
Please consider looking up the ambient air quality department in your state or country to help glean more information about SAI and radiation. The more people there are monitoring and cross referencing this type of information, the more accurately we can determine what is happening where and when. Combined, that would provide some really hard, undeniable evidence.

Thank you!

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Jul 27Liked by Kyle Young

To nip a huge part of this problem in the bud...HR8421 is a BILL TO ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE👈TAKE THE TROJAN HORSE that supplies endless money to the dod. It is in the first stages, revolutionary support via the people is our calling. ENDTHEFED like Ron Paul said, this is our chance...call your reps, educate friends and fam...make it happen USA.

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Agree 100%.

Do you have a link for folks?

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https://massie.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=395644. 👈BILL TO ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE

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I repeated this in a Note. This is the BEST IDEA I've seen for a while! Yay!

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Thank you.

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Jul 27Liked by Kyle Young

Thanks Kyle for all your work.

Chem trails have been nearly nonexistent this summer here in the North Central Foothills of the Sierra Nevada. Weather has been very warm to hot most of the summer (from 90s F to 110 F). However not as hot as the weather of my childhood (mid to late 1950s through the early 1970s) in the same area. Then it ranged from 100F to 120F in the shade with our home outdoor shade thermometer. It was not calibrated but coincided with the weather reports of the era. Also in the winter it mapped to frost or hard frost (ground frozen like concrete) very well. So it remains in my mind and body as reliable.

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I trust your word over the gubberment.

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Jul 28Liked by Kyle Young

Yes, I live in the Motherlode and I haven't seen any chemtrails since the heat got started.

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Jul 28Liked by Kyle Young

My wife and I pay particular attention to chem trails. They have been largely absent this summer. We look for them nearly every day.

I have begun to wonder if they might not be created west of the California coast just over the horizon. Why? Because in the very early morning just as the Sun hits the clouds there is patterns in the clouds that have a wavy appearance or as Kyle said "Ionospheric Current Drive (ICD), systems that can create the cymatic patterns"

To me they appear to have cymatic patterns. When I observe them they are already over the Mother Lode and moving East. By mid morning the sky is clear.

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Jul 29Liked by Kyle Young

Maybe that's why I haven't seen them lately, I need to pay more attention in the morning. My husband's theory is that they only use them to create rain and use HAARP or other weather weapons for the heat domes.

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HAARP = heat domes. Theoretically, chemtrails are supposed to block the sun. Cloud seeding is for rain. I'm working on a post about the latter.

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Jul 29Liked by Kyle Young

Thanks Kyle, their schemes can be very confusing.

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I am not sure as I am not up to speed on all of this. My wife is more knowledgeable. However, I can’t for a minuet believe they stopped attempting to modify the weather.

This morning (about 6am) I was near the top of Table Mtn, in the James town area. I can see the central valley from about south Sacto to about Merced.

Yesterday I saw a brown (smog brown) haze hanging over Sacto. Today its from Sacto to Merced. Mostly clear above top of the smog. I am not aware of any fires in the area of Sacto North. None here either.

But I don’t watch the news. So there could be. What do you think?

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My recent thoughts:

How can we stop Spraying Over Skies?

Quite a few people are waking up to the horror that is in the Sky all over the world.

At the same time, there are many people who are falling deeper into the deception/visual illusion of the fakeness in the Sky and the whole weather control.

How could they not?

If you watch any cartoons, almost all of them have GEOENGINEERED sky. Even older ones - Cinderella and Peter Pen and many others (a project by Hollywood)

If you watch movies, commercials - GEOENGINEERED Sky.

it looks like it is some kind of requirement these days - if you want your cartoon or movie to be widely watched, it HAS to have typical smeared white Sky or heavy clouds at all times. No blue Skies there

If you go on vacation to Thailand or any other country, even tiny ones or islands - GEOENGINEERED Sky (try North and South Pole, it is there too!)

You open your computer - images of places from all over the World with GEOENGINEERED SKY, almost 99% of the time

WHEN YOU MENTION that all THAT IT IS NOT GOD creation but spraying of chemicals to generate all these strange looking clouds, whiteness, overcast looking Sky - the majority of people are quite surprised.

Even if a few start seeing it.. the question : "Why would anybody do it" leaves them puzzled. It puts a mental block. "Nobody would do anything that SINISTER. " Why would they destroy the Earth and all living beings?

I think the problem that we do not realize who is the enemy.

We may think it is the government, the globalists, the cabal.

They just want to control us, depopulate.

We think enemies are other countries. Like Russia and Ukraine or Palestine and Israel. In reality, Russians and Ukrainians are from the same roots, and many are related to each other. The same goes for Palestians and Jewish - have the same roots. Brothers killing brothers.

These species learned how to govern and penetrate our mankind world. They have their agents (globalists, cabal). they have their secret webs.

Illuminati, cone heads, reptilians and others think they CAN RULE US. They have been doing for centuries.

If WE, the mankind, realized WHO the real enemy is. The enemy wants our God created land, Sky, and all the living beings to establish their rule, we would wake up much faster. I believe we would stop chem trails faster.

As we think we are still on top of food chain and nobody is a threat to us, then yes, we are not worried that much. We are not doing much to stop this Take Over.

The key to me is to LEARN who is the enemy , UNITE and PUT a stop to this slavery!

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Yes, even the screen saver on my laptop has geoengineered skies.

Thank you Masha.

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Jul 28Liked by Kyle Young

It appears you have failed in finding references to "Mackerel Sky's" historically.

"Let Water'd signifie a Sky that has many high thin and small Clouds, looking almost like water'd Tabby, called in some places a Mackeril Sky"

from "The History of the Royal Society of London-For the improving of natural knowledge" by Thomas Sprat 1667 - this edition published 1734


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Yes, the term has been used, but to the best of my knowledge, art depictions and photographs showing what are referred to today as Mackeral clouds do not exist. The drawing in your link is nothing like the "Mackeral clouds" generated by cymatics.

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Jul 28Liked by Kyle Young

The photos in Clayden’s Cloud Studies look like mackerel skies to me: specifically p. 51 referring to plates 20 and 21 and identified as hazy cirro-cumulus or cirro cumulus nebulosis. Plates 30 and 31 refer specifically to Mackerel sky and the pictures look like what is commonly called a Mackerel sky today. He also correctly correlates the occurrence of mackerel skies of that era to thunderstorms, something well-known to sailors. He also notes that mackerel skies are generally seen at sunset. Weather modification mackerel skies are something I repeatedly see in the middle of the day in S. Cal.

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I can't get the book to open, so I have to take your word for it.

As I've shown in previous posts, Mackerel clouds generated by cymatics tend to be stationary while real clouds and weather patterns are in constant motion.

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Jul 29Liked by Kyle Young

I have always been a sky watcher and I agree with you. I have also seen recently (Ireland) two layers of cloud -one very low and one higher - moving in opposite directions, it made me dizzy looking at it. I so hate this daily reminder of how messed up things are

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Jul 28Liked by Kyle Young

Google Drive opened it for me: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jaiquFMXxJxpkxE5kjYlqelqJCHUBAMt/view?usp=drivesdk

My experience is the same on the not moving, or very slowly. I haven’t done any kind of systematic analysis at all along the lines of what Mr. Clayden was doing, but my intuition about the mackerel clouds we are seeing is that they are artificially created. They resemble, but are not identical, to the real thing. And then there is the issue of time of day and association with storms.

Btw, thank you Kyle for all you are doing to expose this. Your work is much appreciated!

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Jul 28·edited Jul 29Author

You sare we;cp,e

You are welcome Tom.

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also I had a photo from the 1800s of a mackerel sky but now I can't find it ...

I bet if you went to the Library of Congress and looked at all the old weather books you'd find plenty of photos and illustrations of all the cloud phenomena attributed to haarp and nexrad etc.

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There's some photos in here.

Cloud Studies by Arthur W Clayden 1905.


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I follow a channel called Brasscheck and Ken McCarthy had these videos on his site today. You may or may not have seen them but I am providing the links. I found the audio one about Billy Boy Gates of Hell's henchmen discussing the aluminum very interesting.



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Thank you Joanne.

There are 3 videos there. Is it any or all of them?

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Jul 27Liked by Kyle Young

FYI, green lazers dusrupt frequency commands...an army of green lazers pointed upward into the trails is the idea...this or something better.

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Can't hurt to try:)

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Satisfying to read such informed research. Always find great nutrients in your presentations and articles. How many people are working on this with you from their geographical locations?

Do believe it might be advantageous to take some time in the day to monitor a few Agency Data Bases as you do.

When they HIDE the data; that fact in itself speaks ENCYCLPAEDIC VOLUMES.

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Right now it's just me. Yes, I could go to all 50 states and look up their data and try to correlate it, but after three weeks I'm still trying break through in my home state. And I have a farm to run.

Yes, I think it would be very advantageous for many people to monitor and cross reference so we can determine what was happening where and when. Then I can correlate that with satellite data. Combined, that would be some really hard, undeniable evidence.

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We Farm and always have for the last 400 years since arrival here. Weather has always been monitored; although not formally as you're doing.

Am keeping your information about State Agencies with the names of the Outlets you monitor. At least I have locations to start with and don't have to search so hard as you once did to find the data.

Would be a terrific idea to have more people in on this...Perhaps, MARKET THIS IDEA AT THE TOP OF YOUR POSTS TO GET IT ROCKING. Know this is Farming Season...Yes, for us here, too. We're kickin' butt with all the harvest now hitting its stride with the melons, fruits and tomato plants now ripening here. Beans and Peas...God, it's one thing to the next every day and haven't had much time to ride. Get cranky when there's no time to ride. At least the Grandkids are helping...Things could be worse were they not here to help. We have so much fun laughing. Was considering putting the Grandson's on to monitor the Sites you've outlined and to keep stats after we can get a program up and running to know what and how to measure. Have my old Psych Programs from Research and it could perhaps be transferred into providing hard data for you.

Do you think anybody would be willing to perform this task from different regions if not all the states? Do you plan to actively search for other contributors?

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The more contributors the better the results will be. This post is my fist request for help with this. If needed, I'll continue to ask.

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Yes, do. This could be a very vital project to begin involvment with fighting this threat.

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Thanks for this enlightening post Kyle. Re: "What Keith found was that sometimes on days when there were heavy SAI trails partly blocking the sun, radiation numbers, instead of going down, often went up, WAY up - from the average of 10 to 100 watts per meter squared to well over 12,000! What was even more crazy is that these high numbers often held right through the night, often lasting for several hours or days! They always ended by themselves."

If true, that defeats the whole purpose of using SAI as a way to mitigate what they say is a (man-made) climate problem. They would be creating a climate problem which I assume is the point. (BTW, I think this SAI program has been going on globally since at least the mid 1990's to accomplish what was envisioned in the Report from Iron Mountain). In any case, if the SAI nano-particulates actually block the sun's rays, it should get cooler below them, and the radiation numbers should decrease. That's their theory and their justification for using it, but the addition of HAARP-like (ionospheric heating) effects and cymatic (vibrational) phenomena complicate the issue.

Have you been able to determine whether the radiation numbers always increase after SAI applications? In other words, do the radiation numbers increase irrespective of whether there is any evidence of atmospheric heating and or vibrational effects occurring simultaneously? The hypothesis that either HAARP or Cymatics cause the inverse of the effect expected, could be further evaluated by trying to find a case where radiation numbers went down after SAI in the absence of either HAARP or Cymatic manipulations.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27Author

Good questions.

Yes, what we are being told about all aspects of geoengineering are a complete snow job. If global warming is occurring, it's due to geoengineering, not CO2.

Geoengineering goes back to WWII, but it was greatly ramped up by Johnson during the Viet Nam war.

Yes, there is data showing no increase in radiation on some days of heavy SAI. But there is not enough of that kind of data. We need to compile much more.

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Jul 27Liked by Kyle Young

At least 30-50 years of using chemtrails to irradiate us, that I know of.

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Aug 6Liked by Kyle Young

Wow - thank you for this informative article. I had no idea that some states are considering or have in place anti chemtrail legislation. As you say, though, this garbage blows all over the place and it would be impossible to keep it away if neighboring states are spraying. I wrote to my Toronto city councilor in the mid 2000s when I noticed the daily pattern of clear blue morning skies, spraying, and silver overcast by noon. He told me it wasn't under the city's jurisdiction of course and gave me the name of someone else to write, which I did, with predictable results. Your piece has given me hope that people are catching on to this poisonous practice.

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You are welcome Seafox.

Some folks have been taking the NH legislation and presenting it to their own country/state legislators.

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Thanks for the information on anomalous extremely high solar radiation power readings, Kyle.

One must wonder what frequencies/wavelengths were included. All power coming through from solar and cosmic radiation is at frequencies, which are filtered differently by various factors in our atmosphere.

Meryl Nass MD has all you need to know about Bird Flu in a brief outline of a recent presentation.

Mainly, it mutated to a really benign variant about 8 years ago, a "nothingburger".


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You are welcome John.

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Thank you, dear Kyle! I am still reading the astounding article you wrote! Thank you for your research and bringing it up to the people!

I just wanted to mention, I believe what happened in TN - the governor, most likely, got threatened and nothing changed. I was in TN 2-3 weeks ago - the worst chemtrails!

The fact that many other states are pushing on legislation is very hopefully, as the mafia cannot threaten everybody!! they should pass them all at ONCE!! There is hope... Thank you!

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Yes, until mores states pass similar laws, Tennessee will continue to have chemtrails.

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Jul 28Liked by Kyle Young

Exactly what does irradiate mean? Am I gonna glow in the dark? Melt? Turn to stone or glass? We have some 530 useless idiots in the DC Swamp pretending to be our congressmen who if they didn't have their heads up Gates's butt could look in the sky and see that something isn't normal and hasn't been for decades.

Obviously, whatever is going on they are in full agreement with it. By now, they would have passed a law banning all this from the country. But they are in cahoots with the WEF and the globalists and want us dead and gone. According to Deagal, about 270 million Americans are slated to be murdered by the end of 2025. That's over 15 million/month.

We will never know for sure what is going on. The guesses are all over the map. It's like everything else...something happened or is happening and nobody knows exactly what.

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Sadly, that's about where we are. But, because they are not very bright, they're stumbling and will stumble even more.

I hope to have more on the radiation soon.

Over the course of 2021/22 I wrote several posts about Deagal. Been thinking about doing an update.

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Jul 28Liked by Kyle Young

Please do. If you have the original post on Deagel archived please repost it.

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Jul 28Liked by Kyle Young

I was just listening to the Geoengineering Watch Global Alert, wow.


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Hope to get to that one today.

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Looking forward to reading the rest of your article. I got a little stuck on the non-existence of mackerel skies prior to the age of chemtrails, a trivial point I'm sure.

"What's the origin of the phrase 'Mackerel sky'?

There was no idiomatic dexterity involved in the derivation of this phrase; mackerel skies do look like the markings on a mackerel’s back.

The term has been in use since the 17th century and was first out into print by the appropriately named Thomas Sprat, in The History of the Royal-Society of London, for the improving of natural knowledge, 1667:


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Mackeral sky photos are in the link to an earlier post. I'm not sure who first began applying the term Mackeral to cymatic cloud patterns.


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