Thanks again Bob.
“… we are the imagination of ourselves”. Bill Hicks
Welcome all of you new subscribers! And welcome back you regular, rowdy bunch of freedom loving heretics! Thank you for helping me to pull back the curtain and reveal the not-so-magical, not-so-great Oz(s) that are lamely attempting to alter our imagination and our reality. Today we will be looking closely at some of them and pointing out more of their magical kabuki theater. Because it’s a complex topic, this is a long piece. Hang in there to the end.
quick note
A study published in the prestigious Journal of the American College of Cardiology finds that 93% of all adults in the US are cardiometabolically unhealthy. That’s 14 out of 15 people. This is a completely man made disaster. The study was published in 2018, which means it does not include the rapid rise in myocarditis that has occurred since the bioweapon jab program began.
brief netherlands note
For those unfamiliar with Vandana Shiva, she is a physicist from India who’s been an outspoken critic of modern agriculture and globalism. She’s a food sovereignty activist who has written over 20 books. In a recent interview with Russell Brand she reiterated many of the same points about the farmers in the Netherlands that I made in this earlier article; that the farmers are not to blame, that they have become victims of globalism, that they are caught between a rock and a hard place, that they are being blamed by the same corporate elite that masterminded the entire modern farming fiasco, that the farmers are now being used as scape goats by those same corporate elite, and that regenerative solutions are the answer to all of this. Far too few people understand any of this. Most buy into the lamestream narrative - bought and paid for by the corporate elite - that the farmers are to blame. It’s heartening to hear Shiva, who has a much larger audience than I have, explaining these esoteric truths about the modern farming fiasco to someone with an even bigger audience.
Like all self avowed vegans I’ve ever known, RB is a vegan for misguided philosophical reasons, most of which are based on lies promulgated by the magicians I’m about to describe. In other words, he is clueless about farming and nutrition. This may explain why he seems so surprised by what Shiva says in the interview.
Around the world the screws are being tightened. Leaders of many countries around the world are stepping down as the handwriting on the wall becomes ever more apparent. Some of them are graduates of Klaus Schwabs (WEF) Young Global Leaders program. Does this mean he is losing ground? Not necessarily. As with Hitlers well designed take over of Germany and the less well designed tactics used during the plandemic, the ultimate goal is to instill panic, chaos and, most importantly, fear, to get the masses to the point where they will do anything to get back to some semblance of normal. What better way to instigate fear than to have the leadership of a country fall apart.
In case you are wondering, it seems likely that those puppet leaders who are stepping down have been, or will be, well compensated for moving the agenda further down the field for the Globalist Oz’s (magicians) of the world. Those are the lucky puppets. Others may have their retirement package, uhmm… terminated.
the greatest show on earth
As regular readers know, magic and the manipulation of the mind has long fascinated me. When we were kids my next older brother ordered some magic tricks by mail, played around with them for a while, then gave them to me. I practiced with them, then performed them at various neighborhood shows. I became fascinated by how easy it is to deceive the eye.
BeLIEf is merely a perception of what we think is true. Truth - what we believe - is not always etched-in-stone reality. Especially in these times, we need to be cognizant that placing unquestioning credence in the phrase “seeing is beLIEving” can lead to deception. As anyone who has ever watched a science fiction movie or has watched a good magician perform magic tricks can attest, the eye can be lied to. We can be made to believe something is real even when we know it’s not. As we now know, the television news coverage of people supposedly falling over dead in China from covid, the trucks lined up outside a New York City hospital loading bodies of covid victims, along with all the other fear porn images that were paraded before us in early 2020, were all part of the greatest magic show ever.
All professional magicians know that the best tricks work on multiple levels. The best tricks -
deceive the audience
cause downstream psychosis that can aid with the next trick
move an agenda forward or, help defeat it
take things from you without you knowing it
generate feelings of joy, concern, thankfulness, anger and fear
and as any profession magician will tell you, they can also generate money, lots of it.
All of these tactics have been used to bring about the greatest magic show ever performed in the history of planet earth… the covid plandemic.
the long and sordid history of the deceptive practices of ‘magical’ medicine
The 2016 movie Now You See Me 2 is not only an entertaining look at magic, it’s also a deeper consideration of the more esoteric aspects of magic. Perhaps the most important point made in the movie is that the most successful form of magic being performed on earth today - in terms of the number of people being deceived and profits generated - is science. If we look back into history we find this has long been the case. Three hundred years ago doctors in England had everyone convinced that bleeding a patient cured all ills (it can help with a few things, but is highly detrimental for most things) and that rubbing animal manure into deep cuts and lacerations was the best way to treat them. Fortunately, those treatments faded as herbalists began having a much higher success rate than those Oxford trained doctors touting bleeding and manure. (Of course, then the church stepped in and claimed that herbalists were witches and began burning them at the stake.)
More recently, particularly over the past two years, we’ve been learning that science has been wrong about the efficacy of vaccines… all of them. I’ve covered this previously here and elsewhere, so if you have questions about this please read that post. The long and short of it is that because modern medicine focuses on deriving massive profits by only considering the material realm, the other half of who and what we are is being denied. When the whole person not being considered, this is not medicine, it’s sorcery. I’ve also covered this in previous posts so if this line of thinking unfamiliar to you, please read them as well.
History is filled with examples of science having led us down the wrong path. If you don’t believe me, just search ‘historical mistakes of science’ and have a look at the thousands of results.
one example - the ‘fat is bad’ lie
I’ve previously mentioned a contemporary example of this, having to do with the work Ansel Keys did in the 1950’s on the presence of cholesterol at the sites of arteriosclerosis. This led him to put forth the idea that meat, fat and cholesterol were bad. Because Keys had friends in high places he was able to promote his anti-cholesterol theory broadly. By the 1970’s his theory had become embraced by main stream medicine as gospel. Since then, entirely new industries pushing fat-free and low-cholesterol foods have arisen. At the same time big pharma conjured up an entire class of drugs known as statins, designed to lower cholesterol. All of this has led to the premature deaths of millions of people. All because one ‘scientist’ came to the wrong conclusion. All because science ignores our divine being and only considers what is profitable in the material realm.
Thankfully, we now know that cholesterol is critically important to our health, that our brains run on cholesterol and that if we do not get enough in our diet our bodies will make it. Cholesterol was never the culprit, particular types of carbs are.
how the much bigger ‘vaccination’ lie got started
This goes back to the historic debate that occurred between Luis Pasteur and Antoine Béchamp during the mid 1800’s over what is more important, germ theory (Pasteur) or terrain theory (Béchamp). Like Keys, Pasteur had friends in high places, so he won. We are all now suffering the consequences of his victory. Consider that modern medicine as we know it, including all of the vaccines and the crazy hoopla surrounding them, are based on the flawed work of a ‘scientist’/magician from the mid 1800’s who dreamed up the facade upon which modern medicine has been built - germ theory.
How much longer will it be before the world wakes up to the very poorly run covid magic show and realizes there are smarter ways to practice medicine? Ways that incorporate our innate immune system, that consider diet, social activities, sunlight, physical exertion and all the other things our DNA has been programmed to partner very well with for the past 250,000 years. As I’ve pointed out numerous times, there is little profit to be generated in that wholesome scenario, which explains why we are in our current dilemma. As the first statistic I presented at the onset of this piece makes clear, the vast majority of people have no interest in taking control of their own health, preferring to hand it over to the magicians and their bag of tricks. The masses are now suffering the consequences.
As far as our ancestral DNA is concerned, vaccines are newly introduced foreign substances. But the means of administration makes them even more sinister. Our digestive tract is meant to keep all foreign substances out of our pure and holy blood stream, which many traditional cultures believe is where our spirit - our divine being - resides. But big pharma magicians and their voodoo love affair with needles want to bypass that and inject toxins directly into our bloodstream to create chaos in both our physical body and our divine self. With this abomination, the “greatest magic show” has resulted - and is still resulting - in the largest mass murder ever conducted in the history of the human race.
the magicians/puppeteers
I’ve identified 5 role levels being played out in this and all other great shows. The order is from lowest players up to the highest ones.
Level 5 - On the lower level are the frontmen who help pull off the day to day nuts and bolts of the show.
Many who have been looking into the plandemic have concluded that the primary culprits are the highly visible ones in governments, banking and corporations. People like Fauci, Deszak, Bourla, Trump, Biden and so on. While these people are certainly playing key roles at the moment, they are merely frontmen. They play little to no role in deciding what trick to deploy, how to design it or how to deploy it.
(A quick side note. The four largest banks in the world are Chinese. We have to consider the role that they play in this. The 5th largest is JP Morgan Chase, where Jamie Diamond is the CEO.)
Level 4 - The next tier is made up of moneyed elite who implement the profitable plans of the materialistic luciferians in the upper levels, while also making sure that the frontmen are well compensated by insider trading tips, bribes, prostitutes, drugs and so on.
As with those in level 5, I’ve covered a few members of the level 4 group here in the past. They are best represented by people like Bill Gates (drug pusher) , Anthony Bourla (drug pusher and CEO of Pfizer), Larry Fink, CEO of Black Rock (manager of assets for those in level one), Jim Smith (CEO of Rueters, key spreader of magical distortions about covid and vaccine efficacy, Pfizer board member) and the CEO’s of other major investment firms, banks and corporations around the world.
Level 3 - Then there are the planners, architects and engineers of how a magic trick is to be designed, deployed, controlled and where the profits go.
An early example of this type of hierarchical structure can be found in King Arthurs Roundtable where he and his nights would get together to discuss how the kingdom would be governed. This may explain why this level is rife with European royalty.
This level has significant crossover between levels 5 and 4, as well as some trickling down from level 2. But, primarily this group is made up of the following organizations, in no particular order.
1) The Bilderberger Group was founded in 1954 by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands to strengthen relations between North America and Europe. Bernhard was a member of the Nazi party and worked for IG Farben (now Bayer/Monsanto) the pharmaceutical giant that created the poisons used in the nazi prison camps and also conducted horrific experiments on prisoners. Józef Retinger, a Polish insider from the Vatican who is also thought to have been connected to the Illuminati, was cofounder. Later, Henry Kissinger, a long and avid proponent of the New World Order, became a mover and shaker within the Bilderberg Group. "Yes, many people will die when the New World Order is established, but it will be a much better world for those who survive” - Kissinger. The list of attendees at Bilderberg meetings reads like a who’s who of the worlds most famous magicians; Gates, Clinton, Bezos, Soros, Schultz, Kerr, Kerry, Thatcher, Geithner, Buckley Jr, Petraeus (Former head of CIA), Sayers (former head of MI6) and numerous princes and princesses.
2) A newcomer to the scene, the WEF was founded by Klaus Schwab in 1971. The stated goal of the WEF is "improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas”. Read that, to control the agenda. I know all of you well-read heretics are familiar with the WEF and Schwab so I’ll not take this one any further.
3) The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) began as a series of discreet meetings in New York in 1918 run by corporate lawyer and former Secretary of State under Theodore Rosevelt, Elihu Root. It later took on a group of diplomats from the Wilson administration as well as some European officials. By 1921 it had become the organization we know today. It began with concerns about how business would be conducted after WWI and to this day the primary goal is to ‘shape’ business around the world. To aid this cause, in the 1930’s the Rockefeller Foundation began donating vast sums of money to the CFR.
4) The history of the Rockefeller influence in grand and highly profitable magical tricks to sell snake oil goes back to William Avery Rockefeller, who was actually a snake oil salesman (geat video link) in the latter half of the 1800’s. He was also the father of John D. Rockefeller, who of course, made a killing in oil. As I alluded in number 3, the Rockefeller's were, and still are, more than happy to give their money to any organization that would help them improve their magic show and generate more money. Apparently the Rockefeller's were not satisfied with the results they were getting from other organizations so in 1973 David Rockefeller formed the Trilateral Commission, whose primary purpose was to strengthen ties between Japan, Europe and North America. Zbigniew Brzezinski, who seems to be connected to just about every dark organization and secret society on earth, was brought in to organize the Trilateral Commission. He selected Jimmy Carter to be a member of the Commission. The group has several meetings throughout the year in various places around the world. From Wikipedia - “Most gatherings focus on discussing reports and debating strategy to meet the commission's aims.” Read that, control the stage and the actors to set up the next big show. It’s just a much, much bigger version of what W.A. Rockefeller was doing in the latter half of the 1800’s.
5) In 1965 the Italian Aurelio Peccei gave a presentation to a group of bankers seeking to industrialize Latin America. That speech caught the attention of US Secretary of State Dean Rusk, which eventually led to the formation of the Club of Rome in 1968. In 1972 the Club published Limits to Growth which was an expansion of Peccei’s original presentation. The publication discussed concerns about world wide environmental degradation and the need for a centralized consolidation of world wide power that could impose world wide environmental measures. Here we have the beginnings of how to use environmental issues as a means of controlling the masses. Never mind that all environmental issue will have to be dealt with locally and regionally. As I pointed out here, a number of EU leaders, graduates of the WEF’s YGL program, have embraced the Clubs program as a way to move the globalist agenda down the field.
These five by no means a complete list. There are other organizations like the Institute of International Affairs, the United Nations and other NGO’s that initiate plans on behalf of those in level 1 and 2. They also see to it that this information gets to the right frontmen in level 5. The directors of all of these organizations often have strong connections to levels 1 and 2.
Government organizations like the DoD, CIA, NSA, FDA, CDC, USDA, HHS, Department of Education - to mention a few - can also be added to this list.
Level 2 - Then there are what I call the board of directors of the entire show. These are not necessarily board members of major corporations, although that doesn’t preclude them from being one. They are board of directors in the sense that they sit at what might be a real board room table and direct the entire game plan for the entire world. They decide who wins and who loses, what countries get destroyed (economically or by war), which ones are spared, what races are to be euthanized and which are not to be.
Here we are talking about secret societies; Freemasons, Knights Templar, the Illuminati, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, the Jesuits and so on.
Going even deeper, there are nameless societies that are so secret no one knows about them.
To make sure information is strictly controlled, level 2 is highly compartmentalized. For instance, Freemasonry has 33 levels and only those who lead the 33rd (highest) degree know the full agenda.
The compartmentalization of this pyramidal structure allows those at the higher levels to determine if someone from a lower level is worthy of moving up to gain the influence and power that comes with the secrets of the next higher level. This format has been so successful that it’s been adopted by all banks, corporations, universities, NGO’s and institutions around the world. This is no accident. Most major organizations are run by members of these societies. In short, this is how information is controlled… how secrets are kept. At every level within the organization someone is doing a compartmentalized job that serves to further the agenda of those at the next higher level and so on up the pyramid. No one at any of those lower levels knows the ultimate goal of why they do what they do, it’s just their job.
By this point we begin to get an understanding of why those who don’t to go to the effort to uncover what’s really happening get duped into taking bioweapon jabs.
Level 1 - These are people who own the company… if one believes that planet earth is a company that can be owned. They sit at the top of the pyramid. These are the people who seek to further centralize and control our lives.
Here we are talking about the 1% of the 1% of the wealthiest families in the world; the Rothschilds, the Rockefeller’s, the DuPonts and so on. I’ve covered some of this here.
These are the people who own everything; the theater, the stage, the players, all the resources, the energy needed, the fake set, the Chess pieces used, the game board, the lighting, the costumes and so on. Everything is manipulated to further increase their already unfathomable wealth. They know how to set up the big show and what the end game is. They decide what direction humanity will go.
I hope by now it’s apparent that all the ties between this not-very-large set of players is demonstrative of why these people love the idea of globalism. The more interconnected the world is the easier it is for this small group of elites to dictate our lives. All of the organizations here have globalism as one of their primary goals. For their plans to coalesce, everyone needs to become a participant in their global show.
There also has to be cooperation between all levels and all entities arranging the bigger magic show of running the world. As I hope I’ve just shown, that’s happening across the board with every group mentioned. And yes, because this is such a big agenda, there is no single entity that can pull this off. So they combine forces and forge ahead… in secret. We know they have a dark agenda, otherwise they would be out in the open about what they’re doing.
If we follow this thread of thinking a bit further we come to the conclusion that the DoD is the pharmaceutical industry (which I pointed out here, here and several other places). The Pentagon is Silicon Valley. Turns out Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google and other tech giants work frequently with the Pentagon. At these deeper levels they all connect. When seemingly random decisions to lockdown, enforce vaccine mandates and censor writers like me - when all of those things happen at the same time, it’s not random. It’s a coordinated effort of the team behind the great show.
It’s important to keep in mind here that not everyone in all of these organizations knows that they’re participating in nefarious work. In fact, most don’t. Most of these organizations and families have non-profit front organizations that depict the mother organization as benign and even beneficial. Those members of elite families that don’t have the Archonic cutthroat mentality needed to play the game, they get assigned roles working in these charitable organizations where they can live out their lives in ignorant bliss.
David Icke believes there is another level above the five I’ve just described. I wrote about that here.
As I’ve mentioned before, the way to beat them is to not participate in their show. Grow a garden. Raise some livestock. Simplify your life.
To your point, this is from 7/15/22 showing how Central Banks will be controlling funding for the UN's 2022 SOFI plan. You may also notice that they blame food shortages on Covid and the war but their figures from 2019 show a different story from their narrative:
I am on page 100 of the following 260 page "The State Of Food Security and Nutrition In The World" (SOFI) 2022 plan. They have changed the meaning of Agri-food systems to only include plant-based diets as being nutritional. They are demanding that funding be moved away from rice, wheat, sugar, meat, milk, ETC. as they either cause emissions or are not as nutritional as their manufactured meat and plant-based diets. See:
And don't think you can live outside of their system as the WEF and others are looking into "Can banning wild meat stop the spread of disease?" I also noticed they have installed their people on Wild Life and Fisheries boards to limit hunting. See:
There is also the mysterious rise of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in commonly hunted wild animals in America. It's also called Prion disease. The only other place I have seen the word Prion is Prion Crystals found in clots pulled out of those who have been vaccinated. See:
It's all too coincidental, isn't it?
In addition, seek out santuary and connection within your community of like minded people.