Sep 7Liked by Kyle Young

Anyone with even a single brain cell remaining should ask themselves why genocidal warmongers would pause their industrial slaughter to “save” the very people they are trying to destroy? Obviously, they wouldn’t and they haven’t. There are different methods of genocide, some are delivered by bomb and others by needle.

Israel kills children every day in its onslaught on schools, hospitals, and homes. Yet it agrees to stop bombing for the first time in months in order that every child can be given a polio vaccine? Humanitarian efforts to bring food, clothing and improve sanitation are thwarted at every turn but they want to "save the children" from (non-existent) "polio?"

The original polio was caused by a common pesticide containing a form of arsenic.

The "polio" vaccines have already created horrific mutations on hundreds of thousands of children in India and which then gives them "polio". This is just the continuance of the genocide done under the guise of "protecting their health."

Here are a short list of motives that are not exclusive from one another:

1) Poisoning the children further;

2) Getting them on a database via humanitarian agencies enrolling them in the vaxx campaign- track and trace via digital ID;

3) Sterilization;

4) Allowing "humanitarian workers" (US-AID/CIA/UNICEF/NATO Intel forces etc...) into the area to infiltrate and assess the "lay of the land";

5) Massive subsidized profiteering for Pharma/Gates/GAVI crooks.


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Yes it was a cover up for massive pesticide use - where did you first learn this? Weston A Price does some good research on these topics.

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Sep 7Liked by Kyle Young

For me it was around the mid 1990's.

I learned it on my own as I was immersing myself in GMO's which led me to Monsanto and ultimately the history of the chemical industry and the agribusiness cartels which then got me questioning all of what we were told about disease and allopathic medicine.

Before all of this I was already well aware of the many lies we were told about history and geopolitical affairs so it was an easy segue into understanding all of the medical frauds and more importantly led me to connect the dots.

I would say that is one area that the "health freedom movement" (or whatever it is) falls profoundly short- most individuals only look at the medical or science side of these issues and don't examine or comprehend the geopolitical motives and/or political economy (for lack of a better term) of these industries and how they are all intertwined.

I've been a proud anti-poisonous injection person for around twenty-five years now.

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Sep 11Liked by Kyle Young

The fact they got to grow fake food to fool the people it is the same food as natural food and it continues to be promoted , sold and manufactured tells you how they all work together and the Gov is the last people anyone should trust. Most African countries, they offered their GMO too refused it. Their leaders said they would rather their people die of starvation than be fed GMO food. Everyone found this appalling, yet they don't find the destruction of their internal organs appalling. Why are the government allowed to continue interfering with Farmers and pushing their Fake Dr Gates agendas ? Root of all evil 💰💰💰 is those career politicians in DC and their greed.

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EXCELLENT response! The sheep just don't get it.

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India never outlawed DDT.

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Sep 11Liked by Kyle Young

You would think after the Covid genocide people would get a clue. Sadly the lies are published and promoted. None get fired or held accountable in the medical profession especially the FDA. I lost trust in these people decades ago and avoid them like the plague they really are. I wish more would stop trusting the genocidal maniacs. People would be a lot healthier without all those Big Pharma poison pills and if we ever demanded the clean- up of our food. GMO is very bad it affects people's internal organs. By the time they find out the damage caused is probably to late to rectify. All GMO pushers and producers along with the FDA should be held accountable. Not one has been for the Covid lies so I have to believe they think they got away with it. It's time to start holding them accountable or this will never end. Now its Monkey Pox 🙈 what will the 2028 elections deliver ?

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Well said Allen!

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Sep 7Liked by Kyle Young

If this doesn't inform everyone that these 'vaccines' are weapons of destruction then nothing will. No food or water for the people because that would prolong their lives. But the 'vaccines' will speed up their demise, getting the poisons right into the little children one by one. Under the pretence of concern for their health. Unbelievably demonic.

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the smell of Gates

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Sep 7Liked by Kyle Young


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I totally agree with you and you laid it out nicely. The only other reason this insanity is happening is that Billy Boy Gates of Hell is making even more money with a free pass on this from desperate people. Hell is indeed empty as the devils are all roaming the earth right now.

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I'm now thinking Gates couldn't pull this off by himself. I think some doors were opened by his eugenicist enablers.

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I just read this article on Global Research and it more or less goes into what you discussed and more:


I hope the link works.

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Just read it. Good article but I trouble with the pro-lab leak, pro-virus position.

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The link works - thanks

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I'm afraid so. It's palpable. This is of Satanic origin.

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Thanks Kyle. I posted this related story today:

​ Why vaccinate starving, immunosuppressed children in Gaza for Polio? UN Forced to Admit Gates-funded Vaccine Is Causing Polio Outbreak in Africa

Health officials have now admitted that their plan to stop ‘wild’ polio is backfiring, as scores children are being paralyzed by a deadly strain of the pathogen derived from a live vaccine – causing a virulent wave of polio to spread.

​ This latest pharma-induced pandemic started out in the African countries of Chad and Sudan, with the culprit identified as vaccine-derived polio virus type 2.

Officials now fear this new dangerous strain could soon ‘jump continents,’ causing further deadly outbreaks around the world.

​ Shocking as it sounds, this Big Pharma debacle is not new. After spending some $16 billion over 30 years to eradicate polio, international health bodies have ‘accidentally’ reintroduced the disease to in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and also Iran, as the central Asia region was hit by a virulent strain of polio spawned by the a pharmaceutical vaccine. Also, in 2019, the government of Ethiopia ordered the destruction of 57,000 vials of type 2 oral polio vaccine (mOPV2) following a similar outbreak of vaccine-induced polio.​ The same incident has happened in India as well.​ https://www.globalresearch.ca/un-forced-admit-gates-funded-vaccine-causing-polio-outbreak-africa/5723137

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Given what we know about the long and sordid history of the polio vaxx, I'd be interested to hear if you think cases of vaxx related polio are due to altered viruses or the bizarre nature of the numerous toxins in the jabs?

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8Liked by Kyle Young

Viruses, in the case of the Oral Polio Vaccine, though other stuff in the (useless) injected (killed) vaccines can contribute to lots of toxicity, of course.

90% of Polio infections, we learned some time ago, are sub-clinical, not necessarily "asymptomatic", but never diagnosed as such, because of lacking paralytic symptoms.

That casts Polio in a different light, as it was spreading much more broadly than it was perceived at the time. People can have post-polio-syndromes without ever having had paralytic illness.

It's easy to really know a lot, but to be missing even more, which nullifies a lot of the prior knowledge, once revealed.

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When you say it was spreading more broadly than perceived, do you mean the wild type of the vaxx type?

What are the post-polio-syndromes?

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Since 90% of Polio virus (wild type) infections were not diagnosed, which was later determined by specific antibodies to it, when that could be tested, we might assume that the hot "vaccinia" virus lots that caused clinical Polio, and were intended to cause a mild, subclinical infection, caused a lot of subclinical infections that were strong enough to be somewhat harmful, even long term.

The Mayo Clinic has this info about Post Polio Syndrome https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/post-polio-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20355669

Weakness and getting tired fast are the common presenting symptoms. Weakness can be in breathing and postural muscles as well as voluntary skelatel muscles. Probably the great majority of Post Polio Syndrome that could be diagnosed is never diagnosed. It could look like fibromyalgia, for instance, or somebody-you-just-don't-like...

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How does medicine know that antibodies are present due to a specific virus and not for some other reason? Aren't there only 5 antibodies? How can so many different viruses be aligned with so few antibodies?

I can see how reactions to a specific vaxx can cause a specific set of symptoms. I don't understand how a a virus gets held responsible or a widely varying set of symptoms. How does medicine know that a specific virus is the cause of a specific illness? How do other potential causes (toxins, emf's, stress, bad food, poor diet, nanotech etc) get ruled out in favor of a specific virus?

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Antibodies are lock-and-key specific to antigenic segments of a virus or bacterium, or human cell, in the case of autoimmune disease. It's like the variations possible in "5 types of keys" https://ruo.mbl.co.jp/bio/e/support/method/antibody-isotype.html#:~:text=Human%20antibodies%20are%20classified%20into,with%20distinct%20characteristics%20and%20roles.&text=IgG%20is%20the%20most%20abundant,of%20human%20immunoglobulins%20(antibodies).

There are subsets, with different functions, such as IgG-4, which COVID "vaccination" induces, which mutes the immune response, giving "milder illness", which may also last longer and be more infectious to others.

So determining specific antibody matches with later testing is like matching keys to locks, but mainly with convoluted protein surfaces.

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Sep 7Liked by Kyle Young

Sacrifices. Always with these demons

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One 10 month old leg paralyzed. It could be caused by the bombing virus. Estimates are 170, 000 civilians killed, majority kids, according to Lancet.

Sabins oral had cancer causing Simian virus SV 40, causing explosion of cancer in baby boomers. Shots cause polio.

Nasty chemicals of war are creating polio, like DDT in the 60s.

Gaza kids are a grand experiment.

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Dr. Mary's Monkey is a great book on putting cancer in the polio virus in the 60s.

Maybe they can use Gaza kids to test their new MRNA cancer jabs.

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Sep 7Liked by Kyle Young

May “they” never test any vaccine on any group of children, or adults 🙏 compassion to those who are and will suffer because they had no choice but be poisoned, unknowingly and/or against their will.

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Sep 8Liked by Kyle Young

Why just kill the children of Gaza if they can experiment on them first! This is pure Satanism. Child sacrifice.

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Not to mention the billions of dollars that will be made by the medical industrial complex treating all of the kids that will be injured by the vaxx. It's all so very sick.

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Stop the bombing and give food and water!

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Sep 8Liked by Kyle Young

Vaccine = Poison

Poison = Vaccine

Poison Vaccine/Vaccine Poison

Print out, carry in wallet, post on bathroom mirror, repeat many times every day- Remember, never forget the life you save may be your own or someone you care about - your fellow man.

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Good for you to follow up on this news that I posted as-it-happened. You're the first to cover this. The detail you might have missed on the Wikipedia on Polio is that there are not only 2X more deaths due to the polio vaccine compared to "wild type" polio, but the amount of polio cases have increased every year, despite massive vaccination campaigns.

BONUS: June 22nd 2022 Alex Jones pushing the Polio-Bioweapon Hoax: https://banned.video/watch?id=62b36bb4c1def3381c354482

(SNIP) January 16th 2022 https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/20-facts-on-vaccines-doctors-forgot-17-diseases-not-cured-by-vax

Polio was not cured by Vaccines: There is twice as more polio deaths from the polio vaccines than from natural polio. Not including the re-defined polio vaccine side effects; Cerebral palsy & Guillain-Barré to Autism. Polio was cured by Quarantine, Ozone Chambers & Positive Electricity, long before the oral polio vaccine in 1963. The polio vaccine did not ‘kill off’ polio. On the contrary, the vaccine resulted in more sufferers. In Tennessee, in the US, the number of polio victims before vaccination became compulsory was 119. The year after vaccination was introduced, the figure rose to 386. Similar figures for other American states. Polio became less common as a result of better sanitation and cleaner water supplies. The vaccination had no useful effect. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaccine_hesitancy

This polio vaccine caused 40,000 cases of polio, 53 cases of paralysis, and five deaths. The disease spread through the recipients' families, creating a polio epidemic that led to a further 113 cases of paralytic polio and another five deaths. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polio_vaccine

May 17th 2021 (Polio was stopped by sewage, water and food purification, quarantine and ozone chambers with positive electricity, years before any public vaccine was available) The Global Polio Eradication Initiative: "New Technology" used to Locate Children for Polio Vaccinations https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-global-polio-eradication-initiative-new-technology-used-to-locate-children-for-polio-vaccinations/5325246

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Sep 8Liked by Kyle Young

The only reason they are doing this is to kill or sterilize.

I just got through watching a video Dr. Makis posted from 2017 with Brandy Vaughan the Merck whistleblower who was going after pharma on vaccines. She was found dead by her son back in 2020. Such a heartbreaking story. We are dealing with monsters who hold no liability for what they do. Prayers for these helpless children.

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Right. There is no such thing as a safe and effective vaccine.

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So if the vaccine causes the polio how is a vaccine going to prevent it? Read Dr Mary's Monkey, Turtles All the Way Down. Read the true facts of the "spanish" flu. Read Me and Lee. Ever since the Rockefellers got involved with medicine that field went to hell

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All good points.

Thank you Carolyn.

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Vaccinating Palestinians with polio sounds like a plot to give them polio. It is incredibly cynical, and seems to be a deliberate ploy to gain international approval. It is an interesting way to continue to torment the people of Gaza without relying on foreign-supplied bombs.

The typing of the polio “virus” as “wild type” and “vaccine type” is also done for the measles virus. The differentiation is done with the PCR test!

This project in Gaza seems like a drug safety test, but one where informed consent is completely missing. And no records are being maintained. There’s a word for this: euthanasia. Not really a surprise for Israel. Just another low for the UN.

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It does seem like a test... to determine how effective nOPV2 will be at killing and maiming babies. Israel is cooperating with the eugenicist Gates and big pharma in allowing Gaza to be used as a testing ground for this endeavor. The babies will likely be traceable after taking the poison so they will be able to determine the death count from a distance.

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Sep 8Liked by Kyle Young

There is no humanitarianism possible for Palestinians if Israeli’s authorize it- Israeli policy is to treat Palestinians as the other - expendable human beings - no action is taken by the Israeli government that is not designed to eliminate all Palestinians. The vaccine will just bring death sooner to a targeted population as the world watches and pretends and engages in the theater of the absurd that goes on every day in Israel and we the US fund these murderers - shame on us all - meanwhile our government engages in democide of its citizens via the covid vaccine but never mind Kamala is running on the JOY platform - be joyful while we shorten your lives with impunity- we are all Palestinians. Wake up.

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Sep 7Liked by Kyle Young

Think its pretty obvious.. and so in yr face. Typical Netanyahu. Try using yandex as a search engine, much better results re vaccine in gaza!

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I have good results with Brave and Tor, but I also like to see what google is allowing or suppressing.

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Sep 7Liked by Kyle Young

The majority of the "Cattle" don't know and don't care....Period

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Sep 8Liked by Kyle Young

This is completely heartbreaking.

The poor unsuspecting families in Gaza have no idea of what they are allowing to be done to their precious children. God save them! How can they be warned?

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Sad but true.

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