While attending a recent meeting of antivaxx folks in Tucson I met a fellow by the name of Cory Geise. After designing missile autopilots for Raytheon for over 20 years Cory lost his job in January of 2022 because he refused to take the covid jabs. Raytheon pissed-off the wrong person. Here’s what happened. But first, a little back story.
As a big component of the military industrial complex, warned about by both Eienshower and Kennedy, Raytheon is the largest employer in Tucson and one of the largest in the state. Much of the Tucson economy revolves around supplying Raytheon with resources. As goes Raytheon, so goes the Tucson economy. The war in Ukraine has been a boon for Raytheon and Tucson.
Arizona was one of those red states that didn’t take the pandemic very seriously, but it did allow counties to mostly do what they want. Tucson is the seat for Pima county, the 16th largest county in the US (by land mass) with a population of 1,062,384. The population of the greater Tucson area is 1,014,000. While Tucson tends to vote Democratic, like the rest of the rural population in Arizona (and many other states), rural Pima county tends to vote Republican.
Here we get into some of the reasons why I have so much trouble with centralized government. As with so many counties with this type of demographic, rural folks in the county are forced to follow the lead of the liberal government in the big city. And, like so many liberal governments around the country, Tucson put in place draconian lockdown, masking, and social distancing measures during the pandemic that were to be followed throughout the county. Fortunately, being as vast as this county is, it was easy for rural people like me to ignore those measures in my tiny, remote community - although the county-run local library banned me from the library for not wearing a mask.
Raytheon merged with United Technologies Corporation (UTC) in April of 2020. Because of how much the atmosphere of the company changed after the “merger” some long term Raytheon employees think of it as a takeover. These social changes within the company will become more apparent as we move forward through a series of posts about the little known lawsuit against Raytheon by a number of employees who were given an ulitmatum to get jabbed or get fired and refused to comply.
Losing his job and having his constitutional rights trampled by being told to wear a mask, social distance and restrict his movement drove Cory to do what he does really well, research. Like anyone with a questioning mind and the willingness to dig into things, over the next year or so he learned much of what I’ve been writing about here for the past 3 years.
As the covidcon evolved over the next few years and news about the huge numbers of deaths being caused by the jabs was becoming available to anyone wiling to look for the information, Cory became curious about what was happening in his own city, which led him to also look into matters on the county and state level. He found the liberal government was not very forthcoming in providing the information and statistics that he and I and all other residents of Arizona paid for. So much for democracy.
It would seem that a state health department would want to know about any positive or negative effects of a mass vaccination program rolled out during the time of a declared pandemic. Apparently not. Arizona has not compiled any information about the jabs or injuries and deaths, or if they do exist, they’ve not yet been found and no one is fessing-up to their existence. And yes, Cory has asked for that information numerous times, to no avail.
After a lot of digging Cory was able to find Arizona Department of Health Services numbers on total mortality rates for the state and each county. This was better than nothing. In fact, the Arizona health department has one of the more thorough record keeping systems for births, deaths, divorces and marriages in the US, keeping statistics on the state and county levels up to March of 2023. To see the Arizona health department page that contains this information, go here.
Cory has charted the information on deaths going back to 2004 and 2012. The data is striking.
Maricopa county includes the greater Phoenix area. The comments within the charts are Cory’s. The title of this post came from Cory.
In 2012 the total number of deaths in Arizona was 47,547.
In 2013 the total was 48,460.
In 2014 the total was 49,929.
In 2015 the total was 54,152.
In 2016 the total was 56,480.
In 2017 the total was 57,261.
In 2018 the total was 59,206.
In 2019 the total was 60,161.
Then comes the so-called pandemic year of 2020 when hospitals began implementing Nazi, anti-Nuremberg protocols of testing anyone that came in with cold or flu-like symptoms with the phony PCR test, which generated millions of false positives, isolated those people from friends and family, put them on the deadly drug remdesivir and then administered the coup de grâce by putting them on ventilators, which have an 80% kill rate. This was how the Tucson VA hospital killed Luis, a good friend of mine.
To understand how deadly remdesivir and the ventilators are, see this post.
To get the back story on PCR tests, see these two posts.
This was also the year that suicide rates shot-up due to school, business and church closures, business losses, separation issues, fear, depression, stress and so on.
As I’ve pointed out in several earlier posts, this was also the year that statistics now tell us that there was never a pandemic.
In 2020 the total number of deaths in Arizona was 75,700, an increase of 15,539 over 2019. This is a huge increase from the typical 1,000 to 2,000 per year increase that occurred in the previous 8 years.
We all know that the jabs began to be rolled out in late November of 2020. But 2021 marks the year in which their uptake greatly increased, especially the first four months. If the jabs worked as claimed, we should have seen a dramatic decrease in deaths by the end of 2021. Instead, by the end of 2021 the number of deaths in Arizona jumped to 81,482, an increase of 5,782 over the previous, record breaking, so called “pandemic” year of 2020. This is a total increase of 21,321 over those two years, versus the pre-covid 2 year average of about 3,000. This represents an increase of well over 600% above the typical 2 year increase.
By 2022 the world had grown tired of covid and most places were beginning to return to normal. In 2022 the total number of deaths in Arizona was 73,124. While lower than both 2020 and 2021, it still represents a big increase above the 8 year pre-covid era average of the annual baseline death rate.
If 2023 stays on its current trajectory Arizona will tally about 71,000 deaths. That’s still a long ways from returning to the pre-covid baseline.
What’s going on? What’s different now than before covid? Obviously it’s the fact that millions of people have been duped into taking the DoD’s bioweapon jabs and are still suffering the consequences.
Because Arizona has a large retired population and because most of the jabbed people I know killed by the jabs were over 60, my first thought was that a lot of the deaths in the spike years of 2020, 2021, 2022 and the first three months of 2023 (see link) are likely retired folks. I asked Cory if he’d been able to get any demographical information pertaining to those spike years and he said he’s asked but has not yet received a response. Because they haven’t told him they don’t have that type of information, it seems safe to assume they have it but don’t want to release it. My guess is that it will show a very large percentage of folks over 60 initially died, with the numbers rising in younger age groups in more recent years. It may also show a disproportionate percentage of deaths among Latinos.
The plandemic has proven to be a very effective means to engineer fear, hysteria and paranoia to get innocent people to voluntarily line up for deadly DoD “bioweapon counter measure” jabs. Many of those who initially balked were coerced into taking them in order to travel, keep their jobs, visit friends and family members. All of that has proven to be a very effective eugenics program.
The fact that Raytheon fully participated in this plot casts even more suspicion on its already dark agenda to make weapons of mass destruction to sell to the highest foreign bidder, or the country that the US will give a lot of money in order for them to buy Raytheon missiles. So far the Biden administration has given 140 billion to Ukraine, contributing to what Ratheon Chairman and CEO Gregory Hayes said is a "record backlog" of orders.
How much longer will this nonsense go on?
Will we let them impose another plandemic on us?
Late edit. Just saw this meme and had to add it.
I encourage everyone to forward these plots to Pima County supervisors in this and the coming weeks and demand childhood COVID shots cease until a thorough and public root cause analysis is done on the deaths and it exonerates the shots. Of course, they will try to dance out of it, but we have to put pressure on them until the truth is told. This data is the cudgel that we can use to bludgeon the politicians that so gleefully bludgeoned us for the last three years. It's a pivotal moment in the fight and we can't retire from it if we ever expect to win. Should the numbers start to trend back down they will try to wave it all away as we just go back to "normal". The window may be brief and memories are short.
The only good news in this entire Global Coup on Humanity is that it has awoken some previously unconscious individuals who now are aware of "what the bleep" is happening and are jumping on the band wagon of- "I'm taking these sociopaths out of power, and will hold them FULLY ACCOUNTABLE for their wickedness and crimes against humanity or I am going down while this revolution against them is still raging because allowing this to continue unchallenged is impossible!"
As I recently said on another Substack, "I'm not hitting the Pearly Gates with self-interest and/or apathy as my defining traits!"
Everyone, time to pony up if you believe in Freedom, Liberty, Mother Nature or Humanity. All are currently on the chopping block.