In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. John 1:1-6
Dr. Lee Merrit recently interviewed Dr. Ana Mihalcea. The topics of optogenetics and magneto biology were introduced as the basis for much of their discussion. Because these topics dovetail with research I’ve done on correlating subject matter, I was intrigued and decided to take a closer look.
Here’s how Britannica describes optogenetics.
optogenetics, experimental method in biological research involving the combination of optics and genetics in technologies that are designed to control (by eliciting or inhibiting) well-defined events in cells of living animal tissue. Unlike previously developed experimental methods of light control, optogenetics allows researchers to use light to turn cells on or off with remarkable precision and resolution (down to individual cells or even regions of cells) in living, freely moving animals. As a result, it can be used not only to control specific behaviours in animals, such as triggering or blocking fear or pain responses, but also to thereby deduce the contributions of individual cells to those behaviours.
Optogenetics was developed over the period from 2004 to 2009. Researchers in thousands of laboratories worldwide subsequently began using optogenetics, and thousands of scientific findings have been published with the method—chiefly in neuroscience but also in other fields. Indeed, optogenetics has been used for studying not only the brain but also cardiac tissue, stem cells, and the development of organisms.
If you’re thinking that sounds like the ability to elicit pain and disease and induce mind control, congratulations, your ability to exercise critical thinking skills are intact, which means your mind has probably not yet been targeted.
This is part of a vast rabbit warren I’ve been exploring since 2020, but the implications are becoming ever more spooky. The technology behind this is exceedingly complex so I invite you to join this simple farmer as I try to unravel enough of it to keep our minds from being co opted to the point that we can no longer make sense of this or, like the zombies they’re trying to turn us into, we stop caring. The more we understand about this, the better equipped we’ll be to avoid it.
Because so many of the controlling mechanisms are those nasty unlisted ingredients in the covid jabs that I’ve been writing about since early 2021, optogenetics and magneto biology are closely linked to covidcon and the push to get everyone in the world jabbed.
Because this is a topic that I’ll continue to cover and because I want to have a single reference of previous articles that I can link in the future and because I don’t want new readers to be wondering about what I’m talking about, I’m going to spend considerable print capitol on the history of this topic in The Secular Heretic.
Before we go there we need to first remember that this all began with the long, satanic, eugenics push to bypass the Constitution and the Nuremberg Code and develop legislation that allows the passing-off of these technologies as “vaccines” to be mandated under unconstitutional EUA’s and without concern for legal liability in the event of injuries or deaths. As I pointed out in the following 3/21/21 post (a year before Katherine Watt began writing about this same legislation) Trump was on board with this unconstitutional legislation from the get-go. We also need to keep in mind that the DoD developed and paid for these technologies and ran the roll-out of the jabs. As I’ve pointed out many times, all of this amounts to a massive taxpayer subsidy for big pharma - the socialization of corporate expense for the privatizing of corporate profits. This is capitalistic fascism hard at work in the US.
On 5/19/21 I made the following post about the PEGylated lipid nanoparticle technology used in the jabs. It’s interesting to note that at that time the official VAERS death count from the covid jabs was over 4,000. Now, nearly two years later, it’s about 3,600. Hmmm.
In early July of 2021 I came across a Spanish post by La Quinta Columna discussing their discovery of graphene oxide (GO) in the covid jab vials. During ensuing months this discovery was verified by numerous researchers around the world. This 7/10/21 post was my first one about GO.
In this 7/31/21 post I delve further into graphene oxide and associated hydrogel technologies and how Bill Gates partnered with the DoD to develop them.
That was followed by this 9/11/21 post about how GO, hydrogels and other newly discovered jab ingredients are being used to impose the transhumanist agenda. This is when I first speculated about the possibility that the jabbed might produce barcodes. As I point out in a later post (coming up), we now know has come to pass - although the result is the same, it’s a MAC address (the mark of the beast), not a bar code. According to patent laws, the jabbed are now the chattel property of those who hold the patents for the technologies generating MAC adresses.
On 10/17/21, 10/23/21, 10/31/21 I made the following posts which go into more detail about legislation that was passed by numerous presidents from both parties over many years that brought us to this current transhumanist, eugenics war on humanity.
The following 11/20/21 post discusses the importance of our microbiome and how the satanic nanobot technologies being used in the jabs are usurping our God given microbiome. This will become important as we delve into more detailed posts about optogenetics and magneto biology in the future.
This 10/22/22 post details how the transhumanist agenda is a DoD military operation and considers how it’s meant to function. GO micromotors and luminescent graphene quantum dots, critical aspects of optogenetics are discussed.
During the next few months a few other writers began writing about similar topics. In the following 3/25/23 post I credit Dr. Ana Mihalcea with helping me to put together more pieces of the puzzle. This is the post in which I really zero in on the fact that any discussion about the spike protein is a distractions from the real reason for the jabs - the PEGylated hydrogel nano technologies being used to implement the transhumanist agenda.
My personal position is - anyone who is still talking about spike protiens and mRNA technoloiges is either controlled opostion, poorly informed or just plain ignorant.
This post also looks at Bill Gates next big push, “nasal vaccines”. It’s this post in which I detail how the jabbed are emitting MAC addresses, enabling satellite tracking and speculate about them being tied to CBDC’s.
Last but certainly not least, just last month I wrote about the brain being the current battlespace and that cell phones may be the primary weapon for enabling nanotechnologies.
How does the work of Dr. Mihalcea and her colleagues Dr. David Nixon (Australia) and Clifford Carnicom tie into all of this? Their research is beginning to put together some of the pieces of the puzzle to help describe what these satanic technologies are doing within the body.
Through their extensive multi-disciplinary research they’ve verified much of what I’ve written about previously by showing how, in the presence of low frequency EMF’s, these nanotechnologies can form into computer chips and ribbon-like filaments. Dr, Mihalcea describes these filaments as optical communication fibers. What they’ve shown is that these filaments can connect the microchips together to form circuitry which can be powered by EMF’s and biophotonic light emitted from light forming particles that are also components of the jabs. One of the links above mentions this biophotonic power source. We can think of these no-heat-generating, biophotonic light sources in the same way we think of lightening bugs or the phosphorescence that can occur when we skim our hands over sea water at night or the colorful luminescent crystals of chitin that exist in colorful butterflies or dung (scarab) beetles.
As I pointed out in the Trojan horse post, a number of researchers have been looking for the existence of nitrogen and phosphorus in the jab vials which would indicate the existence of some form of biological components. They have found none in the vast majority of the vials and only trace amounts in a few. The only conclusion to be drawn from that is that there is no spike protein, which means there is no mRNA in the jabs. The Trojan horse is the weapon, not its supposed spike protein cargo.
In 2020, Dr. Francis Collins (then director of NIH) wrote that quantum dot technologies can elicit the same immune response as a “virus”. Who needs viruses?
If there is no spike protein and no mRNA and the nano technology is what’s causing illness, then we have to assume that all of the talk about mRNA and spike protein only serves as a distraction from the greater agenda. What is that greater agenda? To sever our sacred connection to God and transform the human race into satanic cyborg transhumans. This is exactly what Klaus Shwab’s head henchman Yuval Harari has been telling us for years.
coming up
High temperature nozzles from arial spraying (chem trails) turns metal particles into piezo electric crystals that are far more damaging than the metals by themselves - they can change our resonance. This has been going on for many years prior to covid and Dr. Mihalcea and her colleagues speculate that this may be the source of cross domain bacteria (CDB), aka Morgellens disease. These piezioelectric particles are responsible for the formation of filaments originally found in the jabbed that are now be showing up in the unjabbed.
Why roll out jabs if they can spray this stuff from the air? Stéphane Bancel, founder and CEO of Moderna, answered that question in March of 2021 when he called the mRNA platform “an operating system”. What do operating systems do? They make circuitry functional and programmable. Within the infinitely complex human body (or any biological organism), this is exceedingly dangerous hubris.
Thank you Dr. Ana Mihalcea for providing the title for this piece.
Dr. Peter Gariav described DNA as being a holographic sound and light wave. In other words, we are children of the original sound, the sound of the Word. We are children of God. Let’s keep it that way.
I forgot to include links to Clifford Carnicom, Dr. Peter Gariav and Stephane Bancel. They can now be seen in the updated version.
Or you can go directly to them.
Carnicom -
Gariav -
Bancel -
Excellent research, Kyle! Yes, the wayward wizards program their useful idiots (like Yuval Harari) to project distraction after distraction, with a kernel of truth nestled somewhere in the the BS. More than ever, we have to trust our innate Creator-given senses in order to thwart the agenda — or at least stay the heck away from its poisonous tentacles!