
I hope I didn't imply that Deagel's predictions are is going to come about. I think Deagel has a lot of credibility issues. Their explanation (at the bottom of each page) of how they arrived at these numbers is an admission of a lack of facts, sources and... credibility. The numbers are essentially their best guess.

However, what I found most interesting is that they clearly had some insight into the potential dangers of the jabs and which countries (races) are being targeted and which are not.

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Gore Vidal said the rulers don't conspire. They think alike. They do not think like us. The bankster dynastic families have had an extermination policy since before I was born in 1942. Their agenda is not to get rich, (they can make almost infinite amounts of money digitally), but to impoverish the 99%. Impoverished, disabled or dead we are no longer able to hold on to our wealth. True wealth lies in labor, land and resources like water. I have witnessed a vast transfer of true wealth from us to the .00001%.

They do not need to replace us. Just a few, well trained and indoctrinated, can do almost all the labor of the 99% using the land and resources of the planet. All, and I do mean all, the financial disasters, depressions, recessions and inflation, are caused by the bankster dynastic families. Only a few are publicly visible. Charles being the most evident. The rest stay well hidden else the pitchforks reach their gates in the off chance that the 99% awaken. Not likely, but possible. They need few "illegal" immigrants to do the work that even more cooperative robots and AI can do.

Before Covid, The Fed was created and lead was added to gasoline. One in five premature deaths can be attributed to lead poisoning per autopsy. I think more. Besides making us dumb; the average person lost 6-10 IQ points, lead causes hearing and vision problems and lead to heart disease big time. Literally 1 in 5 death by heart disease is because of lead. The danger was known before introduction. The clean alternative was ethanol. Can't have that. Every farmer and food production facility could have a still. https://chem.beloit.edu/classes/Chem117/lead/The%20Secret%20History%20of%20Lead.pdf

Then we had DDT which is still detectable in all our blood, even infants. The Fed has been controlling the economy since its establishment. Before that small bankers colluded to make money cheap and then to make it expensive so they could foreclose, but since, those things are done behind the closed doors by a small number of men and then carried out remotely.

The current inflation is solely caused by and for the banksters. https://www.democracynow.org/2010/7/16/the_food_bubble_how_wall_street

The Replacement Theory will be allowed to continue and be promoted. Divide and conquer has been the rule for millennia and still works well, and not just judging by the comments. Trump got elected using that trope and promptly gave himself and his fellow billionaires a huge tax cut. How did the working person benefit? Unless we wake up and unite under a banner like the IWW's slogan of an injury to one is an injury to all, we are doomed. Cheers

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Interesting thoughts.

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

The pandemics chapter in The Contagion Myth by Dr. Cowan discusses POLIO. It is THIS disease that vaccine supporters so frequently refer to as proof that certain diseases are caused by a virus. Dr. Cowan presents evidence from Dr. Morton Biskind in the 1950s and from Jim West’s 2003 report (see links below), that the real cause of polio is DDT, a central nervous system poison. Reading what Dr. Biskind writes and what West’s report reveals leaves one stunned. Stunned that scientists, public health officials, doctors, govt leaders, and the populace don’t know this, or if knowing the facts, they still stubbornly and illogically believe in the Virus Theory.

Dr. Biskind testified before Congress in 1950 about DDT and polio, where the reaction of the people’s representatives was basically ‘So what?’

Excerpts from Dr. Biskind’s 1953 article in the American Journal of Digestive Diseases:

“In 1945, against the advice of investigators who had studied the pharmacology of the compound and found it dangerous for all forms of life, DDT was released in the US and other countries for general use by the public as an insecticide. … the series of catastrophic events [polio paralysis cases] that followed the most intensive campaign of mass poisoning in known human history, should not have surprised the experts. Yet, far from admitting a causal relationship so obvious that in any other field of biology it would be instantly accepted, virtually the entire apparatus of communication, lay and scientific alike, has been devoted to denying, concealing, suppressing, distorting and attempts to convert into its opposite, the overwhelming evidence. Libel, slander and economic boycott have not been overlooked in this campaign.”

“Early in 1949, as a result of studies during the previous year, [Biskind] published reports implicating DDT… The relationship was promptly denied by government officials, who provided no evidence to contest the author’s observations but relied solely on the prestige of government authority and sheer numbers of experts to bolster their position.”

From West’s report:

“A clear, direct, one-to-one relationship between pesticides and polio over a period of 30 years, with pesticides preceding polio incidence in the context of the CNS-related physiology just described, leaves little room for complicated virus arguments, even as a cofactor, unless there exists a rigorous proof for virus causation. Polio shows no movement independent from pesticide movement, as one would expect if it were caused by a virus. … Neurotoxins are enough of a cause for neurological disease. The most obvious theory–pesticide causation–should be the dominant theory. But the opposite exists, a pervasive silence regarding pesticide causation juxtaposed against a steady stream of drama regarding virus causation. … Laboratory attempts to demonstrate causation are performed under conditions which are extremely artificial and aberrant.”

Due to the polio media frenzy and resultant public panic, not only did a lucrative business opportunity arise for vaccine makers, but the virus story provided cover for the harms wrought upon the populace and the environment by the chemical industry. In 1972, DDT was banned, 22 years after Biskind testified before Congress. But amazingly, the belief that a virus causes polio is alive and well to this day.

How, one wonders, is this disconnect with reality possible? Is education the cure for foolishness? Dr. Cowan writes in the chapter on AIDS: “Many books have carefully documented the case against the claim that a virus called HIV causes the disease called AIDS. Unfortunately, these careful arguments seem to make no difference to the man on the street – nor to scientists, for that matter. In essence, no matter what the evidence, 99% of the population, including most of the alternative medical community, still believe in this myth.” Clearly, education cannot make a blockhead wise. When it comes to AIDS or any other supposed viral disease, people believe public health authorities, doctors, experts, govt, and the media.

The response from authorities to Dr. Biskind’s revelations regarding polio apply equally well to the response by authorities 70 years later when, after years of killer virus fizzles, Covid emerged from a fish market in Wuhan or a bat in Wuhan or a lab escape in Wuhan and faster than you can say King Kong, landed in the USofA. And while TV news ratings soared into the stratosphere, a terrified populace was reduced to putty in the perpetrator’s hands. Once again, for the umpteenth time, a virus is blamed for the mysterious illness and deaths that began occurring in late-2019. Vaccine makers (and investors and patent holders) have received billions of primarily tax-payer dollars while govt provides cover for the real cause of Covid, namely, the telecommunication industry’s installation of 5G that began simultaneously with Covid.

During the past 75 years, the govt of the people, by the people, and for the people has supported one virus scam after another that benefit the Robber Barons and tighten govt’s grip on its citizens. Virus epidemics, corruption, and rampant criminal activity will continue until the Germ/Virus Theory is exposed as the fraud it is and abolished.

West report: https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/environmental-toxins/pesticides-and-polio-a-critique-of-scientific-literature/#gsc.tab=0

Dr. Biskind’s 1953 article: https://www.seleneriverpress.com/images/pdfs/PUBLIC_HEALTH_ASPECTS_OF_THE_NEW_INSECTICIDES_by_MS_BISKIND_1953_reprint_69.pdf

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You should have made this comment in response to the second comment by James Hill MD.

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Agree that would have been a better placement.

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Jun 26, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

My lengthy comment above examines the first major virus/vaccine scam success – POLIO – then touches on the second virus/vaccine scam success – AIDS – and concludes with the current, and most successful of all the virus/vaccine scams – COVID. As Kyle’s article makes clear, a doomsday fiasco is unfolding. A significant percentage of the world’s population will die or not reproduce because, willingly or not, they were injected with a ‘smart’ vaccine to protect themselves from a make-believe virus.

Beginning with Pasteur in the late 1800s and continuing up to today, the vaccine racket has flourished, its products causing disabilities and death to millions of people around the world. The root of the virus/vaccine scam is the Germ Theory. Until the Germ Theory is exposed as the fraud it is, the govt supported eugenics program will continue. The current and future vaccines, new technological ticking time bombs working hand in glove with 5G and future man-made EMFs, will bring about the extinction of all life on earth.

Do you wonder WHO is the Puppet Master of the DoD and the other evil doers? If it’s not Donald Trump, then WHO is it? I’m surprised anyone wonders because the PM is a being that every one of us knows intimately, but he’s not of woman born. He’s been in the world since the world was created and eventually, because his demise is predestined, he will leave this world. But not alone. He’s taking with him his followers. But before he goes, he and they will destroy as much of God’s creation as they can. And it’s this latest version of vaccines and EMF (5G etal) that will accomplish this goal.

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king charles?

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Jun 25, 2023·edited Jun 25, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

"Build back better" is the innocuous sounding translation of Tikkun from the creation myth of Judaic mysticism (Lurianic Kabbalah). The shattering of the vessels is followed by Jews picking up the pieces and rebuilding the vessels more beautiful than before. In my perception, this Tikkun motto was dogwhistled to all conscious supremacists by the omnipresent proclamation of "Building Back Better" and thus the project IHR, One Health, Perennial state of exception, was kicked off after the final Event 201 dress rehearsal.

About Tikkun Olam and Shevirah, the Shattering: https://www.sefaria.org/sheets/32246?lang=bi

I find it also noteworthy that in this creation myth, God steps back, limits himself to make space for an Other. Remarkably, people like Harari self-identify as God's kind. They may, with the collectivist frugalism that they plan for us, be seeing themselves as the Godhead that puts the earlier part of its creation aside to make room for "Their next creation": transhumans, or robots, or androids, or any AI based non-life form -just whatever they actually manage. What they are aspiring at, will in any case need lots of energy, for the servers etc. I sometimes wonder if we are to be put on such a stone age regime exactly because they will be needing nearly all energy for their calculations, simulations, data storage etc. So that we won't actually be using any less energy than now, it will actually still be required and generated, but will be so discreetly reallocated that we may even be unaware we are still "polluting" as much as always.

I think the Build Back Better dogwhistle slogan shows a lot of chutzpah and shows clear Claim of authorship in this global coup.


I forgot to mention, peter Hotez openly touts His concept of "science Tikkun". He wrote several papers on aspects of that, one aspect being countering "antisemitic anti-science" anti-vaxxers (= who are anti-mrna transfection) whom he sees as more dangerous than regular terrorists.


Please read the beginning of that...

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All of that could be on the agenda.

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I just added something above, Peter Hotez explicitly talked of science Tikkun.

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The link is in my long comment above at the end. I added it after initial posting of the comment but I wanted to have it all together at one place.

If you search for peter hotez science Tikkun you find a number of articles he published in that context.

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Kyle: I agree it appears targeted. Note however that the Deagle projected reduction for the US was ~ 70% by 2025, that is from ~330 million to 99 million, not down 99 million people. The UK projected reduction was ~80%. These two nations were projected to experience catastrophic population reduction in a matter of a few years, something that would be virtually impossible by out-migration or radically reduced fertility rates. An EMP comes to mind as well as the obvious sequelae of the jab program.

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Do you have a link to that Deagel page?

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Jun 26, 2023·edited Jun 26, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

On the 2017 archive, look at all the numbers and it's clear that the prediction for the US is to have a population of 99 million. India's population isn't doubling.

Most concerning is the US GDP dropping by almost 90%. That probably causes most of the deaths.

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I'm not seeing that. Please explain.

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Jun 26, 2023·edited Jun 26, 2023

If you looked at the 2017 data, it has 99.something million with a red down arrow. But China has a red arrow at 1.358 B and India has a green arrow at 1.342 B. Clearly, they are not saying that China's population will go down that much leaving them with almost nothing and India's population isn't doubling. So the arrow simply indicates population going up or down and the number is where it's supposed to end up at. So 99M left for the US. Not down 99M.

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

I have a portion of it that was included in an very long article, would have to copy and paste it after I find it again. But his summary above is correct, I have reread it in the last year, and well remember it when the page was still up. Deagle took it down due to the number of inquiries.

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Can you tell me what year that came out? I can a Wayback search.

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I found this one about 2 months ago. Someone posted it on substack, but I don’t recall the author. I don’t know if it’s different from the one you have posted.


Thanks for covering this and I too want to know who is behind the decision to wipe us out and more importantly why would anyone in government go along with it?

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Taken offline several years ago was a page on people with dual citizenship in the government of the USA. Very large percentages of the employees at State Dept and Pentagon. Many names you might recognize as neocons, some still serving.

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Why would the ZOG go along with it? It is a Talmudic imperative.


pause at: 5:30 Whites v Jews in Ivy League schools

1:55 Whites as a % in US n EU

13:24 Barbara Spectre- and see stat at left screen

"...leading Bolsheviks....were not Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse..." Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Ukraine was part of the homeland of the Khazars- for explanation of current enmity

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That looks like the same year and set of numbers I posted above. They likely also got it from the Way Back Machine.

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Others have provided some but here is one which has a lot of information:

https://www.ahava528.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Deagel-Analysis-updated.pdf (Craig Pardekooper analysis)

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I like to remind everyone of European extraction I meet that " it's OK to be White". Some laugh, some cry.

Great Replacement Theory is real and well underway, on multiple fronts.

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Jun 25, 2023·edited Jun 25, 2023Author

All true.

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I recommend we call this "White Erasure" (what it is). "Great Replacement" will strike most people as upgrade, while our victimizer's agenda is a severe downgrade for Westernkind.

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I can think of no situation where this would be an upgrade. Not sure which target market would, other than the replacers themselves.

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Jun 25, 2023·edited Jun 28, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Those pushing white erasure don't invite me to their meetings, so I can't be sure, but I've seen their so-called spiritual leaders explain that Western Civilization is the modern incarnation of "Amalek", and that Amalek must be exterminated and even its memory erased. Adam Green has been collecting and publishing clips of these so-called spiritual leaders saying these things.

Regardless of these alleged "spiritual" reasons, from a practical point of view I see that those who've accumulated huge fortunes by criminal means are highly motivated to avoid being brought to justice, and that they likely judge that justice-oriented Westmen are the biggest threat to their continued parasitization.

Eliminate the people who most threaten them?

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Wow. I have not been fully read in. That's nuts.

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Is "Amalek" equivalent to Satan?

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

"Amalek was a nation described in the Hebrew Bible as a staunch enemy of the Israelites. The name "Amalek" can refer to the nation's founder, a grandson of Esau; his descendants, the Amalekites; or the territories of Amalek, which they inhabited.".... Wikipedia

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

the Jews sometimes use Amalek to refer to all Gentiles

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It does appear that whites are being targeted.

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The Canadian government has been throwing out the new population number of 40 million but I doubt it. Just like I doubt the 8 billion world total that has been touted since the start of 2023. I doubt much of the official stuff anyway. Now they have been letting in at least a million people a year, if not more, they say, but I don't know where they are putting them all. The idea, it seems, is to overwhelm the current population with newcomers so that they will not have the traditions or the patriotism of the natural born citizenry, and thus will be easily controlled, and given a new history and social conditioning. But if most people are all going to die by 2025...will it be the unjabbed immigrants who remain? Or is it all out of their control already. We live in interesting times.

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I too have doubts about the effectiveness of the plan. But then I don't think they've played all their cards yet.

Immigration drives down wages.

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

there have been more than 5 million walk/wade in since Biden installed in office. The numbers of Chinese have exploded, and now thought to be more than 300k; a standing army size force. There have been known mideast terrorists picked up. Since the Dept of Homeland Security has been funding the camps at Darien Gap, and coordinating with NGOs about their bus transport to the border, it should be understood just what is coming. The Canadians have hosted large Chinese army exercises in the forests near Vancouver. There are large numbers of Chinese all up and down the west coast, and Gates recently visited with Xi. Gates based in Seattle.

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

I think they want to get rid of the people who's counties consume too much of everything, according to them. They also want to get rid of nationalism and people being proud of their countries, which is why they are importing our replacements from third world countries.

A quote from father of the green agenda, Maurice Strong:

To introduce the plan, the Earth Summit Chairman, Maurice Strong boldly proclaimed, “Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.” Of course, according to the plan, if it’s not “sustainable” it must be stopped. Green New Deal Reveals the Naked Truth of Agenda 21, American Policy Centre, 25 February 2019

Maurice Strong, Climate Change And The Great Reset Agenda https://principia-scientific.com/maurice-strong-climate-change-and-the-great-reset-agenda/

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Good stuff. Thank you John.

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

SPLC says the GRT is extremist hate speech and DHS uses SPLC's criteria so you are a hate speech extremist.

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Why am I not surprised?

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I think the plan is to replace white folk with darker skinned people who are migrants from other continents. Look up Kalergi plan.

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Count Coudenhove-Kalergi had some interesting beliefs as a whole. EU elites give out an award, possibly annually, in his honor. Presumably the recipient has done the most to further the Count's beliefs in the EU. Multicultural, peaceful Paneuropa, without borders, with a common currency, a joint army and navy, guarantee of minority rights with punishment for hate speech, valued 'masonic eclectism'. His mother was the daughter of a wealthy Japanese merchant, a Buddhist who had converted to Catholicism. His wife was an Austrian Jewish actress. https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/european-elites-and-ideas-of-empire-19171957/power-of-prestige/3BB6755A084822AB8A540205FB233C0A

Please read the section called 'The aristocrat as a social mediator'. It reads like an outline for the WEF.

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You're getting close to one of the sources I'll be writing about.

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Jun 26, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Thanks for this post Kyle.

These are the links I've saved for many years of Bill Deagle.

My Deagle site with the population reduction #s (as commenter John H. noted -reduction(!) by 2025.

has never disappeared.


Bill Deagle's videos



And I suppose this is current today.......


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I hope you're not correlating Bill Deagle with Deagel.com. They are not the same.

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Why not?

As far as I can tell they both came onto the internet at roughly the same time - mid 2000s.

One site looks "official" and is something even Corbett deigned to "investigate".

The other, the site with an odd "doctor" making all his claims of having been witness to decades old "deep state" plans seems like the ravings of a crackpot.

So what?

I've been waiting to respectfully discuss this for at least ten years but so far no one has explained either site to me and why they can't possibly "correlate".

Apparently. I'm not afraid to look like an idiot.

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I think Corbett was talking about another Deagle who died in 2021 (got that wrong in the post), right when the page in question was taken down.

Can you offer some proof?

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Sorry, I don't understand your question - and it's been a few years since I listened to Corbett hoping he would address Bill DeagLE vs DeagEL.com.

He never did, that I recall, but he made a big deal about the spellings of someone and the military depop site.

I will say again, that the Dr Bill vitamin site has his bitchute bio video up in the top banner and he claims to be the same guy as in the earlier videos......... which are actually kind of fascinating but veer off topic quickly as I remember.

In this video at minute 12:30 he starts discussing bloodlines.... a little.


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Well I've never known what to make of Bill Deagle.... his videos from the early 2000s seem to suggest a connection.

I found it funny that his little internet symbol thingy is a somewhat facsimile of the original deagel depop site.

Like a long running psyop.

What do you make of his claims in his videos?

On his commercial vitamin page up at the top there's a bitchute bio of himself repeating the early videos......

He's a strange ranger for sure, supposedly sitting comfortably in SoCal.

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Pfizer, Astra Zenica, Moderna, Merck and all the others.

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Kyle, you wrote:

“It would also be interesting to learn how a particular product came to be used in each country. My guess is, those pulling the strings behind the scenes had a lot to do with that.”

In an article titled: “Pfizer used Israel as

"the world's first laboratory" to study its Covid vaccine's efficacy, NOT promote safety.” It goes on to say, “While Israel is a relatively small country, it was dubbed "the world's laboratory" by none other than Pfizer's CEO Albert Bourla. Israel's Covid-19 vaccination programme, officially named "Give a Shoulder" began on 19 December 2020, and was praised for its speed, having given 20% of the Israeli population the first dose of the vaccines' two dose regimen in the span of three weeks. This article reveals that, in exchange for the privilege to be the first country in the world to roll out the vaccine among its population, Israel entered into two agreements with Pfizer over COVID-19 vaccines that turned Israel into an agent of a commercial pharmaceutical company — and forced the state to give up its sovereign responsibility to protect the well-being of its citizens. In the framework of one of these agreements “The Real World Epidemiological Evidence Collaboration Agreement”, the research outcome measures, defined by Pfizer, did not include safety. In effect, the contract between Pfizer and Israel’s Ministry of Health enabled the pharmaceutical giant to conduct a real-world experimental study of its Covid-19 mRNA vaccine efficacy using the Israeli population as test subjects.” – Nadya Swart


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Yes, there are some long standing links between Pfizer and Israel. However, that's just one country.

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Jun 26, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

It's a pretty freaky question: are we being subjected to deliberate death/murder?

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It's time to be asking freaky questions.

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Jun 26, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Well, yeah.

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'Yes' to your sensible question.

But you are omitting 'subjected to deliberate harm'. It is typically more profitable.


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Jun 25, 2023·edited Jun 25, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

The planned depop numbers might relate to the preponderance of 5G towers in certain countries.

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There IS that.

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