Welcome back all of you wild and crazy, freedom loving, dragon slaying heretics! Welcome new readers! To all of you new subscribers, thank you! The Secular Heretic is where the centralized authority of the fascist state gets exposed and locally autonomous people who cherish freedom, liberty and sovereignty get a platform.
thank you
I want to take a little time to thank you readers for educating me about a number of topics in your comments. Clearly, I have a very well informed readership. It’s for this reason that you drive an increasing amount of what I write about. In this writer/reader partnership, you provide thought provoking ideas and I attempt to flesh them out and amplify your voice through this blog. This is one example of how the free flow of information on the internet has benefited all of us. But that information is being progressively throttled and may eventually come to a complete halt, at least as far as those of us who counter the official narrative are concerned.
In this time when our Constitutional Republic has been usurped by mob rule under the guise of “democracy”, and our leaders prostitute themselves on behalf of big business while ignoring the individuals who elected them (who the Constitution says they work for) it becomes increasingly important for us to work together to overcome this tyranny.
In the world of technology and censorship, algorithms play key roles in the throttling of information. As we have all witnessed over the past two years, this means when people do searches on topics I write about, they will likely be taken to a site that presents the ‘official narrative’ version of that topic, not necessarily the truthful version. This is especially true when using Google, less so when using DuckDuckGo and even less so when using Brave. (If you don’t have the Brave browser, download it for free.)
Why is this? Partly because the algorithms are designed to favor the popular sources, like the legacy media controlled by the rich and powerful, and for far too many years these popular sources have held sway. The algorithms are also designed to look for keywords like freedom, plandemic, vaxx, jabs and censor those sources. These are just several of the many ways big tech and big media giants censor people like us. That this tyrannical form of control is antithetical to free speech is of no concern to the elites pulling the strings. However, it does make clear that they don’t want the masses to have access to the truth. Either they think we are too stupid to make our own decisions or they know if they lose control of the narrative their profits will tumble and their fascist grip on power will wane. Or all of the above.
There are many more readers of the Secular Heretic than there are subscribers. If I could get those of you who read, but are not subscribed, to subscribe - because even algorithms recognize there is strength in numbers - this information would be much more widely distributed. Put another way, the more subscribers and likes a blog or a particular article gets the less likely it will be ignored as a source of information by a search algorithm.
We are in a partnership to get the truth out on these rough seas of information, to allow freedom and liberty to once again rule the day. But for this to work effectively, I need your full participation in this partnership.
Will your subscription turn the tide? Not today. But there are many great writers highlighting the falsehoods of the official narrative on Substack (see my recommendations). If you and millions of others subscribe to those who are speaking truth to power here on Substack, we will turn the tide.
Instead of a bought-and-paid-for rag like the New York Times being the news-source-of-record for much of the Western world, independent writers on Substack can and should be the news-source-of-record for the world. Let’s make it so.
Thanks for subscribing and liking.
stand for health freedom
Stand for Health Freedom is an organization that works on behalf of health and freedom issues and provides a platform for people to contact all of their representative elected officials in one letter. In recent months their format has become very effective at waking up officials in DC about many of the issues we care about. Their most recent effort is to remind our elected officials that their Constitutional job is to protect the rights and liberties of the individuals who elected them, not sell those rights to the highest bidder.
Their letter platform allows you to send the same letter to your Senators, your Congresspeople and your state representatives, all in one pass. The latest campaign is about reminding our representatives that because they work for individuals and not big pharma, they cannot mandate jabs.
Stand for Health Freedom provides a form letter that’s already in the text box, but you can edit that, delete it and write in your own thoughts. What follows is the letter I sent to my representatives. It’s customized to deal with my local representatives here in Arizona. You’re welcome to copy and paste any part, or all of this letter.
the letter
In spite of popular opinions, the US is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy by mob rule. The Constitution makes it clear that elected officials are to do nothing more than make sure the rights of the individuals in their districts and states are protected.
Sadly, the Constitutional model of protecting the many has been shoved aside in favor of a model that protects the business interests of the elite few. In fact, over the past two years the Constitutional model has been utterly shredded as unconstitutional mask/vaxx mandates, closures and job losses have been imposed while jabs are given without the right of the individual to give informed consent. All of this has been to the detriment of the US taxpayer and the enhancement of profits for the few in Big Tech and Big Pharma.
Lest any of you try to present the lame argument that covid presented an unprecedented danger, we now know that covid was never any more dangerous than any other flu and that the "gene therapy" (as defined by both Pfizer and Moderna in paperwork submitted to the FDA for their approval) shots, falsely being labeled as vaccines, are not only completely ineffective, they are, in fact, highly dangerous - millions around the world have been killed and permanently maimed by them. As of Friday, July 29, the CDC's highly vetted VAERS site, which keeps a record of all vaccine injuries, has recorded 29,790 deaths and 1,508,836 total injuries from the covid jabs, many of those injuries are permanent and life threatening. And the numbers continue to go up every week. According to a government commissioned Harvard study, less than 1% of those injured by jabs file a report to VAERS. I'll let you do the math to determine what the astounding real numbers are.
This is a type of tyranny worse than what led to Boston Tea party. Are any of you supporting this tyranny in any way?
At least one of you (7 total, AZ Governor, US Congress, Senators, state rep's) receiving this letter was invited to attend the recent Bilderberg Group meeting, a globalist organization that is keen to further this sinister agenda. And... you attended. Globalism has noting to do with your Constitutional mandate. Why did you attend?
Be advised that a copy of this letter will go out to my thousands of readers on Substack, letting them know that they can use this letter and this Stand for Health Freedom platform to pass this along to their own elected officials.
Remember, the Constitution makes it clear that you work for those of us who elected you, not a few wealthy elites pushing dangerous agendas and drugs.
We, the people, need to have our Constitutional right to choose enforced, not sold to the highest bidder. Under the US Constitution, getting a vaccine, wearing a mask or locking down must be choice, not a mandate.
Kyle Young
I’m not sure if this link will get you to the right place at Stand for Health Freedom. If not, then you will need to join here. Wield your sword. Put your representatives on notice.
Peter Goodman, author of Davos Man: How the Billionaires Devoured the World, explains that the way public relations departments of organizations like the WEF, Bilderberg and other rich boy clubs prevent change is by pretending to be engaged in change. For instance, they pretend to be concerned about climate change by pushing agendas they say will improve the problematic factors. In reality, these problematic factors were created by the billionaires as a way to seize control of our lives (addiction) and they’re now using these ‘problems’ as a way to seize even more control of our lives (loss of freedoms). A perfect example of this can be seen in the nitrogen fertilizer issue now being hotly contested in the Netherlands, which I wrote about here. The same billionaires (Carnegies, Rockefeller’s, Duponts) and CEO’s (many of whom are connected to the WEF) who promoted “better farming through chemicals” from the 1950’s to the 2000’s, are some of the same people telling farmers that they now have to cut nitrogen use or lose their farms.
(In an interesting turn of events, the WEF has recently said it will buy some of the stolen farm land in the Netherlands. Hmm… that smells like a conspiracy.)
Other examples of this can be seen in the connections between modern medicine, big pharma and nutrition.
As of 2016, modern medicine was ranked as the third leading cause of death in the US (that ranking may become higher as more evidence of the true death count from the jabs comes in). Much of this death count is driven by the misguided trust put in modern drugs. Much of this trust is driven by the big Pharma investment sector (US government, Gates, Soros, Fauci etc) and the fact that the US is only one of two countries in the world that allows the pharmaceutical industry to advertise in the media (New Zealand being the other).
Sick people with money or good insurance are very profitable for hospitals and big pharma. Dying people who have money or good insurance and are put on life support are even more profitable. Let’s face it, our society has been arranged so that a lot of money is made from a sick and dying population.
Part of this arrangement has been the food pyramid, created by the USDA in 1992 with a lot of pressure from various Big Ag interests. In 1992 the obesity rate in the US was less than 15%. The food pyramid was upgraded in 2010. Today the US rate of those overweight or obese is 69%. The number of people now seeking medical help because of bad dietary advice by the establishment’s food pyramid is out of control.
Of course there are many other factors that come into play that have determined how our society has been arranged to generate profit for these industries and I’ve covered a number of those over the past 21 months.
My point here is that, we have the food industry telling the USDA how people should eat and we have big pharma telling medical doctors and hospitals what drugs to prescribe. The obvious result of these ill conceived partnerships is rampant bad health and vast profits for the responsible industries.
And all of this is being dictated from above. Lest we lose track of the theme here… The medical/agriculture/food industries are just more tools that the billionaire, globalist, WEF types use to pretend to be engaged in helping when in realty they’re doing the opposite - seizing ever more control of our lives to use us as a means to derive ever more profit.
The proof is in the pudding. As the obesity numbers I just highlighted show, and as I’ve alluded in several earlier posts, over the 50+ years since the founding of these organizations and the rise of the billionaire class, things have gotten much, much worse, not better. More dragons to be slayed.
religious simulation
A simulation is not the thing being simulated. Bernardo Kastrop, who once worked for CERN and is the author of Why Materialism is Baloney, has doctorates in both computer engineering and AI. He points out that just because you can make a computer simulate a kidney does not mean it will pee on your desk.
As it pertains to the “covid virus”, I’ve pointed out this same flaw in reasoning in several earlier posts where I questioned the official narrative about the existence of this virus. For those unfamiliar with this topic, the covid virus has never been isolated and to this day exists only as a computer generated model. A computer generated, in silico model of a virus cannot make one sick.
Kastrop points out that all humans have a religious, or a spiritual impulse. I’m paraphrasing here, but he goes on to say that the materialistic and largely male driven effort to bring forth AI and transhumanism are sadistic versions of the religious impulse of men who are so wrapped up in the material world that they suffer from spirit and womb envy. Transhumanism and AI is their warped version of a body and soul. These poor souls are so wrapped up in their heads they have lost touch with their hearts. They represent the quintessential archon.
Kastrop believes idealism should be the defining philosophy of our time, not materialism. This is another theme I’ve dealt with here many times, the need to seek balance between our idealistic, divine self and the physical realm.
another easily slayed dragon
Maria Zeee is an Australian who has been outspoken about the tyranny that has been occurring over the past two years. She recently interviewed Dr. Mercola, who was listed by the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) as one the the primary sources of misleading information about the covid pandemic, aka “the disinformation dozen”.
The article in which Dr. Mercola included the video interview in his newsletter will have been taken down by the time you read this. But you can watch it here.
Here is my comment about the video.
Just watched the video. It was interesting to learn that the Center for Countering Digital Hate, which was largely responsible for forcing Dr. Mercola to take down his posts after 48 hours, was a spin-off of the Trilateral Commission formed by David Rockefeller in 1973, the Council on Foreign Relations which was largely funded by the Rockefeller's, and the Atlantic Commission. The reason for establishing the CCDH becomes apparent when we understand the 1910 Flexner Report, which put the world on the pernicious road to allopathic medicine, was funded by the Rockefeller's and the Carnegie's.
It’s apparent the creators of the CCDH see Dr. Mercola as a threat to their stranglehold on the modern medical system. The perniciousness of these types of organizations seems to know no bounds.
Stay diligent and keep slaying those dragons!
And please, subscribe!
Here are the latest covid jab numbers from VAERS.
Great lettter Kyle.
There was no pandemic- EVER. "Covid" is not an epidemiological story it is a crime story.
The "virus" itself was birthed in the corporate boardrooms of Pharma/Finance and leaked via a memo.
Consider that we are looking at a ‘virus’ that cannot be identified as SARS-CoV-2 (there is no evidence), so that’s the end of that story. It was man made on a computer by Drosten et al in Berlin in January 2020 for reasons that we all know.
The average age of a death by or with "Covid-19" is higher than life expectancy. No other figure even need be known to understand the "pandemic" (business model) is a fraud and a giant Ponzi scheme.
The fact that there is no such thing as a "Covid death" is another minor problem here as SARSCoV2 itself is a computer generated fiction.
Everything you see or read is an orchestrated narrative that's been crafted to sell a story for you to believe- that's the big lie they don't want you to understand.
You were not alerted to a "pandemic-level pathogenic disease causing agent" by your own senses, observations or experience. You were conditioned by propaganda to believe in a pandemic-level pathogenic disease causing agent by the media, the pharmaceutical industry, and government.
99% of people falsely certified as having 'died from covid' actually died from their preexisting conditions being exacerbated by mass medical malpractice and 'public health' despotism, the other 1% simply died of old age.
From the CDC itself 7/16/21: "Of the 540,667 hospitalized coronavirus patients included in the study, 80,174 died during the observation period (March 2020 to March 2021). A whopping 99.1% of the patients who died had at least one pre-existing condition, with just 740 having no prior condition on record.
Most patients who died from COVID had multiple pre-existing conditions, with just 2.6% suffering from only one condition, compared to 32.3% who had two to five preexisting conditions, 39.1% who had six to ten, and 25.1% who have more than ten pre-existing conditions."
Translation: No one has 'died from covid' as "covid" is nothing more than a fraudulent PCR result plus a nebulous clinical re-branding of cold, "flu" and many other disease conditions.
Covid-19 is the biggest money laundering scheme in the history of this country.
Even many "in the know" are still trapped in the virus story and the Covid merry-go-round.
As long as good people continue to assert that this manufactured crisis was in fact an actual epidemiological event the ghouls that concocted this lie will have fertile ground to create the next one- which rest assured is in the pipeline.
"Covid" is the engineered destabilization of the global economy.
"COVID-19", the operation, is essentially a cover-up for systematic debt-leveraged monetary expansion.
"Covid-19", the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION to other causes.
You've mentioned POLIO in 2 of your previous articles, noting that the 3rd highest $ funding from the Gates Foundation has gone to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. Gates is quoted as saying: “We feel there’s been over a 20-to-1 return.” Here's my take on POLIO and the WEFs goal to depopulate the world:
It appears there ARE limits to the public’s vaccine gullibility. The dire global threat of monkeypox is not producing the level of fear required to induce the public to get vaxxed immediately. Hence, the dire necessity for health officials to announce that a new dire global threat is emerging – POLIO. This threat is guaranteed to terrorize the entire world, just as it did in the 1950s. 70 years ago, the propaganda surrounding the horrors of polio convinced the public that viruses cause disease and vaccines prevent disease. It was then that the Germ Theory became rock solid in the public’s belief system – as solid as the belief that the earth revolves around the sun and the sun rises in the east, every morning, every day, come rain or come shine, up it comes.
AS IT’S BEEN PROVEN, no virus has ever caused any disease. What proof? The PROOF that no virologist has EVER proved that a virus caused the disease attributed to it. And then there’s the PROOF that the vaccine created for a specific disease did not prevent the disease but instead frequently caused the disease. This proof is documented in the historical records. The book ‘Dissolving Illusions’ reprints contemporary govt statistics, medical records and newspaper accounts, PROOF that vaccines are useless, or worse. And there is PROOF that Pasteur, a believer in and promoter of the Germ Theory, lied about his vaccine experiments preventing disease. Pasteur and his Germ Theory are a FRAUD.
Thanks to a blogger on CHD this week, I read an article written in 2003 by Jim West about the POLIO FRAUD. West had his eyes opened to the truth when he followed up on a footnote – A FOOTNOTE! – in a 1991 science book and then read the work of medical Dr. Morton S. Biskind, who had his eyes opened to the truth by observing his patients experience with vaccines. Dr. Biskind wrote: “Central nervous system diseases (CNS) such as polio are actually the physiological and symptomatic manifestations of the ongoing government- and industry-sponsored inundation of the world’s populace with central nervous system poisons.”
Dr. Biskind’s article, written in 1953, has been buried and forgotten, but it deserves to be resurrected by a politically-incorrect publishing house so as to add Biskind’s knowledge to the current knowledge fund re vaccines. Further, it’s shocking to learn that the govt response – 70 years ago! – to the science evidence of the damage to the environment and humans of pesticides is the same response of govt today – 70 years later! – to “unorthodox” science evidence of the damage to humans from vaccines. As Popeye may have said: “We have met the enemy, and the enemy is our govt.”
While awaiting its unlikely republication, the “polio caused by a virus” believers need to read West’s article to know that NO virus causes polio. And this discovery will lead to the realization that, contrary to what govt health officials and pharma advertising say, vaccines do NOT save lives, instead they damage the health of those who are not killed outright by the vaccine.
Also, CHD has an article about polio. It has NOT been vanquished. It’s still circulating, diagnosed under new names. RFK Jr is speaking frankly and boldly, unconcerned with being denounced as an “anti-vaxxer.” https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/vaccine-injury-cover-up-covid-vaccination/
Then this about polio vaccine history and Rockefeller: https://www.richardpresser.com/wordpress/there-is-strong-evidence-that-viruses-of-any-type-simply-do-not-exist/