A topic often covered here over the past 3.3 years has been, who are the agents of chaos? Who are those shadowy figures pulling the levers behind the curtain?
I’ve looked into the usual list of culprits; the deep state, the predatory elite, the central banks, the MIC, big pharma, royal families and numerous others. But the more I consider that question the more I think that trying to pin the tail on the donkey may be less important than being able to recognize the donkey - the donkey being the engineered chaos that results from the planning and implementation by those culprits. Because they’ve had many hundreds of years to become skilled at illusion and subterfuge, because they can afford all the best magic tricks, because they can afford to hire the smartest people, it’s not easy for the average person to deal with those shadowy figures. It’s much easier to learn how to spot their ploys and avoid them.
If we neuter the animal, it's no longer viable. Let’s do some neutering here.
There are few simple steps anyone can take today that will go a long way to neuter the powers that shouldn’t be. Because the primary way manipulation occurs is through social media, cell phones and the MSM, I’m going to reiterate what I’ve said many times - get off social media, get rid of your phone. Most of you astute readers long ago stopped watching the MSM.
Do those two simple things and you distance yourself from the private contractors who buy and sell your private information all over the world. This also lowers your chance of falling prey to becoming an unwitting agent of chaos.
From there, things become more challenging.
While doing research for last weeks post I came across some information (engineered chaos) that just didn’t add up. Some of you readers linked even more information about that in your comments. Even when people claim to be on the same page regarding many of the issues we may deem important, information from one source may contradict another. Some (not all) of the shady gurus and new age groups that now pervade American society excel at that. Although these tactics are more subtle than say, the blatant use of kill shots, they are nevertheless, very effective at generating chaos. We’ll delve into that shortly.
a potential eclipse scenario?
The engineering of confusion and chaos is pervasive in all societies. So before we delve into that, let’s first speculate about a potential new spin we may see developing in a few weeks, one that could be similar to the type of chaos and confusion we’ve witnessed over the past four years of covidcon.
Be forewarned, this may just be a distraction to engender more chaos. I’ll explain that shortly.
We know that one of the tactics that satanists employ is to take advantage of opportunities that arise, to turn them to their advantage. One such opportunity is coming on April 8 in the form of a total solar eclipse which will traverse across north America from Mazatlan, Mexico to North Eastern Canada.
In some states where totality will be experienced, and even in some where totality will not be achieved, schools will close (Texas, Georgia), the National Guard will be deployed (Oklahoma) and hospitals are preparing emergency measures (New York). I’m old enough to have lived through several eclipses and I don’t recall these types of paranoia inducing tactics ever being deployed ahead of time like this. Even Colorado Springs, which is distantly removed from the path of totality, recently held an emergency biological weapons preparedness drill with the FBI. Why? Would this have anything to do with the fact that the Peterson Space Force Base (Operations Command) is located there? As I’ve pointed out, The SFB is responsible for the deployment of DEW’s. Keep that in mind.
Again, keep this question in mind - is this just a ploy by the predatory elite to generate speculation through people like me? To make us look bad, should nothing come of this?
A few days ago a reader sent me a link to a video of a guy talking about someone he knew who was taking part in meetings he said were being held by the Department of Homeland Security regarding emergency preparations for the eclipse. He presented no hard evidence. He said this participant told him there was talk of a biological weapons attack that was going to happen during the eclipse. Again, hearsay only.
Recently, a writer I follow on Substack also wrote a piece speculating about a biological weapons attack associated with the Eclipse path. I’ve also seen this idea mentioned in several other places on the internet. The idea seems to be gaining traction.
Personally, I lend little credence to the idea of this type of biological attack. As I’ve pointed out before, if viruses can’t even be isolated, how can they be manipulated to become weaponized? As I told Dr. Tom Cowan back in October of 2021, I thought the entire story of the covid virus escaping from the lab in Wuhan was a ploy to reinforce the idea that viruses exist and that we should be afraid of them.
How about a chemical weapons attack? Pulling that off has even more of problematic logistics.
However, in this scenario, I think a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) attack is very possible. As I’ve pointed out in the following links, a DEW attack can be made to look like a biological illness. Myself and others have presented a lot of evidence over recent years that supports the idea that covid was caused by DEW’s. After all it began in Wuhan China, the first city to roll out 5G (a DEW system) and proceeded from there to cities around the world as they switched on their newly installed 5G cell towers (Milan, New York, Seattle…). Lest we forget, 5G was developed by DARPA as a dual use weapon system (military and civilian use). Most of the worlds population still thinks covid was a virus that was spread around the world by travelers. Most still know nothing about the capabilities of 5G.
From the viewpoint of the warped minds of those who would conceive of using a DEW attack during the eclipse, the advantage is that the attack can be tailored to occur only along the path of totality. This would make it appear as if whatever disease arises from this was due to the eclipse, or the multitudes who gathered for it. We’ll get into that later.
Here is how I see this potential scenario playing out. There will be many people coming from around the world to visit locations along the path of totality. Using programmable 5G DEW systems, whether they be mounted on cell towers, aircraft or satellites, these DEW’s can easily be deployed to attack along the path of totality, causing all of those who took the covid jabs - and many who were heavily shed upon - to develop whatever illness gets programmed into the DEW.
In other words, the specific frequency and wave form programmed into the DEW’s used in the attack would manipulate the nanotechnology installed by the covid jabs (and shed to others) to form into harmful nanobots and/or hydrogels that would then inflict a specific type of disease in those contaminated with the nanotech. The most heavily contaminated may become very sick and die. Those less heavily contaminated may get very sick and those even less contaminated may only be mildly affected. Depending on how effective the attack is, emergency services and hospitals along the path of totality may be overwhelmed.
Right now, because an EUA has already been put in place for Marburg, I’m going to speculate and say Marburg (similar to ebola) appears to be a likely candidate disease for this event.
If such an event develops, by tracking the cell phones of those who return to their homes around the world after visiting the path of totality - just as with covid - DEW’s (mostly cell towers) in those parts of the world could be programmed to induce the same illness, making it appear as if the person brought back a disease that arose during the eclipse and spread it through their community in their home country.
If this potential scenario follows the covid paradigm, a well paid researcher somewhere in the world will use a computer to ‘discover’ and ‘generate’ a phony virus and write a ‘scientific paper’ about it. The CDC will then use that paper (as they did with covid) to say that virus is the new boogeyman, that it was somehow was fostered by the eclipse and that the world should be fearful. New lockdowns will be enforced. New travel restrictions will arise. New mandates will be put in place. And of course, a new “mRNA” jab will be quickly rolled out. Millions more will be injured and killed by hospital protocols and the new kill shots. Covidcon 2.0 will be upon us.
As with covidcon, confusion and chaos will ensue.
Once again, big pharma and billionaires will clean up and - as with covid - the middle class will suffer and shrink. Worst of all, millions more will die.
This may be wishful thinking, but I hope exposing this potential scenario here makes anyone who might be considering such a plot to have second thoughts.
As I’ve already alluded, we also have to consider the possibility that this entire biological weapons attack/solar eclipse scenario is being engineered to not play out so as to discredit those of us who are writing about it. If this is the case, I would point at the guy in the video (who claims to have a friend at DHS who provided him info) as being an agent of chaos. I would then ask, who does he work for?
‘Nuff said about all of that.
back to the main topic
I want to thank you well informed readers for the links last week. One of those was to a video by Hugo Talks where he makes some interesting connections between a new age organization and Trump. Most of the people in this organization have supported Trump by attending his Reawaken America Tour. What makes this interesting is that all of the people in this new age group have publicly questioned the covid vaccines. Trump, of course, is at the opposite end of the spectrum. Hugo makes clear he is baffled by this, as I am.
As I pointed out in October of 2021, Trump signed the covid vaccine EUA, he instigated Operation Warp Speed, he signed an update to the Prep Act to give covid jab makers liability immunity for the jabs, he hired big pharma swamp lord Alex Azar to run HHS, he hired big pharma swamp lord Scott Gotlieb to run the FDA and then he bragged about being the father of the covid vaccine, calling them “My beautiful vaccines.” He has admitted to not only taking the first two jabs, but also a booster. To this day he still claims he saved millions of lives and still tells people to take he jabs.
Hugo posits the obvious question; Why are these so called anti-vaxxers supporting pro-vaxx Trump?
The group many of these doctors were part of is known as the Academy of Divine Knowledge, founded by new age guru Jason Shurka. (Most of the links on that page are defunct - it seems Shurkas efforts flopped.) Shurka is connected to the new age guru Sasha Stone who was connected to the UN and the EU. To his credit, Stone quit the UN due to the corruption there.
Shurka wrote book called Rays of Light, originally published in Hebrew.
Jason Shurka was promoting a new age group with some very high profile members that, like me, some of you may follow. Again, what is the connection between all of these anitvaxxers and provaxx Donald Trump?
Or is this just a case of purposeful chaos engineering?
sacha stone
I came across Sacha Stone while researching last weeks post. First of all, that’s not his real name. His real name is Simon Jean Paul Sacha Adams. (Why do so many of these new age types find it necessary to change their names?)
He was recently interviewed by Dr. Ana Mihalcea. I should point out that I’ve linked numerous times to Dr. Mihalcea’s work and I consider her research exemplary, even though she claims to have a relationship with a channeled entity known as Ramtha. I don’t know anything about Ramtha but the research Dr. Mihalcea posts on her ‘stack is impressive.
So I wasn’t that surprised to see post from Dr. Mihalcea in my inbox a few days ago with a Sacha Stone interview. Dr. Mihalcea provides Sacha Stone plenty of leeway and time to talk. He takes very good advantage of that.
He begins well enough by covering many of the issues we have all come to understand; the subterfuge of the deep state, the long game plan of the Catholic Church, the dark fear tactics used by evangelicals (which I wrote about several years ago), the hidden agendas of secret societies, the problematic remnants of Babylonian philosophy and the dangers of the military and medical industrial complexes. Sounds good, right? I actually agree with much of what he was saying. Yet, interspersed with all of this were references for the need to get back to Magdalena, the divine feminine. He also touches on space alien influences. Wait. What?
He also says he questions the existence of viruses but believes that weaponized versions can be created in labs.
side bar
In the past I’ve mentioned that I’ve been practicing shamanic journeying for about 25 years. Many people affiliate this with new age philosophy. Because the type of shamanic journeying I practice is based on native American tradition that predates new age philosophy by thousands of years, I don’t see a link between shamanic journeying and new age philosophy.
I also see no conflict between shamanic journeying and my relationship with God and the teachings of Jesus. One only needs to read Revelations and other books in the Bible to understand the deep connections between shamanic journeying and the Bible.
I’m explaining this because of an experience I had during a shamanic journey (to drumming) with 14 other people at a friends house in late August of 2001. The short version of that story is - during my journey I flew over New York and witnessed the aftermath of the world trade center destruction. The vulture who took me there warned me that this would be the beginning of great changes. It was.
After the journey our group passed the traditional talking stick and we all shared our journeys. Little did I know that two weeks later what I described in my journey would play out on national tv.
That was two weeks before 9/11. Because he knew I have no tv, two weeks later, the friend who hosted our journeys called me early one morning and told me to come to his house right away, that my journey was unfolding on tv. I got to his house in time to see the second tower go down. The view from the news helicopters was the same as what I had seen in my journey.
I’m telling this story to say that I have to acknowledge that mystical things can happen. It’s easy to poo-poo this type of mysticism… until it happens to you.
Although I personally derive a lot of joy from shamanic journeying, I don’t proselytize about it - you don’t hear me promoting it here in all of my posts. The same cannot be said of new agers like Sacha Stone who, very much like traveling evangelists, makes a living promoting new age theosophy
back to sacha stone
I have no idea what the Magdalena angle is about.
What I can say is that for the past 40 years I’ve spent a lot of time looking into the idea of non-earth contact. That will require a whole ‘nuther post or two so I’m not going into that now. As for the Magdalena angle, maybe a reader can explain that.
At about 18 minutes into the interview Sacha really gets into the weeds when he begins talking about the April 8 solar eclipse.
Before we consider what he’s says about the eclipse I should interject that I think this event has the potential to be more than the typical solar eclipse. Why? Because there are so many other cosmic alignments taking place that have not occurred during a solar eclipse for many hundreds of years.
Allow me to explain.
All life on earth is affected by our solar system and the greater universe. The interplay between the sun and earth creates seasons and generates much of our weather. My chickens lay more or less eggs based on the position of the sun in the sky. My goats come into season based on the position of the sun in the sky and moon cycles. Moon cycles create oceanic tides and determine the cycles of women. Seeds germinate and grow according to cosmic influences. Earth is constantly bombarded by different types of radiation from space which affects all life. Planetary alignments have been associated with past earthquakes. If you want to go deep down this rabbit hole, read Worlds in Collision by Immanuel Velikovsky (for free here).
The point I’m trying to make is that there may be some results of cosmic influences that occur around the time of the eclipse that we may not be able to understand. This is why I think this particular eclipse serves those with nefarious agendas so very well.
However, the one thing we can be sure of is that no one knows what the results of those cosmic alignments will be. So if ‘authorities’ tell us that disease X has arisen due to the eclipse or the cosmic events surrounding it, we can be sure we are being lied to. That’s a potential chaos scenario we can be prepared for.
All of this is to explain why I have so much trouble with Sacha’s rather detailed new age explanation of what will happen during and after the eclipse and why I don’t buy into it.
back to sacha
As Sacha begins talking about the eclipse he becomes very passionate and exposes what comes across to me as a deeper agenda. He spends several minutes describing some of the most ridiculous new age malarkey I’ve ever heard. I know it when I see it because I dabbled in new age philosophy back in the 70’s and 80’s (I still have all those books). In short, what he is promoting is the idea of a new world order and a one world religion. It’s as if he is channeling Alice Bailey and her agenda to use the UN as a springboard to quell all other religions in favor of a one world, new age order.
I mentioned in last weeks post that Alice Bailey was one of the founders of Lucis Trust, a vast and very well funded archive of new age material. Originally, Lucis Trust was named Lucifer Trust, but in 1922 the name was changed to Lucis Trust. Apparently, some of the board members have included Henry Kissinger, John D. Rockefeller, Thomas Watson (IBM, former ambassador to Russia) and Norman Cousins among others. According to Terry Melanson, Lucis Trust has ties to the Bilderberg group, the CFR and the Trilateral Commission. Here we have all of the usual new world order, globalist players orbiting around this new age organization.
As I pointed out last week, Bailey was instrumental in getting new age philosophy ingrained into the UN through the Assistant Secretary General at the time, Robert Muller.
One can find good things in just about any religion in the world. There are aspects of the Alice Bailley/UN program that hold beliefs very similar to Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Mormonism and many other religions. For me, the problem with people like Sacha Stone and the UN is that the greater agenda is to impose new age theosophy as a dominant world religion, to help bring about a new world order. In other words, it threatens diversity of belief. And yes, we can say that about any religion that has national or world domination as its goal.
Whether we’re talking about political philosophy, religious philosophy, child rearing philosophy or dietary philosophy, any time one philosophy tries to dominate, we lose diversity of thought. Hitler tied it, Lennon tried it, communism tries it, capitalism tries it, Catholicism tries it and evangelicalism is giving it a shot. Many Jews use the term anti-semitism to quell opposition to Israel and the Zionist agenda. Those with a pro-vaccine agenda use the term conspiracy theorist to shut down anyone who questions vaccine efficacy and those of us who question the existence of viruses.
All are attempts by the powers that should not be to colonize our mind with benign, homogenous, easily controlled, group-think belief systems.
New age theosophy is using the UN and new age organizations and gurus to impose a world wide new age philosophy. This appears to be part of an agenda to sow chaos and confusion and plant seeds of doubt, to overthrow the world wide status quo. Do I think the status quo is right in every respect? Not even close. But I’m more fearful of having our current messy status quo replaced with an institutionalized belief system that will dictate the same terms for societies all over the world from a singular source with a singular point of view. That my friends, would be the ultimate form of tyranny.
I much prefer the safety that comes with a diversity of ideas.
From a spiritual perspective, what I long for is the type of free and open discourse that took place among the widely dispersed early followers of Jesus (the term Christian had not yet been coined) after his crucifixion but before the Councils of Nicaea. During that 300 year long period there were hundreds of early ‘churches’ scattered around the eastern Mediterranean. Because peoples minds were unhampered by the mental colonization that runs rampant today, philosophical debate about spirituality was the order of the day. I’d much rather see a hundred thousand small churches scattered around the world than the handful of big ones we have today.
Once a religion becomes institutionalized and uses that hierarchical system to wedge itself into politics and proselytize its belief systems around the world, we should be very wary of it. This is why I’ve long been wary of the Catholic Church, the Mormon church, Judaism, Islam and mega protestant churches.
I now feel the same wariness about so-called new age spirituality. Do I think it should be quelled? Not at all. But like any other religion it should be separated from any ties to politics or societal structures. New age theosophy needs to abide by the same Constitutional requirements for separation of church and state that all other religions have to abide by. In that same regard, the UN should not be promoting new age philosophy. But it does. That needs to stop.
As I’ve said here many times, the UN needs to go away.
It’s as if sci-fi has become real. It kinda scares the you know what out of me. I’m not ready. I’ve had a weird couple of years. People are going to believe the lies that they tell again. I know some people that believe everything that they hear on the news and keep getting their jabs. I don’t even try to talk to them about what’s going on anymore. Sometimes you just can’t get through. I hope nothing bad happens because of the eclipse.
As always, Kyle, I truly appreciate all your research and commentary. Sasha Stone has given me a queasy feeling in my gut since I first came across him some years ago. Fascinating about your 9/11 shamanic journey. I was living in the New York City at the time and had an odd waking vision of the destruction about 2 months before. Was just walking through my Soho neighborhood and about to cross the street when it seemed like everything went black and white and there was a kind of sheer curtain I was looking through as I gazed downtown and realized the towers were not there and felt an emotional chaos. Obviously, I was stone cold sober. The vision passed in about 5 seconds and was inexplicable until about 8 weeks later.