Welcome all of you beautiful new heretics! For new visitors - subscriptions are free… indulge!
In 2004 the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) awarded this 1.5 million dollar taxpayer funded grant to Massachusetts General Hospital, the primary teaching hospital for Harvard Medical University. The ominous title of the grant was, Darwinian Chemical Systems. The grant was to run through August of 2007, although it was awarded as a continuing grant. The thrust of the grant was to develop mRNA technology that could essentially rewrite human DNA. Here is how it’s explained in the abstract. (CBC will be explained with the next horrific grant.)
The CBC (Chemical Bonding Center) will pursue the long-term goal of synthesizing artificial chemical systems that will exhibit Darwinian evolution. In phase I of the project, a combination of molecular design and laboratory selection will be used to generate RNA-like structures that undergo self-reproduction with heritable mutation. The CBC will utilize the synthetic organic skills of Benner, the expertise in RNA-like systems of Joyce, and the experience of Szostak in the design of in vitro evolution experiments in this highly collaborative endeavor. The synthesis of Darwinian chemical systems will form the basis of a synthetic biology that has the potential of constructing self-replicating systems using the tools of preparative chemistry. This program at the interface of chemistry and biology will provide broad interdisciplinary training for students and is expected to capture the imagination of the public.
‘Capture the horror of the public’ would be more accurate. What they’re referring to here is “heritable mutation” induced by chemical poisoning. Are these people even human? I ask because they’re definitely not humane. Isn’t Harvard Medical School and Mass Gen supposed to be tasked with taking care of the health of Americans? With science like this at the core of the covid jabs (read on), is it any wonder that the voodoo covid bioweapons are killing, injuring and permanently maiming millions around the world? Is it not hubris that allows these people to think they’re worthy of creating mRNA technologies to alter the DNA of the human race? Is it any wonder that the medical system as a whole has been an absolute failure since the Rockefeller's shoved the pharmaceutical model down our throats 100 years ago? Allowing these inhumane, hubristic critters to play God is like allowing children to play with matches in a wooden barn full of dry hay.
In August of 2004 the National Science Foundation (NSF) launched a parallel program called Chemical Bonding Centers Program which set these goals -
“… to synthesize artificial chemical systems that can undergo Darwinian evolution; to carry out the rational design of materials having new kinds of electrical, magnetic, and optical properties; and to explore new kinds of “green chemistry,” in which materials can be synthesized on an industrial scale using environmentally friendly methods”.
Does it get any more Orwellian than that?
The total amount of this US taxpayer funded corporate welfare for this second grant program is upwards of 70 million.
nothing new here
This is the same type of chemical induced mutation that Norman Borlaug used in the late 50’s and early 60’s when he exposed numerous varieties of wheat kernals to various chemicals to induce the seed to germinate into a mutant strain. He trialed thousands of seeds before he got a tiny handful of results that came out with the attributes he sought. While he was successful at developing strains that were tolerant of chemical fertilizer and grew uniformly, which made it easier for large combines to harvest the wheat, nutrition was never on his Rockefeller funded radar. Consequently, the four or five strains of wheat that Rockefeller money now has the world dependent on, all have gluten levels that are upwards of 500% higher than the strains our ancestors previously ate for thousands of years, which explains why gluten intolerance is now rampant.
moderna’s founder and chief bioweapon developer
In 2007 Derrick Rossi began his mRNA transfection work at Harvard. From Wikipedia -
In 2005, Derrick Rossi, a 39-year-old postdoctoral fellow in stem cell biology at Stanford University, studied a paper by Hungarian biochemist Katalin Karikó on RNA-mediated immune activation and her co-discovery with American immunologist Drew Weissman of the nucleoside modifications that suppress the immunogenicity of RNA.[10][11]
In 2007, Rossi set out to build on their findings as a new assistant professor at Harvard Medical School running his own lab.[10]
Rossi developed a method of modifying mRNA first via transfection into human cells, then dedifferentiating it into bone marrow stem cells which could then be further differentiated into desired target cell types.[12][13]
In 2010, Rossi approached fellow Harvard University faculty member Timothy A. Springer, who solicited co-investment from Kenneth R. Chien, Bob Langer, and Venture Studio Flagship Ventures, run by Noubar Afeyan.[13][14] Together they founded "ModeRNA Theraputics", named from the combined terms "modified" and "RNA" that just happens to contain "modern".[15]
To this day Moderna remains headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
the human genome?
2007 is also the year that the cdc received a patent for the human genome. The result? Because they now own our genome, they can profit hugely from it and are doing so right now, thanks to the mRNA covid jabs. However, there are a few brave souls who are now questioning not only the importance of the genome, but its very existence. What?
If we hark back to the early days of genetic research we’ll recall the promises from the researchers that mapping the human genome would provide the keys to the medical kingdom, throwing open the door to cures for cancer and many other diseases. Mapping the human genome was officially completed in 2003. Not a single medical breakthrough has occurred since then - and never will. Those promises of cures were/are just hype to keep the taxpayer welfare funding rolling in to create ever more useless but highly profitable - fake - technology. Keep the word ‘hype’ in mind as we go on. Meanwhile, because there is no profit in them, preventative measures are ignored.
If the mapping the human genome was as omnipotent as we’ve been told for all of these decades, why has nothing changed? Is the genome not the critical player that many thought? Does it even exist? Are there other more critically important factors to grasp? Is the human body far more complex than we’re currently able to fathom? Is it because the techmeds are focused solely on the highly profitable material realm of our existence while ignoring the profitless, or what particle physicists refer to as the wave form of our being? Or what Christians refer to as the spiritual aspect of our being? Or what Rudolf Steiner referred to as our etheric body? Or what Dr. Tom Cowan and others now refer to as the water body?
Considering the vast numbers of people injured, permanently maimed and killed by the covid vaccines, there is no question that we’ve been sold a bill of goods with mRNA technologies. But it’s much, much worse than that. Horrendous criminal acts have been committed under the guise of covid, and the parties involved are numerous and are as guilty as sin.
but first - language
To begin to understand the scope of the crimes and criminals involved in this massive covid caper, we need to first understand that everything we’ve been told about disease by these people over the past 75 years has been based on a phony language of assumptions that have never been proven valid. For instance, for nearly two years now we’ve been told that the covid virus has been detected, isolated and described. Yet, the virus has never been isolated or seen by human eyes under a microscope (it exists only as a computer generated model). It and all other viruses exist only in terms of the make-believe language the techmeds use to describe them. Reality is vastly different from the artificial world these people live in.
I’ve also spent considerable effort proving that germ theory remains just that, a theory - disease causation by virus has never been proven. This information exists in too many books and previous articles to link them all here, but I encourage new readers to explore the archives here to learn more about this. But don’t believe me. I didn’t come to this on my own. Reading books like Good Bye to Germ Theory (Trebing), Béchamp or Pasteur (E. Hume) and The Contagion Myth (Dr. Cowan) (and others) and listening to the following doctors is how I became educated about the real science of what viruses are - Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. David Martin, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Robert Young, Dr. Zack Bush to name a few.
It’s important to understand all of this because once we do, it becomes clear that the entire medical model is based on bogus science. It is, in short, part of the long term eugenics program - cull the population with dummy medicine that injures, maims and kills more than it heals. The attitude is - good riddance to those who die and welcome all of you injured and maimed survivors to the gold mine of ready-made-patients for the highly profitable but completely ineffective medical ‘industry’.
To the point at hand, all of this hinges on what may be the most insidious lever used by the techmeds, the language they’ve invented over the past 75 years or so that has been very effective at instilling in us the belief that the medical stories they tell are real. Most are not. Much is fantasy. Little of it is proven. The proof is in the pudding. In 1940 1 in 20,000 boys had autism. Today it’s 1 in 22. Sixty years ago chronic illness affected 1 in 40 people. Today it affects 54% the population. Cancer and numeorus other diseases are rampant. It’s time we admit that the ersatz language of medical science and the health care system built around that language - both of which have been foisted upon us - has been an utter disaster. Unfortunately, in terms of culling the population - which may be its real goal - it’s been very effective.
I can’t tell you how important it is that we change the way we view health and how the body functions. As long as we continue to buy into the highly profitable falsehoods being promoted by the techmeds, they win and we loose. The only reason why they’re getting away with the current covid bio-terrorism program is because everything they’re doing is couched in a language that we’ve come to accept as the truth - that vaccines are safe and effective and the science (the language they use) is clear. They are not, it is not, and the injury and death toll from the covid jabs alone bears this out. Let’s all vow to no longer legitimize this darkness by using the term vaccine. Let’s no longer believe delusional techmeds like Fauci and his dark voodoo science when he says “If you don’t believe me, you don’t believe in science”. His ‘science’ is nothing more than black magic, meant to deceive and lull us into submission while we walk to the gas chambers. WAKE UP!
the crimes and the criminals
Regular readers know I’ve been talking about these issues for many months. I’ve recently learned that Dr. David Martin has been doing even more work pointing all of this out. Whereas, I’ve merely been pointing out the obvious criminal aspects, the exceptional research by Dr. Martin verifies the criminal conduct by correlating the laws and court decisions of the land.
What follows are but a few highlights of his work.
Six treasonous acts - felonies - committed by many under the guise of the covid pandemic and the covid vaxx program. Punishable by up to 99 years in prison and up to 100 million dollars per incident.
18 U.S.C. §2339 C et seq. – Funding and Conspiring to Commit Acts of Terror
Over the course of his career Anthony Fauci has funneled 191 billion US taxpayer dollars to finance terror on the American people via vaccinations. He and the organizations that have taken that money and used it to create bioweapons are all guilty of “funding and conspiring acts of terror”.
At the onset of this piece I mentioned the 70 million that the NAS and the NSF awarded that enabled these Acts of Terror. This is more bioweapon research (gain of function - GoF). This means the NAS, NSF, Mass Gen and any other agencies and institutions that funded bioweapon research (GoF) or used funding to do bioweapon research are all guilty of “funding and conspiring acts of terror”.
Here and here I showed how the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has funded research enabling bioweapon research. Bill and Melinda Gates, those who received the grants and those who conducted the work are all guilty of “funding and conspiring acts of terror”.
It quickly becomes apparent just how encompassing this conspiracy is. In fact, it’s so big that it becomes understandable why some of us who see through the veil are viewed by some as conspiracy theorists. When the majority of the population have been subsumed by the sham language of the dark forces, that leaves only a minority to carry the flag of truth and expose the real conspiracy. Yup, that’s me and all of you beautiful heretics out there. This is warfare and we must show honor and integrity and do the right thing to once again make the world safe for everyone. Let’s begin by ceasing to bow to the false god of Fauci’s techmed science.
We can do that by reconnecting to our ancestral forms of healing. Become reaquainted with your local herbalist, functional, naturopathic and homeopathic doctors.
18 U.S.C. § 2331 §§ 802 – Acts of Domestic Terrorism resulting in death of American Citizens
Section 802 of the Patriot Act makes clear that it’s illegal to compel a population to do anything out of fear or coercion. When this edict is broken and the result is the deaths of American citizens, then an act of domestic terrorism has been committed.
I’ve been hammering on the fear theme since the get-go, beginning with the reference to the Dune series of books (now a new movie - recommended - very allegorical) and how the Bene Gesseritt often chant “fear is the great mind killer” to keep from succumbing to this overpowering emotion. I’ve also referenced in several pieces that Hitlers right hand man Herman Goering, explained during the Nuremberg trial how Hitler used fear to get the German people to do his will. Now we have what may very well be the most insidious use of fear ever, the fear of a never-before-seen-RNA-ghost the techmeds want us to believe will kill us if we don’t take their highly profitable jabs. I’ve also documented the result of this campaign of fear and coercion by documenting the millions who have succumbed and taken the jabs and the hundreds of thousands who have been injured, permanently maimed or killed by them.
Once again it’s largely the same large cast of characters committing this crime.
18 U.S.C. § 1001 – Lying to Congress
While Rand Paul has done fine job of pointing out Fauci’s lies in several appearances before Congress, he has failed to follow up and charge him with the crime of… lying to Congress. Why? Likely because every time he drags Fauci before congress he gains brownie points with his constituents and new donations from his backers. Rand Paul is using Fauci as a donation machine, selling his soul to the devil for 30 pieces of silver. We need someone willing to take action, not someone pandering for more votes and money.
Some of you may recall that Bill Gates has also testified and lied to Congress.
15 U.S.C. §1-3 – Conspiring to Criminal Commercial Activity
While most of the previous players are also guilty of breaking this law, let’s turn our attention to Dr. Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, Fauci’s go-to man for getting US taxpayer money funneled to the Chinese Wuhan Institute to do bioweapon research, or what they covertly called, gain-of-function research.
In the trove of Fauci’s emails obtained by a Washington Post FOI filing, here is how Dr. Peter Daszak characterized getting funding to conduct gain-of-function research.
Daszak reiterated that, until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of process, Daszak stated.”12
Here is another admission by one of the lever pullers behind the curtain about the importance of hype - “…the economics will follow the hype. Investors will respond if they see profit…”. That is about as clear cut as “conspiring to commit criminal activity” gets. Notice the words ‘health’ or ‘concern for humanity' are never mentioned by these critters (I’m not convinced they’re human). This statement by Daszak not only indicates his guilt, it also points out how the media became complicit by deploying the “hype” weapon to generate fear among the masses.
Ralph Baric, who ran the lab at the University of Chapel Hill where much of the early bioweapon research was being done, is another big player. Referring to the work being done at Baric’s lab, Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist and biodefence expert at Rutgers University and long-standing critic of gain-of-function research said, “The only impact of this work is the creation, in a lab, of a new, non-natural risk.”
In other words, the work being done by gain-of-function research was to create organisms that are more infectious to humans than their natural, wild counterparts. That folks, is the short definition of bioweapon research. Conspiring to profit from it is in direct violation of this law.
15 U.S.C. §8 - Market Manipulation and Allocation
We can all recall that Fauci was all over the media during 2020, promoting the covid vaccines that were under development at that time. He’s even reported to have told Trump in the oval office that Moderna - who had never brought a safe product to market - was going to be the savior of the world. In November of 2020 he told the AFP that Moderna’s covid vaxx was “stunningly impressive”. In other words, he was manipulating the market for Moderna’s product.
Here is where we need to go back to the NAS grant awarded to Mass Gen for Darwinian Chemical Systems (DCS), the NSF grants awarded for the CBC’s Program and Moderna founder Derrick Rossi and his work building on these grants to develop what the DCS grant calls, and I’m paraphrasing here, ‘post extinction of humanity RNA coding of DNA’.
What does post extinction of humanity mean? I’m not sure, but given all the facts so far and given the fact that the DoD funded much of Moderna’s early work (and that Moderna illegally failed to disclose this), it seems logical to assume that at the core of this research is the creation of a bioweapon meant to generate a human extinction event. Those of you who have been paying attention are now witnessing the unfolding of this event as the death toll around the world from the covid jabs rises rapidly.
15 U.S.C. §19 - Interlocking directorates
This is the law that prohibits competing companies from getting together and fixing prices - otherwise known as racketeering.
Pfizer/Biontech, Moderna, J&J/Janssen, Fauci, Gates, Baric, Daszic and numerous others all have interlocking, vested interests. All are guilty of racketeering.
But lets focus on a player who many have ignored, Canadian President Justin Trudeau. How many of you Canadians know that your government gets a kickback for every Pfizer and Moderna jab because Acuitis Thereputics and Arbutus Biopharma, both headquartered in BC, developed the lipid nanopartical technology licensed for those jabs? Canada wins with every shot - which explains why as of May, Trudeau had ordered seven times more jabs than there are people in Canada (the latest number may be closer to ten times more). Folks, that’s straight up racketeering.
To see the incredibly well documented and incriminating dossier that Dr. David Martin posted online for all of humanity to study, and from which much of this information was drawn, go here.
That corruption in politics and business is widely accepted in the US says a lot about how we perceive our society. But if you or I as ordinary folk were to do some of the same things that are labeled as mere corruption when done by elites, we would be thrown jail for committing treasonous crimes. We need to be honest and clear and start calling a spade a spade. Corruption is a convenient play of language employed by the elites to make it seem ok that they can commit treasonous crimes and never have to go to court for doing so. Again, we need to stop using their language and return to using the double edged sword of truth: They have committed real crimes, which make them real criminals, which means they need to be punished as such.
Here’s a scenario to consider: If this very large group of very wealthy people are all convicted in a court of law and are all forced to pay the maximum fines mentioned earlier, the US treasury would see one of its biggest revenue rises in history. Will it balance the budget? Not likely. But it will surely benefit real Americans. There is also the comforting thought that this ongoing theft of billions of dollars from the US treasury by the techmeds would come to a halt. Of course to keep it from happening again we also need to hold accountable all of those bureaucrats and elected officials who authorized this evil theft to make sure it never happens again.
Wouldn’t it be a nice change to see the money that these robber barons stole from US taxpayers to support their socialistic-corporate-Nazi-fascist-deep state-eugenics program, flowing back into US taxpayer coffers?
It warms my heart to see young musicians getting involved.
It appears that it is just one ongoing grant from the NSF to Mass General, UC-Santa Barbara and Univ. of Washington.