I could not agree with you more on this issue as I am also in the Freedom Camp. I was in doubt about viruses myself and about twelve years ago I bought a book by Janine Roberts called Fear of the Invisible. It is still in print. There is an excellent synopsis here: https://www.davidpratt.info/roberts.htm

Roberts started off believing in viruses but her research changed her mind. They do not exist. They are only exosomes, or cell messengers. She did a thorough deep dive, and I became a convert. Since the publication, more has come out and that includes Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk's book Dissolving Illusions. I tried to find the Youtube video of her visit to Leicester where the world's first anti-vax protests took place but they were taken down.

I strongly believe we can get rid of germ theory altogether after this plandemic has run its course. The signs are there that the narrative is crumbling. In the meantime, we need to stay united as divided we fall.

When the current crop of conservative virus believing gurus say they are not anti-vaxxers, I sigh and move on. This is not the time to go to war with them. I have to remember that is hard for a man to see the truth if not seeing the truth pays his salary. The truth will eventually come out, but until then we have a bigger battle to fight.

The truth is difficult to find sometimes because we put layers upon layers of lies upon it. It is sometimes best to remove one protective layer at a time.

I look forward to your blogs every week. You do not disappoint.

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Jan 24, 2022·edited Jan 24, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

This makes me think of Dr. Chris Knobbe's video outling the primary cause of death and how and why they have changed since the Civil War era. After air and water, what we eat has largest impact on our health and well being. Four years ago I changed my diet to single ingredient whole foods, eliminating sugar, factory oils and processed foods while getting blood work baseline numbers then suplementing vitamins, minerals and hormones as needed under a endocrinologist's supervison. My reason for this was weight loss, sleep management, immune function and overall health. I agree with your assessment and believe we can do better with eliminating environmental toxins while improving quality of nutrition rather than relying on small molecule pharmaceuticals.

Thank you for the great article.


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Thank you, Kyle. I so appreciate your take on things. I also did a double-take on Mercola's article. What? I couldn't believe it. Like you, I thought he had been threatened considering his previous work to date. It's not unheard of, especially not in the last two years. I recently heard Ursula Van Der Leyen was blackmailed to buy vaccines for Europe, her husband had to take a position of some sort. And think of all the African nations whose leaders refused vaccines and Covid mandates, and then suddenly died or disappeared. With so much money and power at stake, the Pharma companies don't take no for an answer. It is without doubt in my mind they have hit men on retainers.

While I had instant misgivings about the pandemic from the beginning, it wasn't until October 2020 that I was seriously red-pilled about it. I watched both Plandemic docs as well as the Fall of the Cabal and started to listen to James Corbett. Everything fell apart and the hidden truths were revealed in all their dark Satanic evil.

Over Xmas 2021 I was red-pilled again with deeper revisionist history about WWI and II. This deception isn't just the last few years or the last century, it goes waaaay back. I had to literally throw out all I learned, all my truth markers and do my own reset, to be wide open and not make my mind up about anything until I'd unveiled enough to get to the truth, if there was even such a thing! I mean, history is history. Once you strip the accepted version written by the winners, what do you have? It's mostly anecdotal and interpretation. Then you have to use your own inner knowing and intuition. It makes the whole notion of 'facts' come loose.

Phew... so here I am reading your posts and nodding.

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Jan 24, 2022·edited Jan 24, 2022

There is nefarious intent with this - and any of the leads who get central FOX news promotion are in on it. Everyone isn't just some duped fool - and the people who have appointed themselves the leadership of the PEOPLE's freedom/truth movement are there to coopt and deceive. Controlled opposition are on the SAME payroll and belong to the SAME club as the MSM first line disinformation agents.

Mercola blog may be viewed here:


This is not Mercola's only sin. He is a proponent of pharmaceutical sales pitches such as early treatment saves live (even if one completely ascribed to the official false narrative, this makes no sense, 99% of purported Covid cases present as mild to moderate, so a mass early prevention drug program is unnecessary on THAT merit alone)


Both are pushing in the above, Bill Gates monoclonal antibodies which cause cancer per the DESIGN and mechanism of the drug

So, Mercola isn't some innocent, he is selling poison same as those who shill the vaccine - just in a different form


The controlled opposition is about to hit the wall, and it can't hold. The drugs they are promoting are killing people same as vaccines and once people understand that ALL of these treatments are a tactic of warfare, not health - anyone who sold any of these drugs will lose all remnants of their quickly fading credibility.

The whole diversion to fight weapons as genocide as a medical choice issue is a diversion tactic.

Yes, medical autonomy is important however this isn't about having an informed choice about medical procedures

This is a war against the citizens of the globe. They have NO benevolent intent. This is a culling and control grab, the pandemic is a trojan horse:


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As always, thanx Kyle.

This post has got my understanding written all over it.

I won't bore you w/ details. Suffice it to say that some of us thrive on expansion of

consciousness and "moving on".

Personally, I tend to ascribe to Dr. Zach Bush's perspective on the purpose and function of the virome. I do not fear genetic upgrades intended for my edification.

RE: timelines of the GDA, (Global Domination Agenda) including the subset gda

(global depopulation agenda), as w/ everything in our reality panorama, there appear to be

many levels.

Before the "bibe" there was the Nag Hammadi text. (Archons)

As Navyo pointed out : "it goes waaaay back".

Thanx again for another great article.


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It is late and I read your article very quickly, but it does deserve some discussion.

My impressions of Cowan and Kauffman mostly have to do with how they present themselves, and not the content of their arguments. They both seemed a bit too smug to me, and somehow disconnected with the cultural churn going on right now that centers not around medical theory but around data of real economic and personal damage created by the pro-vaccine group.

It is as if they inserted themselves into the conversation to make it more complex and confusing than it already is. In other words, for the most part the controversy at this point has nothing to do with germ theory.

But another way of looking at their work is that it invites us to take our blinders off and look at a wider view of life. And I agree that this is very much needed if we are not to climb out of the current rut we are in and just fall into another one.

Their view is, basically, that germs aren't the only cause, or even the primary cause, of disease. Disease is caused by various toxicities that attack us either directly on a cellular (biological) level, or in other more subtle ways. To ignore these toxicities and the obvious handling for them (detoxification) is to ignore one of the most promising approaches we know of to becoming more healthy permanently. I believe Cowan and Kauffman err mostly by focusing on the weaknesses of germ theory as a theory rather than the weaknesses of a medical system based on the theory which has failed to produce a healthy population. We don't need theories for theory's sake. We need them to guide us in making people healthy. If they don't do that, then they are being used for some other purpose.

And that's the point about germ theory. It is being used to drive profits rather than improve health. And that has condemned it just as much as its factual failings. Not only do we need more workable theories of disease, but we also need practitioners willing to apply those theories to actually making people well. We have some practitioners who have done this with nothing much more than germ theory and common sense to guide them. This indicates that germ theory is not totally useless. it's just not a very good theory, that's all.

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I read this because the title raises a question in which I have tangential interest. I form opinions based on observations, (admittedly) influenced by research. Research invariably includes conclusions made and shared by others. It is fair to assume, that those people formed their opinions much the same way -- though some have the luxury of training in a given field which we call "expertise". Obviously, Dr. Fauci has "expertise" in the area of virology. Yet, he claims that HIV causes AIDS, and other equally credible "experts" claim there are AIDS patients who apparently do not have HIV. (This is discussed in JFK's Fauci book, as elsewhere). This is not something I would every be able to prove or disprove, so I accept it as a hypothetical challenge that I cannot alone resolve.

I'm not going to buy a book "the fallacy of believing that viruses cause illness"), at this stage of seeking understanding without something more, any more than I'll buy a book on "alien civilizations live in underground cities below the Antarctic ice", or "graphene oxide in COVID-19 vaccines self-assemble to form 5G antenna that will be used to control your brain" (and, yes, I know they're not vaccines). Somethings I can summarily dismiss based on innate intelligence and discernment coupled with physical observation and understanding -- and I am totally satisfied with that.

Yet, there are some things which spark interest beyond anything I'll ever be able to physically observe, which posses enough credibility to compel me to at least keep my mind open.

Perhaps if someone here could post something concise and believable that explains why it is that if I "get sick" with "flu symptoms," more often than not my wife will come down with similar afflictions. And, if a family member comes around use while exhibiting the "symptoms" they too -- more often than not -- come down with similar symptoms. This has been observed throughout the recorded history of man. And, quite frankly -- though I can't cite to it off-the-cuff -- I believe this is not inconsistent with what the Bible says (I'd have to do more research on this point to argue it).

So, I'm open minded on this issue. Yet, I have not found a reasonable explanation for my own personal observations about "contracted afflictions" consistent with my research into those who have expertise in this area of science. Long way to say, convince me that a better explanation exists.

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Thanks for your thought-provoking and well-researched articles. I echo what many have already said, so shall not repeat those sentiments. I love that you have an intelligent readership. It makes reading the comments so enjoyable versus in so many other comment arenas where one must wade through the Neanderthal pool of lowest common denominator. Which, frankly, I refuse to do any longer. I think your postings are the only online comments I read anymore. “Discerning palate” and all that jazz. Ha.

Re: markers...my most difficult marker hurdle was the wall I faced 15 years ago when I was pregnant with my first child. It had never occurred to me to question the whole children’s jab schedule until my children’s father began to research. He insisted we not vaxx our baby, but I dug my heels in and said I needed to research too. That research was revolutionary. The veil was permanently torn in the temple at which I didn’t even know I was worshipping. It was also horrendous.

Back then the anti-vaxx information available was just beginning to surface. My mind went back & forth, knowing I wholly held the future of the little life growing inside me, and if I made the choice to vaxx her, it might very well be irrevocable. But I wasn’t sure. I just couldn’t read fast enough, confirm the character & reputation of the authors fast enough (which also required slogging through tons of disinformation), or think of “all the right questions.” I didn’t yet know then how to fully recognize the earmarks of propagandized medical info, so I had to learn to read and process information differently.

Even after she was born I still wasn’t sure. I had enough info to know there was a chance she could be harmed, but everything I found was anecdotal. I only knew allopathic medicine back then, and all those guys were saying how safe everything they proffered was.

What finally convinced me was the local pediatrician. He told me 1) to give my baby formula rather than breastfeeding and 2) he made parents sign an agreement that you’d give your child all the recommended jabs otherwise he’d drop you as a patient. The lack of vaccine choice was the warning bell that tolled high & clear and I walked away from the “markers” I’d held to be true. And when I turned to scale the wall of that difficult decision I’d faced for nearly a year, I’d found it had already been disassembled stone by stone, and my path was unobstructed.

I’ve never looked back.

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The timing of this article was impeccable as I have lately been doubting my own sanity regarding this issue. The controlled ops are out in full force making those of us “covid deniers” out to be complete kooks. The list of those on the Freedom side is extremely handy. Thanks again for this well-written piece that I will be sending to many people. Reality really is crazier than most could ever imagine!

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Excellent analysis, Kyle. I'm disappointed by Mercola's stance but not surprised. He's a big supporter of Mikovits (of Plague of Corruption fame) and belief in viruses is dogma for him. Virus skeptism is flat-earth nonsense to him, which is why he probably censors it.

I'm a virus skeptic myself- because I know they haven't been truly proven to exist. But I acknowledge it's possible they do exist- and perhaps we simply don't have the technology to truly purify them and sequence them. (In that case, all vaccines would still be scientific nonsense since they could be based on the "wrong" virus or "wrong" spike protein sequence.) The main obstacle to displacing the virus paradigm is replacing it with another paradigm the public will accept. Yes, toxins and bacteria can explain many illnesses- but what explains something like the flu? Can natural and manmade EMF (per Arthur Firstenberg) truly explain something "infectious" like the flu? Can "DNA/water "transmission" per Montagnier explain "infectious" diseases?

Del Bigtree (Highwire) recently acknowledged the SARS-COV-2 virus may not exist and that germ theory may be wrong. But he thinks it's too high a hurdle to convince the public of that and he thinks we can win with germ theory arguements. I'm actually fine with that and glad to know he's a potential virus skeptic.

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Can you please explain viral syndromes and what you think is the cause of them, then? Open honest question…not a ’gotcha’. Clearly fever, chills, myalgias, congestion, cough, etc. has some causative factor…

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Dec 17, 2022·edited Dec 17, 2022

"how can we be so sure that many other diseases are not being caused by the radiation poisoning now occurring from cell phones, 5G towers, EMF’s in the home (wifi, microwave ovens, refrigerators, digital meters etc) at the office, on a ship (many now have onboard 5G), at a concert (with tens of thousands of cell phones in use in close proximity)?"

We can be quite sure of that because the radiation you refer to can be measured. Both in strength and in frequencies used. And that is where all arguments against these radiation sources fall flat; Prior to the growth of cable-TV, digital radio, wireless internet, 2,3,4,5G we had actual TV signal and FM/AM radio transmitters, powerful ones at that, most ranged from 10 kiloWatt to 100 kW strong, per TV-channel, per radio-station, and our countries were loaded with them. The frequencies used don't differ that much from the ones you call new here. Which begs the question: Why was nobody complaining back when we were radiation poisoned a thousandfold in strength compared to what we face now? The HF, RF, LF radiation we had to endure in the 1970s was way worse than what we face now. Not even mentioning the radiation coming from CRT screens (old TV-tubes), tube-amps and tube-radio-receivers. It was all horrible, compared to what we measure now. And interestingly: The measurement devices are still the same, still work the same way, still measure the same frequencies. So, unless you deny their functionality, or physics, your story makes no sense whatsoever.

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Hey Kyle, this is Gary from GVFM. Finally read your latest piece. You have surely stirred the yellow jackets' nest. While not agreeing or disagreeing at this point, I applaud your efforts to uncover the truth.

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I have a few issues with how you've divided people into camps, especially with the language of "conservative camp" vs. "freedom camp." I'll write up an article in response probably, though I've already wrote about it already (see below). But my short version is: I think viruses exist, and some people are simply more vulnerable to them for a variety of reasons. The idea that "just because all people don't get sick from X virus means viruses don't exist" is simply illogical.

Furthermore, I'll go so far as to say that the idea that viruses don't exist is a "poison the well" propaganda tactic that was probably seeded by the very people you are fighting against, in order to make the entire movement look insane. So consider that before patting yourselves on the head for being more "awake" than those of us who think germs are real. It's a pointless focus right now.

Even if you are right, you will never convince the majority about it, and you don't need to make this point to fight against mandates. So all in all, it's a LOSING strategy and a waste of energy, IMHO. And now, with articles like this, you're helping foment more fighting among people who should be on the same side. Divide and conquer. Not helpful in the least. You're welcome to believe what you want, but I'd encourage you to avoid putting people into "camps" for disagreeing with you (pun intended.)


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While viruses were determined to be sources of contagion in my lifetime, why does that mean there is no germ theory? Does that mean that bacteria and parasites don't cause illnesses or potentially make people sick? It seems I am confused.

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Howard Zinn is a propagandist whose work has done more to dumb down America's children than CRT could ever hope to.

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