do that.


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The nature of science is to always question it! Asshole!

The truth does not need protection from censorship. Only lies do.

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I'll try and get Bourla to read your comment:)

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My son-in law, when confronted by the statistics from Ed Dowd's "Cause Unknown", responded with the old saw of Mark Twain's "lies, damn lies and statistics". I responded with another old saw from Twain; "It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them they have been fooled." That was the end of that discussion because we love each other.

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Gotta love Twain.

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Amazing. How old are these so-called "scientists"? Because I can clearly remember in 8th grade science class in the '70s, my teacher saying something to the effect of, "Science is questioning everything, even if you think it's right. So keep questioning." There's no way in hell to improve any kind of "science" if we never question it. I'll just repeat what I often say (and many here may be too young to remember), but there was a time when 4 out of 5 doctors recommended smoking camel filterless cigarettes. Guess we should have never questioned that either going by today's "logic".

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Yes, I think many now long for the good old days when science was the providence of scientists, not big pharma or lackeys working on behalf of big pharma.

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Excellent research and writing, Kyle. We do what we can to reach the people who are ready to open their minds to the fact that we've all been programmed with lies that make us distrust our Creator-given faculties.

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Thank you Sharine.

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How can a county/city be considered liberal if it run or influenced by Raytheon? In the early sixties radicals characterized liberals as spineless chameleons. The corporate fascist capitalist PR mercenaries took that narrative to demonize liberals to support Reaganite agenda. Reagan, already suffering a rigid brain from Alzheimers, could deliver a script convincingly. He made a brilliant sock puppet for corporate fascists. My point is: Please do not use labels to enforce your message. That is a tactic used by the billionaire class to divide the 99%. Here is a characterization of liberals by Phil Ochs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cdqQ2BdgOA

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Right. Everything is upside down right now.

I tend to agree. Hopefully you've noticed that unlike may other writers, I don't do that often. But when describing the government that exists in Tucson I couldn't come up with anything more descriptive.

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Trump gave GAVI (Gates) over 1.16 Billion $.

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Why am I not surprised?

You might want to read this about Trump.


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Excellent analysis!

“Doctor” Fatty Arbuckle and his “patient” Buster Keaton join forces to remind us “Trust the Science.” Watch the hit music video TRUST THE SCIENCE RAG here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/trust-the-science-rag

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Good one.

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Amen brother.

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Why do we even have predators, if all they do is devour us?

Why do we even have parasites, if all they do is weaken us?

Why do we even have criminals, if all they do is betray us?

Why do we even have liars, if all they do is confuse us?

I could keep this up all day. But suffice to say, I think you're a bit confused.

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Ah yes, but all of those people - with the possible exception of some liars - know what they are. The government claims to be there to help us, right?

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What kind of person just accepts claims at face value?

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There is a biblical answer to "why government" and it is to maintain order. There is, however, no claim that governments will do what they are there to do and not do the opposite. The idea seems to be to cooperate with them where you can and to oppose what they say to do when you must.

The biblical sampling of historical governments, their behaviors, and the results form a pattern of prosperity, corruption, and downfall. This is the way it was, and the way it is. If there is anything unique in what we see now, it is that there seems to be a push toward a single, deeply corrupt global government, and in many ways it appears that it is already here due to the "lock step" actions of the nations. Since the end result in every cycle appears to be destruction of the nation with very bad things happening to its people, a single world government would seem to speak poorly for the direction of life on earth.

This would be a very good thing to stop, but first it is important to understand what really happens. I don't believe that that understanding is widespread. I believe that to understand, we have to look at how the government, represented by political systems, intelligence agencies, industrial powers, and organized crime -- these are by no means distinct -- is a reflection of the people governed.

While the common view (among those that can even see the problem) is that these bad actors are the cause, if that is not the case then what is stopping them going to accomplish? Has stopping them in the past solved the problem? Will stopping them this time solve it? Is this thing now at this scale -- with all the nations weirdly cooperating instead of many of the large ones pushing back -- even stoppable by our own efforts?

I don't know about all that, but I do know that we've got our own problems and they tend toward being quite serious, though they certainly may not appear that way to us. I won't go into that here, but it is something to consider.

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I've touched on this before, but as a Christian anarchist I don't get that from the Bible. But you are certainly entitled to your opinion.

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I'm not trying to convince you. Carry on.

By the way, the need for governments to maintain order comes from the disorderliness of some or many of the people.

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God is a God of order. If by government you mean running an orderly society with minimalistic principles then fine. The difficulty is that we dont have that. Instead we have a bloated bunch of bougiecrats feeding from the trough with only their own interests at heart.

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Yes, it is quite a problem. I don't insist, but I do suggest that there is a relationship between rulers and ruled, whatever they may be called, that is perversely symbiotic; i.e. both are partial sources/causes of the end result and in some sense they work together to produce it.

I searched for "opposite of symbiosis" and found "parasitism". That might apply -- I don't know -- but it seems clear to me that the ruled tend to see the problem as only lying with the rulers, and I see that view as counterproductive and potentially a fatal error. What others see is what others see.

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My understanding is that Trump stopped direct US funding of the WHO and redirected the funds to Bill Gates' GAVI which then gave them to the WHO. Thus, what Trump did was a pass through, a morally repugnant sleight of hand. If this is not the case, please correct me.

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I've not heard anything about that, but it's entirely believable.

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See this: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/vaccine-bait-switch-millions-pulled-from-who-trump-gives-billions-gates-founded-gavi/. People might differ with my interpretation, but it's clear, Trump enabled Gate's ability to fund the WHO. DJT is a globalist posing as a nationalist.

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Thanks for that link.

Back in 2021 I wrote several pieces about Gates involvement in and influence on the vaccine industry, including how he conjured up GAVI.

Then there is the meeting that Trump had with RFK Jr. shortly after taking office to do something about vaccine injuries. Gates then stepped in and told Trump to drop RFK. Then big pharma (Pfizer?) forked over 1 million for his inaugural event. Apparently Trump never talked to Kennedy again.

So the revelations in your link come as no surprise. They fit Trumps duplicitous nature to a T. If there is money to be made, he will do it - consequences be dammed.

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