
I forgot to include links to Clifford Carnicom, Dr. Peter Gariav and Stephane Bancel. They can now be seen in the updated version.


Or you can go directly to them.

Carnicom - https://carnicominstitute.org/author/clifford-carnicom/

Gariav - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iNP-cljvUo

Bancel - https://www.businessinsider.com/ceo-of-moderna-on-mrna-innovation-behind-covid-vaccine-2021-3?op=1

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Love seeing you tackle this stuff. Takes huge balls to even attempt it, and I’m glad that you’re doing it. There are some things that I would like to add to the conversation, but now probably isn’t the right time. The MAC addresses are definitely the way to identify unique nodes on any network, but that doesn’t mean the number 666 isn’t a part of the equation.

I believe that that the 6’s are merely numeric placeholders....one in the front, middle, and end of each barcode.

The truth will eventually come out

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Thank you William.

It does seem like this is not a time to be timid about discussing issues that the secular masses may not be comfortable hearing.

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Excellent research, Kyle! Yes, the wayward wizards program their useful idiots (like Yuval Harari) to project distraction after distraction, with a kernel of truth nestled somewhere in the the BS. More than ever, we have to trust our innate Creator-given senses in order to thwart the agenda — or at least stay the heck away from its poisonous tentacles!

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Even at that it's hard to avoid whats falling from the skies. I'm working on a major piece on detoxing from all of it.

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I know, it is sickening, and literally so. Can't wait to read your piece. Are you going to recommend playing a musical instrument and/or singing?!😉 I think making music is at least partly responsible for me staying healthy and having fallen ill only *twice* in the last 26 years — and both of those times happened when I became a substitute teacher in our local school district, a job which only lasted three months *precisely because of* those shocking bouts of sickness.

But also, I would never tell you what to write about, Kyle. You do a fine job of selecting important topics without my bullying, haha😆

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Thank you for recommending that!

Apart from singing tenor as a kid in the church choir and base in my late teens, I'm no musician. But I like to think I still sound pretty good singing in the shower:) Actually, I often sing or whistle while working in the garden or sing along with some of my preferred groups. Right now that's Wardruna, Laboritorium Piesni, Omia. But yes, I think it does help.

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Our unique, individual voices are our primary means of human communication in our current mind-body-spirit condition, shall I say, with all its constraints and exigencies. I love that you sing in the shower and while gardening and listening to your fave band! (I know of Wardruna and like their music, but I'll have to check out the other two in all my free time.)

Additionally, playing acoustic instruments is both grounding and exhilarating, although electronic ones can be a decent alternative, especially if they are run through analog tube amplifiers.

Either way, we can decide mentally to *alchemize* our personal environment to maximize health and well-being. I think that you are an excellent example of someone doing so on many levels!!!💖

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Thank you Sharine.

Just listened to one of my playlists this morning while cooking breakfast and realized I listen to Faun just as much as the other 3 with The Hu being a close contender.

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May 9, 2023·edited May 9, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Please stay as secular as you can be and as heretical as you feel like being.

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To me, blasting Godless secularism seems to accomplish both.

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Fantastic source of information. Please subscribe and support to get the word out.

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Thank you Roman.

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Thanks so much for all of this Kyle. Do you know which low-frequency EMFs in particular resonate with the nanobeast?

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Clifford Carnicom has done a lot of low frequency testing to induce nanoparticle formation, but I'm not sure if he was using a specific frequency. You might want to check his website. I'm thinking any low frequency wave may induce formation. But I'm sure the result is different at different frequencies. And everyone is worried about 5G doing that... although I'm sure 5G has numerous other nefarious uses.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

The chem trail particulates CANNOT be as poisonous as the vax because (1) the particles dissipate on the journey from up there to down here and, most importantly, (2) it is not injected into the bloodstream, where it goes directly to the organs, but instead has to get through physical barriers whose purpose is to keep foreign materials OUT. Am wondering, though, if nanoparticles being the size they are DO manage to slip past the guard dogs.

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May 10, 2023·edited May 10, 2023Author

Yes, they can pass through the gut lining and enter the blood stream. They can also be drawn out through the skin in foot baths, which means they can be taken in through the skin. I'll be dealing with these detox protocols in an upcoming post I've been working on for some time.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

ALL wireless devices lead to disabilities and death. You have to ELIMINATE them. And this includes ALL smart devices and the one-gadget-seemingly-nobody-can-live-without --- the CELLPHONE. As more people hook up with more wireless THINGS, more cell towers have to be built to handle the traffic and the faster all life forms tumble off the cliff into whatever you think it is that comes after death.

Firstenberg says elsewhere that we will NOT adapt to man-made EMF/RF with all its overlapping pulsing frequencies. Here's a recent Q&A from Arthur Firstenberg. https://arthurfirstenberg.substack.com/p/common-questions-regarding-cell-phone

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Did you know Roman manages F's Substack?

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May 10, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

No, I didn't. Did you know that Dr. Cowan says that ALL of what's known by virologists is WRONG and MOST of what's known by biologists is likewise WRONG. SHOCKING! The Scientific Method is limited to cause and effect and, therefore, much of what what scientists are seeking to understand is UNKNOWABLE. Much of what is believed to be true in biology, including the cornerstone of biology - the anatomy of a CELL - are unproved THEORIES. Again, SHOCKING!

The transcript of Cowan's speech Nov 2022 at the Weston A Price conference discussing these, to me, shocking revelations begins on page 16. https://www.westonaprice.org/wp-content/uploads/Spring2023-final-1.pdf

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May 19, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Hey! - happy to help out - I was rocked back some just last night by "rise of the antichrist" -

(And you got thru the Italian accent? - I read it).

Quite true - not on board with the GO issue and some of the other far-outs.

But I was struck by someone - seemingly entirely main-stream science in 2020 claiming the evidence is clear and uttering a big-time heresy: the injections DO NOT cause persons to create spike proteins. The issue is PEG and nano.

I will read your links and report back if something occurs to me.

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oops - intended as a reply to KYoung "just watched interview" ...

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May 19, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

As to "spike protein is a distraction" - first, it is a very successful distraction! - Everybody is talking about spike proteins (in the vaxxed, etc) - Just about the only guy I have found (other than you, just yesterday) who is NOT - is this guy:


Italian, researcher - excellent bio/med credentials. His claim is a little different than yours; not that there is no mRNA in the injections - but that it is (and could never be other than) entirely ineffective and that therefore, the injections do not initiate spike protein production.

You are closer in locating the mechanism of action in the injections; i.e. their toxicity. PEG and lipid nano are entirely sufficient to account for that.

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I just watched that interview. Thanks.

Scoglio brings up some interesting questions about protein tests and antibody tests. If he believes there is no spike protein its not to big a a jump to question the existence of viruses, which he does. I was disappointed to learn that he questions the existence of GO or that the jabbed are transmitting. He needs to read these -



and watch the videos of Dr. Benito (Mexico) who has tested hundreds of jabbed people who are emitting blue tooth signals.

It also sounds like he is not aware of the fibrous stands being removed by embalmers from the cadavers of the jabbed.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Heard about it but haven't watched it yet. Will do so after I get some work done in the garden. Thanks for the link.

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Truly one of the most mystical and moving passages: in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. We shall overcome the evil!

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I wish more Christians understood and appreciated Biblical mysticism.

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Indeed, these beautiful Words given to us have so much power, they awe, they comfort, they heal. ..

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deletedMay 9, 2023Liked by Kyle Young
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Many of nanotech components in chem trails are also in the jabs. Any heavy metal detox programs will work for much of both. We also need to address some of the materials that a typical heavy metal detox program doesn't deal with very well. I'm working on a major piece about detoxing from all of it.

Right now I would suggest that everyone eat fresh, organic cilantro and parsley on a regular basis.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Andrew Kaufman recommended cilantro as a detoxer in his article in the Weston A Price Quarterly - print version not yet available online. But here's a video of his speech. He recommends cancelling your health insurance - YES! - and becoming your own informed health advisor. He offers a lot of help on his website.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Kyle Young


Kaufman speech given at WAP Conference Nov 2022

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Mercola recommended it maybe ten years ago and I've been eating it religously since then.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

If you take supplements, take them ONLY in whole food preparations. D3 needs Vit A and K2 to be used by the body and not rejected and excreted as a toxic foreign substance. The best source is fermented cod liver oil taken with butter oil.

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deletedMay 10, 2023Liked by Kyle Young
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Check you form of K2, you want menagulnone-7. Make sure your getting a balance of calcium and magnesium. The cultures that make gouda and brie cheese supply copious K2. Of course cheese is also a great source of calcium. Watch our consumption of vegetables high in antinutrients like oxalates and your consumption of grains high in phytates. Both can strip minerals.

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