I encourage everyone to forward these plots to Pima County supervisors in this and the coming weeks and demand childhood COVID shots cease until a thorough and public root cause analysis is done on the deaths and it exonerates the shots. Of course, they will try to dance out of it, but we have to put pressure on them until the truth is told. This data is the cudgel that we can use to bludgeon the politicians that so gleefully bludgeoned us for the last three years. It's a pivotal moment in the fight and we can't retire from it if we ever expect to win. Should the numbers start to trend back down they will try to wave it all away as we just go back to "normal". The window may be brief and memories are short.

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Good advice. Let's go get 'em!

Thank you for your efforts Cory.

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The only good news in this entire Global Coup on Humanity is that it has awoken some previously unconscious individuals who now are aware of "what the bleep" is happening and are jumping on the band wagon of- "I'm taking these sociopaths out of power, and will hold them FULLY ACCOUNTABLE for their wickedness and crimes against humanity or I am going down while this revolution against them is still raging because allowing this to continue unchallenged is impossible!"

As I recently said on another Substack, "I'm not hitting the Pearly Gates with self-interest and/or apathy as my defining traits!"

Everyone, time to pony up if you believe in Freedom, Liberty, Mother Nature or Humanity. All are currently on the chopping block.

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Good points and good advice. Thank you Katherine.

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Brilliantly stated!

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Thank you, Rob. We need more people to join the battle for Humanity's Freedom in the 21st Century. Please engage everyone you can, it's all hands on deck right now!

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Tell your friend to contact the mortuaries and insurance companies to get true figures of excess death. They sure know. It is jaw dropping.

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I've been meaning to do that for over a year. I need to get on that.

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That's how Ed Dowd and his team came to their numbers for "Cause Unknown." Also his website "Theyliedpeopledied."

And Dr. Henry Ealy of the Energetic Health Institute has done a lot of work going through the numbers and death certificates county by county in Oregon and other states as well. My friend James DeMeo, before he died, also worked on the data, early on.

This Covid crowd is hiding a LOT of damning data. In fact most locations/demographics did not see any real uptick in mortality until after the injections rolled out.....

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Now that you've reminded me, I remember Dowd saying that.

Yup, the DoD's bioweapon jabs were the primary goal.

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We've tried that, with no success so far. If you have contacts with any in Pima County please message Kyl

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Tell me where you have looked. I might have an idea or two.

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Fix America Again!!

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Raytheon may start caring when this case goes to court.

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Wouldn't that be nice! A friend of mine was the leading contract writer for someone like XEROX who worked totally remotely and they fired her for not taking the poison needle! She has filed a lawsuit but I think she went too far and named every damn criminal from the President on down, lol. Still, the more of these suits that hit the courts the better. I hope the weight of the paper alone sinks these rats' ships to the bottom of the Marianna Trench.

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I never did like Xerox machines. Now, even less.

There is strength in numbers.

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I don't think she went too far. Check Bailiwick News Orientation for New Readers. As a legal researcher Katherine Watt has found a lot of the details on how this program has been supported and launched through decades -- over a century -- of pseudo laws -- laws that are on the books but that are actually unlawful because unConstitutional. https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/orientation-for-new-readers

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From October 2021. Several others go back much earlier. KW began writing on Substack in January 2022. Not saying she stole my info... just saying she was late to wake up to the story.




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What I noticed early on, If a cruise ship or prison got covid it was only a fraction of the confined population that did. These 2 settings should have been infected at 90-100% including the crew or guards. At least if it was spread as easily as claimed. I think it was a flu and as I rejected the flu shot every time I had my yearly wellness check I did again in the fall of 2019 when my GP offered it. I said I didn't get sick and didn't want to mess with my immune system and went the same route with the covid jab. Fortunately I am 69 and retired so I didn't have to make a job decision. Also my wife and I were on the same page but both caught something the home test said was covid in Jan 2022 and then again in Sept 2022. There was definitely something out there as I said I don't normally get even colds. I think it was my immune system that got me through with only feeling flu like for a week. No trouble breathing no diarrhea or vomiting.

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The SOMETHING out there may well have been exposure to the 5G rollout beginning in 2020. Some investigators say the covid scam was intended to camouflage the installation of 5G towers, etc. Hospital doctors in the early days of covid said the lung symptoms of patients were those of radiation poisoning.

Arthur Firstenberg writes about EMF in The Invisible Rainbow and says that humans, animals, and ALL life forms will not adapt to the increasing EMF bombarding the earth. Has Elon Musk considered this dire forecast as his satellites blanket the atmosphere?

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Agreed. I also made that 5g connection in some 2021 posts.

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Children's Health Defense is working hard to bring attention to this issue. Frankly we need more people to wake up and fight the rollout.

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I wish CHD would connect the dots between EMF's and the organization of the hydrogel/plasmid technologies in the jabs into programmable weapons.

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CHD speaks to the general public and has already been labeled an "anti-science, anti-vaccine juggernaut!" It cannot get ahead of what there is hard data to prove.

But if more people wake up to the dangers of both vaccines and 5G it will certainly help!

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The work by Dr. Ana Mihalcea and her colleagues is hard to deny.

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Can I find it online or will you provide a link?

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Good or you for not complying!

Also, the home tests are more bogus than the PCR test. Most countries will not accept them for international travel.

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Ohh I’m one paragraph in, and decided to stop, grab a cuppa, and kick the feet up. This one sounds good! Excuse me while I dive back in.

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Thank you William.

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Why does the USA still have a jab mandate in place for non citizen visitors or to use the pejorative term "aliens"? Canada dropped it months ago although it has now been replaced by the internet censorship bill.

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Good question. Maybe because the PEGylated hydrogel (plasmid) technology used in the jabs allows authorities to track the jabbed from satellites?

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I can't think of a reason to do that. Any suggestions?

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hmmm Let me think about that:)

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Is that the Luciferase ingredient, for improved ultraviolet night vision of the clinical trial subjects??.. So crazy!!.. We could be stuck in a really bad science fiction movie!-

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Hydrogels can be formed from a number of lipid nanoparticles but the ingredient within them that's most likely doing the transmission is graphine oxide.

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Think of all those unvaxxed illegal border crossings that are not enforced. Do they even require forced vaxxes for the legal entries??? Can't discourage those potential Democrat voters. sarc

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For a while they did but I'm not sure what the status on jabs for migrants is right now.

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Fantastic reporting!

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Thank you Katherine.

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Excellent synopsis. As a new resident of Tucson (or more accurately, rural Pima county) I found this fascinating reading.

I’m a recent refugee from a reddish sliver of a blue state, and was anticipating a more relaxed response to the ‘Rona around these parts. Disappointing to hear that the city of Tucson swallowed the plandemic propaganda - although I’m encouraged (and not surprised) that my rural neighbors might think differently on the topic.

Thanks for the article.

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Welcome to Arizona Eric.

Yes, this former Goldwater libertarian state has been usurped by a big influx of democrats from the west coast and New York.

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Ironically, NY was one of only two states that electorally supported Goldwater in is run for president in 1964. The other state of course was AZ.

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Now that's really surprising.

Libertarians are trying to make a comeback here. I'm tracking that.

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Thanks, Covid tyrants, for doing what we couldn't accomplish in two decades: wake people up to vaccine dangers.

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Sad but true.

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Sounds good. Cory could let us know what states he's already tried to get data from.

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I always round up on the number of injectees in the USA. I project that 2/3 of the eligible population was willingly or extorted into injections. Then when I again round off on the number of all cause mortality, it should correlate to about 1-2 million deaths above the historical baseline.

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From a percentage perspective, it tends to run about the same in all western counties that went big on the jab - 12 to 20 %..

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I've never been to AZ, although it sounds like a fine place!.. That said, my own anecdotal observations on the E. Coast also confirm a massive rise in serious illness (unusual, turbo cancers, organ failure, neurological & cardiac disorders), plus deaths since the covid shot hysteria commenced!!... So, what do all of these ailing people have in common??.. They all had perfectly good, reliable health with no known impending problems whatsoever, AND they all took the brand new, experimental shots-?!!..

Folks I know that tragically died had taken extra vax Boosters- with relish!-


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Maybe you could go to your own state health department website and see what the death statistics are and let us know.

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We need people in all states to do this AND pool their data. Then do a mega launch.

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I was thinking about that. Finding a person in every state would be challenging. And since the info can all be gleaned from the internet is seems like maybe one person could do it, although it would be a big, time consuming task for just one person. Perhaps a small team divvying up the states would work better. The SoAz CHD folks certainly have the capabilities. Any ideas?

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A small team divvying up the states could work. How small? There is also something to be said for people getting the data for their state -- they have a stake in that in a specific way.

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Having someone in each state would be ideal, but I don't know people in every state nor do I know anyone who does.

What I had in mind was 4 or 5 people with each person taking a fourth or a fifth of the states.

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Any info on deaths at the Rez? My friend said they were targeted for the jabs.

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I've also heard that. No, I don't have any specifics about the O'Odham (a few miles from me), Apache, Navaho, Hopi or any of the others. But you've pricked my interest. I'll see if I can find anything.

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read through the gent who joined a group of former employees taking lawsuit and here I am commenting ;-)

Peace and I'll read further during my daily allocated "reading" time.

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Thanks for getting in touch Tanya.

I've written a number of posts about EMF's, 5G and how they interact with the tech in the jabs to wreck our health. Here are two recent ones.



The group is the SoAz branch of Children's Health Defense. We meet once a month in Tucson. We recently had a meeting and the next one is being usurped by this upcoming two day meeting in Phoenix with the State legislature.


Not sure if you're aware but CHD has worked diligently to increase awareness about the danger of 5G.

Right now were talking about the possibility of getting a van so a bunch of us can go to the meeting.

If you're interested in any of this, reply to this comment and I'll give you the email address of the coordinator of SoAz CHD.

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Life pulled me away these past weeks- YES, I am interested

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Here's the email for the SoAz CHD contact. Send her an email and she'll put you on the list for notification about upcoming meetings.


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I'm heading to the capital now- see you there 😁

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Something came up, I can't make it.

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It was a good day. I'm glad the information made it into AZ Public record.

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Would you mind filling me in about some of the highlights?


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