Thanks, Kyle, as always. Truth will win! The Great Reset is quickly becoming the Great Regret as its henchmen panic and run for cover. It will be interesting to see what happens with Trudeau in the coming days/weeks. Yet I also feel they won't back down so easily. They're committed. They're all in. They've invested $billions and stolen $trillions and they won't go down without a fight or trying to take us all with them. Evil knows no bounds. It's only our love, individually and together, that will be able to stop this. Love being the motivator, the purpose, the fuel, the product, the very substance of our actions.

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Update on Australia: the march to Parliament House last Saturday is being touted as the largest protest in Aussie history. It was HUGE. Estimates vary wildly but around 25,000 seems the middle number from freedom lover reports. The MSM reported 'a few thousand' and 3-4 people arrested for 'crossing barriers'. There was a telecommunications 'brown out' and no one onsite could get any signal. Local Canberra residents bitched and moaned about the inconvenience on social media but of course, ANY mention or video footage was censored so you only see the one side. It's very hard to tell unless you were there. Joyful people, lots of children and families and an atmosphere of love and courage. Thousands have been camping out in a 'designated' camp ground for 2-3 weeks. Many people have lost everything with the mandates and have nowhere else to go but the atmosphere in the camps is like a big summer holiday. AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE - Oi Oi Oi !

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I had a good week last week in following the Freedom Convoy, but on Friday, our premier, Doug Ford, or DOFO, or better yet, let's call him Doug Fraud, decided to use his ham fists on the border crossing at Windsor. He has the police there with sniper rifles. These people are unarmed! He is a silly man, coming down hard when he should be releasing the restrictions, and being foolish with election promises like giving us our car registration fees back. Justa Truedope is no less foolish. His popularity rating went down to just 16% since the Freedom Convoy began.

Freedom will find a way, and in unexpected ways. I have friends who went to Ottawa, and from the influx of people this weekend, they weren't the only ones. Who would have thought the working class would lead the way? The political class is too busy with their petty interests to see the big picture. It was Jesus, a humble carpenter, with a motley crew of fishermen and such, who changed the world two centuries ago. It was never the elite who really change things as they have too much to lose with a change in the status quo. If they do rise up, they first become humble like The Buddha and connect with the little people.

Fear is infectious. So is courage. Courage is not the lack of fear, but the willingness to do what needs to be done in spite of the fear. it means getting out of that comfort zone.

There is a plan C. It may be the need to destroy the grid, or at least cripple it. The New World Order depends on electricity for its power and control. No cell phones, no media propaganda, no comforts. Just survival, and it won't be pretty, but I think it beats digital slavery. The little people are more adaptable and the elite are completely helpless if such a thing should happen. There is probably a plan D.

My point is that we are not powerless especially if we are willing to change and adapt. The Freedom Convoy is our best bet right now, but creative minds can come up with remarkable solutions that will thwart the best laid plans of the world criminals. And from my experience, The Divine always has a plan, something just around the corner we don't see coming, that changes everything.

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Nice read as always Kyle, on 2/15 in CA the mask mandate will end for the vaxxed out at the store today masks every where, virus are not only deadly but they appear to be smart to. I have lost a lot faith in mankind these last 2 years but not in TRUTH OR OUR Creator this keeps me going. I include a few links that forced me to rethink some history ( ADOLF HITLER THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD

https://www.bitchute.com/video/JKvmDBmK4WBV/ )( HELLSTORM

https://www.bitchute.com/video/17nypWABfsmu/ ) I come away from both these with the question were we the good guys or the bad guys, and lying seems to be the gold standard.

(https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/what-we-can-learn-from-the-smallpox?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNjQ4ODk4MiwicG9zdF9pZCI6NDg2NzA3NTYsIl8iOiJpbExxNyIsImlhdCI6MTY0NDc5MDkzMCwiZXhwIjoxNjQ0Nzk0NTMwLCJpc3MiOiJwdWItNTQ4MzU0Iiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.CqlgFpGeOAwvCUYKnyo9EHuIseyw8NCpj-MWadL8AU0) in this last link its the 1st photo that hit me.

Sorry to hear about about your friend


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Thank you for another great piece, Kyle! Václav Havel also said that we reclaim our freedom (that is, our natural state of being) by openly mocking the tyrants and their systems. In fact, he said it is imperative to laugh at them, for they only have power if we give it to them.

If the majority of people had simply said "NO" to wearing the Satanic ritual humiliation/conversion muzzle, the CON-TROLL-ers would be forced to back down into their secret black-magic-making centers and laboratories to conjure up with another plan for enacting their inverted, perverted agenda.

But, the vast majority of people bought the CovAin't lie and all the other lies stacked upon it (or at least are "going along to get along" out of fear), and thus they are literally creating their own hell. This is Plato's Cave, and I know it is, because I'm standing OUTSIDE the cave, watching the abject madness inside! I'm glad you're out here with me, haha.

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What are the chances of any of these tyranical actors and war criminals facing a Nuremberg trial of their own?

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Steiner! Smart feller. All my four kids were, as they called it, "Steinerised", here in the UK. The state here has killed of most of the schools, and worst. most of the Camphill Communities for the handicapped. Steiner was way ahead of his time, and was clear way back in the day that the turn of the century would present us with terrible problems as a result of our extreme materialism and reliance on "reason".

And so it came to pass.

Stay free.

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Spot on Kyle! Speaking of Plandemic(s) an interesting, fairly short, read is PLANDEMIC 100%CENSORED. 0% DEBUNKED --- edited and co--authored by Mikki Willis...ALOHA!

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Jesus repeatedly gave us a very special and powerful invitation that we Christians should learn how to use: John 14:13,14, 15:7, 15:16, 16:23.

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I don't think its your right to bear arms, we don't have that in the UK. It must be something else.

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Can you share links to examples where in Canada, law enforcement is moving to "our side"?

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What are the chances of any of these tyranical actors and war criminals facing a Nuremberg trial of their own?

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I see most of your arguments as factual and well-founded.

However, I don't see the tyrants as "simpletons."

I don't know that my perspective adds that much to understanding the situation on Earth at this time. My data is so "far out" that most people don't even know what to do with it. And on top of that, Earth is an unusual case. Most other technological civilizations are much more homogeneous that we are. Besides being a spiritual prison, we are a bit of a galactic petri dish.

In other "advanced" space-faring societies, a rather high degree of social control and conformity are de rigueur. Earth contains all manner of beings who could not stand that much conformity and "safety." And now it seems that at least one group "out there" wants to turn us into one of their colonies. How can this possibly work? We are at a point, however, where we seem very exploitable.

The leaders here seem to be under the control of various "higher" forces through direct mental intervention. Those people are then being directed to enforce on us a program to "tame" us to the point where we can be reasonably manageable as a planet. I have no real idea exactly what this would look like, but one major objective would probably be to keep us spiritually ignorant and another would be to hide the truth of who the real rulers are.

Many on Earth are not aware enough to be revolted by this sort of treatment. Many others feel they are not really powerful enough to cause a change of course. And they could be correct. "Resistance is futile," right? But that doesn't mean there aren't ways to strengthen ourselves to varying degrees. I think those options are worth exploring.

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You should have unsexistly said “They will find an armed husband OR WIFE brandishing a .44 magnum to protect his or her family.”

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You should have unsexistly said “They will find an armed husband OR WIFE brandishing a .44 magnum to protect his or her family.”

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deletedFeb 14, 2022·edited Feb 14, 2022
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