Oct 9Liked by Kyle Young

It’s in the high 80's in Utah during the 2nd week of October. I don’t remember a time it’s been this warm here during October.

I usually have my trailer winterized long before now.

And for anyone who doesn’t think the government would do what many think it is just remember what it did in hospitals during Covid and the dangerous jabs that it pushed on everyone and it’s still pushing.

"I’m from the government…" takes a new meaning.

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Yes, we've had this highly unusual high pressure system sitting over the Western US now for a month. As I've written about in the past, creating high pressure systems using HAARP and ICD was one of the first weather modification tactics used to steer storm tracks.

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ALLEDGEDLY used. How can a stationary ANYTHING steer something?

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They're dynamic, not stationary. Need to understand how high and low pressure systems interact with each other to understand how weather systems move around the earth.

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Looked like someone was manipulating the video to me. Those look like cell tower transmissions. As for understanding…where are all these antenna they are needing to do what is being claimed? Why is it that everything I’ve looked up that they were experimenting with has failed? Well unless you believe the hurricane that they dumped 180 pounds of dry ice in was a success.

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Not cell towers. They're Nexrad towers. Completely different wave form. There is one on the other side of a mountain range near me, exactly where it's shown in the video.

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So that is how they are tracking some weather phenomenon. I was wondering how they could track a tornado as accurately as they do. I figured it was satellite but never really looked into it. I’ve never seen one. How close are they to each other?

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Same in the CO. Rockies.

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My gosh! Your coverage and research is immense. I thank God for you 🙏🏻 I’m so glad I found your substack ♥️

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Thank you Teresa.

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Just a couple of years ago, this talk of geoengineering would have been scoffed at. Now people who don't follow independent media are starting to see it. They have lost their faith in government. Even the Premier of Alberta mentioned chem trails and thought they were a form of geoengineering. She didn't know much and she was scoffed at, but hey, it is a start and it means it is going mainstream. The psychopaths who run the world are completely out of touch with ordinary people. They are surrounded by yes men and thus when they see opposition, they simply double down. They assume that their plans will be fulfilled as we, their enemy, have no resources and will just roll over and die. Sure there will be a little opposition but "assisted suicide" will take care of them. The rest can be bought and censored. Everybody has a price, right? Wrong! They are out in the open now where we can clearly see them. Although the price we are paying for our awakening is steep, they have already lost. It is a matter of time.

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The thing that gets me is that it continues even though more and more people are coming to understand what's really happening. It's almost as if they know we know but they don't care because they know they can get away with it.

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Oct 11Liked by Kyle Young

In my state of distress yesterday, I may or may not have posted this 5-minute video. It might be entitled "THEY DON'T CARE"!


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Yup. You posted it yesterday and I replied to it.

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Even if the courts weren't corrupt, you couldn't take the evidence that is available and use it to convict anyone in a court of law. There is way TOO MUCH SPECULATION!

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Your point is well taken. But the more I and a small handful of investigative journalists dig into this, the more I realize just how close we are getting to the full picture. More on that coming up.

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If it is true, I’d say let’s wage carnal warfare on them.

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You are probably right, but then there is such a thing as Hubris. Pride goeth before the fall. Or, if you give someone enough rope, they will hang themselves.

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I like to think they will soon be falling with a noose around their necks.

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Kyle, sharing these articles to contribute to your discussions already:

1. How Helene was climate warfare: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/hurricane-helene-was-climate-warfare

2. The failures of FEMAs: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/misinformation-media-narratives-and

3. Why people refuses to believe climate warfare is real: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-naivete-and-extended-adolescence

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Thank You, Kyle.

This seems like it could be part of what Hillary was talking about happening this month.

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The October surprise? Could be. Still 3 more weeks to go.

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Oct 10Liked by Kyle Young

In my opinion, Helene and Milton are the Black Swan/October Surprise. This is how they steal the election. No town/city to vote in solves part of the problem and the other is thousands dead or missing or incapable of getting to polling stations—as scarce as they most likely are. Praying this information gets out to as many people as possible and is the red pill so many need!

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Oct 10Liked by Kyle Young

They didn't just take out any voting areas either, dominant Republican voting districts were taken out. I have lived in NC all of my life, and at 47 I have watched my state go from solid red to a purple state that leans red for the presidency. I have no doubt besides wanting the mining opportunities this was timed to make sure NC goes for Harris in November.

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Agreed. I was going to get into that in this post but it ran long. Next time.

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Long still works. Just not as well on cell phones.

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I've never had one.

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The CHEAT again and all hell will break loose just watch.

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Sunlight is Key to our mitochondrial health, they are blocking out the full spectrum, that alone is diabolical. Electric cars are only a "REASON" for the need to mine for lithium. A reason we all KNOW is BS... I mean once we are in these 15 minute cities there won't be ANY CARS period. WHY ARE THEY REALLY mining for LITHIUM?

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The more I think about it the more I become convinced it has to do with declining stockpiles due to the wars in Ukraine and Israel.

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Oct 10Liked by Kyle Young

I have lived in NC all of my life (I'm 47 now) and I have watched my home state go from solid red to now a very purple voting state that still leans red for the presidency but with closer margins than in years past. Before realizing just how rich the area was in lithium mining, I assumed this orchestrated hurricane was an excuse to take out a large part of the Republican voting base. Probably is part of the reason, but not the biggest factor with the lucrative mining resources now becoming available.

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They like to kill several birds with one stone.

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Kyle, I know I'm late to the party again. But what was really disturbing is, I wanted to watch the videos you spoke so highly about and included in this post. Every time I clicked on the video image to play it, a message came up stating

"Sign in to confirm you’re not a bot. This helps protect our community. Learn more [with a link]."

I clicked the "learn more" link and the video image turned to a weird grayish-white.

Substack is becoming more and more frustrating. Just like the rest of this "world."

One more note: We've had clear beautiful skies here in central California for more than two weeks. Then, on Thursday, the spraying returned at an all-time high! It was disgusting. My sniffling and sneezing returned almost immediately, and that was after I had finished an 82-hour water-only fast! It is SO angering.

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It sounds like you're referring to the youtube videos by Justin Rhodes. That sounds like the type of response that youtube has begun to put up. Some of that may have to do with your IP. I don't get that response on my end, but I know a few others do, although I haven't heard anyone else here say anything about it. It might also be because youtube recognizes that your coming from my stack and they long ago banned me.

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Thanks, Kyle. Maybe it's my VPN. I can look up Justin on YT (in all my "free" time, haha).

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Wow, nearly 4 days. That's a long time. I've gone 3 days a number of times, never 4.

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I'm so thankful for you and your excellent posts, Kyle.

xo xo

Take good care of yourself!

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I'm thankful to have you here.

Hope life is treating you well these days.

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Could be far worse, I could be in Palestine…

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You are probably right about most of this Kyle.

I never got into it that deep, as my sources were not focused on it. So I am covering the secret space program aspect of all this.

I have been to some disaster sites (as a volunteer) and the destruction of property is truly remarkable. It's hard to imagine how I would feel if I lost EVERYTHING against my choosing. And how could I ever recover a workable material existence? These events break people spiritually and break societies economically. And I think that is a big reason they are being created.

However, economic recovery, though it "gets the show back on the road," will not heal the spiritual wounds associated with attacks like this.

I think living on Earth will always be rather difficult. But we don't need the insane among our own kind making it worse. We are on the edge of a change, primarily (I think) because we have entered the space age. We have a lot to learn about what's really out there, and that's my personal focus.

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Oct 11Liked by Kyle Young

One more thing. It seems Spruce Pine NC has a mine with the purest quartz on Earth, essential for semiconductors:


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Yup. That's the quartz I was referring to in the post. Thanks for the link.

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Oct 11Liked by Kyle Young

My head aches so much. Push electric cars, but push people into 15 minute cities with no cars and no way out, as they clear the land so no one can live there or watch what is being done on that land.

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Oct 10Liked by Kyle Young

Seriously, you have to watch this 5 minute video by Greg Reese. I promise You will not believe what the brainless Biden has just said !!!

And for those who have never seen the clip of the maniacal Lyndon Johnson ranting about controlling the weather, it starts with that.


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Glad to see Greg Reese finally covering some of this. He touched on some topics I had notes for covering in this post, but it was already long. Next time...

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Oct 10Liked by Kyle Young

Allow me recommend an excellent ten minute video by Makia Freeman that goes over the many, many reasons for weather warfare, especially relevant to Asheville NC.


It is discouraging, at least, that even local politicians are "all in" to implement the globalists agendas.

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10Liked by Kyle Young

Hi, Kyle. I've been at this raising awareness of geoengineering since 2012, and the subject is broad and deep and very dark. It does seem like the "psychopaths that run the world" (a designation from Catherine Austin Fitts) have overstepped their prescribed boundaries with the extreme intensity of the these two hurricanes. Horrible as they are, People finally have begun to notice !

Dane has said he hoped the people in the military would begin to raise awareness, but they're sworn order followers. More than ever this is left up to Just Us, regular people who care about the decency of life.

I was never convinced that the military had the expertise to coordinate all the necessary operations of weather warfare. Enter the MITRE corporation. I only learned about this a couple of months ago. In an odd way, it looks like this is where the US space program went.


Milton seems to have been war gamed like Event 201 of the plandemic. I'm still looking for a Stew Peters video that suggests that. With both storms we're hearing about PHEIC (fake) designations (public health emergency of international concern from the WHO). And Dane has correctly told us there have been no hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico since the Deep Water horizon blew up and the oil was never cleaned up, but sunk to the sea bottom by corexit. I guess that doesn't matter now. We know that even as these grotesque storms can be ramped up, they also can be tamed down and broken up. The treachery of it makes me feel sick.

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Oct 10Liked by Kyle Young

On a live feed I'm watching FEMA is doing nothing expect stopping other pilots who are loading up aid supplies and distributing it where needed. Just another sickening aspect of the machinations.

So, the Feds are all about the public health emergencies they've created, when there are dead bodies in trees and in Lake Lure along with all the other flotsam and jetsam.


Then there's the tragedy of the animals--millions of farm animals drowned--and peoples' beloved pets lost, injured and needing to be rescued. Please donate to help these innocent and voiceless victims.

People are missing and someone has said that over 100 children are missing from a SprucePine school. Don't know--just something that came across the live feed. Just imagining the distress of one parent over a missing child is too much for me right now.

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There does seem to be much that is being suppressed, or we are not being told or have not yet learned about.

Thank you for the additional info and the links.

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Oct 11Liked by Kyle Young

You're welcome, always.

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Just an FYI - Blackrock buying Albemarle shares doesn't equate to Albemarle getting cash. Share purchases happen on the exchange and the recipient of the cash is the seller of the shares, not the company itself.

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Do we know Albemarle didn't sell those shares to BlackRock?

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Directly selling shares in a private offering would require various SEC filings which were not filed. Instead there is just an amended statement of ownership https://d18rn0p25nwr6d.cloudfront.net/CIK-0000915913/14900902-fd3f-4420-9765-11b4d90277bc.pdf which is what you would see if the shares were purchased on the open market.

While there are some reasons to be suspicious, there are also some reasons not to be. For example the Albemarle share price hasn't really moved prior to, or following, Helene when you would think it would if there were something suspicious going on.

Look at the share price chart here:


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Thank you for the info and links. Obviously this is a topic I know noting about.

A couple thoughts.

We know that BlackRock has used these large positions with other companies to make them to jump through hoops.

A separate thought - Yahoo said Albemarle was rated as ??? (some level of risky stock). Why would BlackRock buy more shares in a risky stock unless they had a trick up their sleeve, like knowing property values were going to plummet soon making access much easier?

Let's watch Albemarle stock.

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Risky is not the same as overvalued. Often "risky", when applied to stock prices, simply implies price volatility although it can also refer to the presence of substantial risks to the business (the two things are related in any case).

So a risky stock can still be a good bet - just as betting on an outsider at the horseraces can be a good bet too. IF I bet on Dopy Flossie at 33-1, but she actually has a 5% chance of winning the race then it's a good bet and a risky one at the same time.

It is indeed possible that Blackrock's purchase is based on some nefariously acquired knowledge - but it is also possible it's not. Blackrock ownes huge stakes in almost eveyrthing - and a lot of their purchases are not really discretionary. If they have a mining stocks ETF for example (no idea if they do, but they could) which invests in a basket of mining companies -then when retail investors buy this ETF (through their 401K every month for example), they have to buy mining companies with that money.

So there are three possibilities:

1. This is nefarious.

2. This is/was a risky bet placed as a consequence of some "ordinary" news. In particular one of China's biggest lithium miners announced in September that it was cutting Lithium production at its largest mine. That definitely sparked buying in US lithium stocks and it is possible that Blackrock sniffed this out (nefariously or otherwise) prior to it happening.

3. This is just ordinary course of business buying.

Time may eventually provide us with more clues.

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I've known a couple of very rich people. I know how they operate - in a word, cutthroat.

As you correctly pointed out, BlackRock is invested in everything, which means they likely own shares of companies and defense contractors that perform geoengineering. They make money coming and going.

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