the question is WHO wants to destroy biological life on Earth? WHERE do they come from? Who or WHAT are they? AN enemy never asks permission.. I really can't stand the concept of revelation of the method concept where people say THAT they are telling you what they are going to do, subliminally, through symbolism, through movies and so forth.. THAT is NOT asking anyone for permission by hiding the the information in the first place. It is not asking permission when NO one knows that they are even asking. They show you these things in order to control your mind and your thought and your attention. Do we live in a FREE UNIVERSE? Do we live in an infinite Universe? I don't think ANYONE knows for sure where we actually truly are, let alone WHO WE ARE. Meanwhile thanks for all your work to point out that strange things are manipulating our weather, our world and our lives.

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The "who" is the little cabal of inbred psychopaths that have been running the world for thousands of years, under this name and that name... They like to call themselves the "Black Nobility." Black, because they think nobody knows who they are (sorta true, but rapidly changing now we've gone through "Covid,") and Nobility because they are so fucking arrogant and full of shit that (pardon me while I hurl cookies) they believe they are "superior" to the rest of us-- because they're so fucking wealthy, hoarding all the money they steal, that OBVIOUSLY, they are Better Than You.

A good place to look for more detailed, and even maybe more scathing, descriptions is on Frances Leader's page, called "Uncensored." There are many posts there about these hooligans who own everything and we're unhappy... They're the bosses of people like Klown Schlob and Bilge Gates... You'll spend hours getting schooled on her page...


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Yes i have read a great deal of Frances work.. And have been doing my own research for over 20 years. Thanks for the info. What i mean when i say who are they is a much deeper question actually. The black nobs are their physical presentation. These creatures in my opinion are not human. They are corrupted entities black literally because they lack any light or love. Thats just an intro to my question on WHO these entities are that are destroying organic biological life and terraforming our living home EARTH-HEART LOVE LIFE

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9Author

Just wondering if you feel the same way about the thousands of studies and research papers they publish about what they can do - hundreds of which I pointed to above? There is the nebulous idea that if there is no dissent, consent is assumed.

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Which is obvious bullshit right? If we do not Know what they are asking of us then there is no consent. Its one thing to ignore... Its quite another to have no knowledge.

No kNOwing... Interesting words eh? Then there is the purposeful conditioning of our minds teaching us to agree to being powerless. Teaching us that we CHOSE to come here to learn lesson. Telling us that we are sinners and deserve our suffering.. That we must accept karma..

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Zackly. They've set up all sorts of "contracts" that we don't get to know much of, if anything, about, and since we don't say "NO," then (they say) we're saying "YES." What asinine, 3rd Grade kind of logic is that?? I mean, if it weren't so insidious, it would be laughable.

Nothing is put to a VOTE, spelled out so everyone knows what they're getting, they sneak around IN THE DARK, and the whole enterprise is "legal," in some sense, but UTTERLY UNLAWFUL. The whole thing about having a contract is that BOTH parties understand all the conditions and issues, and they then agree to it. You know this, I know, but for others reading this thread...

I do have some reservations about the idea that these people are not "human." What does that mean, exactly? Are you saying because they're psychopaths, have no empathy? Or are you saying they're reptilian? I've heard that, too. I struggle with that idea, but I have no way to test them.

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Yes thank you for the deeper explanation about why they are NOT asking for our consent. Do we even really vote in those that rule over us? They appoint themselves while giving us an illusion of power in voting. Then once in do we have any say? NO. Do we get to vote no, do they continue to Represent us? NO. Do they listen to our protests? Do they listen to our Dissent? NO. This is why I do not agree to this concept of Revelation of the Method, that is just another psychological operation to put the blame for something going wrong on US. They victimize while telling us there are no victims because we did not act to stop what they are doing.

And this is not me saying that victim mentality is a good thing. There are victims, and each victim will need to stand up against the tyranny if they want to end victimization, We all need to find our Power, that they have stolen from us.

Speaking of contracts... what about the one they say we signed in order to come into this life and play this game? SHOW me this contract! Show me where I signed up for this?

Kyle has made it clear he does not consent, he has done the work to show that he does not consent... ARE THEY HONORING HIM??? Are they honoring any of us? Anyway, depending on what one thinks about this reality we live in, A simulation or an Infinite Universe, the Entities that rule over us, may not be Human, may not be from Earth, but evil invaders, or may be a parasitic virus within the Simulation, bent on destruction of the system. It's goal is to END LIFE.

EVIL opposite of LIVE

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Can everyone read this work? Does everyone know it exists? Does everyone have access? You know but you are still experiencing it. Do you suffer at the hands of the ignorant?

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Jun 11Liked by Kyle Young

Absolutely correct.

All God requires is their exposed overall plan being exposed to 'The People.'

Problem remains that God's people suffer often from SLOTH/LAZINESS and turn blind eyes to the threat of evil until it's so outlandishly pervasive it costs blood, limb and life to regain even a modicum of Liberty and Freedom to worship God in any way at all.

To evil, 'Disssent is to consent.', and God is helpless to do anything as 'The People' choose it out of their own 'FREE WILL.' Many now know the threat and continue to do and say nothing in dissent out of laziness and fear while expecting God to do all. God NEVER does all. God only acts after 'The People' take the first step to stand opposed to the evil threatening them.

Humans must ACT (Not Speak and Learn) first before God does. In regaining freedom...It generally costs much and God allows that, too. Humans only learn from MUCH suffering and misery. IT'S THE HUMAN CONDITON.

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Very nicely said BC3.

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A lot of that info was just for anyone on the thread. No offense.

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I appreciate you posted the information!

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I think people are starting to be aware that "Covid" is a fraud... or at least questionable. But few people know about the Black Nobs.

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Jun 25Liked by Kyle Young

I think so many smart people invested so much of themselves in the paradigm, it hurts them to even look through it. Even after watching movies like the matrix and others.

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Good point.

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Wow, nice photo's Kyle - seen this: June 7, 2024: The 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals just ruled in favor of protecting individual human rights and bodily sovereignty of teachers and other staff of the Los Angeles School Unified District’s (LAUSD), reversing a lower court’s dismissal of their case against the LA County’s School District vaccine mandate for employees.

Announcing this huge win on behalf of their clients, Health Freedom Defense Fund issued a press release, stating that the case was won;

“On the merits, the majority ruled that the district court had misapplied the Supreme Court’s 1905 decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts when it dismissed LAUSD’s lawsuit on grounds that the mandate was rationally related to a legitimate state interest. In Jacobson, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of a smallpox vaccination mandate because it related to “preventing the spread” of smallpox.

The majority, however, noted that HFDF had alleged in the lawsuit that the COVID jabs are not “traditional” vaccines because they do not prevent the spread of COVID-19 but only purport to mitigate COVID symptoms in the recipient. This, HFDF had alleged in its complaint, makes the COVID jab a medical treatment, not a vaccine.

The court recognized that mitigating symptoms rather than preventing the spread of disease “distinguishes Jacobson, thus presenting a different government interest.” Based on this reasoning, the majority disapproved the trial court’s contention that, even if the jabs do not prevent the spread, “Jacobson still dictates that the vaccine mandate is subject to, and survives, the rational basis test.”

The court held that “[t]his misapplies Jacobson,” which “did not involve a claim in which the compelled vaccine was ‘designed to reduce symptoms in the infected vaccine recipient rather than to prevent transmission and infection.”’ Jacobson does not, the majority concluded, extend to “forced medical treatment” for the benefit of the recipient.”

When HFDF asked the court to opine as to whether or not the CDC’s claim that the COVID-19 vaccines were ‘safe and effective’, the court responded with the rhetorical question, “safe and effective for what?”

Legal Precedent for U.S. Citizens to Deny Medical Treatment

Per the HFDF press release, “Judge Collins wrote that the district court “further erred by failing to realize that [HFDF’s] allegations directly implicate a distinct and more recent line of Supreme Court authority” for the proposition that “a competent person has a constitutionally protected liberty interest in refusing unwanted medical treatment[.]” Citing the Supreme Court’s decision in Washington v. Glucksberg, Judge Collins noted that the right to refuse unwanted medical treatment is “entirely consistent with this Nation’s history and constitutional traditions,” and that HFDF’s allegations in this case “are sufficient to invoke that fundamental right.”

The Kingston Report

A Legal Precedent is a LEGAL "Rule Of Law from God". It cannot be bought or suppressed.

A forced medical treatment which BionTech/Pfizer said should have been licensed as a Gene Therapy Injection (2015) and which targets the Dentric Cells in the Lymph Nodes (2023) - but what for?

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Saw that. Look for an appeal on that. If it goes to the supreme court, look for them do as they are paid and rule in favor of big pharma.

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If that should happen, then someone should insist that contagion be PROVEN, that "infection" be proven, and that "germs" be proven; since in the case of contagion, there have been many, many efforts to do so and all have failed; infection and germs are part of a medical narrative that are based on assumptions... Most of this work was done almost 200 years ago, and was undone by Louis Pasteur and his clown squad. The good news is, more people ARE starting to be very skeptical of all the "virus" yap and yammer, not to mention the uneasiness that folks like us have created, or exacerbated, with SCIENCE that questions the very existence of "viruses" and the voodoo "isolation" procedures virology has followed for so long. One thing I've noticed over the past couple of years is the difference in people's response when someone talks about "science," and when someone talks about "profit motive." Hmmmmm. One thing EVERYONE does seem to understand is how easy it is to corrupt someone with MONEY...

As to the subject of chem trails, et al, I don't really know much about weather and all that... You seem pretty whippy on this subject, and I would believe you over thousands of others; that said, from what I understand, and for which I have LITTLE DOUBT AT ALL, we are UNDER SIEGE, the goal being to CULL the population of Humans globally, but especially targeted are the Five Eyes Countries: USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. I have seen how DEWS has been used to bring down the Twin Towers and cause fires that are not normal kinds of building demolitions or fires that behave as we have ALWAYS know fires to behave... We see a push by our own govt. to start a nuclear war with Russia, and how our taxes, which are illegal to begin with, have been used to prop up genocide and hegemony over vast parts of the globe, and fund idiotic "plans" to fight "global warming" which is a baldly fallacious claim on its face... It makes PERFECT SENSE TO ME that all this chem trail/geo-engineering HAARP and all that is there to 1. weaponize the weather; 2. create a means of terror and force that affects great numbers of people, and 3. cause disasters and now perhaps COOKING the planet, and combine that with the EMF's and my friends, WE ARE IN DIRE PERIL. That's without mentioning (until now) that we are practically BEGGING Putin and the Russians, who seem to have kept some semblance of SANITY intact, to bomb us with NUCLEAR WEAPONS. WTAF, and I'll spell it out: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK??!!?? I think the Actual Fuck is, there is a plan to kill a WHOLE BUNCH OF US, enslave the rest, chip the slaves, and later on, kill the rest, and maybe the entire planet, while these utterly senseless fiends think they are going to HIDE underground until it's ALL CLEAR, and then come back and re-invent the world, according to SATAN, and THEY will be GODS...

How do I even get my tiny dog brain around all this? I mean it's utterly insane, and sounds like movie, or even a CARTOON... Well, I have experience with people like this. They're part of my family. NO, that's not really true, my family members are not in the .001% that own 90% of ALL THE WEALTH of the planet... They're just nuts.

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Whew... Sorry, that was a BOOK.

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I read all of it. Thanks.

Are we not already being ruled by Satanic powers?

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I wouldn't argue that we're not. Let's kick their ass! ^_^ Woof! (I might CHEW it.)

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Jun 9Liked by Kyle Young

Yet, they always want to point their fingers at you and I and blame us for any kind of "climate change". We are eating too much meat, we aren't recycling enough, we are watering our gardens too much, we are breathing to much, we are farting too much. Yet never a peep about the government's meddling with "the climate". Never a peep about the evil experiments that are being done in the atmosphere. Never a peep about how a country's military causes more pollution than all of the people living in the country combined. Nope. Never a peep. It's always, WE have to stop doing everything that we do to live "for the climate". Meanwhile, the ones who are pointing their fingers at us as the "problem" continue to go to giant meetings in their private jets, dine on the finest of foods available on the planet, drink water from glaciers, etc. I wish people would wake up to all of this. By the time these monsters have destroyed everything and we are sitting in our 150 sq foot "apartment" eating whatever passes as "food" that we are "allowed" to eat, and taking the "medicine" that we are mandated to take before we can get said "food", it will be too late. What can we do? Well, reading articles like this is one thing we can do. Be aware. The next thing we can do is *refuse* to be told we are "useless eaters". Say no to EVERYTHING that we know is BS. Be willing to be arrested or whisked away to a camp for "wrong think". We have more power than we can even imagine... if we come together as one and say we are *not* having any of this crap. Go buy a steak today, even if you can't afford it. And buy a bunch of milk and butter and things they are trying to steal from us.

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Well said. All of it.

Especially the part about reading posts like this:)

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9Liked by Kyle Young

Thank you Kyle! Great info and thinking - I will come back to this stack to read it more carefully since I can not do it now.

I am commenting because in the last 3 days there was SO MUCH spraying of the sky above the Croatian capitol that it is rather crazy (similar to when we had that huge earthquake in 2020)! But also very telling! Because it coincides with the new moon and periods that my Maria Thun Moon Sowing calendar is showing as “— — — —” (unfavorable time to work with plants)!

It looks like they are trying to block out the sun, and/or perhaps hide the view of atmospheric phenomena from us. I do not think this type of spraying is done to drop chemicals on the surface. For example, there was a break in the milky cloud cover yesterday and I saw a white triangular "something", the size of a plane, slowly going/falling and disappearing like it turned on cloaking or went into an invisible mode.

And I notice how the wind just stops and the atmosphere seems like it is unnaturally still. There was also a horizontal flash of lightning without much sound to be heard after it with rain following (weak thunder and rainfall for short time , also strange), quite strange (yeah, like they are using HAARP and whoknowswhat else)!

I am also noticing rather strong "effects" on emotions and energy within and around me, but that might be due to EMFs.

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Block the sun and hide stuff? Yes.

Dane Wigington has taken samples of chemtrails in flight. It's the same toxins Dr. Ana Mihalcea has found in the many blood samples she has studied. She has also found it in beef.

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Jun 25Liked by Kyle Young

I've noticed that strange quietness happening and I agree about the emotions. As I was abut to say this, I'm thinking when we know emotions are high, possibly it's the right time to ask our question and listen. I definitely agree about extreme weather manipulations and obviously generated earthquakes, but I've been feeling the weather this year was more as I recalled it being, about thirty years ago.

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I could say the same about where I live - at least for the last 6 months. But then I hear from others who say they've never seen so many chemtrails or that he weather is the strangest ever. It seems to depend on the area being targeted.

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Jun 8Liked by Kyle Young

The financial parasites are attacking the weather. Is nothing sacred?

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It would appear not.

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Everything is sacred, until it is desecrated. ❤️

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Jun 9Liked by Kyle Young

Why would it be?

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What, sacred? The Earth is sacred, and so is everything in Creation. It is the disregard and dishonor caused by some (sort of) human elements that are the problem. And they have tried their damnedest to convince us that there is no Divinity, it's all just mundane junk. Anyone who spends much time in Nature knows better. Yes? Is that what you meant? (Hi, by the way.) ^_^

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Jun 9Liked by Kyle Young

I meant the comment to mean: Why would it be, sacred to the people trying to destroy us and the world in general. To those of us with sense, IMO, there are many sacred things.

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Ahh, I see what you mean now. ^_^

No, they don't think anything is sacred, from what I can gather. It seems they're more interested in quite the opposite... a fascination for EVIL. Murder and torture, stuff like that. And all the usual narcissistic tackiness and self-aggrandizement. Barf, oowwoooo, yark.

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Jun 10Liked by Kyle Young

Yark, fer shure.

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tee-riffic deep dive! I knew 'bout Haarp but not this "cymatic activity" piece (nor just how portable it got)... I'm wonderin' 'bout the timing tho'--it takes 'bout 3 days of constant cloud seedin' here (NE) ta see just that many days of rain -- so with this new system, is it a shorter time frame or are changes instant like with the DEWs we saw in MaoWhee... it's all purdy dastardly...

not sure 'bout goin' to our local off-fish-alls here 'bouts at least--we are fightin' a cell tower they wanna put up an' only the Amish side with us--the others are "all in" an' the zonin' board "likes" the idea--I gave 'em 8 pages of citations 'bout the dangers--not sure if they even looked... they liked the looks of that 50 year contract... so if they don't "believe" cell phones are the devil, they likely won't go fer cymatics (or better yet psy-matics!)

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Is the tower at a school? I've been peripherally involved with that here.

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Aw thanks Kyle but nope, it's one well-off guy who doesn't care--I don't think it's near a school but there's a lotta Amish farms near him an' all have kids. My hubby went to talk to this guy, to give him info to consider an' the wife, before "fetchin' " her husband sounded curious and added (quite astonishingly), "oh, we don't need the money--not sure why my husband signed but I'll git 'im" (!)-- So she got 'im and his attitude was, "I dunno much about all that stuff yer talkin' about but I DO know that if I don't sign the contract sombuddy else will--nothin' you can do to stop them." Mister Moses tried to object to insist there wuz puhleny we could do but he wuz shown the door.... At the meetin' we found out the guy had already signed the contract--50 year contract. Zonin' board can still turn it down but we fear they won't--at least by what we sawr at the meetin'-- they listened to that smarmy Verizon lawyer like it wuz water to a duck--we'll keep fightin' this but like I said--folks won't even believe their dang phones an' those towers are weapons--how in heck will they even consider even the existence of Haarp, DEWs or "psy-matics"-- gave 'em 8 pages of citations...links... hard to git thru them stubborn noggins they're harmin' their own fer a bag of "silver" (ha, not even real silver!)

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I’ve witnessed a couple of “disappeared” planes. One recently in SF. I was trying to get a video of a low flying plane, it was loud, and by the time I got my phone on to video it disappeared but I could still hear it. I was in a crowd and said “hey, where’d it go?” And people looked up and could also hear it. Not a cloud in the sky, not even chem haze. It freaking disappeared. Another time the plane was really high so I thought it was my eyes playing tricks on me so I didn’t think much of it. But, something is going on.

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Remember Malaysian flight 370 that disappeared from radar on March 8 2014? I'll be doing a piece on that soon.

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🙏🏼 thank you

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You are welcome Michi.

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Hi Kyle, that site the user sent you is from HeartMath - global coherence initiative. Confirming: you think it reflects how the ionosphere is being affected by Haarp?

Love the song by the way.

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I should have mentioned that. I'll do so.

Although I have no hard evidence, it seems the heartmath site could confirm that. I haven't yet determined how to verify that. I was thinking to use GOES to make correlations. How tech savvy are you? Got any ideas?

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Jun 8Liked by Kyle Young

I can't grasp the concept yet...but I'm getting there....what c9lor 8f any are the sound waves that don't move?

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The cymatic waves don't have any color, but they can be seen because they cause moisture in the atmosphere to form into wave shapes that correlate to the shapes of the cymatic waves. It's the moisture that were looking at in all of those images. In the areas I mention, that moisture is in a standing - stationary - wave or ripple formation. Those waves can be seen in the cymatic experiments with water shown in the video in my previous posts.

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Jun 11Liked by Kyle Young

Just love your research, Kyle. You really have your ducks in a row and address very complex topics as these clearly and succinctly.

Very curious about what you think about this particular Substack. Mr. Iglesias continues to speak about the threat of the Chinese while defining the threat of the U.S. and West as benign; even though the treasonous Minions in the Sewer of D.C. have literally attempted murder of billions and deliberately murdered millions around the world AND continue to attempt murder through the poisons and DEW's they're implementing.

Guy seems sincere and admits to suffering Neurowarfare for two years. TOTALLY out of touch with the West and U.S, it seems to me.


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Thank you BC3.

I just read the link. My impression is, there are bits of good information buried within a lot of gobbledygook. He needs to provide more links to back up what he says. I would also question why he seems intent on placing all blame on the CCP. It all makes me wary.

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Thanks for the ongoing research, Kyle. I'll include this in my next blog post.

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You are welcome John.


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One of the puzzling aspects in all of this, is Joe Bloggs, the average man in the street, and his wife Josephine, the average woman in the street were both taught in school that ÇOʻ² is essential to life, both Fĺoʻŕà and Fàùn̈à, despite making up only 0•02% of the air we breathe. We were also reliably informed that it can increase production of fruit and vegetebles when artificially increased in a horticultural enterprises environment. Safe levels in school buildings have been set at I believe 2% thats10 times the current level. Here's the Cognitive Dissonance factor: Zero Carbon means 100% death, which interestingly enough can only apply to any living organism. Hidden in plain site is the sgenda. Surely we all know that is unattainable 100% but they will settle for 80% of that, so long as they are the 20% remainder.

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They care less about the science and more about creating a Hegelian dialect that they can use to their advantage.

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Very informative. So much for the "con" contrail narrative

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In case you missed it, this earlier post destroys he contrail narrative.


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What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just aint so.

Ironic...... Well the earth isn't a spinning at 1,000+ mile an hour globe. Pretty obvious once you spend 5 minutes researching. Makes me wonder what youre up to Kyle.

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Another flat earther.

You know, if one of you just took a flight to the edge of the world and took a photo of it and posted it online you could settle this debate once and for all. How come that hasn't been done?

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It’s infinite. That’s why they have a international treaty that prevents anyone from going to the ice wall. They don’t want us to see want admiral Byrd saw. I’m more of a Plane believer vs a flat pancake floating in space. But the most important part isn’t the shape, cuz no one will ever be able to prove that. It’s the fact that WE ARE NOT SPINNING!!!

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Right. The surface of a globe is infinite. There is no beginning or end.

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The earth is not a spinning water ball that defies all laws of physics.

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Correct. I just checked outside my window. Yes, my house and farm were all on land, not water.

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ja ja! ;) Not a farm boat, then?

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