“A healthy social life is found only, when in the mirror of each soul, the whole community finds its reflection, and when in the whole community the virtue of each one is living.” - Rudolf Steiner
“A great deal is happening all the time in world evolution; and it falls to human beings, particularly those of our own time, to acquire real understanding of the world events in which they are involved.” - Rudolf Steiner
Howdy all of you fearless, freedom loving heretical rangers! Thanks for all the free subscriptions and likes!
In early 2020, when it became apparent to many of us that something reeked about the entire official narrative surrounding the covid pandemic and the ensuing lockdown, mask mandates, business closures, worshiping restrictions, travel restrictions and the later push with Trumps Operation Warp Speed to rush toxic jabs into our arms, many of us began asking, what’s going on? Why is this happening?
All of this becomes even more poignant after realizing that the statistics point to the fact that there was never any pandemic among the general population (.4% of the population hardly warrants the pandemic label).
Today, after billions have been injected with a toxic cocktail of who-knows-what in the covid jabs, and with the death count from the covid jabs now surpassing a realistic death count from covid, and with the ongoing push by deep state Fauci and Chairman Biden and other so-called leaders who are still adamantly calling for people to take the jabs, this all begs, nay… it SCREAMS the question - WHY? Why is this nonsense being so adamantly pushed upon us to the point that censorship is occurring and our freedoms are being taken away on levels not seen since Hitler’s Germany. Why is it that millions are being permanently injured and dying from the jabs, from loneliness, from suicide and from hospital covid protocols that make no sense (including a personal friend recently murdered by those protocols)?
I’ve asked this question in several earlier posts and the conclusion many of you kept coming back to was multi-fold; power, control, money. While your instincts were on track - that certain elements within the upper echelon of the elite ranks were pulling the strings to make all of this happen - it wasn’t until talk of vaccine passports that the true end-game plans began to take shape.
Now… they’re coming. And all of us red blooded, freedom loving Americans need to deal with that, resolutely (coming up).
the china model
Early talk of vaccine passports centered on the Chinese model of a social credit scoring system where one either gains points or loses them according to how well he or she adheres to the official state programs. In many ways, the Chinese model began with the hypnotism that occurred under the philosopher Confucius and his “correct living” Mass Formation Psychosis (MFP) philosophy that was imposed upon much of Asia in the centuries after his death in 479 BCE.
China’s social credit scoring system as we know it today formally began under the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in 2011 and was launched as a national pilot with 8 scoring firms in 2014. If you want more detail on their system, follow those links.
the looming u.s. model
The winner of the most Orwellian name for a gathering of tech nerds has to be The 2019 2nd Symposium on Applications of Contextual Integrity. The sponsors of this so-called ‘think tank’ meeting include a who’s who list of those who seek to impose the Chinese model of social credit scoring upon us; Microsoft (founded by Bill Gates), Collibra (a data gathering company) and Future of Privacy Forum (another Orwellian name), a DC based ‘think tank’ that deals in data privacy (read that - they study ways to track you). One of the Symposium Committee members is Ding Xiaodong of the Renmin University of China Law School. Is he there to make sure all the legal, international t’s are crossed and the i’s are dotted between China and the US?
It just so happens that one of the major nonprofit organizations behind the push to get the US onto a Chinese social credit score program is the just mentioned Future of Privacy Forum (FPF). None of you will be surprised to learn that members of this forum include Google, Comcast, AT&T, Facebook, Microsoft and Intelius. Nor will any of you be surprised to learn that funding for this group comes from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, National Science Foundation, and Digital Trust Foundation. The CEO and board are made up of a who’s who list of tech and telecommunications officers. Here is what the FPF says about itself.
Mission: The mission of future of privacy forum is to advance responsible data practices. (sic)
Programs: Location and advertising technology: providing expert guidance on online tracking technologies has long been at the core of fpf's mission. Our current location and advertising technology work continues to explore cutting-edge tracking technologies. (sic)
One of the ways you know you are dealing with a bunch of Orwellian, idiotic nerds is that the programs completely contradict the mission. And yes Virginia, these are the people pushing us onto the Chinese model of social credit scoring. Do we get to vote on this? Of course not. Is this Constitutional? Of course not. Does this mean we no longer live in a Constitutional Republic? If these psychotic nerds have their way, apparently not. We should all be scared, very scared. Not just because these people are psychopaths who only see ways to exploit tyrannical power while stealing billions of our dollars, but because they are soulless, reptilian, satanists who seek to take over the world and turn it into something very dark.
full circle
How will they do this? Here we circle back to the reason for covid, the reason for Trumps EUA and Operation Warp Speed, the reason for bumbling Chairman Biden, the reason for the ongoing jab mandates: To force us to comply with a US social credit scoring program, the covid plandemic was imposed to create an ongoing carrot on a stick incentive in an attempt to make us comply.
the reasons why it will fail
The Chinese have no constitutional rights and have been programmed for thousands of years to comply, all of which makes them an easy target for a social credit score program. Conversely, we here in the US love our constitutional rights and freedoms. Hence, the perceived need for the carrot on the stick. But wait, Canada has a constitution, as do Australia and New Zealand. And consider the Nazi approach that Trudeau has used in Canada (is he still in charge of Canada?), Jacinda Ardern has used in New Zealand and the concentration camps that are now used to hold those who refuse to get the jabs in Australia.
our secret weapon
What gives? Why isn’t the US imposing a harsher crackdown like Canada, New Zealand and Australia? Simple answer: We have a second amendment in our constitution that guarantees the right to bear arms, they don’t. This is where the US constitution parts ways with all of those others and this is why mandates have not been enforced here as they have in those other countries. No sane law officer wants to face an armed husband protecting his family with a .44 magnum. In fact, as is now happening in Canada, many of those law enforcement officers are moving to our side. Here in the US where Sheriffs and their officers are sworn to uphold the constitution, your local sheriff should be your best protection, especially if he or she has gone through the constitutional sheriff program.
the 30/30/40 hypnotic parameters
Let’s say you’re one of the 30% of the population that is highly susceptible to Mass Formation Psychosis (MFP - herd hypnosis) that many have fallen prey to over the past 2 years, and you have decided to comply with the mandates and get the jabs so you can get a passport. Even if you take the experimental jabs and get a passport, there is no promise that you’ll get all of your freedoms back. The intent of the passports is to control you, to bend you to their demonic will, to make you conform to their dark vision of what society should be.
Let’s say your one of the 30% of the population who is not susceptible to MFP, and from the get-go you never bought into any of the plandemic bull-hooey. If you don’t get the vaccines, then you don’t get a vaccine passport and you will have none of your freedoms restored. But all is not lost… see plan b.
Let’s say you’re one of the 40% who can go either way and can be easily persuaded to come under the MFP hypnosis, or leave it just as easily, when presented with the truth. You…(!) may change your mind just by reading this article.
So, now I’m talking to those 40% of you in the 3rd group. If you decide to get the passport, know that your every move will be tracked and failure to comply with the rules and regulations of the new social credit scoring system will mean points will be deducted from your social credit score to the point that you may very well end up in the same position as someone who never took the jabs and has no vaccine passport. In other words, you may risk your life to get jabbed so you can travel or do whatever else you think you need to do, only to have it all taken away at some future date for failure to comply.
Now I’m talking to those 30% in the first group. Of course, if you do get the jabs and you do get a vaccine passport and you do comply with all the official mandates that come with that, then you will be free to do whatever it is that they will allow you to do, and… nothing more. Furthermore, at any time they can decide that they have a new jab they want to make billions ($) from, and they can dictate that to maintain your passport you have to take the new jab. This is the functional level of the mind of a hubristic, psychotic tech nerd who wasn’t held enough as a baby.
plan b
What these simpletons don’t realize is that in the same way the paleontologist in Jurassic Park pointed out that “life will find a way”, I’m confident in saying that freedom will also find a way. In fact I know it will because Václav Havel has already shown us how to do it. In one of his books (I’m sorry, I don’t recall which one - perhaps a reader knows?) he explains how to form a free, alternative society within the tyrannical one. Havel explains that as more people grow upset with the tyrannical system, the alternative free society will naturally attract so many adherents that eventually the tyrannical system collapses.
During the Soviet Union the official state press, Pravda, was the primary tool used to manipulate the masses. Today, here in the US, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and Fox play that role. What helped bring down the Soviet Union were the numerous pamphlets published all over the Soviet Union that spoke truth to power - and those are what everyone came to read and depend on for truth… not Pravda. Today Substack is leading the charge for free speech and truth and the lamestream media is now in free-fall. In a last hurrah they are now throwing everything they have left at entities like myself and Substack.
I say all of this to point out that by reading this and by commenting below you are now participating in one of Václav Havel’s free alternatives, and, as will be pointed out at the end of this piece, you are having a tremendous effect.
the crimes must not go unheeded
Of course, the fact that constitutionally guaranteed freedoms were taken away in the first place makes those responsible for doing so guilty of treason. At the top of that list we have Donald Trump who signed the EUA into law and instigated Operation Warp Speed, Joe Biden who continued Trumps policies and served as a drug pusher to the masses, and unelected Fauci who has effectively been dictating government policy since early 2020 under Trump.
Secondly, the previously mentioned tech corporations, foundations and oligarchs who have been working with the government to impose this agenda upon us, are all just as guilty of treason as the government officials they’ve been working with. All of them have also conspired to commit medical rape and murder by mandating experimental jabs. Right now it appears that Trudeau may be the first to face a rope.
Here is the video that inspired this piece.
about Substack
Substack has recently been facing an onslaught of criticism for hosting free speech bloggers like myself. As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been censored on most big tech platforms since mid 2020. I need to support Substack because they support me. The way that gets done is by me offering paid subscriptions. That will be coming up soon and when it does I hope you will support both myself and Substack.
I love you all for reading!
Thanks, Kyle, as always. Truth will win! The Great Reset is quickly becoming the Great Regret as its henchmen panic and run for cover. It will be interesting to see what happens with Trudeau in the coming days/weeks. Yet I also feel they won't back down so easily. They're committed. They're all in. They've invested $billions and stolen $trillions and they won't go down without a fight or trying to take us all with them. Evil knows no bounds. It's only our love, individually and together, that will be able to stop this. Love being the motivator, the purpose, the fuel, the product, the very substance of our actions.
Update on Australia: the march to Parliament House last Saturday is being touted as the largest protest in Aussie history. It was HUGE. Estimates vary wildly but around 25,000 seems the middle number from freedom lover reports. The MSM reported 'a few thousand' and 3-4 people arrested for 'crossing barriers'. There was a telecommunications 'brown out' and no one onsite could get any signal. Local Canberra residents bitched and moaned about the inconvenience on social media but of course, ANY mention or video footage was censored so you only see the one side. It's very hard to tell unless you were there. Joyful people, lots of children and families and an atmosphere of love and courage. Thousands have been camping out in a 'designated' camp ground for 2-3 weeks. Many people have lost everything with the mandates and have nowhere else to go but the atmosphere in the camps is like a big summer holiday. AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE - Oi Oi Oi !