5 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

This is an awesome explanation of what is really happening. Thank you.

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Thank you JAN.

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September 11, 2001-They Killed My Airline Family at American. No one went into Any Buildings--They "Deadheaded" All the Passengers and Crews from both American Flights, took them to an Undisclosed Hanger in Podunk USA INC, and Burned them to Death in an Enclave used for Aircraft Parts. That's My American Airlines Forced Retired Flight Crewmembers Opinion! Just Saying...

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I've never seen that aspect of 9/11 addressed very well. Can you recommend a link on that?

Thank you for the link Alicia.

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It was supposedly an autoclave, not an "enclave." A whole movie was made based on the testimony of agents who investigated 9/11 and the guesses of the guy who wrote the screenplay. He had to finance the movie himself, and it never got much airplay (as you can well imagine).

I have looked for over an hour for a link to this movie and can't find it. I can't remember the name of the movie or its producer. Maybe someone else can. If I come up with it I'll come back.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

Speaking of Israel... this is not the first time they have committed mass murder... remember 9/11??


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I've written about Israel being the largest benefactor of the Patriot Act and US attacks on Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, and the distrust of Arabs, all of which was was sown by 9/11.

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Satan has many names and they all boil down to the same thing: pure evil. Satan is the Lord of the Lies and he lies to everybody, even his minions like Harrari and Gates and Schwab, etc. His minions are more susceptible to the lies than the average person. Their souls have shrunken like shriveled fruit and seem to be incapable of love. Their greed for controlling the rest of us is driven by fear, because sooner or later, they must face their Master. They lie to themselves and to each other, and certainly they lie to us. We the Awakened wonders are seeing through the lies our culture and our media and the narratives that the lying liars have spun. We can no longer unsee it, and our souls are expanding to incorporate the ever expanding truth.

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As always, thank you for your thoughtful comment Joanne.

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As always, an excellent essay.

Been reading 'The Return of the Gods' by Jonathan Cahn lately and he's tied all to the gods taking down Israel. Ba'al was the overwhelming seducer of the Jews and was symbolized with the 'BULL' from its genesis into the Hebrew Nation while still wondering in the desert when Moses destroyed it.

In 1989, the 'Bull and Bear' were placed as Deity on Wall Street with the Bull as 'Ba'al' symbolizing material gain, wealth and prosperity which has always been its associations. Beginning with Puritan Leader, Winthrop and repeated by Washington was a warning to the new nation now known as the United States that if the people ever fell away from our traditional Judeo-Christian Faith, all blessings God provided would disappear and we would be taken by enemies exactly as happened to Israel.


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Thank you BC3.

I'd like to read that at some point.

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Read Biglino's "The Naked Bible".

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Think I have it here in the pile; ever growing during the summer and never gone.

Will dig it out and give it a shot when finished with Cahn tonight. Thanks.

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I have a link if you can't find it... very interesting... I suggest it to the pompous zealots who post their goofy screeds on non-religious sites... but they don't seem to appreciate it, let alone read it! :-D

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Nope...Have the book right here.

Already dug it up. Believe it's been here for about a year.

Don't believe it will be possible to ever get through all I have to read.

No longer planning to retire...Just too many changes in society and have too much to do.

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Also Biglino's "Gods of the Bible".

Superb. Word by word, line by line of the Old Testament and how it has been mistranslated and has led to lies, deception, and horrendous religious practices, sacrifices, and eugenics! Surprise. Same as current times.

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Canaanite "gods" the Hebrews were forbidden to go after and worship with the promise of a curse if they did.

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Some Canaanite and there were others, too. Check-out the Hindu gods and their similarity to the Greco-Roman's Pagan Polytheism once overwhelming the Mediterranean Region.

Interesting about the earlier EU Explorers finding cultures around the world exhibiting art and architecture mirroring the same pagan demigods demanding the exact same forms of debauched, brutal, bloody worship.



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3 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

What happened to ice age farmer?? It's like he literally disappeared from the internet. He was a fave of mine at the start of the scam.

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Good question. Anyone?

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6 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

RE: By now it’s probably become clear that I’m quite pleased that CHD has acknowledged issues for which I’ve long been called a conspiracy theorist.

I wouldn't place too much enthusiasm on this. RFK Jr (via CHD) interviewed Dr Denis Rancourt who has shown thru irrefutable data on all-cause mortality that there was no pandemic, no new pathogen descended on to the earth in 2020. Yet, a year after that interview he publishes "The Wuhan Coverup."

He's at least an example of "controlled opportunism."

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All of the good things that have been happening at CHD have come about since RFK Jr left to run for the White House. I get the impression that Holland, Tommy and others are more willing to go in new directions than RFK ever was.

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Oooh, interesting. Not sure why you think Wiggington is the foremost expert, I put my faith behind Jim Lee

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Clancy Oz had a similar comment. Please see my response to him.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

Any and every distraction to keep the people from knowing. The concept of pressure kettles most relevant, emitting enough steam not to explode, whilst cooking the contents to a pulp.

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Good analogy.

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As an autistic adult who's been through a hell of a life for seven decades now, I don't see the severely communications-disabled kids as soulless. That distinction is reserved for the soulless perpetrators of these atrocities. Their "reward" is coming.

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I have a nephew who is profoundly handicapped from birth (chromosome damage). He is blind and "retarded" among other things. He has a remarkable soul that sometimes shines through. He occasionally says the most stunning things, like "When can I see... again?... I want to see something."

Our souls are perfect. Our bodies are not. No one and no thing can steal the soul. Disconnection is possible, but it's temporary.

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Good article. Just for clarification tho - Dane Wiggington is NOT the expert on geoengineering.

Please check out the real expert Jim Lee on his incredible website Climate Viewer - https://climateviewer.com/.

Jim is also now on Substack at the Climate Viewer Report - https://open.substack.com/pub/climateviewer?r=3s9gg&utm_medium=ios

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Jim has commented here in the past.

I've written a number of articles about geoengineering from a perspective that I've not seen either Dane or Jim talk about. On one of my posts he made some not very friendly accusations. But he told me he would be happy to answer any questions I had. I took him up on the offer and asked him some questions from the perspective I write about, questions I thought he might have trouble with. He never got back to me

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4 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

Thanks for that perspective!

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

> Folks, this is hyper reality. It describes our current world. If real life doesn’t look like what we know from movies and the medical industrial complex, the military industrial complex, the big food complex, the legacy media, then it can’t be real.

REPLY: Seemingly true. But Amish don't take the jab, they do inhale the nano tech but seem immune to it. Perhaps it is the fact that they live in and with nature everyday. While the folks in the simulacra live in a fantasy which is mind made and nothing the persons is able to ground.

Kyle, you point out that the loss of soul to the vaccine is why. Seems to be true. But before the vaccine cut us off, we were severed from the land, from growing our own food, living in community with others doing the same. Helping one another without the thought of payment.

So the loss of soul is in a-way also choosing to leave what is left of the Garden. Leaving Eden leads to lose of heart and mind.

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this video about food grade hydrogen peroxide curing cancer, wonder if it has any rehabilitative Factor elsewhere


It would be precedent setting to see arrests and I'd like to see that precedent.

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Don't hold your breath.

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I was going to skip this because I'm tired of reading about vaccines.

But when I scrolled down and saw Harari raving about how new technologies are going to override the power of "the soul," I had to stop and make a comment.

This guy talks like a total maniac, and though he is obviously some sort of genius, he is deplorably uneducated in the subject matter of human intention.

It doesn't matter if the "idea of a soul is over." We are spiritual beings, and the technologists will have to confront this sooner or later whether they like it or not. No matter how hard they try to make us into slave animals ("no free will") a certain percentage of us, at least, will object. We WILL fight back, and those who may somehow escape all the earlier programming and memory wipes will become relatively invincible. It's just a matter of how many such beings we can make and how fast. The slower we go, the more of us will suffer the depredations of those who wish to be our masters.

According to somewhat esoteric sources (but serious researchers), the group currently dominating this sector of the universe HAS confronted this fact and has adjusted their technology and social structure to allow for it. It is not clear that they have achieved anything very amazing yet, but I expect them to retain control for a very long time. Our problem on Earth is that our planet - perhaps the solar system - is being controlled by a rogue offshoot of an earlier dominant race (or society - as many species are involved). This group is fiercely defending their territory and the dominant group is not interested in removing them at this point. Another group - of unsure provenance - is interested in helping us. I don't trust them but some humans do. The strife we are seeing on Earth at this time has to do with this group's attempt to remove the rogue group.

This all sounds quite esoteric and could be just a big story. But I think it's better than just hunkering down and waiting to be crushed by a group that is technically, if not spiritually, superior to us. There are various things that can be done. My particular contribution is to make more people (I hope) aware that this information exists and is worth studying. Others more deeply involved are actively working to improve their spiritual abilities. If they are successful, the rest of us will be relying heavily on them until we can get ourselves up to speed.

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As it regards transhumanism and nanotech I often wonder how well...and under what circumstances, these self assembling parts work. They are clearly not compatible with human biology. We can argue all day about the numbers dead and maimed from the injections but not a single one of the jabbed turned into Iron Man or any type of superhuman hybrid over them. So then it comes down to mass poisoning. So why does one person seem okay while another is dead? How is conscious thought playing into this?

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

> Fed and the City of London

REPLY: Then you don't know the City of London and it's grandchild the FED.

The BlueMoon of Shanghai may need to be scrolled down to get to the heart of it.

This is a battle of currency's for sure. But a deeper battle is that of life and those that would attempt to possess it. For life is Free, and will always be Free. No matter the Transhumanist efforts, it is always with the inanimate. They cannot create life. That is perhaps the domain of bacteria. I say bacteria simply because they are the only known form of life that can transmute inorganic (dead elements) into those that sustain life and generate life. A profound discovery by those scientists in Russia (around the 1900s) who were working on (their term) Symbiogenesis.

It would be beneficial to recognize and to embrace the fact that we are alive because they have made it possible. That if our guts are supportive of life by the way we live, think, feel and eat, then those minuet beings living in our gut sustain us. If not they will happily break us down into compost. That life may go on. Death is a necessity.

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> nanotech

REPLY: Kyle you mention that all of life has been infected by nanotech. I have followed Dane Wigington from a distance and am aware of the toxins via chem trails. I refused the vaxx but for a time this year (2024) I was strongly pulled in strange directions. Directions I would never explore on my own or ever incline myself to participate in. I resisted. And now they fade in my memory. I am have a much more robust skepticism than ever before.

So if we have all been infected such that Transhumanisum is upon us (Transhumanisum and gene therapy injectables are a perfect fit). How do you resist the infection?

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