"In whatever man does without God, he must fail miserably, or succeed more miserably." ~ George MacDonald
Angels and ministers of grace, defend us. Shakespeare, Hamlet
As I’ve pointed out here a number of times, Klaus Schwab has long been predicting a disruptive cyber attack. As most of you know, AT&T and its affiliates suffered a major cell phone disruption this past week.
Yesterday a friend who has a big presence on Sayer Ji’s Unity platform told me it’s been down for months. Unity was touted as one of the most secure, independent platforms out there.
About a week ago I was unable to sign into Substack for a day. It cleared up and for a few days signing in worked as it has for the past three years. Then Friday the problem began again. Since Friday I’ve been in communication with Substack, to no avail. They said they see no problem, but they’re still looking into it. Meanwhile, I’ve found a long, work-around solution that gets me signed in.
As usual, this post was ready to go Saturday morning but I didn’t fully realize the work-around until this morning.
I’m not going to point any fingers because I’m not sure what’s going on. I’ll just say that, because the blockage has come up since I began writing about those who benefit from the corrupt Border Industrial Complex , it smells fishy.
What all of this says to me is that no one is safe from cyber attack. When the time comes, any electronically dependent service can be shut down at will by the powers that shouldn’t be.
Will there be more targeted attacks like those I just mentioned, or is the big one yet to come?
some catching up
In the previous three posts I’ve discussed the role that charities play in abetting illegal immigration into the US. I’ve also pointed out how they help facilitate the entry of terrorists and aid drug smugglers. As I made clear in the last post, the large umbrella organization known as Catholic Charities is a big player in this arena, receiving billions of dollars from Catholic Joe Biden to run its migrant programs.
On 2/7 Texas AG Ken Paxton launched an investigation into the Catholic charity known as Annunciation House, seeking records on migrants it has aided. Annunciation House has operated in El Paso since 1976. This smallish Catholic non-profit was given 24 hours to provide the documents required. It refused to do so. Annunciation House then sued the State, claiming it needed more time. Texas then sued Annunciation House for failure to comply.
Paxton has accused the charity of human trafficking and serving as a drug stash house.
The first question that pops into my mind is, why is a religious non-profit trying to avoid investigation? If they have nothing to hide they should be more than happy to throw their books open to authorities without any hesitation. What has Annunciation House been doing in El Paso for nearly 50 years?
Just as a reminder, El Paso sits right on the border with Mexico and has a very long, very violent cartel history.
Although I included the map above in a post long ago, it’s worthy of another look.
This map shows the 100 mile wide Constitutional Free Zone that encompasses the US. This is what the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) arbitrarily claims as it’s jurisdiction. The CBP claims that people living inside this zone have to forfeit Constitutional rights. In other words, they can come onto your property or into your home without a search warrant. I know this is the case because it has happened to me and others I know in the tiny community where I live eleven miles from the border.
Note that the entirety of the Hawaiian Islands falls under this jurisdiction.
This makes CBP the largest law enforcement agency the country. As the map shows, nearly two thirds of Americans come under its purview.
In January of 2020 Trump gave the CBP security agency status which grants its employees immunity from Freedom of Information searches and other public scrutiny. This occurred shortly after a BP agent was accused of molesting a child. This is the same level of secrecy granted to the CIA, the Secret Service and the NSA.
Thanks to Trumps designation, the CBP is now the equivalent of the Stazi Police in the former East Germany.
I should preface the rest of this by letting new readers know that I have no affiliation with any political party.
On 10/26/2001 President George W. Bush signed the Patriot Act into law. The unconstitutional restrictions on our freedom implemented by that Act have been embraced by every president since then.
On 11/26/2002 Bush signed into law the Homeland Security Act, creating the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This amounted the largest expansion of government since LBJ’s Great Society programs.
On 6/15/2012, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano (under Obama) announced the initiation of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Obama then signed an executive memorandum implementing DACA.
In September of 2017 Trump announced plans to phase out DACA. Numerous lawsuits followed challenging those plans. Long story short, the cases were tied up in court until Biden got into office.
Shortly after taking office Biden began using restrictions allowed under the Patriot Act to track, trace and censor the people of the US.
On 1/20/2021 Biden issued an executive order reinstating DACA. More legal machinations followed to prevent this. According to USCIS here is where things stand today.
On Aug. 30, 2022, DHS published the DACA Final Rule, with the intent to preserve and fortify the DACA policy. This rule, which puts into effect regulations at 8 CFR 236.21-236.25, rescinds and replaces the DACA guidance set forth in the 2012 Memorandum issued by Secretary Napolitano.
Here is the link to the Code of Federal Regulations that explains how 8 CFR 236 is supposed to function. If you can make sense of this gubberment double speak, you’re a better person than I am.
newsom’s mindless mess
California has been devastated by the jabs. The San Diego Police Department alone has lost 500 police officers since 6/20. Prior to 1/1/23, one had to be a citizen of the US to become a police officer in California. To fill the shortfall of police officers Governor Newsom created due to the death toll that followed his covid jab mandates, on 9/29/22 he signed into law CA SB 960 which allows DACA recipients to become police officers. Today, as you read this, the Los Angels Police Department has nine officers in training and six more that have gone through program. One is on the job.
There are complications.
First of all, Federal law prohibits a non-citizen from owning a firearm, so these officers must turn in their guns at the end of the workday. LA police chief Michel Moore said they are trying to determine how to make off-duty hours part of their work so they can take the guns home. Read that - so they can sidestep Federal law.
Secondly, once on the job, these DACA officers, who are not citizens, will be able to arrest those of us who are. The idea that foreigners will be enforcing law sounds a lot like unelected WHO officials trying to tell the people US how high to jump when the WHO declares a pandemic. These are globalist tactics. And they’re being imposed by WEF/WHO puppets like Newsom and Biden.
Once we understand that Newsom’s mess came about because of his jab mandates, it becomes easy to see how one conspiracy sets up the next one and how that one leads to the next one.
Eisenhower and JFK’s warnings about the overreach of power by certain globalist entities 64 years ago have gone unheeded. Instead, we’ve watched as an ongoing domino effect of one ill conceived government event leading to another has led the US to the brink of collapse.
What all of this shows us is how just one domino (albeit a big one), the massive expansion of government known as DHS, ostensibly created by Bush to make the US more secure, has done the opposite. It set the stage for many more domino’s to fall. With every expansion of government comes an equal or greater expansion of taxpayer funds going to corporate entities that benefit from the new programs that government expansion creates.
As Julian Assange said, “The job of government is to take money from the people and give it to corporations.”
the cia role
The upheaval Bush caused in Iraq over lies about WMD and the ensuing war led to a huge influx of Iraqis into the US. That was followed by lies about the Taliban, ISIS, al-Qa’eda and other such groups, all of which led to wars in Afghanistan, Syria and Libya. That, of course, was followed by a flood of migrants from those countries.
Bush launched a total of around 50 drone strikes in the Middle East during his two terms. Obama, who won the Nobel Peace Prize, authorized over 500 drone strikes on the Middle East, most coming in his first term.
We need to keep in mind that in all of those cases the original intel for targeting and disruption in those countries came from the CIA. In other words, the reason why the US went to war in all of those countries was because the CIA created ‘intel’ and used the legacy media to spin that intel to the American public in such a way that made it sound plausible to justify wars in those countries.
As General Smedly Butler said, “War is a racket”.
From Eisenhower to President Kennedy to RFK Jr, many have warned about how the CIA to foments war on behalf of industries that benefit from those wars. As I’ve pointed out in previous posts, the CIA has been using those tactics in Central America for decades. It’s for this reason that we’ve long been witnessing the flood of migrants from Central America.
We have to conclude that the CIA knew exactly what was going to happen after its incursions into the Middle East. Those chickens have come home to roost. Tens of thousands of people (possibly hundreds of thousands) are flooding in from the Middle East. As the video below of the Syrian shows, many of those coming from the Middle East have very different - nefarious - intentions than Central Americans.
One statistic that tells us the extent of the CIA’s misguided policies is that the number of mosques built in the US since 9/11 has increased 120%. Can there be any better way to create division in the US than to invite a religious group that has historically been at odds with the Christianity? That the creation of the CIA/Bush oil wars in Muslim countries has led to a massive influx of Muslims is no accident. Will this intentional disruption help bring about the downfall of the US and usher in globalism?
The animosity the Bush/Obama/Biden/CIA war mongering has fostered towards the US from Muslim nations has put a target on the back of every American.
But a very big fly recently landed in the ointment. The slaughter of 30,000 Palestinians by Israel is causing Americans to turn away from Israel in droves. While few support Hamas, support of Muslim Palestinians is increasing rapidly. Israel is shooting itself in the foot.
But thanks to historical US intervention in Muslim countries, ire towards the US remains. What follows is a video of a Syrian illegal - likely Muslim - who came across the border 11 miles south of my farm. When asked who he is, he tells the independent news team, “You’re not smart enough to know who I am. But soon you’re gonna know who I am.” Is this guy part of a terrorist sleeper cell network being set up in the US to help tear down the US, courtesy of CIA/Biden largess?
To rub salt in the wound, this guy will get free transportation from the border to a city of his choice. If he needs medical care, that will be provided free of charge. If he doesn’t have a cell phone, he’ll be given one - supposedly for monitoring purposes. If he goes to New York, he’ll get a prepaid card that allows him to spend $12.52 per person per day for 28 days at a time. The card is then reloaded.
All of this is available to every person flooding illegally across the border, courtesy of US taxpayers.
Families have recently been making up the largest percentage of migrants. The NY program pays a family of five $1,752.80 per 28 days. Apparently, the plan runs indefinitely.
DACA participants can also get WIC and SNAP benefits. This can add another $1,500 or more per month, bringing the total benefit package for illegal aliens and potential terrorists to well over $3,000 per month. As long as low income qualifications are met, WIC and SNAP also have no ending date.
What we are witnessing here is the construction of a non-citizen population that will be on the dole for an unknown number of years. In addition to the use of taxpayer money to fund NGO’s that aid potential terrorists and drug smugglers, this is yet another way our tax dollars fund nefarious activities.
Ultimately what we are witnessing here is the creation of 15 minute cities. These people will not be provided enough money to be free to travel and move about. Their limited income will force them to stay on campus where they can be monitored, controlled and irradiated by cell phones and cell towers.
Folks, this ain’t right. None of it.
Here’s what this agenda looks like from where I sit. Destroy jobs with a fake plandemic. Foment wars in foreign lands to generate migration of cheap labor to drive down wages. Force the new migrants into kill boxes. Then create a new plandemic and tell them that to continue to get benefits they need to take the new jabs. Then cull that population with the jabs. Rinse and repeat. Those running this “reely beeg shew” make billions from taxpayers in the process.
Oh, and to be able to pay for all this, we can only give the fire victims on Maui a one time payment of $750 per family. Meanwhile, we can still send hundreds of billions to Ukraine.
Why do both parties encourage illegal immigration? Because both parties work on behalf of the corporate lobbyists that inflate their egos and fund their political endeavors.
Yes, this is about providing cheap labor for the elite. (See my previous post link). But there is more to it than that. It’s ultimately about destroying the US. Why destroy the US? Because doing so is highly profitable.
the cloward/piven strategy
I have to admit that I didn’t know anything about Cloward/Piven until Tim Foley filled me in a month ago. At the very least, I find this information interesting. At worst, I can see how it’s been implemented for decades.
Professors at the Columbia University School of Social Work, Cloward and Piven outlined their strategy in a May 1966 article in The Nation - "The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty”. Sociologists and political activists, Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven put their heads together and hatched a plan to tear down US society. Their idea was that this would then lead to forced socialism with everyone being enrolled in a Federally funded, guaranteed annual income. Sound familiar?
Given the previous description of the programs that are being made available to illegal aliens, we can see how this agenda is being moved forward.
Like so many ideas that came out of the 60’s, their socialist plan was usurped by the predatory elite. But let’s first consider what their plan was.
Regarding the idea that everyone would be on a guaranteed annual income…
"would produce bureaucratic disruption in welfare agencies and fiscal disruption in local and state governments" that would: "...deepen existing divisions among elements in the big-city Democratic coalition: the remaining white middle class, the working-class ethnic groups and the growing minority poor. To avoid a further weakening of that historic coalition, a national Democratic administration would be constrained to advance a federal solution to poverty that would override local welfare failures, local class and racial conflicts and local revenue dilemmas."...
The ultimate objective of this strategy - to wipe out poverty by establishing a guaranteed annual income - will be questioned by some. Because the ideal of individual social and economic mobility has deep roots, even activists seem reluctant to call for national programs to eliminate poverty by the outright redistribution of income.
They were criticised for trying to bring down the most sacred secular religion of out time, capitalism. Much later, in 2010, Francis Fox Piven wrote in the Nation -
Our objective was not, as later critics of the Glenn Beck variety later charged, to propose a strategy to bring down American capitalism. We were not so ambitious. But we did think that the minority poor and their allies might create sufficient disturbance to force reforms in the American income support programs. And we were not entirely wrong.
They didn’t get everything entirely wrong, but they were far from right. Yes, as I’ve pointed out in the three previous posts, social services are currently being overwhelmed, especially in some Democratic sanctuary cities. The massive influx of humanity illegally flooding across our southern border is taking a toll. And yes, the legacy media has done a fine job of encouraging all of that. But that’s about the only part they got right.
As I’ve also been pointing out, instead of causing a collapse of capitalistic society, it’s having the opposite effect. That loud sucking sound we’ve been hearing since Biden moved into the White House is the sound of money being sucked from low and middle income taxpayers, the ones that Cloward and Piven - theoretically - sought to help, as it gets funneled to capitalist corporations and well connected charities to pay for programs that we are being told enable humanitarian programs. I liken these humanitarian programs to the “humanitarian aid” the US has been giving to Ukraine for the past several years.
These private/public partnerships, as the Biden/Obama administrations like to call them, are also known as fascism.
Hindsight provides us with a 20/20 perspective. From a financial viewpoint, the big winners of the Cloward/Piven strategy have been those corporations that provide goods and services for Federal and state government agencies to, so we are told, patrol the border and provide goods and services to the flood of humanity coming across the border. We are also told this money is meant to help protect people like me who live 11 miles from the border. However, as anyone who lives in my tiny community will tell you, we face more harassment from the CBP than we do from smugglers and terrorists who do not want to be seen. How and what corporations profit from all of that was illustrated in the previous post.
Yes, the fabric of society is being torn asunder by the burden caused by this influx of humanity, but like the covidcon lockdowns, masks, closures, and especially the roll out of the kill shots, those who are pulling the levers behind the scenes of this war on humanity are making billions in the process of tearing apart our society.
In other words, border issues are just another money making scam being run by the same predatory elite who promoted banana wars in Central America, oil wars in the Middle East, who ran covidcon, who have been pushing for war in Ukraine and are now pushing to widen the Israeli war. It’s all being run by the same investment firms, funded by the same banksters, promoted by the same bought-and-paid-for legacy media and overseen by the same hand picked NGO’s and politicians around the world. How else can they all be so coordinated in their talking points and timing?
All of this begs the question: Were Cloward and Piven just playing minor support roles in the overall CIA plot to tear down the US?
Well done, per usual.
I'll forward this to my page, too.
Things are getting really gnarly, my friend. Take care.
OMG this country has already gone to hell in a hand basket. Thank you Kyle for your articles. I always learn something from you. Things are just crazy nowadays