The good folks of this country have spoken loud and clear. They have rejected everything Democrats have been trying to cram down our throats for the past four years. The globalist corporations and centralized institutions that have propped up that branch of the predatory elite are now in a tailspin.
But how much will really change? My take is… there will be some changes taking place around the edges, but by and large, it’ll be business as usual. Why do I say that? Because we are now in the process of swapping one group of centralized globalists for another. Let’s get into all of that.
Rather than categorize all of this by good, bad or ugly, I’m going to consider large arenas and whether or not positive changes might happen within them. I’ll rank each one by good, bad or ugly as it comes up.
Good - Those warmongering Neocons who had the unconstitutional Patriot Act ready to go as 9/11 was taking place, who lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, who used American boys as cannon fodder in the Middle East and who threw their support behind Harris, are now, thankfully, politically homeless.
Good - The media industrial complex is in denial about its alliance with the globalist elite and how that alliance led to its abandonment of the American people. It’s just now waking up to the fact that the good folks of this country no longer trust corporate funded, globalist media institutions to provide them with information. Their chickens have come home to roost.
Good and bad - If Trump keeps his word and stops military aid to Israel and ends the war in Ukraine, the military industrial complex will lose a major portion of the big increase in the flow of taxpayer money it has enjoyed since Biden took office. Since 1946 the US has given tiny Israel $350 billion, by far and away the largest recipient of US money. The next largest recipient is Egypt at about $165 billion. Since October 7 of last year alone, the Biden administration has given Israel nearly 18 billion.
Biden has provided Ukraine with $175 billion since he took office.
Meanwhile, as of 11/5, the Biden administration has provided a meager 1.5 billion to help victims of Hurricane Helen and Milton and the lions share of that goes to paying FEMA’s operating costs. I would like to hear from anyone who has received the promised $750.
The obvious question to ask here is, what have we gotten in return for those massive investments in Israel and Ukraine? Try as I might, I’m drawing a blank. All I can conjure up are child size coffins going to grief stricken families. If one were to try and put themselves into the mind of the fascists who run much of the US today, we could say that some of the money given to Ukraine and Israel comes back to the US military industrial complex contractors like Raytheon, Lockheed Martin and Honeywell in the form of contracts to supply weapons and ammo so those countries can fight their dirty little wars. But if those fascist contractors were to admit how that fascism works, they would be admitting they are not capitalists because that’s not how capitalism works. So they avoid that topic because they don’t want us to know that the US is run by fascists, not capitalists. That was on full display during the Biden administration.
Some of that may get trimmed back by Trump by simply severing military aid to Israel and stopping the war in Ukraine, but we can be sure that the underlying functionality of rampant fascism in the military industrial complex will remain in place under Trump. Too many people in high places wield too much power and influence for Trump to overcome. The fact that Trump brought one of the primary architects of this fascist business model into his inner fold - Elon Musk - is proof enough that fascism will continue to reign supreme in the US. After all, most of Musk’s billions came from US taxpayers.
Then there is the elephant in the room. Lest we forget, in his first term, Trump signed a bill that created an entirely new branch of the military known as the Space Force. Elon Musk, who has sidled up to Trump in recent months, has made it very clear he wants to go to Mars.
I would be remiss if I failed to point out the ties the Trump family has to UFO’s and UFO technology through Donald Trumps uncle, John Trump, who was given possession of Tesla’s papers upon his questionable death. Uncle John was the protégé of Vannevar Bush who was up to his eyeballs in top secret UFO research.
If you want to know more about links between the Trump and Kennedy family history, read the following two links. For now, we need to also keep in mind that Nixon told Donald Trump that he would one day be president. Nixon also told Trump about a time capsule that was to be opened in 2025. That time capsule was entrusted to Henry Kissinger to be passed along the proper pathway. The capsule is thought to contain top secret information about UFO’s. Next year Donald Trump will be opening that time capsule.
Will Trump cut spending in Israel and Ukraine only to turn that money over to Musk and the Space Force for a wild shot at Mars?
Good and Bad - This brings us to another institution that will likely be impacted by the administration change. Of the many institutions that have enjoyed unbridled growth since Biden took office, the NGO portion of the border industrial complex may suffer the most. I’ve written extensively about Biden’s role in this little-known border industrial complex and now with Trump taking the reins, there will be more fodder to write about. For now it’s enough to know that Biden has focused his efforts on negating the Border Patrol portion of the complex while increasing aid to NGO’s whose objective is to help migrants get into the US. Some of Biden’s favorite charities that do that are Catholic Charities (Biden is a Catholic) and the Jewish charity HIAS. With Trump hopefully turning off the Biden illegal migrant charity tap, migrants coming up through the Darian Gap to cross the US border will no longer have the help of those charities.
It seems certain that Trump will turn off their tap because these organizations are already expressing concern about their future. HIAS just issued this statement about the election of Donald Trump.
“In this dark moment, HIAS reaffirms our commitment to stand in solidarity with immigrant and refugee communities around the country, with Jewish communities, and with all marginalized populations who may now be in danger. We will not be intimidated into silence or inaction. We will fight every day for people seeking refuge.”
I have to say, that’s pretty rich coming from an organization that pays its CEO nearly $350,000 a year and its other executives well over $200,000 a year. It sounds like HIAS was quite pleased with the relationship it had with the Biden administration and isn’t expecting the same level of largess from Trump.
Those NGO’s will continue to exist and continue working on their socialist agendas, albeit, to a lesser extent.
The Border Patrol and the wall easily represent the largest portion of the border industrial complex. The following chart shows BP expenditures since 1990.
In the past I’ve explained that if all of the money spent by the BP had instead been used to remedy all of the social damage the US has done in all of the Latin American countries where the CIA and US military have overthrown governments and wrecked social havoc, we would not need a Border Patrol or a wall along the Mexican border. The social turmoil the US caused in those Latin American countries is largely responsible for the flood of migrants that have been coming from them into the US over the past 4 years.
I’m old enough to remember a time when there was no BP presence and no wall of any kind. They were not needed. Life was good then. Today, BP vehicles account for about 30% of the traffic in my tiny little community 11 miles from the border.
Will Trump work to restore the social fabric that the US tore apart in those Latin America countries? Likely not. That’s bad.
For detailed information about the border industrial complex, the role “charities” play in that complex, their budgets as well as what’s really been happening along the border where I live, go here, here and here.
Good and bad - If trump keeps his word and if RFK Jr is able to do what he’s promised, then the medical industrial complex is where we could see some of the biggest changes. One positive outcome seems certain - because Trump pulled US funding from the WHO during his previous term, it seems safe to say he doesn’t need RFK’s advise to do so again. Some of you will recall that when Trump pulled US funding from the WHO, that left Bill Gates, who was then the second largest funder of the WHO, as the largest funder of the WHO. As most of you also know, one of the first things Biden did when he got into office was restore funding to the WHO. As this recent chart from the WHO shows, Bill Gates is still the second largest funder of the WHO.
With Bill Gates now facing criminal medical charges in the Netherlands and possibly elsewhere, it remains to be seen whether he’ll feel compelled to continue funding the WHO at that level. If funding from the US and Gates are both curtailed, we may see the globalist ambitions of the WHO wane considerably. In fact, without funding from the US and Gates, the WHO could be so hampered that other countries may feel compelled to abandon it.
Many in the health freedom movement have written extensively about the threat posed by the WHO. Regular readers know that I have not. My reason for not being concerned about the WHO is twofold. First, the US already has regulations in place that essentially accomplish most of the globalist goals of the WHO. This is why I keep writing about globalist fascism in the US and not about the WHO. Secondly, the WHO can be easily rendered lame by simply cutting off funding. Right now it looks like that’s about to happen soon. Keep an eye on that.
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Of course the WHO is merely a branch of the UN. If we want to see globalist ambitions truly cut off at the knees, as I’ve said here many times, we need to stop all US funding to the UN and shutter the UN building in New York. Will Trump go that far?
Surprise me Donald Trump.
The land upon which the UN building sits was donated to the UN by the Rockefeller’s and the institution itself was initially funded by the Rockefeller family. To a great extent, this is how globalism was born.
Thanks to a misguided treaty, technically, the UN land and buildings are administered by the UN as an extraterritorial entity within the US. But treaties can be broken, especially considering the crimes and misdeeds the UN has committed over the past 70+ years.
Again, will Trump pursue that? Probably not.
Another area where we could see some positive change is with the release of sealed data pertaining to vaccine injuries and deaths. As I’ve pointed out several times here, the reason the Secular Heretic exists is because of a vaccine injury I suffered as a 17 year old college freshman in 1971. Consequently, I spent much of the first 1.5 years of this stack (late 2020 to early 2022) writing about covid vaccine injuries and deaths and how the CDC was fudging those numbers. With RFK Jr. as part of the new administration coming into the White House, it seems safe to say that those records will finally be opened to the public. After all, we paid for them.
Another positive change that may very well be coming is the cessation of vaccine mandates, mask mandates and the unlawful discrimination and censorship that was directed at those of us who refused to take the covid jabs and spoke out about it. Because both Trump and RFK Jr. have been targeted by censorship, we should expect them to bring that to a halt. Hopefully, the concept of vaccine tracking, surveillance and vaccine passports will also be tossed out the window, although, as will be pointed out shortly, there may be another form of tracking rearing its ugly head in this administration.
Another hopeful possibility is that liability protection that jab makers now enjoy could be removed. That would be a big move in the right direction towards medical freedom and justice.
There is also talk of compensation for those who have suffered injury and/or lost family members to jabs. As long as that compensation comes from jab makers and those who promoted the jabs (the legacy media, movie stars, government officials and so on) I’m in favor of that. I don’t think taxpayer dollars should be used to bail out the legal responsibilities of big pharma and its promoters.
I’ve pointed out before that I’m of the belief that part of the reason for the focus on gain-of-function research is because it provides a smoke screen to hide the fact that viruses are not causative of disease. In other words, by keeping fear of viruses in the minds of the poorly informed, it serves to enhance the Hegelian dialect upon which the vaccine agenda and the greater medical industrial complex is built. Because RFK Jr. has written a book on Wuhan and gain of function research, it seems safe to say that he will seek to shut down that type of research. Even though I believe it’s a red herring and even though I think those who profess to be in the health freedom movement who nevertheless abide by the idea that gain-of-function research proves the existence of viruses, I’ll not contest any effort to shut down gain of function research. As I’ve pointed out in the past, there are other nefarious things being done in the name of gain-of-function research. Shutting it down will be a good thing.
Mostly ugly - Another important aspect of the medical industrial complex are the 3 letter agencies that are meant to regulate the complex, but in reality serve to enhance it. By now we all know that in some cases 70% of the funding for the subsidiaries of HHS like the FDA and the CDC, come from the industries they are meant to regulate. Consequently, those agencies work for those industries, not the American people.
As regular reader know, I’ve long advocated to have all deep state agencies dismantled and thrown in the trash cans of history. Giving people the right and the ability to sue any corporation, business or industry for harm done negates the need to have regulatory agencies. In other words regulatory agencies exist to protect industry, not people. However, even the changes that might be forthcoming in this new Trump administration will fail to put people first. Mark my word, industry will continue to be protected by regulatory agencies under the next Trump administration.
Having said all of that, there has been a lot of speculation about Trump appointing RFK Jr. to head up either the CDC, the FDA, the NIH or even HHS (which includes the previous 3 agencies along with 10 others). There’s also been speculation that he may head up the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). Kennedy has said that Trump has promised him control over health matters. As I mentioned in a post several months ago, I got a tip from a Kennedy insider that RFK might be angling to be Trumps Chief of Staff. That would put him in a position to help decide who becomes the head of each of those agencies. Another possibility is that Trump creates a new position that oversees all agencies that impact human health and puts RFK in charge of it. Although none of that would be as effective as letting the good folks of the US sue industry for harm done, an incremental improvement is better than the current status quo.
This one is mostly ugly. The climate industrial complex is an unregulated wild west. The problem in this unregulated environment is that the ability to sue is hampered by the secrecy that surrounds this industry. As I mentioned above, for the good folks of the US to have control over their lives with the ability to sue bad players, we must know what’s going on. What’s needed are laws that prevent anything funded with taxpayer dollars from being kept secret.
Kennedy has said he will stop chemtrails, although he hasn’t said how he’ll do it. The fact that he is the only person I know in the Federal government who’s acknowledged geoengineering is, at the very least, a possible incremental improvement. But if he seeks to establish a regulatory agency to oversee geoengineering, we’ll know he’s on the wrong track. If he seeks transparancy and allows the good folks of the US to seek geoengineering justice in court, then we’ll know he’s on the right track.
As I’ve been pointing out recently, the evidence that geoengineering is responsible for climate change is mounting. I haven’t yet heard Trump or Kennedy say they’ll expose the lies about climate change. I’m thinking that will be a purposeful blind spot. Why? Because the marketplace for carbon credits has already become so established that to take it down now could negatively affect the economy. Besides, carbon credits provide a get-out-of-jail-free card for the elite to continue to live a lavish lifestyle that makes them responsible for most of the damage being done to the planet. They want to be able to continue to fly their private jets to their various luxury homes scattered around the planet and attend meetings at Davos and Bilderberg to make more nefarious plans for all of us useless eaters. Because Donald Trump is one of those billionaires with a private jet and has numerous luxury houses in New York, Florida and France, we can expect the lies about CO2 being responsible for climate change to continue.
Furthermore, Howard Lutnik, who is the cochair of Trumps transition team, is the head of Cantor Fitzgerald, one of the first players in the carbon credit trade markets. The Cantor funds are committed to, “digital transformation, decarbonization and the improvement and modernization of aging infrastructure (while) a primary focus for the Fund will be to invest in issuers that are helping to address certain United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through their products and services.” Parenthesis mine.
Folks, that’s all really ugly.
This next complex is also ugly. I’m not sure how to phrase this next complex because it has not yet been fully realized. But it has an affinity to the mother of all complexes, the banking industrial complex. I’m talking about Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC’s, which I’ve warned about in the past), and crypto currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether and Stablecoin.
Both RFK Jr and Donald Trump spoke at the most recent Bitcoin conference held in Nashville this past July. Both came out in favor of supporting cryptocurrencies. The Trump campaign has even accepted cryptocurrencies as donations.
As mentioned earlier, Elon Musk has joined the Trump team. As I’ve previously discussed, Musk was the cofounder of Paypal and now owns Tesla, SpaceX, X (formerly Twitter), the Star Link satellite system as well as large holdings of several types of cryptocurrency. Some of you will recall that one of the reasons why he bought Twitter was to turn it into a one stop shopping and digital banking environment. As I mentioned in that post, Musk is part of the Paypal mafia, which includes Peter Thiel, Reid Hoffman and several others previously involved with Paypal. As I also pointed out in that post, Trumps pick for VP, JD Vance, was mentored by Peter Thiel. Vance has also spoken out in favor of cryptocurrency. Clearly, the Trump administration will be pro-cryptocurrency.
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I’ve written about Peter Thiel before, but it bears repeating that he is a member of the PayPal mafia. Perhaps more importantly, he is a member of the steering committee for the Bilderberg Group. This means he chooses who gets to come and who doesn’t get to come to the secretive, globalist, Bilderberg meetings. Thiel is very committed to this manipulative pack of globalist elites, having attended Bilderberg meetings since at least 2007.
Thiel’s interest in transhumanism is well known. He has openly stated his interest in life extension and has talked about studies that use the blood of the young to extend the life of the old. Yes, we’re talking about adrenochrome.
Thiel made JD Vance. He gave Vance $15 million (a record) to win his Senate race. When Thiel says jump, Vance says, how high.
Like Musk, Thiel has made most of his billions from taxpayer dollars, a good example being Palantir, which derives its billions from US government contracts.
Both Musk and Thiel are big proponents of cryptocurrency.
For more information on the relationship between Trump and Thiel see this.
Yes, there are some differences between a CBDC and cryptocurrencies. The former would be controlled by the Central Bank of Settlements, the mother of all globalist entities. The latter would be controlled by whoever founded any particular crypto and whoever has the largest holdings. However, and this is the Achilles heel of both, they are both trackable and they are both cancelable. The difference is, with CBDC’s you have the mother of all globalists tracking your every expenditure (and hence, your location), telling you where you can and cannot spend your money and cancelling your account if they perceive you as having stepped out of line or being a threat. With the exception that it’s not the mother of all globalists doing it, all of that can be said about all forms of crypto currency.
I should point out that part of the crypto currency game plane is to do an end-run around the Federal Reserve. We should not underestimate the desire of those on the Trump team to dismantle the Fed. Whether or not Trump, Thiel, RFK, Vance and the others can pull off this financial coup remains to be seen.
I’m torn on this. As much as anyone, I’d like to see the Fed stranglehold broken, but I certainly don’t want to trade one form of financial slavery for another. If they succeed in dismantling the Fed and provide options to go with either crypto or something like Kennedy’s 1963 currency that had nothing to do with the Fed, I would see that as an improvement over the current status quo.
Perhaps the biggest problem with crypto is that if the power goes out, so does your cryptocurrency. After all, it’s a digital currency being stored in servers around the world and all of those servers run on electricity. If a lithium fire or an EMP blast takes out the servers on which your crypto is stored, or war happens and your server warehouse is destroyed and crypto was your primary holding, you will have just become a pauper.
No thank you. I’ll pass on that.
Personally, I see Musk and Thiel as the biggest threat to our freedom over the next four years. Trump has shown he is easily swayed by influential, powerful, rich people. Hopefully clearer heads will prevail and the Trump administration will not make digital currency mandatory.
Does Not Have A Hollywood Square For Nothing
The NWO magic trick is performed by the cognitive perception management media to keep the masses believing they have a choice with this last one being made super obvious with the exception to those with TDS. Meanwhile the Techno-Oligarchic control agenda keeps moving forward with the freshly laundered political class of 2024. I truly hope this proves to be wrong but that appears to be what is unfolding over the last 3-4 decades.