Oct 13·edited Oct 13Pinned

If you haven't yet voted to ban geonengineering, please do so here.


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Excellent post, as always, Kyle, my main man. (M3)

But you've hit the nail on its head: The IDEA is to destroy America. We're the most gun-heavy, even if we're the most unwitting... Once this giant wakes up, the game is over. SO that's why they gotta destroy us... I say RISE AND SHINE, MURKANS!

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Yup, it may be time to water the tree of liberty, as Jefferson instructed.

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Unburdened from the past... It's whatever we want it to be.

(No, we're not taking comments now.)

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hee hee

You flatter Marx by quoting Harris:)

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12Liked by Kyle Young

Marx had hidradenitis suppurativa. His life sucked. Cigars and probably diabetes; almost certainly vitamin-D deficient.

I'm feeling compassion for Marx.

He was who/what he was, whatever that may have been...

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Had to look that up. The D deficiency makes sense.

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Common knowledge...A simple bath or shower, if not a leap in the pond could have remedied the symptoms.

He was known as a lazy, filthy person; physically, morally and emotionally; not that others in history weren't.

And, the wealthy, power addicted allocate such genius to him.

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You are wrong about the hidradenitis suppurativa. It is a well known condition, a plague upon a person, more often in diabetics, and would be worse with a weaker immune system from vitamin-D deficiency.

Yes, Marx was also a fat slob by reports, and a really lousy husband and father.

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Great Grandma had it...With advanced diabetes after 40 years.

It was a Bain of her existence for the few years it was active, and she was excessively clean.

She did report it was far less active when she washed at least three times daily.

She may have been deficient with Vit. D as she was very elderly when this was an issue and rarely went outdoors.

Didn't know this condition was common among the Vit. D deficient. Though ill with several chronic conditions...She still pasteurized the milk and there was no Vit. D supplementation as in milk from the grocery in this age.

Makes much more sense when recalling her suffering when a small child and her little companion. Thanks for the free info.

Guess you're a trustworthy physician? Thank God for all as you remaining as 'Healers' and not 'Sick-Oriented' marketing for Pharma.

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I was the only COVID-treating doc at my clinic, with hydroxychloroquine, zinc and azithromycin until August 2020, when I started using Dr. Borody's protocol with ivermectin, zinc and doxycycline, and always vitamin-D. I gave away 40,000 doses of 5000IU vitamin-D to patients and staff in 2020. I was fired for vaccine-refusal in October 2021, on the principle of standing with the sub-humans.

My FP board status was revoked in 2023 for "advising patients against COVID-19 vaccination", which is how I advised all healthy young people, all pregnant women, and anybody who already had it. By late 2021 we were seeing that it wore off after half a year, then caused higher susceptibility, and we were aware of myocarditis, some deaths, etc, but I really hadn't understood how very bad it was. I had just been practicing good medicine and taking a moral stance in history, when I saw an underclass being de-humanized.

I am "mostly retired" at this point. drjohnsblog.substack.com

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The, quite literally, filthy, womanizing drunk sitting around letting his family starve while writing the B.S. book for the Fabians?

Interesting how Kamala's Physical omitted any report about testing for STD's.

'Birds of a feather, etc, etc, etc...And all proven factual again and again.

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First, tho, un-hook it from the govt., and while we're at it, UN HOOK THE GOVT.

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Oct 12Liked by Kyle Young

"When it comes to aid for Israel verses helping Americans reeling from geoengineered storms, both parties are equal opportunity hypocrites."

Anyone see Lindsay Graham talking about the hurricane damage in his state? Without taking a breath he said that he had gotten little sleep, "but what about Israel?! We need to help them because they are running out of ammunition."

Why Hannity didn’t jump on him for that.

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Those dogs don't hunt.

Those boys are going to have their come-to-Jesus-moment and it ain't going to be pretty.

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Oct 13Liked by Kyle Young

I sure hope so, but I’m getting impatient. I just want the killings to stop.

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I don't...Just killing the wrong people.


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Oct 12Liked by Kyle Young

Don’t forget that republicans have been in control of the house and therefore the purse and if they had any problems with how Biden is spending money they could defund those programs.

That Biden is spending more money on immigrants than Americans should be no surprise. Anyone can look at his history of screwing the working class his entire career should have known that he’d be no friend during his presidency.

I tried warning people to no avail.

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All true.

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Oct 12Liked by Kyle Young

If we can get these articles from you and the various writers of similar articles out to the public domain and to every nook and cranny, it should act like a giant red pill for the brainwashed at-large. This government wants us all dead and by every means possible! This is the definition of tyranny and no different than the CCP.

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And now we have candidates running for the White house who quote Marx and have said they admire the CCP model.

I'm doing what I can from here. To get this information out to a wider audience requires help from readers.

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It’s even worse than the CCP. The reason why we are still alive is due to the boundaries set by the Constitution. But the erosion of our freedom is already serious and atrocious.

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Well my iPad got away from me… Catholic Charities and Jewish Family Services were in on the NGO ‘grift’ here in San Diego, but I didn’t know to the extent of millions of dollars. Also the figure listed for Catholic Charities/Diocese of San Diego was the same as what the County of San Diego got. How was that?

Anyway the migrant deal in SD County is real, and goes on still here every week. Whether they are running small boatloads of ‘migrants’ on to the beaches of La Jolla and No County San Diego, then they scatter through the residential neighborhoods to waiting black SUVS, with blacked out windows, or people crossing over out in East County San Diego, the ‘flow’ has not stopped.

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I came across a few discrepancies in the gubberments numbers....

It's so easy for them to make those beach landings at night there. Everyone is so busy with their lives and the area is so densely populated, no one notices anything unusual.

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I can feel your pain.

The U.S. federal government employs nearly 3 million people; they can't all "hate Americans."

But I do see a pattern here that has been pointed out to me by my teacher: If an individual or group fails enough times in helping those it is responsible for, or protecting them, or accomplishing whatever purpose they have been given, they will experience a "failed purpose," which can result in an apathetic (depressed) attitude towards their job, or even hostility against that purpose. They "invert" you might say.

A certain number of these people, of course, "inverted" long ago, look forward to these failures, and feel personally "safer" in an environment of general apathy. These beings are likely the ones perpetrating the most despicable crimes against the U.S. public. They will actually work to destroy the dreams and ambitions of saner people around them. See Harrison Koehli's substack Political Ponerology https://ponerology.substack.com/ for more details on these people.

Most people - even government workers - want to carry out their responsibilities honestly and do the right thing. But they can get pushed into bureaucracies that have been taken over by nut jobs.

The Bushes were nut jobs and neocons, as far as I can tell. The first Bush, as we know, was Director of the CIA and had been involved in politics since 1967. He was also Yale, Skull and Bones, etc. as many of us are aware. There are some horrific stories about his involvement in secret government operations, even the JFK assassination. The dude was bad news.

At some point I think we should stop complaining and start learning how to recognize psychopaths and finding ways to remove them from positions of power and authority. They are capable of ruining the lives of millions of people who would otherwise be okay. They are our first - but not only - target in fixing the mess we have gotten ourselves into.

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I agree. I would also ask why we even need positions of power?

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What is a puppet without a puppeteer? What is a body without a "soul?" What is a solar system without a sun? What is a computer without a programmer? What is an army without a general?

I'm not saying everyone needs to be followed around by a policeman all day long. But in this society we do a lot of complex things that require a coordinating person or group, someone to decide, hour by hour if necessary, what everyone should be doing. This becomes more necessary in emergencies (which is why the ruling classes seem to like them so much), as in a normal operating state, most people do fine on their own.

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I guess I see "this society" as the problem that needs fixing. There was a time when people knew what needed to be done without being told what should be done by someone with ulterior motives.

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I know. I know there was.

But in the bigger picture, that was a LONG time ago. Assholes have been pushing honest people around for a very long time. There are two sides to the problem. One side is the assholes. The other side is the people being bossed around who are oblivious or don't know what to do about it. The idea that they could do something about it WITHOUT organizing I think does not have much reality. So we need to be organized, but using a system that is more ethical than most of those used today.

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The problem becomes, who decides what's ethical and what isn't?

I've been watching videos of neighbors helping each other out in NC. The most effective help has been coming from completely spontaneous volunteer efforts. The "systematized" organizations look helpless in comparison.

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Ethics depends to a large degree on group agreements, and observations of outcomes. I think that may be the major benefit of democracy; most people tend to agree on what's good and what's bad.

But this is a weakness of human life; people can be lied to. And there are some issues - like abortion - where people just don't agree on what is an ethical outcome. So this is a human problem that won't ever go away. I am currently in a very difficult ethical position, and I don't have anyone in the government breathing down my back about it.

When I say an "ethical system," though, I just mean that a group realizes that ethics is a problem for people and makes the subject part of their organization's culture. The group I used to work with put a lot of emphasis on ethics, and had many policies and procedures that are absent in most "modern" organizations.

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💯both parties are hypocrites to the nth degree! It sickens me

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Sad but true.

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Oct 14Liked by Kyle Young

All these 3 letter agencies need to be thrown in the fire and started over.

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Thrown in the fire I can agree with. Not so sure about starting them over.

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what an extensive article... thank you for your investigations

This quote got me thinking right at the beginning..

"But coercion through taxation without representation in those matters is not Constitutional".

Oh but somehow Income tax is constitutional? NO!

They tacks us to simply be ALIVE.

they take your land because in the details (law) WE NEVER actually had any rights to land.

When we need a Law telling us that we have rights, what is that really about? It is saying that you have no rights unless we the law makers INFORM you that you have certain rights. Because we are the law makers and we inform you.. we can ALSO inform you that a right we once said you had CAN AND WILL BE TAKEN FROM YOU. and so far we are doing it right under your very con SCENT I mean noses.

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True enough.

Did you see much rain in your neck of the woods from remnants of Helene?

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we got a week of rain before Helene even hit... mild but constant rain... I was out in CO at the time, and had no idea it was even going on. for Milton, It's been blue skies, not even a chumtrail insight until today. still no rain, it's like a desert here.

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Oct 13Liked by Kyle Young

So the stage is set for the dod vs citizens?

Legal so by written law fare.

The obvious is right vs wrong.

This change begs the question: where will the next “ruby ridge” event break out?

Will the dod be ordering to kill citizens?

Is this the goal? When people are desperate they do desperate acts.

Would this be the spark?

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All good questions. The more I think about it the more I think the DoD directive I highlighted in this post is far more dangerous than anyone thinks. I've been watching as the military has moved into NC, Florida and other storm affected areas.

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Oct 13Liked by Kyle Young

When has the military (dod) Ever defended the border, acted in the citizens best interest? Ever?

It has been a ruse from the beginning to harvest money for elite class and sacrifice young blood under the false pretense of nationalism!!!!

I am very care full amongst military types.

My parents included. They are so programmed it is offensive to suggest…

We can’t even have a discussion…

Ukultra programming? Of course! A highly manipulated population knows not wtf is really going on.

That is what we are up against!

Listened to 3 plus hour Dr Jack Kruse interview with D Johnson. Excellent!

I see the commonality between him and you as far as thinking goes.

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Got a link to that interview?

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Oct 13Liked by Kyle Young

Yes, structured water. I learned about that from Dr. Tom Cowan, whom I've known for about 10 years. I wrote about structured water in some of my early posts (2020-2021).

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Oct 13Liked by Kyle Young

Great post Kyle. Dr. Aranda just posted that people trapped in the unreached mountain communities are using the contaminated water since they have no clean drinking water. Dysentery is a real danger now. Also, this video states that the government is holding back money from anyone who gets money from a crowdfunding source like GoFundMe. Pretty sick people.


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Been a fan of Aaron and Melissa's work for years. Thanks for including the link here.

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Wow…I knew that Catholic Charities/Diocese of San Diego was on the Biden/Harris FEMA grift (as was and is Jewish Famiky Services,

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I may try and go through this list and scrutinize those NGO's. There is likely a lot of nastyness to be found.

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This is an excellent rundown of the perverse incentives of government and government led funding. I sometimes wonder if a civil war were to start if it would be US citizens against those following military orders. I fear they need a bigger emergency for the great taking to truely commence.

Something that is intentionally obscured in these numbers is the dollars and cents difference bewteen one million and one billion, which is 1000 millions. I know this has been shared grahically before but it is always a pertinent reminder of how much we're really getting screwed.

I wonder if some of those Catholic Charities are facilitating the sex trafficking that's become such a lucrative side business for the elites...

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I wonder the same.

And then we have to consider trillions... mind boggling.

Thank you Amy.

Wishing you and your family well.

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As usual, just LOVE coming here to the logical, rational and moral with a bit of the Philosophical peppering the common evil making it stand-out as unique and worth immediate action.

Don't agree with everything...But almost. Anticipate reading this substack always even if there's no comment.

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I would be a bit dubious about you if you agreed with everything I say.

Thank you BC3.

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