Wow Kyle, thank you for putting so many of the Glaring pieces together here in this post. You have pointed out all my greatest concerns, and the many angles that can confuse us. I too have no trust in politicians, and not even RFK.

I know you are not fond of Alison McDowell, but her investigation into RFK's ties to digital currency and blockchain/15minute cities, his stance on the environment could mean more of our freedoms to enjoy Nature being taken from us.

I am someone who is so disgusted and disillusioned with all things political and trust no one, see everything as Players playing their parts for the con-trollers, the DELETES!! that this post covered everything important succinctly and was very helpful! Thank you!

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Just came in from the garden... For some reason while I was out there the thought crossed my mind that I haven't heard from you in some time. Then I come in to find your comment at the top:)

Alison and I are in alignment about digital currency, especially as it pertains to RFK. I would have liked to cover that topic today, but it deserves a post of its own.

Thank you Karafree.

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wonderful synchronicity.. points to our POWER of INTUITION..

Sorry Kyle, missed a few of your posts over the summer. I did my best to get off line, traveled east, USA this summer to some new rivers to discover, and spent the rest of the time in my little backyard oasis, floating in the pool as the heat was torture for me.

Great if you decide to write about Digital currency and RFK. the more that know the better, The first video in the link I will leave is a good start for investigating her work and exposure of RFK and Charles Eisenstein.


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Kinda thought you might have been trekking somewhere or busy with the garden.

Thanks for the link

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will you be posting about RFK & digital currency? This is first I have heard about it. This is not good if true, as we have no one looking out to protect basic human rights.

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Yes. Possibly in the next post.

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I have the greatest respect for Alison McDowell. She has been putting many of the pieces together in the broadest way possible. I respect her integrity and how she shows all the interconnections with her brilliant mapping. I hope she gets a break from it. She's been hard at it nonstop. We all need to remember to not live/eat/breathe this 24-7; recharge our own batteries, work in the garden, build new useful skills, stop to appreciate Nature and all it gives and shows us, take time for meditation, prayer, or whatever fills our spiritual wells.

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Having spent several days rubbing shoulders with her at a small gathering in June of 2021 and having a private lunch with her on one of those days, I can attest to her prowess as a researcher. I can also attest to the fact that she is a bit contentious.

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Liked by Kyle Young

This is the best written analysis of the political situation that I have seen so far.

There seems to be a rule in politics that should be obvious: You don't step on the toes of the people who are supporting your campaign financially.

There are Jewish supporters on both sides of politics. Same goes for big Pharma. However, Mike Adams believes that big Pharma has leaned towards Trump - perhaps as a hedge - which results in Trump going easy on medical drug issues, including vaccines. RFK Jr. had no such scruples. I doubt that his endorsement of Trump in the "battleground" states (who came up with that expression?) will change Trump's position on medical drugs or vaccines.

There are sections of the CIA that operate very similar to the Mafia (if not in direct cooperation with them), and both men have an interest in exposing CIA crimes, so that effort may move forward in spite of the risks involved. I believe that the CIA is also all tied up with the secret space program, which is one reason they let the 1975 revelations go through - as a convenient distraction. But this is conjecture on my part.

Most political issues go deeper than most politicians are aware or willing to talk about. The people care about this. Many with loud voices - but corporate attachments - can't afford to care about this. And so the deeper aspects of these issues never get discussed (or almost never; Courtney Brown's group being one exception). We have seen how deeply political decisions can affect our lives or the lives of people we are connected to (such as in Israel, Gaza, Iran, Ukraine or Russia). So it does behoove us to pay attention, even though the most important information ordinarily remains a secret. Thus, while it may not be worth supporting any one candidate - at least strongly - it is probably worth investigating what motivates the various candidates and, more importantly I think, their support groups. While a lot of these people simply lust for power, or play politics as a game, there is a lot more going on "under the hood."

Oh - I almost forgot to mention that I caught a lot of both conventions, as my girlfriend wanted to see them. The Democrats have constructed a very appealing narrative that will attract many people who aren't really paying attention (which is a LOT of people). With a symbolic "historic first" now in their pocket, they will become very difficult to overcome. When the race was between two (or three) old white guys, there was no special symbology for anyone to hang onto. Now there is. A lot of voters think no further than the meaning of the symbology in the race. Now it is between an old white guy and a less old WOMAN of COLOR. Many voters will think no further than that. Something very big will have to happen to counteract that "magic."

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I largely agree with most of your comment Larry. But I don't think Trump is that enamored with big pharma. He has a niece (I think, maybe a nephew) that has autism, which is what prompted him to consult with RFK in the early days of his first term. I think he cooperated with the covid agenda out of naivete.

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I am sure you are basically correct.

My impression is that most public and commentators give the candidates too much credit for the decisions made by their campaign people and supporters.

If Trump's campaign is getting financial support from big Pharma, he may feel compelled to hold his nose and suffer in silence. He, like all candidates for major political positions, depends on a lot of people to run his campaign and do the day-to-day work and decision making. They usually even have speech writers (Kamala almost for sure). So the campaign may not operate according to the candidate's highest desires.

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Dont be fooled. If "THE FATHER OF THE COVID VACCINE" hasn't wised up at this point, we cannot continue to use his naivete as an excuse to ignore his ongoing failure to address the presence of the massive ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM burgeoning since the Stabbyjabs were "rolled out.

Maybe the very presence of RFK JR in a prominent place in any Trump administration will help those of us who see the ginormous incongruity of this alliance to be lulled to sleep, immediately followed by Bobby dumping his followers into the Trump campaign mingling them into the MAGA mix......

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As I said in the post, I remain uncommitted.

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I'm sitting this one out. I am appalled at Harris/ Walz, but I can't shake my apprehension that the TRUMP/ VANCE ticket is a deceptive Trojan Horse. My vote is for: NONE OF THE ABOVE

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There is no doubt that both Harris and Trump administrations will be advancing agendas for a select groups. I'll be explaining who they are in upcoming posts. The questions become, which agenda is the most dangerous? Does one agenda have any redeeming value? I can tell you right now the Harris agenda will be vastly more deadly for everyone and everything.

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Not sure what you mean by "the father of the covid vaccine" ?

Are you thinking that TRUMP is behind that?

If so, I will just say I'd bet my LIFE that that is inaccurate.

And NOT because I feel good about Trump, either. I am rather skeptical about him, but is he part of the problem? My instinct tells me no, except perhaps for the reason of his not being clued into what's actually what... Like a lot of Americans. We Stackers are a minority, hugely.

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Trump actually called himself the father of the covid vaccine. Several years ago I included a link to a video of him saying that.

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He's full of it. Covid and the vaccine came from the DOD/DARPA. As if, lol.

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They ran the show but Trump certainly didn't speak against it. He wanted to get the shots out before the elections to gain votes so he was in favor of them.

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That's my feeling on it, too. He's like a LOT of Americans... ignorant as hell until they have a REASON not to be...

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Aug 25Liked by Kyle Young

Larry, your last paragraph describes Oregon democrats who have never heard of Kyle or Larry.

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I appreciate that confirmation. I have visited Portland (before the latest riots) and know it has been careening off the rails. I fear many other cities and towns are lined up behind Portland.

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Aug 26Liked by Kyle Young

Your fears are well-grounded.

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The entire West Coast is careening off the rails... I live in WA State near Seattle. It's a deliberate destruction of the entire Coast... CA has... had?... the 6th largest economy IN THE WORLD, not just the US... I wonder what it is now... So sad... So infuriating!

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Some people will only learn by the very hard way of colliding with Whatever or Whoever is at the end of the Collision course we currently find ourselves on. Some won't even learn from that. Mankind's blindly prideful know-it-all machinations are what have led us to this point.

I am glad some people have a lot of misplaced faith in man's ability to solve the myriad problems he continues to create. The results dont bear this out. We keep doubling down doing variations of the same thing over and over thinking that results are going to be different this time just because RFK JR. and Trump are involved this time. Failing to take into consideration that they both operate within the constraints of a very corrupt system.

Donald Trump made a bunch of horrible cabinet choices. He was either incredibly dumb, or was taking "guidance" from the Deep Sewer State front men he was pretending to oppose.

There's that, and then him designating himself as the "FATHER OF THE COVID VACCINE" which he still proudly acclaims. No Concern over the myriad deaths subsequent to taking the Stab Juxtapose this with CHD's/BOBBY's purportly opposite position on the quackzine.

We need a "commission" on the quackzine and PigFarma. Think we'll get it? I predict that any "authorized" and "official" commie (c)ommission is going to be a damage control whitewash brigade just like the 9/11 and Warren Commissions were to pin blame anywhere else other than on the responsible Entities that most likely were involved. The politburo covers for its own.

It's all tied together at the top. And it is going to wind up self destructing no matter what we do to try to plug holes in the rotting ship of fools

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You may be right, Catherine. But you can't blame people for wanting to do something about it, can you?

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Just pointing out that there's harder and harder consequences encountered in drifting further and further from reality and deeper and deeper into delusion. Feeling justified in continuing to do so while labeling it post human progress and thinking that this time surely a solution to our mounting ills is just around the corner...well that is the well established very definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. In so doing, A person begins to think that they are perfectly justified in pursuing a course that will lead directly to their own destruction and they will not see it coming. After all, who can blame them?

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Well said!!!!

I had a 90-y-o new acquaintance get very angry with me for calling Kamala a "psychopath," which I have little doubt of, but told me he was voting for her because she's a "black woman," and he grew up in Detroit, and (my words now) because he relates to the black folks from Detroit (so would any reasonable person), he's voting for Kamala.

I said what does SHE have to do with the black folks from Detroit in the 1950's and 60's, exactly? Her skin color? You're voting for her because she's black? And he was calling ME a "racist." Fuckin' A. That right there is the kind of thinking that is truly frightening.

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Shes not even black. Her grand father was a slave owner in Jamaica.

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I think she's half black and half Chinese. But I'm pretty sure she's half black. In national American politics, she's black, lol, barf, arrrrrgh. Woof.

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On her dads side, her great (great?) grandfather was an Irish plantation owner who held slaves. Kamala likely carries some of his genes. Her dads mom and dad were both part black.

Her mom is a dark skinned woman born in Madras Province India.

So she is 50% Indian and maybe 15% black.

Her mom was a biomedical scientist at Lawrence Berkley Natl Lab. Her dad was a post Keynesian economics professor at Stanford. Her parents both came from privileged families. Not exactly typical American black roots.

Your friend has been snowed by the lies promoted by the lame stream media.

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INDIAN, yes, that sounds right. I heard “Chinese” the other day and it sounded wrong, but I didn’t have time to check. Thanks!

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Even with all these "qualifications," they alone would not necessarily result in Kamala being a disastrous President. That people mention she is a woman of color is only understandable. And so is their desire to vote for her. The problem of course is that this is totally irrational thinking.

Everyone, particularly politicians, try to emphasize their "good" points and hide or minimize the rest. They know someone will bring all that up anyway and try to paint them as a bad person. The truth is that we can find bad in almost every President we have had, and this is true of many other leaders that we otherwise respect, if not revere.

The big question is: What will they do when they get the power and position to act? This is a question that in most cases is very difficult to answer. It falls under the subject that I have learned to call "Human Evaluation." The subject was developed for use by therapists. It is seldom applied well outside of that activity. I wish it were.

I factually don't know much about either Trump or Harris, or Kennedy for that matter. I saw Kennedy as the bravest until Trump almost got his head blown off. You've got to give him credit for staying in the race after barely surviving what was almost certainly a Deep-State-ordered hit. Harris has made her mark on history, but I don't think she knows what she's doing. I would love to live under a President who is a woman of color. That would be a refreshing change. But I don't need my country to go even further towards Hell just for the sake of some Presidential diversity.

I hope and pray that Trump/Kennedy will lead to better results than Harris. But frankly I'm not counting on it.

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I agree, the qualifications I look for have more to do with a persons substance then the color of their skin and their gender.

At least Trump and Kennedy have laid out some plans. We know nothing of Harris's plans.

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Great piece today Kyle! 👏🏼

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Thank you Lupe.

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I agree with everything you say about RFK. I have long been a subscriber to the CHD newsletter and I admired their position. All that was lost when RFK went Zionist and supported Israel without reservation. Why? Was he coerced? His family threatened? He lost me then.

However, I have since decided that all political creatures have their blind spots and one must weigh the pros and the cons. I have come to the conclusion that Israel is the 51st state and it is the tail wagging the dog.

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I have to agree with that Joanne.

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I was not too long ago a "NEVER TRUMPER". In the past month I've been reading about the Democratic Party and how it is not the same as the party in 2000 - I've become a "NEVER DEMOCRAT/KAMALA" person. I read RFK Jr.'s speech as published on Robert Malone's Substack and am now willing to support Trump, especially if RFK Jr. joins his team. In this I risk my remaining cousin cutting me off, as he doesn't care about the Dems., only dislikes Trump. I do not like being in a family vs politics situation. I guess I wil have to revert to my early COVID behavior of not bringing it up, the response of the covid believers was just too painful to experience.

Congratulations on gtting CHD to talk with Dane Wigington! Yes, EMFs are a threat to health, worse because they are invisible.

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Yes, the saddest part about all of this is the divisiveness that can arise. That seems to be part of the raison d’être of politics.

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Noam Chomsky, if memory serves, described the Republicans as the party of business and Democrats the party of big business.

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Aug 26Liked by Kyle Young

He also spoke very harshly about and ridiculed those who did not get jabbed.

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If your referring to Trump, that's true. I wrote about that back in 2021/22.

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Aug 26Liked by Kyle Young

I was referring to Chomsky ... in response to previous comment.

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Ah... right.

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Aug 25Liked by Kyle Young

Things are going to get Very Interesting (to quote Arte Johnson) with this game changing plan. Question is, will it be beneficial for us Citizens? I am really going to pray that it is so; time will tell. Either way, I am glad that RFKjr dumped the Evil Dems, regardless of pissing off his family and others. I like many awake folks, really don't trust any of them. Perhaps with the colonoscopies that the Deep State has given Trump, maybe he's learned something valuable. I for one, haven't liked the Dems since they murdered two of their own. And others to silence them. Its not the party of the poor or middle class, thats long gone. For myself, there is no way in Hades I want to see Kackling Kamala become Prez. Smart people should be in the "know" especially after Bumbling Biden's Biblical Blunders.

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Hopefully, time will tell.

One thing is certain - anything will be better than 4 years of Harris.

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Aug 25Liked by Kyle Young

If she is the Selected One, it will definitely be over for this country. Its already closer than I would have ever imagined.

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The power of the deep state and its ability to manipulate the media is indeed, frightening.

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that's "key" to think about...The Manipulation by the deep state. We must realize that its a stage show until we buy into it, and in turn endorse it by our attention to it, our attention that would lead us away from our power to focus on what we could create to end this tyranny.

Imagining in the Reality we wish to experience.

This is their greatest trick, Hypnosis!

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Exactly ... by giving our attention and our imagination to the stage show, we participate and cooperate with it, thereby helping to create it.

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Exactly ... by giving our attention and our imagination to the stage show, we participate and cooperate with it, thereby helping to create it.

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Aug 25Liked by Kyle Young

They're sickening to listen to, even if for one minute. Nothing emanates from these people other than Pure Evil.

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Liked by Kyle Young

Kyle, as I see it, the deep state and the entire legacy media is against everything you believe and hold dear. So is the United Nations, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, European Union, NATO, they all want you, Kyle, vanquished and everyone who critically thinks like you--they want you gone, past tense. And if that is not enough, the Democratic Party, Kamala, Walz, Bill and Hillary, Michelle and Barack, Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer, Jamie Raskin, Joaquim Jefferies and all their operatives, do not want you have any joy or happiness or to make this world better.

Then there is Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Food, Big Finance, Big Tech, Big Government, the Military-Medical-Industrial Complexes, Every Government Agency, especially the FDA, CDC, NIH they want you, Kyle, out of their hair forever.

Their intentions are to make your life and anyone who thinks like you, miserable.

Framing the election as I have, there is no alternative. My advice to Jill Stein, Cornell West is to throw in with the alliance of Trump-Kennedy voters.

There is no sane, rational alternative.

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There are a lot of folks like me out there. They must be getting terrified of losing control about now.

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Liked by Kyle Young

media and the (m)asses

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Two peas in a pod.

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Aug 25Liked by Kyle Young

Consider - CHD - a political tool to push RFKjrs agenda. Yes it has done a good job to alert folks to issues re safety of all vaccines but it primarily keeps RFK jr in the alternate media mix helping promote his ideas. He supports Israel; he is affiliated with dubious oligarchs. Lusts for power and recognition. Making a deal with old OWS Trump- come on Trump will not remove vaccines from proliferating if he did so he would lose major funding sources and his own anointed VP is up to his neck in dubious medical research as a venture capitalist. Who are we kidding the deck is stacked, RFK jr is morally bankrupt and feels at 70 he has 10 more years to burnish his legacy. Arrogant, male testosterone driven delusions are evident in this supporter of Trump. The oligarchs are in charge, money and the deep state call all the shots.

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If they can remove the liability protection that jab makers have, which RFK has said he wants to do, they don't have to do anything to restrict vaccine proliferation, all of the people who have lost loved ones and have suffered injuries will take care of that in the courts. Lift those liability protections and I give jab makers two years before they go belly up.

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Aug 25Liked by Kyle Young

Good article. Thanks.

What can we take/do to get the aluminum and whatever out of our bodies?

For EMF… we need the special hats, screens on the various ads I have seen? Do they really work?


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Thank you RU Kidding me.

Here is my post on how to detox from aluminum and other heavy metals.


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Aug 26Liked by Kyle Young

Great article as usual Kyle, I also see CHD as being sort of tone deaf on things, the question is why? The same goes for Trump. The last time he ran, he said he was going to go after big Pharma, that never materialized, in fact he helped them immensely. I really can't help but think that this election has nothing to do with we the people, but instead has everything to do with China vs Israel. Our politicians are just pawns who have lost their humanity and we end up as the chattel who keep supporting them.

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Thank you Un-silent.

I can agree with all of that.

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Hi Kyle - interesting discussion - I was dropped by The Defender some time ago, I think some of my posts were too advanced than what they liked to see published, however, I seem to be back on their good books again now. In case you missed it, Harris has all of her support staff fully vaccinated, as a prerequisite for working with her, so I'm guessing that if/when she is made President, the same logic might apply to all American's, because in her mind, the vaccines work, right?

I am disappointed that RFK has pulled his try for President, but I admire his concern that he might get Trump votes and detract from Trump, as it were - personally I don't like Trump and I see Trump as the cause for the Covid vaccines in America and indirectly the rest of the world: AUKUS Covid-19 Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and the United States Military Operation - Not A Civil One. AUKUS supplying Nuclear Submarines to Australia too.

Senator Roberts points to the International Medical Countermeasures Consortium and states that covid was a [US DOD-lead] military operation (probably linked to The World Health Organisation through some unseen back door):

: Senator Malcolm Roberts’s speech August 9, 2023

As a servant to the many different people who make up our one Queensland community, tonight I speak to an aspect of COVID-19 I haven’t raised before. Information now in the public domain indicates the COVID response was not initiated through commercial interests but, rather, through an organisation called the Medical Countermeasures Consortium that Australia joined in 2012. According to Australia’s defence.gov.au website, the Medical Countermeasures Consortium is a four-nation partnership involving the defence and health departments of Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and the United States. ‘The consortium seeks to develop medical countermeasures to assist with … chemical and radiological threats affecting civilian and military populations and on emerging infectious diseases and pandemics.’ It includes drugs and diagnostics. Who knew we had a military pharmaceutical apparatus linking the United States, Australia, Canada and the UK, in place since the Gillard Labor government—an AUKUS for pandemics?

The consortium maintains a compensation scheme for people injured as a result of taking a countermeasure. Compensation claims were accepted for the 2009 H1N1 vaccine, the anthrax vaccine and flu vaccines. The medical countermeasures unit within the United States Department of Defense has been in the vaccine business for many years and has been injuring people for many years through GOF —and getting away with it. So it should come as no surprise that the American Department of Defense signed the first contract between the United States government and Pfizer for the purchase of $11 billion worth of vaccines. President Trump gave the order to the Department of Defense to commence vaccine development and even gave it a cool name: Operation Warp Speed.

"President Trump gave the order to the Department of Defense to commence vaccine development"

This is the US Army contract with Pfizer for the supply of the vaccines which Trump signed after giving himself sole responsibility to do that under the Defense Production Act and which the US Army then supplied to all - for Trump's Operation Warp Speed, which you will see referenced third paragraph down.


Sorrow do I have, that RFK, to a degree, has pulled out of the race for the Presidency - I see that even Steve Kirsch likes RFK, as I do too.

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Thank you for your insightful comment Christine. I hope folks read it. It's all true.

I first began to uncover tidbits about the military role with covid shortly after I began this stack in November of 2020. I wrote about the 5 EYES agreement to spy on each other, how the military was running the jab program, the links between big pharma and the military industrial complex and the long and sordid history of how the US government conspired to pass laws making the pharmaceutical industry into what it is today. Then in 2022 Katherine Watt began her stack and later began writing about many of those same topics. I passed on what I had learned to her. By 2023 she was focusing on the military countermeasures aspect. Then Sasha Latypova sort of adopted her and her stack took off. Being a paralegal, she had a better grasp of the laws than I do so I moved on to other topics. I think she has covered the document you linked.

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Hi Kyle - I was always looking for the "back story" which is the one which interests me and the military involvement, confirmed, is what I really wanted to find. It suggests to me that we have 2 separate life styles (for want of a better explanation) Civilian and Military with similar methods of internal control. It seems to me that the Military wants to merge both into one, where the Military controls all and takes all funding for its maintainance and continuation, especially perilous now that Drones are replacing conventional warlike means and putting pressure on the old ways to be replaced by Drones and Drone warfare, where a Drone can take down a heavily armoured Russian Helicopter by destroying its tail rotor, or a jet plane - down its jet intake tube - millions of Dollars in technology gone in a couple of hundred Dollars of Drone technology or using a Drone Jet Ski to take out a warship or aircraft carrier, or dropping explosive ordnance down the open hatch of a tank, from an overhead Drone - well the new military technology beggars belief and puts all of the armed forces on notice - and to survive they have to reorganize and take control of all, or go under in the process - and I think that is what the Covid vaccines were about, the Military taking control and maintaining their income sources which can include the assets and properties of those who volunteered to be vaccinated, just for starters.

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It all seems to be one big fascist conglomerate. Politicians are merely its puppets.

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Agreed - As the old saying goes, time solves all things, so we just have to give it time and see what happens

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Aug 26Liked by Kyle Young

What about Project 2025? Kamala's a communist, and Trump is a fascist. What a connundrum. I wanted Bobby as that 3rd choice.

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So did I. But the deep state and the Dems did not and so they colluded to shut him out.

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Liked by Kyle Young

It's so weird that propaganda literally got millions of people to suddenly call Kamala a communist when it's the same old corporatist neoliberalism. If you can't even get her economic model right, you might actually think that Trump isn't a Rothschild-groomed puppet. You'd think this crowd would actually be able to see through the bullshit by now. Nope.

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I've been pointing out for years that the most socialistic aspects of our society are corporations. Trumps dad would not have made his millions without the socialism that the elite have been leveraging for many decades.

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Thanks for the research, Kyle. Our perspectives are similar, perhaps complimentary today.

"Words Not Spoken" https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/words-not-spoken

"Israel", "Palestine and "genocide", for example...

Trump and Bobby Jr. are both constrained as mortal humans with mortal families, in the face of the killing machine, but how much of that constraint has become voluntary second nature now?

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That list proves how crazy the news has been recently. I would have compiled a similar list. Wish I had the time to write about many of those topics.

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Aug 25Liked by Kyle Young

Great Job Kyle. Your substack is one of the few “must read as soon as i see it” that i subscribe to.

Personally—im not falling for it. Every politician that i had even a little hope for over the years has let me down. I hope im wrong but even if Kennedy gets the position he wants hes not going to be able to snap his fingers and bam! Childhood vaccines are not required in school anymore. I’ll believe it when i see it.

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Thank you Jerms.

If they can get rid of liability protection for jab makers, things will change quickly.

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That's a big IF.

Even IF that protection is removed, hasn't it already served it's key role for what has transpired since it was put in place?

Removal may lead to reversing some of the damage, still doesn't address core issues that led to it's implementation in the first place.

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That's a big IF.

Even IF that protection is removed, hasn't it already served it's key role for what has transpired since it was put in place?

Removal may lead to reversing some of the damage, still doesn't address core issues that led to it's implementation in the first place.

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You may be missing the point. If liability protection is removed, big pharma will be sued into oblivion. It will cease to exist as we know it. They admitted that back in 87 when they lobbied to get that protection. Reagan took the bait hook line and sinker and signed the PREP Act to give them that protection.

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Both Trump and Kennedy in many instances appear to have the best interest of Americans at heart, and have the track record to support this. There also associations each has that I find troubling.

I view this election as a bridge - a very tenuous bridge - to buy us enough time to begin to replace the government we have, since it isn't working. I believe we can eventually restore our constitutional republic, legally and peaceably.

Those who oppose this may be inclined towards violence. As much as I abhor violence, I am eternally grateful that the 2nd Amendment enables us to defend ourselves.

Thank you, Kyle.

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You are welcome NAP.

If Trump and Kennedy defeat Harris, I do hope they strive to strengthen the Republic.

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Liked by Kyle Young

Granted, was late to the party in awakening to the threats constantly being forced onto the general population of Earth...But, am glad to have taken measures to return to sustainable farming and alternative methods of building towards a healthier environment.

NEVER DID I IMAGINE HOW MUCH WAS UNKNOWN UNTIL BECOMING AWARE OF THIS SUBSTACK. Truly, considered myself multi-dimensional...But, you have me beat by years in your foundational knowledge concerning the danger inherent to life on Earth for all.

THANK-YOU not only for your depth of knowledge and wide-ranging intuition adding substance you never fail to identify as supposition based in facts you document. MOSTLY, so appreciate your time, effort and energy expelled to creat this Substack. Your willingness to share far excedes many keeping their little secrets to themselves for whatever reason. I NEVER FAIL TO SHARE THIS SUBSTACK WIDELY AS IT'S WORTH THE TIME AND MORE. 💯🎯🤩🙏🏼

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Coming from another farmer, I really appreciate your comments BC3.

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